Chastity Girlfriend

Chastity Girlfriend


Chastity Girlfriend
How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing Your Soul
Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves
How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing Your Soul
Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves




© 2022 Chastity Project | Designed by Fuzati
Listen as Jason interviews special guests and delivers straight answers to tough questions submitted by the listeners on dating, singleness, marriage, and sexuality.




© 2022 Chastity Project | Designed by Fuzati


Do you know what’s funny about dressing modestly? It is the hardest thing to start, yet then becomes impossible to stop.
My journey with modesty has happened in stages, prompted by questions that I continued to ask myself. These questions came from an internal battle between wanting to fit in and be seen as attractive on the outside, and wanting to find love and be seen as beautiful for who I am on the inside.
One key moment within this journey occurred while lying at a pool sun tanning in my new bikini. I began to simply observe the scene that I was immersed in. Women of all shapes and sizes were walking around or lying out like me in bikinis. I noticed some girls walk by with their arms draped across their stomachs—an insecurity that I immediately related with despite my athletic build. Other young women strutted confidently along the pool edge looking as if they had just stepped off of a runway. It was easy to track the eyes of the men around them as they walked by.
Whether the women walked confidently, or insecurely, or somewhere in between, one thing struck me about each of them. Not once in my observations that day had I asked myself “I wonder what is on her heart today” or “I wonder what her personality is like” or “I wonder what she dreams of doing some day.” Not once. All of my thoughts had been directed towards her swimsuit or her body. As a woman, that may just mean I am wondering where she got her suit or comparing my body to her body, but imagine what that is like for a man! It is hard to look at a woman barely wearing clothes and seek the beauty of her heart when it is the beauty of her body that she is broadcasting, and maybe even hiding behind.
So there I was, realizing all of this and yet laying there in a bikini myself. I knew that if I did catch the eye of a man, which I often thought I wanted, it would never be for any other reason than my body. I mean, how could it? He wouldn’t know me. Something about that left me with an empty feeling. Even just in relation to other women, I realized that a lack of clothing leaves us vulnerable to hurtful comparisons between each other in a world so focused on looks.
As I continued to glance around the pool, my eyes stopped on a beautiful young woman in a one-piece. It was easily noticeable because of the rarity of it. She had a child with her and her husband sat and laughed beside her as they talked.
I was mesmerized. For whatever reason, it was in this little family that I discovered one fundamental truth about modesty that I had been missing:
You do not veil yourself because you believe you are ugly, you veil yourself because you know that you are beautiful.
For so long I believed that a one-piece or tankini showed the world that I thought my body was ugly and I needed to hide it. So, I stayed away from them at all costs to avoid judgment.
However, modesty is not about hiding faults, it is about veiling beauty . In veiling her beauty, this young mother allowed me to notice other things about her—her smile, her adorable family, her nurturing heart…and this was all from afar!
Modesty veils physical beauty in a world obsessed with it, in order to reveal the inner beauty that is often overlooked. It prevents lust, harmful comparisons, and insecurity and gives rise to confidence and a greater capacity to love yourself and others by recognizing your own worth without needing the affirmation of each person that sees you.
For me, bikinis were just the start. It is hard to turn back once you discover the freedom modesty brings.
Wherever you are at in this journey ask yourself this: What beauty am I revealing to the world, and is it leading me to the love my heart yearns for? But beware! You may be starting down a path of no return.
Kaylin Koslosky is finishing up her final year at Colorado State University, where she is pursuing her love for science and secondary education. She is a member of Chi Omega, a FOCUS student missionary, and a Biblestudy and retreat leader for RamCatholic. She loves hiking and being outdoors, and is passionate about sharing the beauty of Christ and this world with others. She is currently working to publish her first book with her best friend Megan Finegan as a way of spreading a much-needed message of love to her female peers.

▶ Femme name: Alana Grant ▶ Location: Peru ▶ How long you have been crossdressing ...
▶ Femme Name: Kristy ▶ Location: Louisville, Kentucky. ▶ How long you have been crossdressing : ...
Charming crossdresser  Sylvia Greene shares with us her 5 most favorite outfits & style ideas. Outfit ...
▶ Femme name: Cindy ▶ Location: Canada ▶ How long you have been crossdressing : ...

Being a Girl for a Day with My Girlfriend

My name is Jerry and I’m 24 years old. Since I was a kid, I have been fascinated by feminine clothes. I used to admire my sister’s clothes and eventually got into crossdressing by wearing her outfits in secret. As time moved on, I tried resisting the urge to dress up as I didn’t have a lot of personal space inside my house.
And for a while, I stopped crossdressing. After few years, I got into a relationship with an amazing girl, Amanda. She was a beautiful & smart lady. We brought an apartment together and started living together. Things were really going great.
Amanda has a job at the pharmacy and I work as a freelancer. I spend a lot of time inside the apartment and there is a lot of Amanda’s clothes lying around. She has so many cute & hot outfits and I frequently wonder how those outfits would look on me.

One day, I woke up quite late because I was up all night working on a client’s project. I got into the shower and took a nice bath. When I came out of the shower, I noticed Amanda’s bra and panties lying in the hanger. Amanda had already left for work. The temptation was so strong and I couldn’t resist the urge to put on her bra and panties. My whole body shivered with excitement when I put them on.
It felt so wonderful to get in touch with my feminine side again. I walked around the apartment and spend almost 2 hours taking photos and looking at myself in the mirror. After that moment, I began to wear Amanda’s outfit more frequently but in total secret.
I would dive into her lingerie cabinet when she was at work and try on her latest lingerie. I would at most occasion get so indulged in dressing up that I  forgot about time. I almost got caught two times and it was quite scary.
I thought about telling Amanda my crossdressing secret many times but I was really afraid she might break up with me after knowing. I decided not to tell her and see if my desire to crossdress fade out.
My interest in women’s lingerie grew bigger instead. I loved the feeling of wearing my girlfriend’s undies & her cute dresses, walking around the apartment and taking tons of photos & videos of myself.

One day, Amanda was away at work and I felt like checking her wardrobe to find something nice to wear. I picked a black mini dress and one of her sheer pantyhose. As I was pulling the pantyhose up through my legs, it suddenly ripped from the left side. My heart began to race and I got very nervous thinking Amanda would find out.
I undressed quickly and put the stuffs back in her closet. A few days passed and she didn’t mention anything about that, so I thought she must have missed it.
After few weeks, I decided to try on some of Amanda’s lingerie again. I picked out a red one from her closet and put them on. I walked around the room and couldn’t stop admiring myself in the mirror. As I was fantasizing about what to do next, I suddenly heard the front door open.
I froze with horror and couldn’t think about of what I should do next. It was Amanda, she was home early. She called out my name a few times but I was just too numb to respond. I decided to rush to the toilet and hide there. Amanda walked up into the bed room and called me again.

“Jerry, come out. We need to talk! I know you have been wearing my clothes.” Amanda said out loud.
My heart was pounding. How did she know about it, I wondered. I was really busted this time.  I came out the toilet and Amanda had bit of a shock seeing me in her lingerie. I felt so embarrassed that I couldn’t even look at Amanda and explain.
“I knew something was up. After I started to notice my outfits & closet feeling a little strange, I decided to install a hidden cam to inspect. I thought you were bringing a girl in the apartment and cheating on me. But I have to tell you, I was quite surprised by what I found out instead and I think you know all about it.” She spoke glancing at me.
” I am so sorry Amanda, I wanted to tell you about this before but I never got the courage.” I replied, feeling quite guilty.
“Let me show you something. I am sure this will be very interesting for you.” She said while taking out her mobile.
Then she played a video. I was stunned, it was a video of me going through her stuffs and trying on her outfits & stuffs.

” I have a lot of videos like this that the camera managed to record. You have been really naughty, going through my stuffs without my permission. I am pretty mad but I was quite surprised that you like wearing my clothes.” Amanda said.
” I won’t do it again. Please forgive me for not telling you. I am really sorry Amanda. I hope you will give me second chance.” I pleaded.
” Yes, I will give you a second chance. I have made a perfect plan.” She said looking quite serious.
” I will do anything, just forgive me.” I replied.
” Fine, tomorrow you will spend a whole day as a girl with me. You will do everything that I tell you to do. You will be my girlfriend for a day. We will even go out shopping. Do you understand? .” Amanda said.<
I knew there was no chance of convincing her now so I nodded. Lot of emotion going through my head.
Next day, we woke up and Amanda gave me a full makeover after breakfast. First, she made me wear her padded bra and lace panty. Then, she took out a white top, black mini skirt and black sheer pantyhose. I put them on, feeling quite awkward in-front of Amanda. She was smiling the whole time.
After I got dressed, she combed my hair, then added some hair extensions and tied it back. Then she applied makeup on my face and painted my nails too. I felt quite nervous but equally excited.
Amanda, brought out some of her heels and told me to put them on. After trying out a few pairs, a black pair of heels really matched my size. She then told me to walk around in those heels. She probably wanted to check if I could walk in heels properly or not.

She gave me a few lessons about how to present myself as a girl. After some moments of practicing, she told me that we were going to the mall and do some shopping.
I hesitated but she wasn’t talking no for an answer. She persuaded me to get into the car and go to the mall. My heart was racing the whole time and I felt shy & nervous about my new appearance.
Luckily, when we reached the mall, it seemed less crowded. But I was really too scared to step outside. Finally, after quite a discussion, Amanda convinced me to step out of the car.
Then we went inside the mall, my heart racing faster with every step I took. It felt like everyone was just staring at me. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I held Amanda close to me the whole time and she seemed to enjoy seeing me like that.
I didn’t speak the whole time while shopping, fearing people might point out that I wasn’t a girl actually. I just followed Amanda around like a needy child. After visiting a few shops, I begged to go back.
She finally agreed and we drove back home. When we reached the apartment, I was so relieved. My feet were killing me after wearing heels for a whole afternoon. It was a crazy experience that I couldn’t believe happened with me.
Amanda accepted my crossdressing later and now lets me crossdress inside the apartment. Sometimes, we go out with me dressed as her girlfriend and its always so exciting when that happens.
I would love someone to feminize me and take me out shopping I love wearing ladies clothing at home in Mansfield Nottinghamshire England
I would love to have a girlfriend like Amanda. I don’t think I could pass being a woman.
‘I love wearing a dress around the house only I AM 70 But look younger I am thin built with thin arms and legs NOT VERY STRONG So I AM SURE THERE IS LOTS OF WOMEN STRONGER THEN ME. I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THIN But average height I DID GO TO A PHOTO STUDIO A FEW TIMES IN PRETTY DRESSES AND HAD THE MAKE UP GIRLS DO ME UP WHICH THEY ENJOYED I WEAR A SIZE 12
they told me I can pass as a average size girl with the right make up wigs because of my smaller size. and told me there is nothing wrong with wearing women clothes around the house if skirts or dresses ever get on the market for men I will be one of the first to wear them . its not right only women get to wear them especially because there is so many strong girls out there stronger then men ..
I wish you live next to me. Are with me
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My life in sex: the man who wears a chastity device
‘The inability to get an erection gave me room to focus on other things.’ Illustration: Lo Cole
My life in sex: the insatiable husband
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‘Rather than feeling sexually repressed, it’s given me a kind of freedom’
I started wearing a male chastity device out of curiosity, after reading about other people’s experiences online. I was single, lived on my own and worked from home, so thought: why not place an order by post?
Although they come in a multitude of sizes, colours and materials, all are designed to prevent the wearer from getting an erection. They generally consist of three pieces: a ring that sits behind the testicles; a cage that fits tightly around the flaccid penis; and a lock to hold the two other components together.
I began wearing the device all day, and found that the inability to get an erection gave me room to focus on other things. Rather than feeling sexually repressed, I felt a kind of freedom. I could concentrate more on work and I felt more in touch with the world in general.
I have since met a loving partner who, to my delight, enjoys the idea of “locking her man up”. Wearing it during sex has made me a more attentive lover.
So far we have a fairly amateur approach; I’m in chastity for a few hours at most, whereas some people remain locked away for weeks or even months. But we recently purchased a more lightweight device that I can wear to go out, without the telltale bulge. This has added an extra layer of excitement to our relationship.
Each week, a reader tells us about their sex life. Want to share yours? Email . All submissions are published anonymously, and subject to our terms and conditions .

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