Chastity Footjob

Chastity Footjob


Chastity Footjob

It started when I found an ad from a Dominant Female on the Internet. She was
seeking full-time live in slaves. The prospective slave would have to sign an agreement
becoming her total property. If accepted, the slave would not have to work but would live in
her home 24/7 under her total control.

This was exactly what I was seeking. Or, at least it sounded like it. I immediately
responded to the email address given and expressed my willingness. I begged the Mistress
to tell me how to proceed. She sent back a brief questionnaire for me to fill out. It only
took a few minutes, and included things like age, height, weight, etc I also told her about my
Prince Albert piercing and gave details as to it's size. It also asked for the earliest date
that I could report. I named a date that was only a few days off. I assumed that this would
be just a visit to determine compatibility and I would be able to return home to wrap up the
details of my life.

On the day in question, I flew to a distant city. I had been instructed to travel light,
with no luggage. I was to wear only a pair of pants with nothing on under it, a shirt, shoes
without socks, and to carry only my ticket, identification, and as much cash as I could. I
was told that a person holding a sign with my first name would meet me at the gate. As I
entered the terminal area, a strange man was holding the sign. He handed me an envelope
and rushed off. Surprised, I opened the envelope to find instructions from my Mistress. I
was to ride the shuttle to the parking lot and in a particular section I would find a large van.
I was given the color and license number of the van. I was to let myself in the side door of
the van and look for another note. The instructions said to hurry or Mistress would be very

After a short ride from the terminal, I exited the shuttle. It didn't take long to
find the van. The windows were all covered with curtains. I looked in through the front
window and saw that the cab area of the van was separated from the back by a hanging
curtain as well. I opened the side door and found that a good part of the back of the van
was filled with a steel cage. There was room ahead of the cage for the door to swing open,
and an unlocked padlock hung from the hasp on the door. I also spotted a white envelope
taped to the bars inside the cage. I quickly entered the van and the cage and read the note.
It said that if I wished to proceed I should remove ALL of my clothing and lock myself in
the cage with the padlock. Again I was admonished to hurry.

Eagerly, I complied as quickly as possible. Once the padlock clicked shut, I knew
there was no backing out.

In less than a minute the drivers door to the van opened and I heard someone get in.
A female voice said: "I am your Mistress Kassandra. When you locked the cage, you sealed
your fate. Your email said that you wanted to be my slave. Well, now you are. I accept you
officially into my service. The only keys to the lock on your cage are at my home, so that's
where we're going. I could not release you here even if I wanted to. However, I want you to
do a couple of things for me before we start our journey. I am going to slide a steel collar
under the curtain. To lock it around your neck you need only put it in place and push inward.
I am ordering you to do this. You will be punished severely for failure to comply, or even
hesitating. You have ten seconds."

I had no choice, of course. As soon as the collar slid into view under the curtain,
I locked it around my neck. It was wide... perhaps 2 Β¬ inches. And it was very heavy. I knew
it would not be coming off in the absence of the key or some very good tools.

Again, the female voice spoke: "Very good slave. If you comply with this next order
as well, I shall reward you by allowing you to see your owner. Do you have any experience at
applying handcuffs?"

"Good," came the reply. "You are to lock these cuffs onto your wrists with your
hands behind your back." And immediately a set of regulation police handcuffs was slid
under the curtain. I grabbed them and locked one onto my right wrist first. Then, I put my
hands behind my back and fumbled a bit, but managed to lock the other cuff onto my left
wrist in a reasonably short time. I felt totally helpless.

The curtain slid aside. It was hard to see well with the light coming from behind my
Mistress, but she appeared to be about ten years my junior, had long dark hair, a trim
figure with large breasts, and a very stern face. For about ten seconds we looked at each
other, and then she said:

"Turn around, I'm going to place this blindfold over your eyes." She did so, and then
the curtain was closed and I heard the van start up.

For the first time I noticed that the bottom of the cage was a solid steel plate and
was becoming quite uncomfortable. With the handcuffs on, it was impossible to find a
comfortable position. I didn't think that I was going to get much rest on the trip. I had no
idea where we were going, or how long it was going to take.

After some city driving, it felt like we must be on a freeway. The fairly high steady
speed was maintained for what seemed like four or five hours. I was really panicked. Here I
was, naked in handcuffs, a heavy metal collar locked around my neck, a blindfold covering my
eyes, and I was in an escape proof cage. A woman I didn't know was taking me somewhere. By
now I had no idea what State we were even in.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up as the side door of the van was opened.
The van was stopped. Again my Mistress spoke:

"We have arrived. I'm going to move you to a cell now, and I don't expect any
difficulties. If you give me any problems your punishment will be very severe, I promise

With that, I heard the padlock being unlocked and the cage door opened.

"Crawl out of that cage, slave. Slide feet first onto the floor. " I complied and felt
myself standing on smooth concrete. Since I felt no breeze I assume we were in a garage or
parking area of some kind. I felt a thin cord being tied around my ball sack. And then a
sharp tug on my balls told me I was to walk forward.

Without a word being spoken I was led forward about ten feet.

"There is a flight of stairs about two steps in front of you, slave. It's twelve steps
down." And then there was another tug on my leash. I managed to make it down the stairs
and I was pulled forward. We moved some fifteen or twenty feet and she told me to stop. I
did, of course. I was quite helpless with my hands cuffed behind my back and a blindfold
tightly over my eyes. I heard the sound of a rather massive door being swung open, and we
moved a few feet forward. Then I heard the door being closed and we moved forward again.
It felt like the surface we were walking on was sloped gently downward. The air was still and
warm so I was sure that we were inside. But, we walked and walked. It felt like some 75 to
100 yards.

"We're outside your cell now, slave. I need to unlock two doors, so just stand
perfectly still." With that, I heard keys in a lock and a door swinging open. It had the
sound of a heavy wooden door. I heard her footsteps retreat inside. And then the sound of
another key entering a lock. It sounded like metal on metal. Then I heard another door
opening... definitely steel or some other sturdy metal.

Another tug on my leash, and I was led inside. I felt my shoulder brush the side of
what was undoubtedly the entrance to my cell. She told me to stop and hold very still. I was
powerless to resist and obeyed immediately. I felt her lock something to my collar. She then
gently pushed me backwards until I suddenly bumped against a wall. It had the unmistakable
feel of a jail or prison cell with solid bars. I felt a slight tug on my collar and heard another
padlock snap shut. I tried to move and found that I was locked against the wall of the cell
by my collar.

Suddenly the blindfold was removed. The light was blinding and it was a few
moments before I could see. When my eyes finally adjusted, I realized that I was inside a
very sturdy cell. It was approximately 10 feet by 10 feet, and was centered inside a room
that was about 30 feet by 30 feet. All four walls of the cell were typical prison cell barred
affairs. The cell was about nine feet high, and had a barred top. There was an open space
above the cell, as the ceiling of the room proper was about 18 feet high.

"I'm going to leave you for a while, slave. I need to rest from our trip. Enjoy the
view, because when I return you're going to be hooded and sightless for quite some time."

With that, my new Mistress exited and locked the cell and swung the massive door
shut behind her. She locked it with a big key and exited the room, shutting the heavy
wooden door behind her. I heard the door locked from the outside and the sound of
footsteps retreating.

And then silence. Complete, utter silence. I was left standing against the back wall
of the cell. Hands still cuffed behind my back. The heavy collar was locked to a bar of the
cell by a short chain. I was forced to remain standing... at least until someone came to my
assistance. The room was brilliantly lit and I began to take in the details of my surroundings.
My cell was completely empty. There was no furniture of any kind. The floor was solid
concrete, and all four of the walls seemed to be set right into the concrete. The outer walls
of the room were also solid concrete. There was only one door and it was a massive wooden
affair. The hinges and lock were on the outside and the inside of the door had no handles or
hardware of any kind.

There were devices of all kinds hanging on hooks on the concrete walls. Whips,
canes, paddles, and other instruments of flagellation. There were restraints of every
description. Some devices I recognized, and many I didn't. One wall had a series of hooks to
which aircraft cables were fastened. Each one led straight upward to a pulley at the top of
the wall, through the pulley and along the ceiling to another pulley, above the cell. The
cables proceeded through their respective pulleys and at the end were heavy metal rings
from which were hanging more "toys." Some had keys. Others had leather or steel
restraints. Obviously, a person standing by the wall could release a rope and lower any of
these things into the cell. The outer walls and the ceiling were well out of reach of anyone
locked in the cell.

In all four corners of the room, small television cameras were located. They were all
trained on the cell and I realized that I could be monitored at any time. In fact, the
cameras occasionally panned back and forth and zoomed in and out. I had no idea if someone
was remotely controlling this or if it was an automated system, going through a series of
programmed actions.

I saw a length of chain coiled in one corner of the cell. It was very heavy; probably
logging chain. One end was set into the concrete floor of the cell, and the other end was
welded to a sturdy ankle shackle.

Time passed slowly. I was absolutely terrified. Clearly there was no escape for me. I
had no idea if I was still going to be tested and then released, or if I was really a total slave
already with my old life behind me. After what seemed like an hour or two, the lights
suddenly went out and I was alone and helpless in darkness.

It was impossible to keep track of time and it seemed like an eternity passed. I was
getting very sore from being restrained in just this standing position. I couldn't sleep and
was dead tired. And, I was still absolutely terrified of what was to come. With no warning
of any kind the lights came back on.

A few minutes passed and then I heard the outer door being unlocked. The door
swung open and my Mistress entered the room. She stayed close to the outer wall but
walked well into the light. She was absolutely breathtaking! Clad head to toe in tight fitting
black leather, she had a tiny waist, large breasts, great legs, and long black hair that hung
down to her waist. Her face was gorgeous in a very austere way.

"Are you frightened, slave?" She asked. I told her that I was very frightened and
she laughed. "That's good, my slave. You should be. It is my intention to be very cruel to you,
and it's time to get started." With that she approached the cables, and lowered one of the
rings into my cell. I saw that I had been positioned exactly under the ring. As it reached the
level of the top of the cell, I saw that a single key was fastened to the ring. It appeared to
be a handcuff key.

"Before we proceed, slave, understand that the key to your cell door is hanging from
a hook out in the corridor. There is no way for you to reach it from your cell, so attempting
to grab me through the bars would be absolutely pointless. Attempting that will earn you a
punishment beyond your wildest imagining." With that, she lowered the ring with the key
into my hands. "Unlock your handcuffs, slave," she said.

I tried and it was almost impossible. I couldn't see the keyhole, and my hands were
aching from the long hours of being cuffed. She just laughed and watched as I continued to
fumble. Finally I felt the key enter a keyhole. I turned it and nothing happened. Was this
some kind of cruel joke? Then I tried turning it the other way and suddenly one of the
cuffs slid open. For the first time in many hours, I could bring my hands in front of me.

"Leave the other cuff locked on your wrist, slave," she said as she pulled the cable
to raise the key back to the ceiling, well beyond my reach. She secured the first rope and
released a second one. She lowered a new key down into my reach.

"Unlock the padlock, slave." I slipped the key into the padlock and turned it, and the
chain that fastened my collar to the bars was freed. She immediately raised that key back
to the ceiling, like the first.

She then released another rope and lowered one of the large rings into the cell. It
was just about dead center in the cell, in both directions. This ring had nothing on it and was
about a foot in diameter. She lowered it until it was about six feet off the floor.

"Walk to the middle of the cell, slave, and put the empty handcuff through the ring.
Then lock it back on your hand."

I did as I was instructed, even though I had been desperately hoping for an
opportunity to either sit or lie down and rest some. She immediately pulled on the rope,
stretching me upwards. She had me stand on my tiptoes and she pulled the rope as taut as
possible and tied it off. Now I was strung up with my hands way above my head, and just my
toes and the balls of my feet touching the concrete.

She removed a small walkie-talkie unit from a holder on one wall and pressed a key
and said, simply: "We're ready." With that she walked out the door and immediately
returned with what I presumed was the key to the cell. She unlocked the door, and left the
room. She returned without the key and walked back into the room. From one wall she took a
spreader bar which was about three feet long. She fastened the ankle cuff at one end
around my left ankle.

"Spread em, slave," she ordered in a strict, no-nonsense tone. I separated my feet
as much as I could, and she fastened the other cuff around my right ankle. Now just the
tips of my toes were resting on the floor, and my wrists were taking most of my weight.

"And now, slave, we have a few additions to make to your wardrobe," she said. She
left the cell and removed a leather hood from one wall. She stepped inside and began to pull
it down over my head. Before my eyes were covered, I saw that around the bottom of the
hood were a series of heavy D-rings. These corresponded to a series of matching D rings on
the heavy steel collar. There were no eyeholes in the hood, but there was a zipper over the
mouth and several small air holes over each nostril. When she had the hood in place she
went and got six sturdy padlocks. Returning, she locked the bottom of the hood to the collar
with the six locks. No way was I going to be able to remove it, even if my hands were free.

Suddenly my Mistress' voice was shouting in my ears: "Welcome to total slavery.
Your hood contains wireless earphones and I'm speaking into a microphone. I can also play a
recorded message, or white noise if I wish, slave." Because the earpieces were pushed
firmly against my ears by the hood, and because of the loud volume, it seemed like she was
right inside my head. I had no idea what evil plans she had for using this equipment. But, I
knew that her power over me was absolute.

I heard a click that I assumed must be the microphone being turned off. Faintly, I
heard what sounded like a second voice... a male one. A two-way conversation ensued, but I
could not make out what they were saying. Suddenly I felt the cuff on my right ankle being
pushed upward, and a second, very hard and cold cuff put on beneath it. I didn't know it, but
this was the ankle cuff that was welded to the steel chain I had seen laying on the floor in
one corner of the cell. The male voice was one of Mistress' trusted slaves and he had
brought welding equipment with him. Suddenly my ankle was on fire! It was incredibly
painful, and I had no idea what was happening. The slave had welded the ankle cuff closed
around my ankle. I screamed in agony, and in fear. It would take weeks for the burns to
heal, but as I was to discover, all I had was time. In time the pain and my screams subsided.

Suddenly the voice of my Mistress was screaming inside my head again. "We have
just made sure that you will not escape, slave. And now, we have one last little addition to
make to your attire." Again, the sound clicked off and for a few moments I hung in space,
not knowing what to expect next.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my genitals. Again, my terror was beyond reason. For all I
knew I was going to be castrated. I felt and heard a sharp noise from the ring in my Prince
Albert piercing. I didn't know it, but it had just been cut with a heavy pair of bolt cutters.
It was then spread apart and I felt it removed from it's piercing. Then, I felt a ring being
slid up over my cock and balls, and a noose was placed about the head of my circumcised
cock. It was pulled into a steel tube and suddenly I was screaming my head off again. The
tube was lined with sharp little spikes! When I was all the way inside, I could feel the head
of my penis was in the open air. I felt something being threaded through my P.A. piercing
and then I heard or maybe felt the sharp sound of a lock being locked. I then felt a tug on
the ring and heard or felt the sound of a second lock. I realized that the evil instrument
had been locked in place.

I had experienced a Kali's Teeth Bracelet before, as part of a daylong play session
with a professional dominant. I knew that even the slightest tendency to get an erection
would be immediately punished by the steel spikes. When an erection started, the pain was
incredible! And it automatically caused the erection to subside. The only way to avoid the
heavy pain was to avoid any sexual thoughts of any kind. I knew that my Mistress Kassandra
was serious about denying me any sexual pleasure.

"And now slave, you deserve a rest," the voice of my Mistress screamed i
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