Cheating Wifes Stories

Cheating Wifes Stories


Cheating Wifes Stories

Francesca Di Meglio is a writer, reporter, and editor with nearly 20 years of experience covering everything from relationship to business.

What Kind of Woman Marries The Passive Aggressive Man?
Stonewalling in Marital Relationships
He Got His Divorce: Why Is My He So Angry?
9 Things to Do If Your Wife is Cheating
Why Is A Love Affair So Intoxicating?
Why Children Come First in a Blended Family
What to Do if Your Spouse Threatens Divorce Too Often
From Bruce to Caitlyn: Photos of Jenner Over the Years
6 Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce
How to Surprise Your Husband with a Vacation
The Fears of Dads-To-Be and How to Address Them
How to Come Out to Your Husband as a Lesbian or Bisexual
11 Rules for Supporting Your Aging Parents and In-Laws
Best Jokes About Fathers and Fatherhood
Why Married Couples Should Not Live with Roommates
4 Tips For Dealing With The Other Man or Other Woman

LiveAbout is part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family.

In the years since becoming the Guide to Newlyweds, I have learned more about infidelity than I ever thought I would. Frankly, most of it makes me sick to my stomach. I've learned of many real stories of cheating - not what you see in the movies but real people being unfaithful - and the consequences of an affair are so grave that I'm not sure how someone can actually go through with it. Cheating on your spouse can end your marriage. If it doesn't end it, it can damage it so badly that it will never be the same.

The stories below are true, but I've left out names and identifying characteristics to protect people. I'm not sharing these stories to air dirty laundry but rather to give you an idea of how embarrassing and devastating cheating can be. If it helps anyone think twice about being unfaithful, then it was worth it. Here goes:

A father and young daughter (about 7 years old) surprise mom at the dance studio where she works. They find her in the altogether with another man. The daughter is confused and traumatized by what she saw. She confides in her classmate, who is the same age, hoping she will get answers. Instead, the classmate just tells the story to her own parents, who now know what's happening in this other couple's marriage. The mother lives with the shame and guilt of cheating on her husband but also cheating on her children - and getting caught by both.

A woman brings another woman into her marriage. Eventually, she prefers the couple's girlfriend to her husband. They divorce and she and the woman continue their relationship while living in the house she had built with her husband. The couple tries to be cordial, but the husband feels awkward. He feels as though he was second best when they had been committed to one another for life at their marriage ceremony. Even though he wants to create a good relationship with his ex for the sake of his kids, his ego has taken a shot and he is not sure how to get over it. He misses his wife, and he feels like a failure .

A couple is all set to walk down the aisle. They have an apartment together, have set a date for their wedding, and even met with a priest. The bride seems to get cold feet a few weeks before the wedding. People think she's just a runaway bride. But it turns out she was having an affair for a long while and was in love with someone else throughout the wedding planning. She moves out of the place with her fiancee and moves right into a new place with her boyfriend.

Two lovebirds start dating in their youth. The years go by and they seem to be heading toward marriage. They take each other - and the relationship - for granted. Next thing you know, the guy is standing outside some other guy's apartment at 2 in the morning to confirm his suspicions of his long-time girlfriend having an affair. Guess what? She walks out around 4 a.m. He was right and young love is good and dead.

A guy gets some bad news, goes to a bar, gets drunk, gets oral sex from a woman he barely knows - and claims to have forgotten when he gets home to his girlfriend, the one he begged to return to him.

Wife receives an anonymous letter suggesting her husband of one year, with whom she has recently lost a baby, was cheating on her with one of her best friends for years. The husband and friend both deny it. But the damage is done. The wife is left wondering - for always - if it's true and why they were mentioned in this letter in the first place. She stays with her husband because she believes in marriage and has no solid proof that he was unfaithful. She doesn't even know who wrote the letter. But she can never look at her husband the same way. Her relationship with her girlfriend is over. They haven't even spoken since the denial.

A woman runs off to Miami with her boyfriend and leaves her teenage children and husband of nearly 20 years with barely an explanation. Even her own father can't forgive her.

Wife finds receipts for jewelry that she never received, and she recognizes signs of trails of affairs her husband has had over the years. Their own sex life ended years earlier. Still, she puts up with his cheating heart - even when he flirts with other young girls right in front of her - until the day she passes away. Now that she's gone, her husband wishes he had been faithful and treated her differently. He misses her. It's a classic case of not knowing what you have until it's gone.

Husband, who has been married for more than 25 years, takes off with the young foreign woman who has been a housekeeper for him and his wife for the last few months. Even though his wife is angry with him for the affair and for leaving her, she still wants him back . She even asks his cousin to try and convince him to return to her. She still loves him.

Put your true cheating stories here.
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I just found out that my wife of three years and partner for 7 has been sneaking around behind my back. I first noticed when she was going out a lot recently and going to the same bar. One her and I do not frequent when together. There were some inconsistencies in her stories and I got suspicious and stooped to going through her phone. Well my suspicions were correct. She was messaging with the bartender saying she missed him she wanted to see him. So, naturally I asked her about it and she got defensive and angry at me for going through the phone…
I think I caught it really early on and talked with her and want to make things work. Our next two days together were great. Amazing. We loved each other it felt like more then ever during those days. I then went to work, night shift, and she went out again. I questioned her and she got defensive, blocked me, stopped sharing location, and never came home. I later found out she was with him again. I don’t know to what extent but they were together.
She’s always texting with him now and hiding her phone and I found inappropriate pictures and what not. I still am willing to work things out. I scheduled us counseling. I sat down and had a heart to heart with her about what she wants and what she needs. She insists she wants us to work. That she loves me and is in love with me. We have stuff to work on and it’s going to be hard. We had a civilized conversation that went well and thought we had a great path and plan to fixing things. Then it ended with her leaving and staying at a friends house.
I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m making all the effort and I feel like I’m being manipulated. She knows I’m here. What should I do?
EDIT: thank you everyone for the tough love and insight! I have an appointment with a divorce lawyer tomorrow! I just needed a few days to man up and find my balls again. I’m no longer sad. I’m still angry but this is already a night and day difference in how I was feeling. I’m not taking her back even if this makes her crawl through mud. She does not deserve me. I hate cheaters. I hate whores. She is both.
You told her what you want and while she said that she wants the same, her actions has proofen the exact opposit. Actions speak louder than words. Even after you caught her, she went on to cheat on you.
If you keep on acting like you did until now, then this will only go on. You need to show her, that you allow no one to treat you like that. You caught her, gave her a chance and she made a decision that the other guy is more important to her. Listen to that, HE IS MORE IMPORTANT TO HER. More imortant than you and your marriage.
She has made her decision, you need to make yours now and unless she really bends backwards to show you that she had a sudden change of heart, you should not give in.
Tell her that you understood her message and that you will set up a meeting with a lawyer, to prepare the divorce papers. Also tell her, that since it was so easy for her to lie to you, that you will go to a doctor and get tested for STD's. Let her know, that you have lost all trust in her and this is not a marriage you want to be in.
Then live up to your words, get tested for STD's and serve her the papers to make her understand, that you are a man of your word. Your wife then has time until the divorce is finalised, to show you either that you made the exactly right decision or to fight for you.
Don't make the mistake to fight for her or run after her. She fucked up, if she wants to keep you, then it is her that has to put up a fight!
This is exactly what he should do. I kick her out and serve her ASAP and let all the family know. Scorched earth seems to be the only thing that knocks them out if the fog.
Tell her that you understood her message and that you will set up a meeting with a lawyer, to prepare the divorce papers.
I see no need to tell her. It is obvious that HE IS MORE IMPORTANT TO HER. So the marriage is not salvageable. Get your finances in order and remove all valuable documents to a safety deposit box in your name while she is staying at the friend's house and meeting with the AP.
File for divorce ASAP. She abandoned you by leaving. See if you can legally change the locks.
Protect yourself! The AP may coach her on things that she can do to make the divorce more favourable to her - like file false charges on you and get a RO. Make sure to canceljoint credit cards and remove money from joint accounts. Remove her from your life insurance.
I concur with this. I had an ex that did a very similar thing. 2.5 years of our relationship washed down the drain. He kept saying that he loved me and wanted to work it out, but wasn’t coming home at night to sleep in our bed -the same bed he’d been sleeping in since we moved in together 2 years prior.
I struggled with the decision, my loneliness, and my love for him. It only prolonged the inevitable, and all the while he continues to do things dishonestly until we moved out and got separately places, and I completely cut him out of my life.
It’s a HARD process. But I agree to this statement wholeheartedly. If she truly cares and wants to make it work, SHE WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO MAKE IT WORK. If she’s putting in no effort (acts not words) then she doesn’t care enough to make it work, and there’s not use in you holding onto something you can’t change. Move on and find your happiness elsewhere, bc you won’t find it here.
Wow, she did the most disrespectful thing possible and you took her back.
She knows this bartender would never put up with her shit, and he certainly would never support her like you are chump.
He has a new girl whenever he needs one. He has yours now.
He doesn't respect her, and she doesn't respect herself. Which why she is cheap and easy.
She didn’t go to her “friends” house. She went to see him. Get to an attorney serve her and be done with this nonsense. You only been 7 years invested. Trust me it’s a drop in a bucket. You stay it’s not if she cheats again but when.
I tend to copy and paste my answer because it stops trickle truth and gaslighting.
You handle it by using a velvet hammer. In this case a sledgehammer. You are needing to tell her there is no wiggle room by your actions. She has no interest in you guys working, as nothing she is doing is evidence of that. She just wants you to stop snooping so she can fuck the bartender in peace, whilst you bring home the bacon.
Your first stop is a lawyer, you can always withdraw any filing, but she has to understand exactly what is at stake here. Just feeling "remorse" with crocodile tears means nothing.
Get tested for STD's, you have no idea if it got physical but I can say with 90%certainty she has been fucking him.
Read up on the 180 and grey rock method. This is very important, as she has not really felt what life would be like without you. Make her feel your absence.
Once all of this is done you can consider reconciliation. But keep in mind that she is definitely not the same woman as you think she is in your mind. This one is a low life scumbag, and she usurped your wife.
get a full and detailed timeline, this is not negotiable.
Get her phone if you want because she probably deleted everything already.
Do not drink or do drugs that impair your judgment.
This is very important, as she has not really felt what life would be like without you.
Perfect response. I totally understand the part of the strategy listed above and the reasoning behind it. I can only assume a person would do the 180 / grey rock if they wanted the cheater back. I would have already told the WW to pack her **** and leave and that I never want to see or hear from her again. My question is, wouldn't showing someone what they will lose out on sort of doing the pick me dance? I understand cheaters are too deep in the fog to even look at their monthly expenses and realize they can't afford to pay their own bills. (i.e. use logic) I guess I'm a bit perplexed about the reasoning of reminding a cheating SO you are their meal ticket as a means to get someone back.
Cease all communication with her cut her off financially, cancel her cellphone and see a lawyer, file for a divorce wnd kick her out of the house and if her car is in your name take that. She will wake up one day and say what have I done and she won’t like living on a bartenders pay shared by two get them last laugh and be done God bless you
Your wife had deep issues and should see a therapist you seem like a stand up guy all relationships are hard at times but normal people don’t cheat and hide it. I hope she reads everyone’s reply’s as they all say the same thing she needs help
Consult a lawyer. Paperwork can be drawn and held. This starts the timeline if divorce is the final outcome.
Gather evidence of affair and share with lawyer.
You need to step back. She needs to show remorse and put actions into words.
100% no contact with affair partner.
She needs to go to individual counseling to determine why she is broken and could inflict emotional, mental and physical (get STI tested) harm on you.
Post in survivinginfidelity for more insights.
Bail and don’t look back, young king. She ain’t the one.
It is not possible to reconcile a marriage during an active affair.
Her behavior is appalling. To disrupt bad patterns, you have the power to change, You have few choices…
Accept your one-sided open marriage.
Set firm boundaries snd enforce them. Mandating she return to you exclusively with full digital transparency until you feel safe are reasonable demands, for starters.
So, I tried that. I told her I was willing to try and work on things and that while we do that I’m going to need her to be fully transparent. Share her location, be brutally open about her whereabouts, and expect me to need proof when I ask. She agreed to it but immediately getting upset with me when I ask her where she is… “I already told you I’m at Marissa house…” still not sharing location, and wouldn’t answer when I called.
I know what to do, it’s just really hard. I feel absolutely terrified for the future.
Are people so afraid of being single that they let there so called SO walk all over then and hoping one day they see your value and commit to you? Then what? A committed relationship is like a contract! If one party breaks the contract, contract is over!! No such thing as it was a mistake!! If someone cheated, they had that notion in the back of their mind for some time! Love yourself enough to be alone and happy! Happiness comes from yourself and your SO is suppose to add on to it. NOT BE YOUR MAIN SOURCE of happiness! Stop giving strangers that much control of your life
I think the process is a little bit scary and it’s hard for me to think that anyone wouldn’t want to try. Again, I know that’s the easy way out. Life is really hard right now prior to this happening. From working in an emergency department, money, balancing home life, and then this. So it seems like all my stability and control is lost. It feels like my world is caving in. But I love the help you guys have provided and the tough love. It’s needed. Obviously my brain is a little bit foggy at the moment.
If your story is real, and I have my doubts, I'm sorry your cheating wife has put you in this situation.
Your wife is a cheater with no remorse. She like's what's she's doing. She see's you as her economic provider and cover for her adulterous activities. Get a lawyer, separate your finances, and ask her to leave the home for good. She can live with the bartender. Start the divorce proceedings ASAP. The sooner you're rid of her the better. You may grow a stiffer spine in the process.
If you wife is reading your reddit posts, ask her to reply to our advice. We love to debate with cheaters.
Story is 100% real. Why would I make this up? I appreciate the insight from everyone and feel like I have a process to follow and a foot in the right direction.
Your last statement. Very astute. You are being manipulated. Without getting into all of the psyche of cheating, she’s juggling both- you are the stability, relationship, the reality. AP is the fun, the lust, the excitement. Unfortunately, there’s no chance at competing with that. She’s in the affair fog- logic is out the window, dopamine is flowing, decisions are purely emotional. You currently have zero control over any of this.
If you sincerely want to save your marriage, you need establish your path forward, choosing not to accept this behavior and choosing not to allow her to have both you and AP. You are choosing not to compete while simultaneously injecting a toxic dose of reality into the affair. My advice is to immediately file for divorce. Realize that as the one who files, you now have control. You can stop the process if you wish.
You are doing what is called "the pick me dance". Most here will tell you it won't work. She is deep in limerance also known as affair fog. Likely the only thing that will bring her out of it is a dose of reality in the form of divorce papers.
Even if you choose to reconcile see a lawyer and get her served. Do the 180 or grey rock. Sleep apart. If you have no children maybe move out. Stop her cash flow and credit cards you pay for. These are basic first steps. Learn from others here who have been through it.
It is up to the WS to do the heavy lifting during reconciliation. So far pony you have been making any effort.

You are sad now, but imagine how sad you would be if she got pregnant by this asshat. Also imagine if this druggie gave her HIV! I get that you r heart is broken, but ignore her threats, push for custody. As Billy Joel said "all she can do is throw shadows at you"

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