Chatting Websites For 12 Year Olds

Chatting Websites For 12 Year Olds


Chatting Websites For 12 Year Olds

Which network is the Super Bowl on?

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How old was Brett Favre when he retired?

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How tall is rob gronkowski?

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how many oz equal in a cup?

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Does cicely Tyson have any daughters?

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What does contingent mean in real estate?

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What is 425 f in c?

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Is Kansas City in Kansas or Missouri?

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How did chickenpox get its name?

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When did organ music become associated with baseball?

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Curt Eichmann

How can you cut an onion without crying?

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Leland Grant

Why don't libraries smell like bookstores?

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Veronica Wilkinson

How long will the footprints on the moon last?

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Daija Kreiger

Do animals name each other?

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Danika Abbott

Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time?

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Consuelo Hauck

What was the first TV dinner?

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Roslyn Walter

Is there a safe chat website for 12 year olds?

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What is a formula cells?

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What kind of pajamas did susan b athony wear?

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Will the expenditure on police services by government included in national income accounting?

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Why does resistance increase when current decrease?

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Who does Demetrius play for in a midsummer nights dream?

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Is Los Angeles under a government consperiecy for a massive depopulation by your own military?

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Is discount expenses an indirect expense?

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How many 176 Ω resistors in parallel are required to carry 5 A on a 220 V line?

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Browse through some of the oldest websites from the 80s and 90s that are still up and running.
Although we are long past the dark ages of dial-up, the internet still holds some gems from those ancient times . But, have you ever wondered what the oldest websites that are still online are? Join us as we take a journey back in time.
Some of these are absolutely hilarious, and we would thoroughly recommend a visit . 
While it might be almost impossible to answer this question conclusively, here are 12 examples of some of the oldest websites out there for your enjoyment. This list is far from exhaustive and is in no particular order.
We'll kick off our list of the oldest websites with this old-timer. Technically speaking, the website itself isn't that old but it is worthy of inclusion. The domain was registered on  March 15, 1985 .
This would make it one of if not the oldest, .com registered domain out there. The company still exists and the website appears to have last been amended in 2010.
Symbolics is a now-defunct computer manufacturer and has since been acquired by an investor group in Dallas, Texas.
This one is a literal internet living fossil. According to, this site was registered on September 18th, 1986. If you want to visit the site for yourself here is the link, . While it won't win any awards for design, its age, and the fact it is still live online shocks us.
These guys obviously felt somewhat aggrieved to have to create one in the first place: -
"This Web page exists primarily to satisfy the needs of those who expect every domain to have a Web presence." 's domain was registered on October 27th, 1986. It was set up by Lauren Weinstein, the Co-Founder of People For Internet Responsibility, Network Neutrality Squad, and founder of the PRIVACY Forum.
This site is a collection of information for visitors to become better internet "citizens".
The website is rather archaic in design but appears to have last been updated in 2017. appears to have been registered in April of 1987. The website itself is pretty basic but magnificent by virtue of its age.
The firm was originally a one-man operation run by Smoot Carl-Mitchell. It does have links to bio's that were last dated in 2004 and apparently he is currently working for Cort Business Services. , a possible reference to Mr. Toad's house in the Wind in the Willows is another ancient website. This site seems to be dedicated to a collection of links to John Gilmore. is one of the oldest websites out there.
He was one of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation . If you are interested in joining the ranks of people who like to fight unjust laws and regulations. their use and abuse, this page is a great starting point.
Plus you'll be looking back in time, sort of.
The domain appears to have been registered in 1987. The website itself seems equally as old. This company was founded in 1970 and is a software and systems firm best known for the  PDL/81 Program Design Language Processor .
Harking back to tales of Armageddon just before the millennium, these guys had it covered. Apparently, their processor is Y2K compliant --nice to know.
We are not sure whether this is a form of modern art, perhaps it's a statement about the human condition? Who knows.
The domain was registered in 1994 and has very little else except for a plain  purple page , a funny FAQ page, and an option to buy the site for around $1.5 million . That's it, nothing else. You can visit it if you wish but we've pretty much summed it up. The name, therefore, is simply perfect.
Here's another funny one and old to boot. Registered in 1994 the site is a great example of being in the right place at the right time. Like, this one might be up for sale if you can hand over around $10 million dollars .
There are some funny faqs and some other amusing links on the page. It's definitely worth a visit if you've got an hour or so to kill. was registered in 1994, is one of the oldest websites, and is still working. It seems the website owner is quite happy to keep the antique look of the site and to be honest, it's quite refreshing to modern "fancy" sites.
As the site details, they are " Purveyors of fine freeware since 1972. On the net since 1991."
Remember that film? Oh man, that's going back. Did you know the website is still alive ? Amazing right, when was that, 1996? Granted it's been archived, but it's nice Warner Bros hasn't deleted it outright.
Boasting a star-filled background, amazing mid-'90's graphics but sadly no Michael Jordan, how could you not set it as your homepage??
Here's another funny one. Back in the misty past of the internet, Microsoft once asked that users install IE 1. It appears one particular customer was less than pleased.
Taking the time and dedication to create an entire web page detailing just how evil Internet Explorer is, frankly, impressive. And all this in 1998. 
"This site is dedicated to preserving and expressing the humor and controversy around the intrusive introduction of Microsoft Internet Explorer and how Microsoft abused its dominant position in the Operating System Marketplace."
And that, ladies and gentlemen, are some of the oldest websites still alive and kicking out there.
Amazing right? If you want to see some more, why not try " google whacking " some or visit . They have an archive of old websites since 1993.
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