ChatGPT-4 Explains SMRT16

ChatGPT-4 Explains SMRT16

Prompt Engineering

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Please provide an overview of the SMRT16 smart contract's purpose and main components.

contract SMRT16 is ERC20, SMRT16Factory, Ownable {

// address of the token contract which is recognized as 'money'

IERC20 _usd;

constructor() ERC20("SMRT16", "S16") {

address usdt = address(0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F);

_usd = IERC20(usdt);

// premint of 16 millions tokens

_mint(msg.sender, 16000000 * 10**decimals());


// Remember all the referrers

mapping(address => address) private _referrers;

// Event about a Referral bonus sent successfully

event Purchased(address indexed account, uint256 indexed amount, address indexed referrer);


* @dev Returns the address of the current usd token contract.


function currency() public view virtual returns (IERC20) {

return _usd;



* @dev Owner can mint


function mint( address account,

uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {

_mint(account, amount);



* @dev function to call to buy S16 Tokens

* use Personal SMRT16 contracts to avoid the need to specify the referrer

* Price is 1:1


function buyFor(address buyer, uint256 amount, address referrer) public {

_setReferrer(buyer, referrer);

_payBonuses(buyer, amount);

_createPersonalContract(buyer, address(this));

_mint(buyer, amount);

emit Purchased(buyer, amount, referrer);



* @dev sets the referrer who will receive the referral bonuses

* @param _referrer - address must have non zero s16 balance


function _setReferrer(address buyer, address _referrer) internal returns (bool) {

// let it set but not change

if(_referrers[buyer]==address(0)) {

// referrer should be already a one who has non-zero balance

if(balanceOf(_referrer)>uint(0)) {

_referrers[buyer] = _referrer;

return true;



return false;



* @dev The function which does the actual referrals payments

* Logic: 1st receives 50%, 2nd - 25%, 3rd - 12.5%, 4th - 6.125%

* Emits Bonuses event, notifiying about bonuses payed


function _payBonuses(address buyer, uint amount) internal {

// Amount of tokens to be sent for the price

// Assume 1:1 rate

// The amount is too small to generate any bonuses (less than 16 Weis)

if(amount<16) return;

address r1 = referrerOf(buyer);

uint r1d8 = _min(amount / 2, balanceOf(r1)/2);

require(_usd.transferFrom(buyer, r1, r1d8), "SMRT16: level 1 referral payment failed");

// fee for the ref payments

_burn(r1, r1d8/16);

address r2 = referrerOf(r1);

uint r2d4 = _min(amount / 4, balanceOf(r2)/4);

require(_usd.transferFrom(buyer, r2, r2d4), "SMRT16: level 2 referral payment failed");

// fee for the ref payments

_burn(r2, r2d4/16);

address r3 = referrerOf(r2);

uint r3d2 = _min(amount / 8, balanceOf(r3)/8);

require(_usd.transferFrom(buyer, r3, r3d2), "SMRT16: level 3 referral payment failed");

// fee for the ref payments

_burn(r3, r3d2/16);

address r4 = referrerOf(r3);

uint r4d1 = _min(amount / 16, balanceOf(r4)/16);

require(_usd.transferFrom(buyer, r4, r4d1), "SMRT16: level 4 referral payment failed");

// fee for the ref payments

_burn(r4, r4d1/16);

// the rest is to the owner

uint rest = amount-r4d1-r3d2-r2d4-r1d8;

_usd.transferFrom(buyer, owner(), rest);



* @dev in the situation of missing referrer

* by default the address of owner will be used.

* @param `account` the address to get referrer of


function referrerOf(address account) public view returns (address) {

if (_referrers[account]==address(0)) {

// cant have no referrer

return owner();


return _referrers[account];



* @dev simple routine function, returns minimum between two given uint256 numbers


function _min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {

if(a>b) return b;

return a;



* @dev impossible operation


function renounceOwnership() public view override onlyOwner {

revert("SMRT16: Can not renounce Ownership");



* @dev transfer the token from address of this contract

* to address of the owner


function withdrawToken(address _tokenContract, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner {

IERC20 tokenContract = IERC20(_tokenContract);

// needs to execute `approve()` on the token contract to allow itself the transfer

tokenContract.approve(address(this), _amount);

tokenContract.transferFrom(address(this), owner(), _amount);


function setCurrency(address _tokenContract) public onlyOwner {

_usd = IERC20(_tokenContract);




The SMRT16 smart contract serves as a token contract for the SMRT16 (S16) token, which is an ERC20 token. The main components of the contract include token minting, referral program, and token withdrawal. Here is a brief overview of its purpose and main components:

  1. Token Initialization and Minting: The contract initializes the SMRT16 token with a symbol (S16) and a name (SMRT16). It also specifies the USDT token as the recognized currency. Upon deployment, the contract mints 16 million tokens and assigns them to the contract deployer. The contract owner can also mint additional tokens as required.
  2. Referral Program: The SMRT16 contract includes a referral program that allows users to earn bonuses based on the referrals they make. Users can set a referrer, who must have a non-zero S16 balance. The referral program consists of 4 levels, with bonuses distributed as follows: 50% for the first level, 25% for the second level, 12.5% for the third level, and 6.125% for the fourth level. The contract also includes a small fee for referral payments, which is paid by burning a portion of the bonus tokens.
  3. Token Purchase: Users can buy S16 tokens by calling the buyFor() function, which sets the referrer, pays referral bonuses, creates a personal contract, and mints the purchased tokens. The price is set at a 1:1 rate with the USDT token.
  4. Token Withdrawal: The contract owner can withdraw any ERC20 token, including the S16 token, from the contract address to their own address.
  5. Ownership: The contract is ownable, meaning it has an owner who can perform certain actions like minting tokens and withdrawing tokens. However, the contract does not allow the owner to renounce ownership.
  6. Currency Management: The contract allows the owner to set the recognized currency (currently USDT) using the setCurrency() function.

Overall, the SMRT16 smart contract provides a token with a referral program, allowing users to earn bonuses based on their referrals, while also enabling the contract owner to manage the token's supply and recognized currency.


Explain the constructor function in the SMRT16 smart contract and how it creates the initial supply of tokens.


The constructor function in the SMRT16 smart contract is responsible for initializing the token and creating the initial supply. The constructor is called when the smart contract is first deployed on the blockchain. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how it works:

  1. The constructor inherits from the ERC20 standard, which means it initializes the token with the given name ("SMRT16") and symbol ("S16"). This is achieved by the line constructor() ERC20("SMRT16", "S16").
  2. The USDT token address is assigned to the _usd variable, establishing USDT as the recognized currency for the smart contract. This is done using the following lines:

Copy codeaddress usdt = address(0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F); _usd = IERC20(usdt); 
  1. The initial supply of tokens is created by minting 16 million SMRT16 tokens and assigning them to the contract deployer (the person deploying the contract). The minting is done using the _mint() function, which takes the deployer's address (msg.sender) and the amount of tokens to be minted (16 million multiplied by 10 raised to the power of the token's decimals). The line responsible for this is:

Copy code_mint(msg.sender, 16000000 * 10**decimals()); 

In summary, the constructor function in the SMRT16 smart contract initializes the token with a name and symbol, sets the recognized currency as USDT, and mints 16 million tokens, assigning them to the deployer of the contract. This process establishes the initial supply of SMRT16 tokens.


Explain the buyFor function in the SMRT16 smart contract and how it utilizes a referral system to distribute bonuses.


The buyFor function in the SMRT16 smart contract allows users to buy S16 tokens while utilizing a referral system to distribute bonuses. The function takes three arguments: the buyer's address, the amount of tokens to be purchased, and the referrer's address. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how the function works:

  1. The function starts by setting the referrer for the buyer using the _setReferrer() function. This function checks if the buyer has a referrer set, and if not, it sets the provided referrer address as the buyer's referrer, given that the referrer has a non-zero S16 balance.
  2. Next, the function calculates and distributes referral bonuses using the _payBonuses() function. This function implements a multi-level referral system with four levels of bonuses:
  3. Level 1: The direct referrer (referrer 1) receives 50% of the bonus.
  4. Level 2: The referrer of referrer 1 (referrer 2) receives 25% of the bonus.
  5. Level 3: The referrer of referrer 2 (referrer 3) receives 12.5% of the bonus.
  6. Level 4: The referrer of referrer 3 (referrer 4) receives 6.125% of the bonus.
  7. The bonuses are paid in the USDT token, and a small fee is deducted from the bonus amount by burning a portion of the bonus tokens (1/16th of the bonus).
  8. The _createPersonalContract() function is called to create a personal contract for the buyer. However, the implementation details of this function are not provided in the provided code snippet.
  9. The _mint() function is called to mint the desired amount of S16 tokens for the buyer.
  10. Finally, an event Purchased is emitted, which includes the buyer's address, the amount of tokens purchased, and the referrer's address. This event can be used by external applications or services to track token purchases and referrals.

In summary, the buyFor function in the SMRT16 smart contract allows users to buy S16 tokens while utilizing a referral system to distribute bonuses. The function sets the referrer, calculates and distributes referral bonuses based on a multi-level referral system, creates a personal contract for the buyer, mints the purchased tokens, and emits an event to track the transaction.


Explain how the _payBonuses function works in the SMRT16 smart contract and how it distributes bonuses across different referral levels.


The _payBonuses() function in the SMRT16 smart contract is responsible for calculating and distributing referral bonuses across different referral levels. It works as follows:

  1. The function takes two arguments, the buyer's address and the amount of tokens being purchased.
  2. It checks if the purchase amount is less than 16. If it is, the function returns early, as the amount is too small to generate any bonuses.
  3. For each referral level (1 to 4), the function retrieves the referrer's address using the referrerOf() function, which returns the referrer's address for a given buyer's address.
  4. For each referral level, the bonus is calculated as a percentage of the purchase amount:
  5. Level 1 (referrer 1): 50% bonus
  6. Level 2 (referrer 2): 25% bonus
  7. Level 3 (referrer 3): 12.5% bonus
  8. Level 4 (referrer 4): 6.125% bonus
  9. However, the bonus amount is capped at a certain percentage of the referrer's S16 balance to prevent exploitation. The _min() function is used to find the minimum value between the calculated bonus and the referrer's allowed bonus based on their balance.
  10. For each referral level, the calculated bonus is transferred to the referrer's address using the transferFrom() function of the USDT token. If the transfer fails, an error message is generated specific to the referral level.
  11. A small fee (1/16th of the bonus) is deducted from each bonus amount by burning the corresponding S16 tokens from the referrer's balance using the _burn() function.
  12. The remaining amount (the purchase amount minus the sum of bonuses distributed to each referral level) is transferred to the contract owner's address.

In summary, the _payBonuses() function in the SMRT16 smart contract calculates and distributes referral bonuses across different referral levels based on a percentage of the purchase amount. It ensures that bonuses are capped based on the referrer's balance, deducts a small fee by burning a portion of the bonus tokens, and transfers the remaining amount to the contract owner's address.


Explain the functions that are specifically designed for the owner.


In the SMRT16 smart contract, there are several functions specifically designed for the owner. These functions can only be executed by the contract owner and provide the ability to manage various aspects of the token and the contract. Here is an overview of these functions:

  1. mint: This function allows the owner to mint new S16 tokens. It takes two arguments: the recipient's address (account) and the amount of tokens to be minted. The _mint() function is then called to create the specified amount of tokens and assign them to the recipient's address.
  2. withdrawToken: This function enables the owner to withdraw any ERC20 token, including the S16 token, from the contract address to their own address. It takes two arguments: the token contract's address (_tokenContract) and the amount of tokens to be withdrawn (_amount). First, the function creates an instance of the IERC20 token contract, then approves the transfer, and finally calls transferFrom() to move the specified amount of tokens from the contract address to the owner's address.
  3. setCurrency: This function allows the owner to change the recognized currency used in the contract. It takes the new token contract's address (_tokenContract) as its argument and sets the _usd variable to the new IERC20 token contract. This function provides the owner with the ability to update the currency used for token purchases and referral bonuses.
  4. renounceOwnership: Although this function is present in the contract, it has been overridden to prevent the owner from renouncing ownership. The function contains a revert() statement with a message stating that ownership cannot be renounced. This ensures that the contract always has an owner who can manage its various aspects.

In summary, the owner-specific functions in the SMRT16 smart contract provide the owner with the ability to mint new tokens, withdraw tokens, and change the recognized currency. Additionally, the contract ensures that ownership cannot be renounced, maintaining the owner's control over the contract's management.

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