


Chaufar, chaufad or chaufad is a cross and circular board game very similar to pachish played in India.


Indian games also exist in areas adjacent to the Indian subcontinent. The first description of these games appears to have been written in the 16th century, when chapar was a common gambling sport in the court of the mughal emperor Akbar of agra and patepur sikhri.

Who invented the Chaopar game?

Chausar, India's oldest game, was invented by Shiva and was first played between Shiva and Parvati.

How to play

This game is played by four players as partners. Partners sit facing each other. Yellow and black play against red and green. First, the pieces are placed on the Charcone. Each player throws a kawiri. The highest player plays first and then rotates counterclockwise.Each competitor must put 4 competitors into the competition from the starting point. The men turn counterclockwise around the outer circumferential column. Before a player brings his or her subordinate home, he or she must knock at least one other player out. 토토

Did you know

It helps children think for themselves, learn teamwork and teamwork skills, study strategies and tactics, and learn how to talk to adults.

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