Cheating Women Sex Stories

Cheating Women Sex Stories


Cheating Women Sex Stories



I cheated on my husband

Monday, August 21, 2017 9:59 AM by Guest

Cheating on my husband... +76|-156

I'll try and get to the point quickly, I have ptsd from being raped. I was on a disability leave from work for a year and a half, single w 2 kids. Told this guy I work with that i didnt want a relationship, he kept pressing, I kept telling him I didn't like him like that. Somehow I ended up w him... and married him. I knew I shouldn't have, I told my therapist I felt it was a mistake before, s..

Friday, July 28, 2017 3:58 PM by Guest

> My husband asked me to write our story to see
> what some other opinions about it might be, what others
> might do. The story, like other stories about cheating, must
> begin at the beginning of the marriage itself. I was 15 when
> I met my husband, who was 18. We met because he asked his
> sister to invite a friend over to give him some booty.
> Turned out to be me. I swore u..

Sunday, July 16, 2017 10:13 PM by Guest

I have been with my husband for 15.5 years but married for 9. We have a history of abuse and control. The first year of our relationship was great! The sweetest man. Year 2 he started choking me with for various things sometimes his jealously with family or my friends. I had to stop being friends with females he did not like, he kept tabs on my comings and goings. He dressed me and ordered food f..

Wednesday, July 12, 2017 12:21 PM by ClosetLesbain

I'm writing this in incognito mode because I don't want there to be a trace of this story. If my husband where to find out it would be the end of our marriage, I would lose the money I have, and I might even lose custody of my daughter. With that said I have this relationship looming in the back of my mind every hour of everyday, I can't tell anyone about it, where i'm from no one would underst..

Tuesday, July 11, 2017 11:33 PM by Guest

I am 27, I have been with the man I've always wanted to marry for over 10 years, since I was in high school. We have a long term relationship and we have our ups and downs, in general he is a great, loyal, dedicated man who loves me so much, but he doesn't make me laugh at all and I do get bored with him sometimes, he's serious and not fun, but I've always told myself that it ws ok and I we were ..

Friday, June 30, 2017 1:55 AM by Asmara

I have been married for 10 years. My husband abused me emotionally he always says that I am an ugly person and he deserve a beautiful woman. When I first got pregnant he said you need to abort and terminate this pregnancy, because my baby may look ugly just like me. He always made me feel down. I was in love with him. I decided to keep the baby and asked him to leave me alone with the baby if he ..

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 5:39 PM by Guest

My husband and I went to Jamaica without the kids for a week, we had everything planned out, excursions relax days ECT, we had sex numerous times during the week Thursday was a relax day and he wanted to go to a clothing optional beach, he wouldn't go nude and I was topless, relaxing people watching having fun till a really tall native walked by, around our age, 40 but it was hanging half way dow..

Monday, June 19, 2017 5:52 AM by Guest

I need advice really bad plz no hate comments..........
I've been with my husband for about 8 years we have two children together and I feel like he doesn't love and care for me like he use to he's always at work and when he comes he just sits their and pays no attention to me or the kids we have gotten into multiple argument because of this anyway one day his friend came over to help fix on..

Tuesday, June 6, 2017 3:16 PM by Sarina

This incident is three weeks old.... I was wa normal housewife who loves her husband and want to be loyal with him. I am 26 with blonde hair..... with sexy body maintained by regular gym and workout...... And my sex life is not my husband was a businessman..... and I was okay with that until my college bestiee rebecca texted me that she is coming to meet me and will live in my house f..

Sunday, June 4, 2017 11:22 AM by Delia

When I first got together with my man (let's call him Liu) it was like a real life fairytale. We sacrificed so much for each other, to start our own life together. He's smart, helpful, caring, handsome, never afraid to show emotions. I couldn't, and still can't, imagine anyone better than him. I feel "blessed" to have him. But his only flaw was a thing that hurt me for a while and still continues..

Saturday, June 3, 2017 9:39 AM by N

I've been married for six years and have two children. When I was pregnant with my second child I caught my husband on a dating website. I forgave him but never could forget. The next few years I kept catching him in lies and finding messages to other women. I even caught him sexting a 16 year old. He would swear up and down that he never did anything physical with anyone but I couldn't believe h..

Thursday, June 1, 2017 9:10 PM by Guest

I have been married to my husband for 9 years who i love deeply he is he is a wonderful provider for me and my 2 children a boy18 and a girl 15(who are not his ) but he treats them as his own, he works hard for us but its always been a void due to him not being able to communicate his feelings with me which os something that i crave like sex! Well, my sons high school foortball coach (who I'll ca..

Monday, May 8, 2017 11:23 AM by Dessy

Before I tell you what happened, let me inform you of my relationship, I been with my man who we'll call Paul for 8 years, I have forgiven him for not telling me he had a son, I have been there emotionally and specially financially through his gambling addiction and constant job hopping, back in February we had a relationship ending fight after they froze ome of our accounts due to his child supp..

Saturday, May 6, 2017 2:29 AM by Abbie

When we first moved to Ft Bragg I was a naive, inexperienced and unqualified married school leaver. He went on AIT and I struggled with fitting in, missing him (my world) and having no idea what to do. I soon got involved with an officer who was so different to my hubby.I never intended to but the combination of loneliness, fitting in (yes it happens a lot) and this older and so confident man. An..
I am a working woman married for nearly eight years and have two kids. I love my husband and having a very happy life. I am still confused and mad at myself for cheating on my husband for no good reason. It just happened and was a stupidity.
I had a married colleague of my age and we used to sit close to each other,. Many times he would be talking to me and telling me cheap jokes for a laugh, ..

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Guest on Wedding night cheat
says I believe her friends and I pulled train on bride ..

says You should be ashemd of yourself, what a shit excu..

Kinkycat on My husband's boss
says I loved this story wish I was brave enough to try ..

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Over a year ago I wrote an article where I interviewed 6 men who had cheated on their significant other, and asked their “ real ” reasons for doing so.
To my surprise, that article got a ton of feedback. I wouldn’t exactly consider that article a hard hitting “high-brow” piece of writing, however, I did always plan to write a similar article with gender reversal and ask women the same questions. But when it became somewhat of a controversial article, re-published by many sites, with many, many comments (many mentioning that it was unfair to only say men cheat, it was ‘sexist’, so on and so forth, you get the idea), I decided to let the kettle simmer until I wrote another article from 6 women’s reasoning’s for why they cheated.
If I’m completely, and brutally honest (which will offend a few women, sorry in advance), realistically, I think women cheat just as much as men . Lets not forget there are several types of cheating. Emotional, physical, mental. But, I still think there is just as many women who cheat as there are men. To be honest, I just think women are a bit smarter at hiding it most of the time.
I finally decided to sit down 6 women I know personally who have cheated or had an affair and asked them the same questions as I previously asked the men. [Names have been changed for privacy]. Side note: I do not condone, agree with, or find cheating acceptable in any form.
Chelsea Ellise: What would you say the main reason was that you cheated?
Steph: I was feeling really taken for granted and unappreciated, and we had many fights over it yet nothing was changing. I didn’t want to just give up on our relationship, but at the same time I met somebody who really appreciated and built me up everyday and finally I gave into that. I gave into that ego boost, that appreciation I had been longing for.
Chelsea Ellise: In all honesty, do you regret it? Steph: This is horrible, but no. I don’t. I’ve actually been with the guy who showed me the appreciation at that time for almost three years, now.
Chelsea Ellise: Do you at least regret the way it was handled? Steph: Yes. Of course. It got messy and it didn’t need to be.
Chelsea Ellise: Rachel, I’m actually most excited to interview you. You and your boyfriend have a bit of a peculiar set up, don’t you?
Rachel: [Laughs] You could call it that.
Chelsea Ellise: You used to despise the thought of cheating, I remember, you absolutely hated it!
Rachel: Yeah, back then, the notion of cheating might as well have been the holocaust to me. It fucking disgusted me.
Chelsea Ellise: Yet now, you’re in an open relationship. A comfortable one too! Can you tell me how that came to be?
Rachel: Oh god, I might be single by the end of this. Seriously, from the get go we both cheated. We both knew we wanted to be together, but we went through all this back and forth of him being away, us doing long distance, then I would find out he cheated, so I would go cheat, he would find out, so he would go cheat, it was like keeping tally, who could hurt each other most. But, we didn’t want to emotionally be with anybody else and still don’t.
Chelsea Ellise: So how did you guys broach of the subject of perhaps having an open relationship?
Rachel: He just said to me one day, “Look, it’s going to happen. I love you, but we aren’t in the same city, we’re in our twenties, we’re both attractive, and we both go out a lot. Why don’t we figure out a way to not hate each other for doing that”
Chelsea Ellise: I still can’t believe you went for that, just knowing you.
Rachel: I can’t either. It still kind of grosses me out but I just don’t think about it and just do my own thing.
Chelsea Ellise: Hi, Hannah. I’m going to have to grill you a bit here because lets be honest, the way you got caught cheating was brutal.
Hannah: Ugh, no kidding.
Chelsea Ellise: So, you had been with Elliot for 3 years and you went to a Cinco De Mayo party a couple years ago. Can you elaborate from there?
Hannah: I can, but will I? [Laughs]. Just kidding. Yeah, we were going to a fiesta party or whatever, so of course we were already hammered. When Elliot and I drank together it was world war 3, we always fought. So, that’s what happened. And I got black out and basically decided “ Well fuck him, he takes me for granted anyways” and I hooked up with this really good looking guy I had been flirting with for months.
Hannah: Oh god. Alright. And then me and this other guy, we started having sex in the freezer of the pub we were at, and I guess my ex had realized I wasn’t around so him and his buddy came looking for me, heard shit going down in the freezer, opened it and basically saw us dead in the act.
Chelsea Ellise: That’s gnarly. I still can’t get over that. Drunk or not, would you say it all stemmed from feeling like he was ungrateful for what he had in you?
Hannah : Totally. And also, a bit, this is embarrassing, but I thought he would eventually cheat or leave me anyways. Things hadn’t been going well.
Chelsea Ellise: Amber, what was your reason for cheating?
Amber : It’s as simple as this. I was done with him. But, we lived together. We shared a dog. Shared cable, shared wifi, shared a car, we were close with each other’s parents. I was working two jobs and going to school and I just didn’t have the energy to break up. I think he probably cheated and did the same, he just never got caught. I didn’t go out of my way to sleep with other people but if it happened, it happened.
Chelsea Ellise: What about you. Chloe? What was your reasoning?
Chloe: I sound like such a bitch, I honestly really did love him but… his penis was just so small and it didn’t do anything for me. Like, I could never get off. And I’m a sexual person. I needed to get off.
Chelsea Ellise: What’s that saying? “It isn’t the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean?”
Chloe: That saying is bullshit. The ocean isn’t always moving the way you want it to, okay? It’s about the size of the ship. It is 100% about the size of the ship. Dick. Can I just say size of the dick? Cause that’s the truth. I could barely feel it! What’s a girl to do?
Chelsea Ellise: You’re a ridiculous human being, you know that? I don’t even know what to say back to that. I’m going to move on and leave that there!
Chelsea Ellise: Okay Tina, last but not least. Why did you cheat?
Tina: Because I was insecure and looking for anybody to validate me and build me up because at that time, I couldn’t do it myself, so any guy who showed interest made me feel worth something, validated, hot, whatever. It was pathetic but that was my struggle, it was my insecurities. Still is.
Chelsea Ellise: Thank you guys all so much for answering my questions honestly, I really appreciate it and hopefully the readers will too!
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Whenever a celebrity's cheating pics are plastered all over tabloids, the internet implodes . But for a private investigator, capturing an affair on tape is just part of a normal workday. And, unlike celebrities who can still afford expensive hotels and a degree of discretion, ordinary people have to get creative in keeping their extramarital hookups a secret, inevitably making for some juuuuicy stories.
So after years on the job, which incidents stand out the most to someone who's seen it all (or as close to all as possible)? Whitney Joy Smith, president of the Canadian-based Smith Investigation Agency , shares the seven most memorable affairs her team uncovered:
1. "This woman's husband said that he had suddenly found new friends. They’d all go to the gym, they all liked to be buff–that was his reasoning, even though his physique hadn't changed at all. So she called and we set up surveillance, but he was next-to-impossible to follow. He was so suspicious and drove weird routes, made abrupt turns, and so on.
We did notice one thing, however: The neighbor always left at the same time as the subject. When we asked the client if they had ever seemed flirtatious, she said yes. So we decided to follow the woman instead of the man. She was also suspicious and evasive when driving, but we came prepared with three investigators. After briefly losing her, we found her vehicle in an industrial location behind a gated area in a building that was closed for the evening.
Moments later, the subject's vehicle pulled into the same parking lot. I picked up the client in my car and we drove down to the location. We never bring clients with us–this was the first and last time [because] she would have likely shown up either way once she got the update. So at least her being in my vehicle made it safer for everyone.
As we were pulling in, she literally jumped out of my truck and hightailed it to the vehicle. She opened the back door and found him with his pants down and the woman undressed. She was hopping up and down, screaming, and she was trying to get at the neighbor, but the guy was standing in between them. He blocked the way so the woman could get to her car and we moved out of the way so she could leave safely.
[The couple] stayed together–I guess they tried to work it out and he stopped seeing the neighbor. She called some months later and wanted us to tap his phone to see if him and the woman were still speaking, but we don’t do that service.”
2. "One guy wanted us to follow his wife as she said she was going on a ladies' trip to a tropical island. She gave this grand story about all the things they were planning –it was some sort of bachelorette party with seven to ten women. The client knew the husband of one of the women, and had said, ‘Oh, must be fun, they’re going out of town,’ and the husband had no idea what he was talking about.
We followed her to the island, and the woman was partially telling the truth in that one female friend was there for three out of 14 days. As our investigator was in the lobby waiting for the friend to depart in a taxi, we saw the subject say goodbye to her friend. She then walked into the lobby, and the cabana boy walked up to her, picked her up, and they started kissing.
They certainly seemed comfortable with each other, it was all hugs and kisses–it wasn’t a first-time kind of thing. They spent the next week at a nearby hotel enjoying life, tanning, kissing and more by the pool. All the times the subject was sending pictures to her husband of her and her friend in different swimsuits to keep him in the dark, I was sending him the real images of her with the cabana boy.
From what we gathered after giving everything to the client, he looked through photos from previous times that she had been there and figured she had met him during one of those trips. [The client] was upset at first, but by that time, he had had a little time to let it sink in and settle. I think he knew it–it was just a matter of him being correct."
3. "This man and his wife had just had a baby only weeks before. The baby was crying a lot, so this guy’s excuse was he needed to clear his head. At first, she didn’t think much of it, but then she was like, 'What are you doing? You need to be helping me.' And he said he just had to go for a drive. So that’s when she hired us.
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