Cheating Trophy Wife

Cheating Trophy Wife


Cheating Trophy Wife
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Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. As a writer at, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle in their lives too. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action.

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A wealthy man with connections and a strong standing in society will likely have an attractive younger woman by his side to show off. A study has shown that the older men are when they marry, the younger their brides are.
So, what is a trophy wife? Are they merely accessories draped by the side of their partner? Or is the stereotypical view attached to trophy women incorrect?
A simple answer to what is a trophy wife is that a trophy wife plays a submissive role in the marriage .
Her role is to make her spouse look good. In public, she plays the role of an attractive, cultured woman to reinforce her husband’s wealth and influence. This is a reason why men love trophy wives.
However, not every marriage with a significant age gap amounts to a calculated move to earn the title of “trophy wife.”
A younger woman can prefer the company of an older partner for several reasons, and that doesn’t automatically make her a trophy wife.
She can have independent wealth and interests and exists not just for pleasing her partner.
On the other hand, a trophy wife understands she has a role to play and plays it well. She is content with that title and swaps that role for an opulent lifestyle.
Not all women married to older men can be given the trophy wife label. So how do you differentiate them from trophy wives? What is a trophy wife, and how do you recognize one?
Well, here are 12 signs of a trophy wife.
If your partner has genuine feelings for you, they would be interested in you. Your hobbies, passions, and what makes you happy. So, what is a trophy wife? If you’re a trophy wife, your partner will know little about your personal life.
Your partner will only be interested in how you look, not what is under the surface.
Your partner will hardly seek your companionship and will primarily be interested in you being their date for dinners and lavish parties just to show you off!
If your partner presents you with expensive jewelry or gifts for no reason, you just might be a trophy wife.
Your partner wants you to show your friends the gifts to reinforce their wealth and status. Your partner wants to be perceived as being able to provide for you by showering you with extravagant gifts.
What is a trophy wife? If you contribute little to nothing to your finances, then this is a sign that you are a trophy wife. 
The partner of a trophy wife makes all the essential decisions finance-wise. If you have any, the partner decides the kids’ education, where to take a vacation, live, and invest in.
A trophy wife is oblivious to the household income, how much is spent on expenses, and if there is a rainy-day fund.
You don’t have a source of income, but you’re a frequent customer at designer stores. Or do you have a job, but your income doesn’t match your spending? Is the extra cash gotten from your spouse? Then this is a sign you’re a trophy wife.  
Trophy wives hardly worry about money because they are confident their spouses will foot the bill.
Taking care of your looks is not a negative attribute but can signify that you are a trophy wife if that is all you spend your time on.
A trophy wife has the spotlight on her and has to ensure she looks flawless. She spends a lot of money on her looks to stay attractive, not just for the public but her partner also.
A sign that you’re a trophy wife is if your partner controls your life, how you dress, and even where you visit.
You live according to your partner’s rules and decisions, and your opinions are of little value to them. As a trophy wife, you can hardly make a move without the go-ahead from your partner.
It’s hard to build a personal connection or communicate with someone who doesn’t see past your looks. If you’re a trophy wife, it is hard to connect with your spouse personally or talk about serious topics.
Your partner might show little interest in your life or problems. Your partner will make decisions without informing you or even seeing the need to. Companionship might be missing from your relationship if you’re a trophy wife.
There is nothing wrong with your partner telling you how good you look. But if you’re a trophy wife, your partner might not compliment you on anything else apart from your beauty.
Your partner hardly recognizes any other good attributes apart from how attractive you are. Your partner is always eager and proud to show you off to their friends.
Your partner won’t hide their displeasure when you don’t live up to their beauty standards. 
If you’re not a trophy wife, your partner will share their plans for the future with you. What their next project is or the promotion they are striving to get at work.
However, as a trophy wife, your spouse will hardly communicate with you or show you their world and be vulnerable around you.
Your partner can be gone for days without giving you all the details of the trip. The statement “it’s a work trip ” should be sufficient enough to satisfy your curiosity.
Even when home, you never get to see or spend time with them. One problem or the other always has their attention.
If your partner is loaded and you don’t conduct the basic tasks of checking a bill before making payments or checking the price tag of clothes; then this is a sign that you are a trophy wife.
Your partner can afford whatever they want, and their gadgets and cars are the newer models. The same applies to you; you live a lavish lifestyle with little to no income.
If you feel isolated when you’re with your partner’s friends and rarely ever join in on the conversation, then this is a sign you’re a trophy wife.
When talking with his friends, your partner doesn’t keep you in the loop. But will prefer your role to be limited to being quiet and looking attractive.
Most people can hardly answer the question: what is a trophy wife? Also, the term “trophy wife” has been misunderstood for years. 
This article seeks to clear the air and reinforce the position that not all roles trophy wives play are the same, and the qualities of a trophy wife differ.
One of the secrets of a trophy wife is that all the money at her disposal doesn’t automatically translate to happiness.
No marriage is without its ups and downs, and overnight wealth doesn’t mean the trophy wife will not experience challenges down the road.
Like any marriage, the couple must work hard to make the marriage last .
Trophy women often have careers or ambitions, and they are involved in various activities and charities. Also, the term trophy wife doesn’t automatically mean the woman doesn’t have a job.
What is it like being a trophy wife? Watch this video to know more.
No, being a trophy wife is not wrong. There is an appeal to being a trophy wife, and it not only provides a sense of financial security but allows you to focus on other things because of the free time at your disposal.
Also, some people prefer not to be involved in any decision-making. They feel safer and more relaxed when someone is handling everything, down to what they wear. 
You can also use the funds available to contribute to society positively. This can be done by donating to charities.
Although there can be downsides to being a trophy wife, it depends on the partner you marry. After all, no relationship is perfect .
Being a trophy wife has its pros, regardless of the stereotypical opinions attached to that term.
As a trophy wife, you have access to your partner’s wealth and can lead a comfortable and cozy life. Your partner will provide for you and meet all your needs.
Although each marriage has its ups and downs, the chances of you experiencing financial problems are little to none. 
You can quickly pursue your dreams and fund any ambition you want with access to wealth and connection.
You can easily take classes that cost hundreds of dollars to learn more about your art. Or you can open that bakery shop or retail store you have always wanted. 
If you have kids, you can rest assured that they will be provided for and never go hungry. Raising a kid requires great effort and sacrifice. Apart from the love and happiness they bring into your life, they also dig deep into your pockets.
You have to make sure they eat healthily, wear good clothes, and do not forget college fees. This Is where being married to a wealthy partner has its advantages, and your kids will live a comfortable and luxurious life.
Some people prefer not to worry about finances, where to live, or where the next meal will come from. If you’re a trophy wife, these decisions are taken from your hand, and you’re free from the anxiety other households face.
When you approach people with the question, what is a trophy wife? They imagine an attractive woman with access to her partner’s wealth and no problems in life.
Being a trophy wife is not rainbows and sunshine. You have an image to protect as the public attention will be on you constantly. You have to take the extra step to ensure your attractiveness doesn’t wear off.
If you’re a trophy wife, chances are, your partner may not always value your opinions or seek your companionship. However, all relationships are different, and one rule doesn’t apply to all.
Some women are ready to trade the pressures attached to being a trophy wife for the lavish lifestyle.
Also, the constant public attention and need to maintain an image can get very tiring. Yes, being a trophy wife is exhausting.
Now that you can confidently answer the question, what is a trophy wife? Is that lifestyle alluring to you, or have you been a trophy wife for years without knowing it? 
Nevertheless, the stereotypical views attached to being a trophy wife are not always accurate and depend on the parties involved.
There are two sides to being a trophy wife but if you think about it, isn’t that life? Everything comes with its pros and cons.
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If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.

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Home Editor's Pick Jaw- dropping confessions of 25 cheating wives 
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Some married women have given frightening accounts of how they are cheating on their husbands.

The married women revealed their extra marital affairs to relationship expert, David Papa Bondze. The confessions have subsequently gone viral on social media.

"1. “My mother raised me and my sisters as LADIES. She did her very best to train us up well. I know a lot more women were brought up well too, however, women are just as bad as men in this cheating game, except – women get away with it more because we are more emotional, charismatic, and play victim more. In all though, men and women are the same. You can't give a guy any less respect in this aspect than a woman. I am cheating on my husband because I am no longer in love with him. I used to love him, but the love died, someway, somehow, along the journey. We’ve been married for 12 years, and I’ve been seeing this other man (who just happens to be the true love of my life) for Nine (9) years now. We are both married with kids.”

2. “I am addicted to fine, strong, men. If I see a man and he is fine, and looks strong, I begin to lust after him. I am blessed with a good paying job, so I very often pay less attention to that individual’s financial status. My educational background and working experiences have opened more opportunities to me, created more hunger to want and have everything, and has also made me less fearful, less careful. You just have to look fine and strong, and I will figure out a way to employ you for something worth paying for – for a brief moment. My husband travels a lot to do businesses, so I am always all by myself. We’ve been married for Seven (7) years.”

3. “I love my husband to death, however, if I am cheating on him today, it’s basically because I have an excuse: I was young (24 years) when he married me. I hadn’t had my fair share of fun. I was, and still am an idiot, even though I know how to act all innocent and ‘good’ in his eyes. It was my plan to quit this habit of cheating when I turned 30. I am 31 years this year, and I have fallen in love with the one I am cheating with. He and I have been seeing each other for the past Seven (7) years, and he’s one of my husband’s closest friends. He’s married. I really wish I could end this affair, however, my heart is already in it, full-time. And, he doesn’t try so hard to please me sexually. He’s just better than my husband in ALL angles. Dave, I orgasm, just at the mere sight of him. I think I am partly in love with my husband because he provides the security (financially) and comfort that I need as a woman (just ask any young woman married to a mature rich man). I spend almost half of it on my boyfriend though.”

4. “As a child, I heard on countless occasions, how my parents argued and ‘fought’ in the bedroom, because my dad was cheating on my mother. I saw how unhappy Mum always was, and how fast she aged and looked wrinkly even in her late 30s. While she worried daily and felt miserable, dad always looked good, and happy, and unconcerned, and handsome, and young, even as they both aged. There was a time someone mistook my mother for my daddy’s older sister, because according to that person, there was no way my dad could have been married to that ‘old’ lady; meanwhile, in actual sense, my father was about 10 years older than my Mum.

Dave that was the ‘turning point’ for me. I have been ‘living’ since – since. I am still in this marriage because I wanted kids. I have kids now. Their father takes very good care of their every need, and mine too. I am just being careful so I am not caught one of these days. An affair may not be a good thing, however, it has made me look young, and my husband is pleased with my fresh looks. In his head, I am looking good for him. Sex is awesome in my matrimonial home, thanks to the outside experience. What he doesn’t know wouldn’t hurt him in any way.”

5. “Mine begun after my first pregnancy. The gynecologist who TOUCHED me, during my pregnancy, touched a nerve in me that ‘did’ me something; something I had never felt with my husband before, ORGASM! The doctor realized I loved the way he had touched me. There was a nurse in his consulting room, but she did not see what was going on. A week to my due date, my husband had traveled to work outside Accra, and I needed to be touched, to feel that feeling I felt in the consulting room. I had the doctor’s mobile number, so he came over to check on me. He made passionate love to me, in my husband’s house, every time he closed from work, till I gave birth. I will be Three (3) years in marriage this year.”

6. “I have been in a long term sexual affair with one man for over 15 years. I don’t love him, but I love the sex. He gives me the greatest sex that I can possibly imagine. I have been married for Six (6) years. And yes, I love my husband very much.”

7. “I am married to a preacher. I love him, but he’s hardly home. Preaching assignments here and there. The little time we get to be together too is always ruined by visitors and phone calls from Church members and their ’wahala’. Dave, I can’t even compete for his attention, let alone, time. That’s why I am having an affair with my Ex-boyfriend. At least, he sees me.”

8. I am married to a very kind hearted man. Everything at home is peace and calm and normal… I mean, homey. I drive to work and take the kids to school. He drives from work to pick up the kids. Once a week or twice we have sex. But, Dave, it’s like we are not dying to see each other. There's no little note of love, no romantic gestures, no surprise gift. There's no suspense, no excitement. Rather, I can't wait to be alone and drinking with my girlfriends on our girls night out.

Ok, so on one of such nights out, I met this gorgeous looking guy, and I thought, I could so flirt if it weren't for my wedding ring. My girlfriends (who are all married, and also, parents) were all drooling over him, and I thought, it's just a bit of flirting, no harm there. I took off my ring, put it in my purse, and I walk to the bar where he was sitting. He turned to look at me, he smiled, and then offered to buy me a drink. Dave that was when I realized I wasn’t truly ‘happily’ married. I accepted, even though I shouldn't have led him on. But oh, god, the way I got to giggle and laugh with him, it was pure heaven. The spark was back in my eyes and I made plans to go out to dinner later in the week.

At a point, I considered taking back my “yes” to dinner, but then I got home, and my husband barely looked at me before turning back to his computer, and the kids were screaming for me to do this or that. Instantly, dinner with the hot stranger from the bar sounded like a great idea… And, it’s been a wonderful idea for Four (4) years. So many good moments have happened with him in the picture, and, my life has never been the same since. I am a very happy woman today. He makes me feel like the woman that I am.”

9. “Hello Dave, I am 34 years old, and have been married for Five (5) years. I did trust my husband a lot but he betrayed that trust by cheating on me about Two (2) years ago. I was angry and hurt and disappointed. He showed remorse, apologized and then, cut things off with the other woman, and again, went ahead to take some other actions to make things right again with us. I did forgive him as I felt it was a mistake, and he was genuinely sorry. The problem is, it’s been very hard for me to forget about it, and I feel the only way to get over this is to cheat too. It’s been two years now, and I still have the urge to cheat too.

To make matters worse – for a couple of months now he is hardly home and stays out late every night due to work. We are hardly having any sex because he is mostly tired and not interested. Again, the way he is constantly protecting his phone, I’m beginning to think there’s more keeping him out and not only work. The thing is, I am not going to sit down and lose my sanity and peace of mind if I find out he is cheating again so I gave in to one of my numerous admirers. Yes, I love my husband, and I do not want to leave him, and I know he loves me too.

This new guy is divorced and understands it’s only to satisfy my sexual pleasure and inner peace. It has been good and very helpful to my general wellbeing. I am a very happy person now and even my husband has noticed. He talks about how I have become very understanding lately, and even compliments my looks each day. So yes, I am happily cheating and do not regret it. I hope my husband never finds out but if he does I’ll understand what ever actions he decides to take.”

10. “My husband lost his job and was home for a long while. I watched him go for one unsuccessful job interview a
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