Chastity Fiction Stories

Chastity Fiction Stories


Chastity Fiction Stories
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66 pages Completed June 1, 2014 K 
Kalina told her mom she was a lesbian when she was sixteen. And really, that didn't go over well. Now she's being forced to go to church where she meets the daughter of the priest- Chastity, who isn't exactly who she appears to be.
GxG story, don't judge. Also, I mean no offense to a...
26 pages December 15, 2015 Beautifully Painful 
Chastity always knew she was a bit... different, but when she meets a girl named Drew while on an exchange student trip, she knows it isn't just a phase. But will Drew make her feel sane? Or the complete opposite? Follow Chastity and Drew's thoughts as they battle their way through this whor...
3 pages January 14, 2013 Kitten 
Darian and Chastity are two twins sold to Kol and Klaus Mikealson. What happens when Darian runs away? What happen when Chastity is the one to blame? Read 'Just a Plaything.' By Kitten to find out.
2 pages Completed December 26, 2014 Seji 
At a young age I was taught the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility. I would live by these Seven rules my parents established, not by choice, but force. I didn't have a choice weather I was to follow them or not, it was either follow...
6 pages July 8, 2011 Sugar Rush 
Chastity woke up one morning to find she was the only one left on earth, everyone else just...vanished, time to throw a party, but who or what made everyone dissapear, and what's up with this figure that keeps following her.
70 pages July 23, 2014 Novelicious 
A new pop band is on the road to fame. and in the showbiz its all about the publicity. So what happens when Chastity Ericht, an aspiring writer/ director is offered a job to role play with one of the band members?
Meet Chastity Ericht, a student at London school of literature and arts, who is offer...
6 pages July 9, 2012 lollipopsandfairies 
Chastity Brooks goes to Maryland Highschool with her two best friends,she went there her whole life! No one noticed her, so what happens when she catches the eye of the captain of the football team?
Chastity, just wanted to be normal. She wanted to stay clear from Drama and hide from her brothers popularity, but it just made everyone like her more. She was different, she liked skating on boards and eating cheese steaks. So when her moms fiancé invited her to dinner and she sets foot in the rest...
3 pages December 2, 2012 Miriam 
13 years have passed since Blaire's transformation and Chastity is now sixteen. Will Blaire keep her promise or will she break it?
10 pages August 26, 2013 Forever Yours 
Chastity had been a vampire, living it up in the nightlife off New York City. That is until her creator comes back vowing to end her immortal days. Will Chastity be able to outsmart a powerful creature of the night, or will he leave her in a pile of dust? Literally.
Chastity didn't want to be anywhere near Finley Weste. She was perfectly content without having any relations to the school's biggest player. When summer begins and she makes a bet with Finley putting her in an unnecessary relationship, she realizes that Finley knows what he's doing and ...

This is a collection of Chastity related texts and fiction
that are not strictly male or female oriented. If you wish to add
new material, please write me a message.

Page last updated 2014-April-19 by:

Copyright 2009 - All rights
I sat down on the sofa, but immediately tumbled over on my
back, as I could not sit with my corset and the belt, not to forget that stupid
skirt. This blocked all sight of my feet, so I could not see the ‘Rancho’ boots,
before they were put on my feet.
‘Rancho Style’??? I had read that name before, but at the
moment I could hardly think. How can a girl think, when she can hardly breathe?
How can a girl think, when a flimsy little piece of stretchy fabric is rubbing
her to madness, and she can not get her fingers at it, stopped by a ridiculous
big skirt, by an unyielding belt of steel??
It seemed to be hard work to get these boots on my feet. I
noticed, I had to stretch my feet as much as possible, which indicated these
boots had some high heels, maybe even very high heels. Okay, this wasn’t
completely new to me, although I had never worn any heels larger than four
“Ouch! Be careful… that hurts, Mom!” 
“Oh, I'm sorry. I must say, these are the funniest boots
I’ve ever seen… didn’t even know such things existed. Good Dad had a look at all
these sites on your notebook…” 
All these sites? What was she referring to? And what
did she mean with ‘such things’? I could now feel the shafts of the boots going
to mid-calf, and I also noticed, I could hardly bend my ankle any more. My feet
were kept in the stretched position, just downward, and I did not have to bend
at my toes. Furthermore, these boots had quite some weight; they felt like heavy
logs on my poor feet. 
“Done!” mother said, panting a little. “I wonder, how you
can walk in these things; I couldn’t even stand in them. Now let us get you up!”
She grabbed my hand and, for some reason, I suddenly did not want to play this
game any longer. I cannot say, what it was, I just felt something was totally
wrong with this Goth Halloween costume.
I still could not see my feet, due to the big black
petticoat. Carefully I put my feet on the ground… this was odd… no, I did not
like this; not at all… Mum was dragging me up, Dad steadying me from behind… I
had both feet on the floor now, standing almost on tiptoe, but I couldn’t feel
my heels - what was this, and why were my soles that slippery… I took a little
step, oh, that noise, there had to be a lot of nails down there… oh no, I
couldn’t walk with these things on my feet; I could hardly stand in them… 
Mom had dragged me to a mirror, and I almost couldn’t
believe my eyes: Now I remembered where I had read about ‘Rancho boots’…
Oh God, no! Dad had been at some of the pony girl sites, and what I had on my
feet weren’t any high heels, but hooves, hooves from an Italian company called
‘Punitive Shoes’, hooves that had real iron horse shoes as a sole… 
Do you know what it feels like, when you dream you are
dreaming? You know, you are in a dream, but as you cannot move a muscle or run
away the only solution to this must be, that you are dreaming, which cannot be
true, as you have a clear sense of all of it. 
I hardly noticed the rest of it. Still balancing on my
hooves – yes, I had tried to shake them off my feet, which was ridiculous –
still unable to breathe properly without being stabbed in my tender breasts,
still close to madness, as the soft itching at my clit continued all the time,
Dad had brought up the next item.
Without much discussion he clipped a pair of shiny
handcuffs on my wrists and connected these to my chastity belt in front, right
above the waist band of my petticoat; next I saw him going under my skirts with
another pair of handcuffs, larger though, and before I had time to wonder, he
had put them around my legs: Ah ha, I thought, leg cuffs they were.
Next was a short piece of chain, and a combination lock with four rotating
discs, he put two keys to the lock and then brought this around my neck. 
Meanwhile Mom had busied herself with my makeup - I
couldn’t see what she painted my face with, but she was using dark colors. She
finished off with putting a long black wig on my head, thus covering my natural
blonde curls. 
“That’s it, isn’t it?” Mom asked. “We only need the dog
collar and the leash now, and yes, of course, that funny necklace we’ve seen on
some of the pages. Here it is; it is made of steel and looks like a spider to me
- yes, it goes around your neck with this tube-like thing - here we go, must be
a symbol of a kind, I guess…” 
I knew what it was. Yes, it was a symbol of a kind,
but I’d rather not tell her of what kind, and I could just hope none of the boys
had any idea of it. 
“There you go! All set and ready to be picked up. Now let
me tell you about these keys around your neck,” Dad explained. “They are the
keys to your handcuffs and your chastity belt. We thought it would be a nice
idea to let you take them along, but, as you have no pockets, and it would be
too risky to loose them, you have them around your neck. No, don’t worry, the
chain won’t go over your head, I made sure of that. And you see the keys go just
down to your bosom, you can put them inside your cups, if you want. (Could I?? I
could not touch them, with my hands cuffed to the chastity belt.) Just let your
friend play with the combination lock, try their luck, if they want, there are
10,000 combinations there, enough for one evening, I think.
Okay, I can see, it is getting dark out there; your friend
will be around soon to pick you up. I think we’ll go down to the old and empty
garage, you can wait there, I’ll tell your friends where to find you…” 

Hypno Slave
Marcella Italy
Lesbians With Big Dicks

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