Check Private Message

Check Private Message


Check Private Message










Пространство имен/Пакет: zerverlibactions
Метод/Функция: check_send_private_message



def api_yo_app_webhook ( request : HttpRequest , user_profile : UserProfile ,
email : str = REQ ( default = "" ) ,
username : str = REQ ( default = 'Yo Bot' ) ,
topic : Optional [ str ] = REQ ( default = None ) ,
user_ip : Optional [ str ] = REQ ( default = None ) ) - > HttpResponse :
body = ( 'Yo from %s' ) % ( username , )
receiving_user = get_user ( email , user_profile . realm )
check_send_private_message ( user_profile , request . client , receiving_user , body )
return json_success ( )



def check_send_webhook_message (
request : HttpRequest , user_profile : UserProfile ,
topic : Text , body : Text , stream : Optional [ Text ] = REQ ( default = None ) ,
user_specified_topic : Optional [ Text ] = REQ ( "topic" , default = None )
) - > None :

if stream is None :
assert user_profile . bot_owner is not None
check_send_private_message ( user_profile , request . client ,
user_profile . bot_owner , body )
else :
if user_specified_topic is not None :
topic = user_specified_topic
check_send_stream_message ( user_profile , request . client ,
stream , topic , body )



def api_dialogflow_webhook ( request : HttpRequest , user_profile : UserProfile ,
payload : Dict [ str , Any ] = REQ ( argument_type = 'body' ) ,
email : str = REQ ( default = 'foo' ) ) - > HttpResponse :
status = payload [ "status" ] [ "code" ]

if status == 200 :
result = payload [ "result" ] [ "fulfillment" ] [ "speech" ]
if not result :
alternate_result = payload [ "alternateResult" ] [ "fulfillment" ] [ "speech" ]
if not alternate_result :
body = u"DialogFlow couldn't process your query."
else :
body = alternate_result
else :
body = result
else :
error_status = payload [ "status" ] [ "errorDetails" ]
body = u"{} - {}" . format ( status , error_status )

profile = get_user_profile_by_email ( email )
check_send_private_message ( user_profile , request . client , profile , body )
return json_success ( )



def check_send_webhook_message (
request : HttpRequest , user_profile : UserProfile ,
topic : str , body : str , stream : Optional [ str ] = REQ ( default = None ) ,
user_specified_topic : Optional [ str ] = REQ ( "topic" , default = None )
) - > None :

if stream is None :
assert user_profile . bot_owner is not None
check_send_private_message ( user_profile , request . client ,
user_profile . bot_owner , body )
else :
if user_specified_topic is not None :
topic = user_specified_topic

try :
check_send_stream_message ( user_profile , request . client ,
stream , topic , body )
except StreamDoesNotExistError :
# A PM will be sent to the bot_owner by check_message, notifying
# that the webhook bot just tried to send a message to a non-existent
# stream, so we don't need to re-raise it since it clutters up
# webhook-errors.log



def api_beeminder_webhook ( request : HttpRequest , user_profile : UserProfile ,
payload : Dict [ str , Any ] = REQ ( argument_type = 'body' ) ,
stream : Text = REQ ( default = "beeminder" ) ,
email : str = REQ ( default = ' ' ) ,
topic : Text = REQ ( default = 'beekeeper' ) ) - > HttpResponse :

secret = payload [ "goal" ] [ "secret" ]
goal_name = payload [ "goal" ] [ "slug" ]
losedate = payload [ "goal" ] [ "losedate" ]
limsum = payload [ "goal" ] [ "limsum" ]
pledge = payload [ "goal" ] [ "pledge" ]
time_remain = ( losedate - current_time ) / 3600 # time in hours
# To show user's probable reaction by looking at pledge amount
if pledge > 0 :
expression = ':worried:'
else :
expression = ':relieved:'

if not secret :
# In this case notifications will be sent to stream

name = get_user_name ( email )
body = u"Hello ** { } ** ! I am the Beeminder bot! : octopus : \n You are going to derail \
from goal ** { } ** in ** { : 0. 1f } hours ** \n You need ** { } ** to avoid derailing \n * Pledge : ** { } $ ** { } "
body = body . format ( name , goal_name , time_remain , limsum , pledge , expression )
check_send_stream_message ( user_profile , request . client , stream , topic , body )
return json_success ( )

else :
# In this case PM will be sent to user
p = get_user_profile_by_email ( email )
body = u"I am the Beeminder bot! : octopus : \n You are going to derail from \
goal ** { } ** in ** { : 0. 1f } hours ** \n You need ** { } ** to avoid derailing \n * Pledge : ** { } $ ** { } "
body = body . format ( goal_name , time_remain , limsum , pledge , expression )
check_send_private_message ( user_profile , request . client , p , body )
return json_success ( )



def api_teamcity_webhook ( request : HttpRequest , user_profile : UserProfile ,
payload : Dict [ str , Any ] = REQ ( argument_type = 'body' ) ) - > HttpResponse :
message = payload . get ( 'build' )
if message is None :
# Ignore third-party specific (e.g. Slack/HipChat) payload formats
# and notify the bot owner
bot_name = user_profile . full_name ,
support_email = FromAddress . SUPPORT ,
) . strip ( )
send_rate_limited_pm_notification_to_bot_owner (
user_profile , user_profile . realm , message )

return json_success ( )

build_name = message [ 'buildFullName' ]
build_url = message [ 'buildStatusUrl' ]
changes_url = build_url + '&tab=buildChangesDiv'
build_number = message [ 'buildNumber' ]
build_result = message [ 'buildResult' ]
build_result_delta = message [ 'buildResultDelta' ]
build_status = message [ 'buildStatus' ]

if build_result == 'success' :
if build_result_delta == 'fixed' :
status = 'has been fixed! :thumbs_up:'
else :
status = 'was successful! :thumbs_up:'
elif build_result == 'failure' :
if build_result_delta == 'broken' :
status = 'is broken with status %s! :thumbs_down:' % ( build_status , )
else :
status = 'is still broken with status %s! :thumbs_down:' % ( build_status , )
elif build_result == 'running' :
status = 'has started.'
else :
status = '(has no message specified for status %s)' % ( build_status , )

template = (
u'%s build %s %s\n'
u'Details: [changes](%s), [build log](%s)' )

body = template % ( build_name , build_number , status , changes_url , build_url )

if 'branchDisplayName' in message :
topic = build_name + ' (' + message [ 'branchDisplayName' ] + ')'
else :
topic = build_name

# Check if this is a personal build, and if so try to private message the user who triggered it.
if get_teamcity_property_value ( message [ 'teamcityProperties' ] , 'env.BUILD_IS_PERSONAL' ) == 'true' :
# The triggeredBy field gives us the teamcity user full name, and the
# "" property gives us the teamcity username.
# Let's try finding the user email from both.
teamcity_fullname = message [ 'triggeredBy' ] . split ( ';' ) [ 0 ]
teamcity_user = guess_zulip_user_from_teamcity ( teamcity_fullname , user_profile . realm )

if teamcity_user is None :
teamcity_shortname = get_teamcity_property_value ( message [ 'teamcityProperties' ] ,
'' )
if teamcity_shortname is not None :
teamcity_user = guess_zulip_user_from_teamcity ( teamcity_shortname , user_profile . realm )

if teamcity_user is None :
# We can't figure out who started this build - there's nothing we can do here.
logging . info ( "Teamcity webhook couldn't find a matching Zulip user for "
"Teamcity user '%s' or '%s'" % ( teamcity_fullname , teamcity_shortname ) )
return json_success ( )

body = "Your personal build of " + body
check_send_private_message ( user_profile , request . client , teamcity_user , body )

return json_success ( )

check_send_webhook_message ( request , user_profile , topic , body )
return json_success ( )



def api_teamcity_webhook ( request : HttpRequest , user_profile : UserProfile ,
payload : Dict [ str , Any ] = REQ ( argument_type = 'body' ) ,
stream : str = REQ ( default = 'teamcity' ) ) - > HttpResponse :
message = payload [ 'build' ]

build_name = message [ 'buildFullName' ]
build_url = message [ 'buildStatusUrl' ]
changes_url = build_url + '&tab=buildChangesDiv'
build_number = message [ 'buildNumber' ]
build_result = message [ 'buildResult' ]
build_result_delta = message [ 'buildResultDelta' ]
build_status = message [ 'buildStatus' ]

if build_result == 'success' :
if build_result_delta == 'fixed' :
status = 'has been fixed! :thumbsup:'
else :
status = 'was successful! :thumbsup:'
elif build_result == 'failure' :
if build_result_delta == 'broken' :
status = 'is broken with status %s! :thumbsdown:' % ( build_status , )
else :
status = 'is still broken with status %s! :thumbsdown:' % ( build_status , )
elif build_result == 'running' :
status = 'has started.'
else :
status = '(has no message specified for status %s)' % ( build_status , )

template = (
u'%s build %s %s\n'
u'Details: [changes](%s), [build log](%s)' )

body = template % ( build_name , build_number , status , changes_url , build_url )
topic = build_name

# Check if this is a personal build, and if so try to private message the user who triggered it.
if get_teamcity_property_value ( message [ 'teamcityProperties' ] , 'env.BUILD_IS_PERSONAL' ) == 'true' :
# The triggeredBy field gives us the teamcity user full name, and the
# "" property gives us the teamcity username.
# Let's try finding the user email from both.
teamcity_fullname = message [ 'triggeredBy' ] . split ( ';' ) [ 0 ]
teamcity_user = guess_zulip_user_from_teamcity ( teamcity_fullname , user_profile . realm )

if teamcity_user is None :
teamcity_shortname = get_teamcity_property_value ( message [ 'teamcityProperties' ] ,
'' )
if teamcity_shortname is not None :
teamcity_user = guess_zulip_user_from_teamcity ( teamcity_shortname , user_profile . realm )

if teamcity_user is None :
# We can't figure out who started this build - there's nothing we can do here.
logging . info ( "Teamcity webhook couldn't find a matching Zulip user for "
"Teamcity user '%s' or '%s'" % ( teamcity_fullname , teamcity_shortname ) )
return json_success ( )

body = "Your personal build of " + body
check_send_private_message ( user_profile , request . client , teamcity_user , body )

return json_success ( )

check_send_stream_message ( user_profile , request . client , stream , topic , body )
return json_success ( )

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php - Best way to check for users new private messages ... - Stack Overflow
Python check _send_ private _ message примеры... - HotExamples
Can administrators see private messages sent on Slack? - Quora
Private Messages - That will self-destruct after being read!
Check Private Messages - FastComet
Can administrators see private messages sent on Slack?
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 412 answers and 1.3M answer views
Can administrators read private messages between 2 people on slack?
Are private channels visible in Slack search to non-invited users?
How can I see who is reading my Slack messages?
Answered 4 years ago · Author has 240 answers and 680.6K answer views
How do we extract deleted messages on Slack?
Can you see who sent you messages on yolo? I really want to see who is sending me messages, HELP!
Can an admin see other members direct messages on slack?
Answered 7 months ago · Author has 125 answers and 73.3K answer views
Answered 3 years ago · Author has 189 answers and 275.6K answer views
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 54 answers and 711.7K answer views
Can administrators read private messages between 2 people on slack?
Are private channels visible in Slack search to non-invited users?
How can I see who is reading my Slack messages?
How do we extract deleted messages on Slack?
Can you see who sent you messages on yolo? I really want to see who is sending me messages, HELP!
Can an admin see other members direct messages on slack?
As the admin, how do I see my team’s Slack messages?
When I delete my message in Slack is other person still seeing my message in his chat?
Once you have deleted a message, can the person who you have chatted with read your messages?
If I send a message to my colleagues on Slack, can I check if the message has been read by the recipient or not?
In Slack, someone deleted a message. How can I see who deleted what? I'm one of the administrators.
Can administrators read private messages between 2 people on slack?
Are private channels visible in Slack search to non-invited users?
How can I see who is reading my Slack messages?
Yes. They have been allowed to see your messages using " the compliance export " before. But the process was quite complex and owners had to request the access to private conversations from Slack. And the fact that interests you the most is that users were notified whenever their supervisor wanted to check their private messages.
However, according to the new rules, the feature is to change on 20th April 2018. The old Compliance Export will be replaced by “ a self-service export tool ” that will enable admins to access all conversations a sight easier. What’s more, as I understood, the feature will allow automatic exports of conversations (on daily, monthly basis).
Though, the all fuss is about the fact that now when owners (who pay for premium services) request to see your private conversations
I am going to go on the premises that what you mean by “Private” in this instance is your communications with one or more parties which does not include public transmission of messages and include messages on a more one-on-one level or other type of forum.
First, it may not always be expressed, but it is always implied that when communicating with anyone electronically, there is a Administrator who has in some way, shape or form information to any communication being made. Weather it be media, memory, or access.
Note the three key words, media, memory or access. Therefore, it stands to reason that if any system administrators have access to any of the three keywords mentioned above, then the answer is yes.
Also, lets not get this confused with (Privacy) as an individual with (Privac
The short answer is Yes , however the process to make this happen is not as easy as you might imagine.
The request for an admin to see direct messages falls under a compliance export and encompasses ALL communications sent between team members as a single bulk file. Since individual chat logs cannot be requested, sifting through the whole file will be required.
Asking for a compliance export requires the admin to write a regular physical letter on the company letterhead. Then YOU will be notified if such a request is even made.
Slack’s founder and CEO, Stewart Butterfield compared the process like this: " It's like having a waiting period before you buy a gun."
There's much less to worry about than the news makes it sound. Slack is still an excellent project management platform for teams.
I am a slack administrator for our team. You cannot currently read private messages of other users. It appears that they are working on a feature that would allow for an optional setting that will in fact allow it, and make it clear to the users that that setting is enabled. From the docs:
There is currently no way for other members of your team to discover files you have kept private (unless you share it with them), read your direct messages (unless they are the recipient) or discover or read the messages inside private groups you create (unless you invite them). However, we plan to allow team owners or administrators to enable an optional feature which would allow them to view anything inside their teams. When this feature is added, notices will be visible to all members on teams where
Yes, if you want to have 100% privacy, just start your own free slack team, and use aliases, not your name. The client app easily let’s you switch between your corporate teams and your personal teams.
Also as mentioned your sysadmins can generally get access to your accounts, in particular with SSO integrated systems, and get direct access to all of your slack channels - direct messages and private channels included. This may not be “ethical”, but since your organization’s slack is managed and owned by them they are entitled to snoop.
Of course, it is also impossible to know if the sysadmins are sharing your private messages with others (managers, co-workers, exec’s, etc), so watch out.
In general, no. For most Slack teams, an administrator may only export public channels.
However, Slack does have a feature called “Compliance exports” which is turned on for some teams on the Plus plan. This allows administrators to export not only public channel messages, but also messages in private channels. You can see if Compliance Exports are enabled for your team at .
Yes, as a matter of fact they can. IIRC, the latest version of Slack allows the Admins to see user messages. They can do so by viewing/ using the cpliance export feature.
If it’s something of a concern to you, then perhaps you should keep your private conversations “private” by not PMing over Slack. Sometimes, people tend to get a bit careless.
If by "private messages" you meant "direct messages" (the ones that are communicated only between two individuals), then no; not without digging into a log export. So it is possible, while depending on some factors, but it's not currently as convenient as one might fear.
Read my answer to a similar question for more details: How can I see who is reading my Slack messages?
nope not as far as I know. you’re an administrator but the product runs in the cloud and you don’t have access to internals

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