Chat with Stegon!

Chat with Stegon!


-> 🇮🇹 ITALIAN <-


I work as a technician (for now), so if you have any problem with your smartphone, pc or console, or you want to find a product that can satisfy you, I will be here to help you. My hobbies are playing video games, watching movies and playing games with PCs, consoles and smartphones. As operating systems on PC use MXLinux (based on AntiX, in turn based on Debian) and Windows 10.


1️⃣ Behind this chat, there is a person and not a bot, so do not expect like StrangerBot.

2️⃣ I like to talk with polite people, so no insults or offenses.

3️⃣ If your account is limited (click here), then to contact me use StegoxBot.

-> 👤 STEGON98 <- || -> 🤖 STEGOXBOT <-

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