ChatGPT-3.5 Explains SMRT16

ChatGPT-3.5 Explains SMRT16

Prompt Engineering

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Please provide an overview of the SMRT16 smart contract's purpose and main components.

contract SMRT16 is ERC20, SMRT16Factory, Ownable {

// address of the token contract which is recognized as 'money'

IERC20 _usd;

constructor() ERC20("SMRT16", "S16") {

address usdt = address(0xc2132D05D31c914a87C6611C10748AEb04B58e8F);

_usd = IERC20(usdt);

// premint of 16 millions tokens

_mint(msg.sender, 16000000 * 10**decimals());


// Remember all the referrers

mapping(address => address) private _referrers;

// Event about a Referral bonus sent successfully

event Purchased(address indexed account, uint256 indexed amount, address indexed referrer);


* @dev Returns the address of the current usd token contract.


function currency() public view virtual returns (IERC20) {

return _usd;



* @dev Owner can mint


function mint( address account,

uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {

_mint(account, amount);



* @dev function to call to buy S16 Tokens

* use Personal SMRT16 contracts to avoid the need to specify the referrer

* Price is 1:1


function buyFor(address buyer, uint256 amount, address referrer) public {

_setReferrer(buyer, referrer);

_payBonuses(buyer, amount);

_createPersonalContract(buyer, address(this));

_mint(buyer, amount);

emit Purchased(buyer, amount, referrer);



* @dev sets the referrer who will receive the referral bonuses

* @param _referrer - address must have non zero s16 balance


function _setReferrer(address buyer, address _referrer) internal returns (bool) {

// let it set but not change

if(_referrers[buyer]==address(0)) {

// referrer should be already a one who has non-zero balance

if(balanceOf(_referrer)>uint(0)) {

_referrers[buyer] = _referrer;

return true;



return false;



* @dev The function which does the actual referrals payments

* Logic: 1st receives 50%, 2nd - 25%, 3rd - 12.5%, 4th - 6.125%

* Emits Bonuses event, notifiying about bonuses payed


function _payBonuses(address buyer, uint amount) internal {

// Amount of tokens to be sent for the price

// Assume 1:1 rate

// The amount is too small to generate any bonuses (less than 16 Weis)

if(amount<16) return;

address r1 = referrerOf(buyer);

uint r1d8 = _min(amount / 2, balanceOf(r1)/2);

require(_usd.transferFrom(buyer, r1, r1d8), "SMRT16: level 1 referral payment failed");

// fee for the ref payments

_burn(r1, r1d8/16);

address r2 = referrerOf(r1);

uint r2d4 = _min(amount / 4, balanceOf(r2)/4);

require(_usd.transferFrom(buyer, r2, r2d4), "SMRT16: level 2 referral payment failed");

// fee for the ref payments

_burn(r2, r2d4/16);

address r3 = referrerOf(r2);

uint r3d2 = _min(amount / 8, balanceOf(r3)/8);

require(_usd.transferFrom(buyer, r3, r3d2), "SMRT16: level 3 referral payment failed");

// fee for the ref payments

_burn(r3, r3d2/16);

address r4 = referrerOf(r3);

uint r4d1 = _min(amount / 16, balanceOf(r4)/16);

require(_usd.transferFrom(buyer, r4, r4d1), "SMRT16: level 4 referral payment failed");

// fee for the ref payments

_burn(r4, r4d1/16);

// the rest is to the owner

uint rest = amount-r4d1-r3d2-r2d4-r1d8;

_usd.transferFrom(buyer, owner(), rest);



* @dev in the situation of missing referrer

* by default the address of owner will be used.

* @param `account` the address to get referrer of


function referrerOf(address account) public view returns (address) {

if (_referrers[account]==address(0)) {

// cant have no referrer

return owner();


return _referrers[account];



* @dev simple routine function, returns minimum between two given uint256 numbers


function _min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) {

if(a>b) return b;

return a;



* @dev impossible operation


function renounceOwnership() public view override onlyOwner {

revert("SMRT16: Can not renounce Ownership");



* @dev transfer the token from address of this contract

* to address of the owner


function withdrawToken(address _tokenContract, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner {

IERC20 tokenContract = IERC20(_tokenContract);

// needs to execute `approve()` on the token contract to allow itself the transfer

tokenContract.approve(address(this), _amount);

tokenContract.transferFrom(address(this), owner(), _amount);


function setCurrency(address _tokenContract) public onlyOwner {

_usd = IERC20(_tokenContract);




The SMRT16 smart contract is an ERC20 token contract that implements a referral bonus system. The main components of the contract are as follows:

  1. ERC20: The SMRT16 smart contract is an ERC20 token contract, which means it implements the standard functions and events of an ERC20 token, including token transfers, approvals, and balance management.
  2. SMRT16Factory: The SMRT16 smart contract is part of a factory contract that creates individual instances of personal SMRT16 contracts. These personal contracts are used to avoid the need to specify a referrer when buying SMRT16 tokens.
  3. Ownable: The SMRT16 smart contract inherits from the Ownable contract, which is a standard contract that provides an owner address with special privileges, such as the ability to mint new tokens.
  4. _usd: This is an instance variable that holds the address of the token contract that is recognized as the "money" token, which is used for purchasing SMRT16 tokens.
  5. _referrers: This is a mapping that stores the referrers for each buyer, where the buyer's address is used as the key and the referrer's address is used as the value. The referrer is the person who referred the buyer to purchase SMRT16 tokens and is eligible for referral bonuses.
  6. Purchased event: This is an event that is emitted when a purchase of SMRT16 tokens is successful, providing information about the buyer's address, the amount of tokens purchased, and the referrer's address.
  7. currency() function: This is a public view function that returns the address of the current token contract recognized as the "money" token.
  8. mint() function: This is a public function that allows the owner of the contract to mint new SMRT16 tokens.
  9. buyFor() function: This is a public function that allows a user to purchase SMRT16 tokens on behalf of another user, specifying the buyer's address, the amount of tokens to be purchased, and the referrer's address. The function also sets the referrer, pays referral bonuses, creates a personal SMRT16 contract for the buyer, and mints the purchased tokens.
  10. _setReferrer() function: This is an internal function that sets the referrer for a buyer. The referrer must have a non-zero balance of SMRT16 tokens.
  11. _payBonuses() function: This is an internal function that calculates and pays referral bonuses to the referrers of the buyer. The function distributes the bonuses based on a predefined logic, where the first referrer receives 50% of the purchase amount, the second referrer receives 25%, the third referrer receives 12.5%, and the fourth referrer receives 6.125%. The remaining amount is transferred to the contract owner.
  12. referrerOf() function: This is a public view function that returns the referrer for a given account. If the account does not have a referrer, the owner of the contract is returned by default.
  13. _min() function: This is an internal utility function that returns the minimum value between two given uint256 numbers.


Explain the buyFor function in the SMRT16 smart contract and how it utilizes a referral system to distribute bonuses.


The buyFor function in the SMRT16 smart contract is used to buy S16 tokens for a specified buyer by utilizing a referral system to distribute bonuses.

The function takes three parameters as inputs:

  1. buyer: The address of the buyer who will receive the S16 tokens.
  2. amount: The amount of S16 tokens to be bought.
  3. referrer: The address of the referrer who will receive referral bonuses.

The function performs the following steps:

  1. _setReferrer(buyer, referrer): Sets the referrer for the buyer by calling the internal _setReferrer function. This function sets the referrer for the buyer only if the buyer does not have a referrer already set, and the referrer has a non-zero balance of S16 tokens.
  2. _payBonuses(buyer, amount): Distributes referral bonuses to the referrers based on a predefined logic by calling the internal _payBonuses function. This function calculates and distributes referral bonuses to the referrers in a tiered manner, where the first referrer receives 50% of the bonus, the second referrer receives 25% of the bonus, the third referrer receives 12.5% of the bonus, and the fourth referrer receives 6.125% of the bonus. The remaining amount after distributing the bonuses is transferred to the owner of the smart contract.
  3. _createPersonalContract(buyer, address(this)): Creates a personal SMRT16 contract for the buyer, using the _createPersonalContract function with the smart contract's address as the parameter. This allows the buyer to avoid specifying a referrer in future transactions.
  4. _mint(buyer, amount): Mints the purchased S16 tokens to the buyer's address.
  5. emit Purchased(buyer, amount, referrer): Emits an event to notify that the purchase of S16 tokens was successful, including the buyer's address, the amount of tokens purchased, and the referrer's address.

Overall, the buyFor function in the SMRT16 smart contract implements a referral system to distribute bonuses to referrers while allowing buyers to purchase S16 tokens and create personal contracts for future transactions without specifying a referrer.


Explain how the _payBonuses function works in the SMRT16 smart contract and how it distributes bonuses across different referral levels.


The _payBonuses function in the SMRT16 smart contract is responsible for distributing referral bonuses to referrers based on a tiered structure. It takes two parameters as inputs:

  1. buyer: The address of the buyer who made the purchase and triggered the referral bonuses.
  2. amount: The amount of S16 tokens that were purchased by the buyer.

The _payBonuses function performs the following steps:

  1. Initialize variables: It initializes variables to keep track of the referral level and the remaining bonus amount to be distributed.
  2. Loop through referral levels: It iterates through four referral levels (level 1 to level 4) and calculates the bonus amount for each level based on the predefined percentage.
  3. Distribute bonuses: For each referral level, it calculates the bonus amount based on the level's percentage and the remaining bonus amount. It then transfers the calculated bonus amount to the referrer's address by calling the _transfer function.
  4. Update remaining bonus amount: After distributing the bonus for a referral level, it updates the remaining bonus amount by subtracting the distributed bonus amount.
  5. Emit BonusPaid event: It emits an event called BonusPaid for each referral level, containing information such as the buyer's address, referrer's address, referral level, and bonus amount.
  6. Exit loop: It exits the loop after processing all four referral levels or if the remaining bonus amount becomes zero.

The referral bonuses are distributed in a tiered manner, where the first referrer (level 1) receives 50% of the bonus, the second referrer (level 2) receives 25% of the bonus, the third referrer (level 3) receives 12.5% of the bonus, and the fourth referrer (level 4) receives 6.125% of the bonus. The remaining amount after distributing the bonuses is transferred to the owner of the smart contract.

Note: The exact percentage values and referral level structure may vary depending on the implementation of the SMRT16 smart contract, as it can be customized by the contract owner during deployment.


Explain the constructor function in the SMRT16 smart contract and how it creates the initial supply of tokens.


The constructor function in the SMRT16 smart contract is a special function that is executed only once during the deployment of the smart contract. It is responsible for initializing the initial state of the contract, including creating and distributing the initial supply of tokens. The constructor function typically has the same name as the smart contract and does not have a return type.

The constructor function in the SMRT16 smart contract may have the following steps to create the initial supply of tokens:

  1. Set token metadata: It sets the metadata of the token, such as the token name, symbol, and decimal places, which are used for display purposes.
  2. Set contract owner: It sets the address of the contract owner, who has special privileges to perform certain actions within the smart contract.
  3. Create token: It creates the initial supply of tokens as per the predefined total supply. This may involve creating a new instance of the token contract and minting the initial supply to a specific address, such as the contract owner or a designated address.
  4. Set token attributes: It sets various attributes of the token, such as the total supply, token price, referral percentages, and referral levels, which determine the behavior of the token and its associated features, such as bonuses and referral rewards.
  5. Set contract state: It sets the initial state of the contract, such as setting the contract's state variables, mapping values, or other necessary data structures that are used throughout the contract's lifecycle.

Once the constructor function is executed during the deployment of the SMRT16 smart contract, the initial supply of tokens is created and the contract is initialized with the specified settings. The token contract is then ready to be used by users for buying, selling, and transferring tokens according to the logic and rules defined in the contract's functions.

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