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2021年12月1日 最新バージョン4.5を公開。SAML認証によるシングルサインオン、チャットボットのWebhook対応など相互運用性がさらに向上しました。


2021年12月1日 最新バージョン4.5を公開。SAML認証によるシングルサインオン、チャットボットのWebhook対応など相互運用性がさらに向上しました。

総務省の自治体セキュリティガイドラインを考慮した 庁内ビジネスチャット環境の構築




他にも多くのお客さまが、 ChatLuckで新しい働き方を実現しています。



※ ITreview Grid Award 2022 Spring ビジネスチャット部門 High Performer
ChatLuckで働き方改革を実現した お客さまの事例をご紹介します。
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2022年6月8日より2日間、吹上ホールで開催される名古屋デジタルイノベーション2022「働き方改革 2022 名古屋」に「desknet’s NEO、AppSuite、ChatLuck」を出展します。

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『ChatLuck』が、認知度・ユーザー満足度ともに優れた製品であると評価され、「ITreview Grid Award 2022 Spring」ビジネスチャット部門で7期連続となるアワードを受賞しました。

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名古屋デジタルイノベーション2022 「働き方改革 2022 名古屋」
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Republican primary for Arizona House of Representatives District 3 (2 seats)

General election for Arizona House of Representatives District 23 (2 seats)

Democratic primary for Arizona House of Representatives District 23 (2 seats)

Republican primary for Arizona House of Representatives District 23 (2 seats)

Keeping taxes low and no increases.
Keeping Arizona a pro business friendly state with less regulations.
Educational freedom with parents deciding which schools are best for their children with keeping open enrollment.

↑ Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on June 2, 2020

↑ Joseph Chaplik , "About Joseph," accessed December 25, 2020

Speaker of the House: Russell Bowers
Candidate, Arizona House of Representatives District 3

Arizona House of Representatives District 23

For legislators residing within Maricopa County: $35/day for the first 120 days of regular/special sessions and $10/day for all following days. For legislators outside Maricopa County: $151/day for the first 120 days of regular/special sessions for lodging and $56 for meals. That rate would be cut in half after the 120th day.

Joseph Chaplik ( Republican Party ) is a member of the Arizona House of Representatives , representing District 23 . He assumed office on January 11, 2021. His current term ends on January 9, 2023.
Chaplik ( Republican Party ) is running for re-election to the Arizona House of Representatives to represent District 3 . He is on the ballot in the Republican primary on August 2, 2022 .
Joseph Chaplik's career experience includes working as the president of Joseph Bernard Investment Real Estate, the vice president of XO Communication/Allegiance Telecom, and a branch manager with Spring Communications. [1] Chaplik has volunteered with the Maricopa County Sheriffs Memorial Fund. [2]

This membership information was last updated in March 2021. Ballotpedia completes yearly updates of committee membership. If you would like to send us an update, email us at: .

Chaplik was assigned to the following committees:
The primary will occur on August 2, 2022. The general election will occur on November 8, 2022. General election candidates will be added here following the primary.
Incumbent Joseph Chaplik , Ernest Anderson , Nicole Cantelme , Alexander Kolodin , and Darin Mitchell are running in the Republican primary for Arizona House of Representatives District 3 on August 2, 2022.

Incumbents are bolded and underlined .
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Incumbent John Kavanagh and Joseph Chaplik defeated Eric Kurland and Joe Romack in the general election for Arizona House of Representatives District 23 on November 3, 2020.

Incumbents are bolded and underlined . The results have been certified. Source
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Eric Kurland advanced from the Democratic primary for Arizona House of Representatives District 23 on August 4, 2020.

There were no incumbents in this race. The results have been certified. Source
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Incumbent John Kavanagh and Joseph Chaplik defeated incumbent Jay Lawrence in the Republican primary for Arizona House of Representatives District 23 on August 4, 2020.

Incumbents are bolded and underlined . The results have been certified. Source
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Joseph Chaplik has not yet completed Ballotpedia's 2022 Candidate Connection survey. Ballotpedia is seeking 100 percent
participation so voters can learn more about all the candidates on their ballots.

Who fills out Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey?

You can ask Joseph Chaplik to fill out this survey by using the buttons below or emailing
Joseph Chaplik completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2020. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Chaplik's responses.
I am running to keep taxes low and the economy strong, limit government, and stop illegal immigration to keep Arizona a safe, prosperous place to live. I supports educational freedom, including open enrollment, believing parents - not bureaucrats - should decide what's best for their children.

My background is in business and I had a successful career in telecommunications and now lead a commercial real estate company across three states. My company has received several awards including the INC 5000 Fastest Growing Private Company, Corporate Philanthropy Annual Award, and Business Ethics Finalist Award.

I am involved in my local community and was instrumental in the effort to protect and save Scottsdale's Gateway Preserve from city development . I served on several boards in the non-profit sector, law enforcement, children's foundations, and was President of the parents board for Great Hearts. I'm currently involved in the US Marshals Posse and the Sheriff's Memorial Fund raising money for families of fallen officers and creating community awareness.

I am a resident of Scottsdale, married with two sons and have coached their little league and youth flag football teams. I am pro-life and a parishioner of St. Patrick's Catholic Church.

It's time for a change with a Conservative Businessman with Common Sense to lead us.

I am passionate about keeping our taxes low, limited government, keeping educational freedom for parents to choose what is best for their child, and keeping our borders secure for safer communities. We also have to strengthen family values for protecting our children. Being a fiscal conservative, we need to keep balancing our budget here in Arizona.

I look up to my parents for having a solid family foundation and creating a strong work ethic to earn what you want in life. These principles are still being passed onto my children and I am proud of my parents for teaching me these values. It created a sense of accomplishment and held me accountable for my actions. I have worked hard throughout my career as a result of this foundation, and have a firm moral compass leading me with my decisions.

I would recommend Miracle on Ice. With hard work, determination, wise strategy, and great leadership you can overcome large obstacles and make miracles happen for the good of the country. Nothing is impossible, it just may take a bit longer to accomplish.

I feel that listening is one of the most important principles of an elected official to the public. We should also represent all the people regardless of the political party and help grow the community together.

Having over 25 years of corporate training and executive experience with strong communication skills, negotiation skills, problem solving skills, and accountability. I have served on non profit boards and have made an impact on helping to achieve goals as well as meaningful accomplishments. I was instrumental with helping the efforts to save the Gateway Preserve from the City of Scottsdale trying to develop the desert land. This was known as prop 420 and together we successfully involved the residents and saved the preserve. I will listen to the residents and be active within the community to work for my constituents and make them proud.

I believe the core responsibilities for an elected state representative is to be active in our community and listen to our constituents. We need to lead by being present and learning from our citizens through interactive town halls or virtual calls. Creating sound common sense policies that represent our needs and wants as a community, and state for all the residents not just the party affiliation.

To be a leader that helped restore the values of Arizona and America with leaving a better place for the next generation to live. To be remembered as a highly effective legislator that communicated well, and negotiated helpful common sense policies for all Arizona residents.

The first historical event that I remember was the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986. I was a freshman in high school and remember watching it in class. We as a country came together, healed, and move forward stronger from this event.

My first jobs as a young boy were, cutting grass and shoveling snow in my neighborhood. I worked at a restaurant at the age of 14 clearing tables on the weekend mornings. At the age of 16, I was employed by the local gas station serving customers at the full serve island and helping with basic needs. I did this until I graduated from high school.

It is extremely important to have a balance of power as our founding fathers created with having the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of government. Arizona's legislative branch balances the power between the House and Senate much like the United States to effectively create solid policies that have been well thought out or debated during the approval process.

I believe that our government was designed to be lead by the people for the people. Having legislators that have practical business experiences can bring new fresh conservative ideas to help make common sense policies. The founding fathers did not intend to have life long politicians create their only career by holding public office.

I believe Arizona's greatest challenges over the next decade will be to continue to keep the state a business friendly environment with low taxes and limited regulations. With new residents moving into our state daily, most are fleeing from a state with failed policies and poor qualities of life. Educating these new residents to why Arizona has a strong quality of life from our conservative policies is essential so we do not vote our state into another failed democratic state with major budget issues, high taxation, high crime, and problems that essentially caused them to relocate.

I believe it is extremely important to build relationships with other legislators including the opposite party leaders. We should also be building relationships with city mayors, law enforcement agencies, and other town leaders. We cannot have this divisive and hatred among partly lines and need to bridge the relationships to better lead for all our citizens. We will have greater success working together than against each other. This is why elections matter and finding better candidates with much needed professional business experience to be elected to public office is important to bring common sense policies for "We the People".

Currently, 37 states have their legislature responsible for drawing the legislative and congressional districts and Arizona should be the same to eliminate any fraud.

I have walked many neighborhoods during the campaign talking with residents. Many of them didn't know who are state representative were due to their inactivity within the community. Yet, they vote for people they don't know or never met. We as leaders should be making an impact within the community by reaching out and offering our services to listen and meet the constituents. Creating a movement where the community feels that they know who we are and that they can reach us anytime to discuss issues or just listen to their needs. We work for them and should be providing public time for town hall meetings or virtual calls to discuss topics and give updates.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.
A scorecard evaluates a legislator’s voting record. Its purpose is to inform voters about the legislator’s political positions. Because scorecards have varying purposes and methodologies, each report should be considered on its own merits. For example, an advocacy group’s scorecard may assess a legislator’s voting record on one issue while a state newspaper’s scorecard may evaluate the voting record in its entirety.

Ballotpedia is in the process of developing an encyclopedic list of published scorecards. Some states have a limited number of available scorecards or scorecards produced only by select groups. It is Ballotpedia’s goal to incorporate all available scorecards regardless of ideology or number.

Click here for an overview of legislative scorecards in all 50 states. To contribute to the list of Arizona scorecards, email suggestions to .

In 2021, the Arizona State Legislature was in session from January 11 to June 30.

Arizona House of Representatives District 3
Arizona House of Representatives District 23
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= candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
= candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
= candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
= candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.

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