Chastity Femdom Story

Chastity Femdom Story


Chastity Femdom Story

Even though his current predicament was entirely of his own doing, the feeling of desperate helplessness
wasn't any less real. And to think, he had volunteered for this in the first place! He had to get the keys to these cuffs,
and soon. How much time he had left, he did not know but every second he wasted was a chance he might never be
free ever again. It all started 12 months ago when his urge for fulfilling his chastity belt fantasy become all too real.

He had been in the scene for about 4 years, tending 80% sub, and 20% Dom, and had had 2 serious
slave/Mistress relationships. Both of those periods had been wonderful but both had been missing something. He
stumbled across Altairboy's Chastity Belt Site and felt he had died and gone to heaven. Of course, this had to happen
when he was currently "unattached" and made his frustration even greater. Through no fault of his own, he had been
unable to connect with a mistress willing to fulfill his wishes and his desperation grew.

With him nearing the end of his rope, so to speak, he managed to make contact with a promising
prospect. He still remembered a fellow sub's sobering warning when he asked her about this particularly reclusive

"Be very careful what you wish for, she plays for keeps!"

"No, no, not that. Just, once the contract is agreed upon, there is no backing out. It's scary as hell, but that is
what you really want, isn't it?"

He had played quite rough in the past, and was not adverse to the "hard stuff". The idea of having no safe
word, no way out if he got in too deep both terrified him and electrified him. He hoped curiosity wasn't going to kill
this cat and bravely called for an appointment at his earliest opportunity. The interview when better than he expected,
and soon he found himself longing to be under her spell.

"Have you ever had a chastity device before?"

"...the thought of having my mistress controlling such a private part of me, even when i am free from her
presence is intoxicating."

" As you may have guessed, this is my specialty. Does this please you?"

"..Mistress... i can think of nothing better than having you in sole control of my very being..."

"Well put, I think I shall take you on as an apprentice. I shall be easy on you at first, although you may not
think so. One thing I must stress is there is no turning back. I will not harbor a lying or treacherous slave in my
company! I will treat you with honor and respect and I fully expect to have it returned in kind."

"We shall try a trial of one year. If you appear to be satisfactory, a more permanent arrangement can be
worked out."

"...m-mistress, am i to held chaste for a full year?"

"Don't look so worried, I would never start out a new recruit for such along time. We shall start out for
much shorter periods and gradually build upon them. Every slave is different. Because your periods of "release" are
limited, you will come to enjoy them so much more. In time, you may find yourself willing to do almost anything
for that one treasured moment."

He wondered how he could ever agree to something like this, but he found he could not even consider
turning her down.

" there no way out if i change my mind?"

"Once you sign this contract and give me your solemn oath, there is no backing out until the year trial is
completed. Barring, of course medical difficulties, surgeries and traumatic accidents. For such emergencies, I will
provide you with a spare key and medical alert bracelet. The key is tamper-proof, so if it is necessary to use it, there
had better be parts of you bleeding profusely."

She had been joking but the steel behind her words sent chills through out his body. Something told him he
would never wish to see this mistress' rage. He managed to gulp a quiet "yes" without going to pieces. All kidding
aside, this was serious business. Once he put his John Hancock on the dotted line, he would be completely owned
by this lovely woman and for the life of him he could not believe how lucky he felt. With trembling fingers, he
inscribed is personal mark in to the fateful contract. He had half expected her to want it written in his blood. He
knew he should have had his lawyer look at it, or at least read through it completely, but he could hope to stop his
raging emotions.

"Now before we start, I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine."

With a flick of her wrist, she clicked on a hidden light switch and spotlighted a steel and chrome

"It's Walter Goethal's Chastity Belt, which I have modified just a bit. Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful design,
but it lacks certain permanence to it. I mean, baring exotic wonder metals, all chastity belts can be defeated by
cutting or filing them off. Lock can be picked, and frisky little body parts can be wiggled out of some of the tightest
places." "To prevent these extra-curricular activities, I have modified these belts to provide a more "secure"
protection. Are you familiar with Kali's Teeth?"

"...y-yes mistress, i tried one once, it was...severe..."

"Wonderful! Well, I added quite a few rings of spikes within the penis tube. Nothing dangerous you
understand, but they are centered in such away as to discourage "excitement". Any moderate vibrations are focused
towards the pelvic region. The resulting engorgement of the slave's member can become quite painful, even if only
semi-erect. You will find sexual excitement will be allowed only when I give you permission and I alone. This is the
device's first line of defense, not including having the steel contraption locked closely about your "naughty bits"

He could not help but finger the horrible device and wonder what it would be like to have it in place. Well
he would soon find out.

"Of course, even the most delicate slave can become immune to such a painful deterrent so I have add a
more permanent accessory to prevent tampering. Embedded within the belt and front plate is a high tensile steel
wire. It is under a great deal of stress, 400 ft/pounds to be exact, with the final loop neatly positioned about the
victim's scrotum. The entire system is balanced under high tension and can be tripped by, you guessed to, cutting or
grinding of the belt in any way. It doesn't take much stress, but is has to be a deliberate break in the belt's integrity.
Any unauthorized tampering and...."

In a blindingly fast flash, a razor sharp steel noose constricted impossibly small in the crotch area of the

"Even if one were to try to endure this noose while quickly trying to cut off the rest of this beautiful device
the damage would have already been done. This is exactly how they castrate cattle and swine on farms. A steel band
is set in place and within a few days, the offending parts dry up and fall off. The pigs are known to squeal for hours
after the process and I'm quite sure it is extremely painful. Ingenious isn't it? Truthfully, I don't think one could cut
through the wire without causing more damage (and pain) before permanent injury was the result."

The dear slave could do nothing but stare in speechless horror and the devilish device. She really did play
for keeps.

"If you are wondering, of the 27 belts I have placed, none have been triggered, either accidentally or
purposefully. Of course they are expensive and their wholesale cost shall be worked off by your "manual labor".
Shall we start your fitting?"

He was trapped, he had signed the contract, but he found he didn't want to run away.

"This does excite you!" she commented as she skillfully measured and adjusted the belt. Four long hours
passed and the meticulous process was completed. He dared not move or even breath deeply for fear of accidentally
triggering the deadly trap.

"You are standing very still which is very helpful, but you need not worry about the tamper proof
mechanism. You are quite safe, as long as you don't try to wiggle free."

With the bending, turning and stooping she had him do, including vigorous exercises, he decided that the
chastity belt was as safe as could be expected. He soon was able to relax a little, well as relaxed as a slave could get
with his mistress adjusting his private parts.

"Finished! Here is the lock and key."

This shocked him even more that having the belt placed on him.

"This is the emergency key along with an I.D. card and bracelet. Keep these with you at all times. I will
know if you use it, so don't try to hide it. If you do have an emergency, please call me immediately. My pager and
cell phone numbers are on the back. A willing slave is a true treasure and I would hate to have anything happen to
him. I DO NOT consider wanting to be let out because you have
brought home a hot date from the local single's bar an emergency. "

"m-mistress, you haven't locked it on yet, have i done something wrong?"

"No, you have a 24 hour reprieve. I am leaving you the lock open. You have 24 hours to decide to fulfill
your contract. If you decide to go through with it, simply lock the belt on and return here tomorrow at this same
time. If you decide to back out, simply remove the belt and leave it in the lock box out front. I will be disappointed
but will understand. But consider this, there are no second chances. If you do decline, I will never see you again.

And so his self-enduced sentence started. He did not know if she could tell if he took off the belt for one
last fling, but he decided he had better not chance it. He played with the belt for quite a while, feeling those horrible
teeth warning him not to get too excited. With the small but sturdy lock in position he played over and over with the
hasp. All it would take is one tiny push and his sex life would drastically chance for the next 12 months. The very
idea was too tantalizing to grasp. It was like standing on the ledge with the bungey cords attached to your ankles. He
couldn't seem to push himself over the edge. The antisipation was incredible. Finally he could not take it any more
and he decided to get off one last time. This was still his reprieve time. His shaking fingers reached for the lock and
he tried to twist the hasp around to remove it.

Try, as he might, there would be no release for him that night or for quite a few nights after that first night.
Over the next few months, he was a very good student and became very attentive to his mistress's needs. The
devilish teeth within the belt stopped all his attempts at excitement dead in their tracks. The pain was just too great.
When he was very, very good, his rare opportunities for release were indescribably joyous. But when he was bad,
even a few hours of additional waiting was more torture than he thought he could bear.

Two weeks turned out to be just the right amount of time between his flings, plus or minus a few days for
good or bad behavior. And if the truth were known, he soon became her favorite also. That is why she was so
distressed to find out he had been cheating. His manhood was hers and hers alone, and to think of having anyone
else using it, even if it was just him in self-gratification, drove her to near insanity. She had only done a quick check
of his wallet and the sealed emergency key, mainly because he had showed such promise and attentiveness. But
upon closer examination she could see the card's lamanant had been skillfully cutaway and re-sealed with a new
plastic sheet. The weight of the card had caused her to notice it, because he had in fact done this trick on four
separate occasions. For there on the card were four separate sheets of plastic neatly covering the "tamper-proof"
emergency key.

At first she wanted to confront him in hysterics, but that was no way for a mistress to act. She pretended as
if nothing had happened and plotted secretly to spring her trap on her lying slave at his next release date. The poor
unsuspecting soul had know idea what was in store for him when he allowed himself to be handcuffed spread-eagle
on the motel room's king-sized four poster bed.

"I have a special treat for you today, because you have been especially good all week. I'm going to let you
have a chance to actually touch the key and release yourself."

The words sounded nice, but he did not find her tone of voice very comforting.

"I think I shall gag you. We wouldn't want to wake up our fellow guests in this lovely hotel."

The extremely large ball gag silenced any protest he might have thought of pleading.

"How long did you think you could get away with it?"

"You know what I'm talking about, your "emergency" key. You must have cut it out and re-sealed it half a
dozen times!"

Caught like a deer in the headlights of a speeding semi-truck, the poor slave could only close his eyes and
hold up 4 fingers.

"Four? Four! You gave me your word! I trusted you! I..."

She turned from him and quickly regained her composure.

"I wasn't lying when I told you, you would have the chance to unlock yourself, but I have something
special planned just for you."

She walked over the complementary bar refrigerator and took out what looked like a large ice cube and a
spool of thread. The one end of the thread was looped and frozen within the ice. She measured 12 feet of thread,
snapped off the length and placed the end in his right hand.

"Don't drop this," she said menacingly, "it will become the most important thing in the world to you in a
few minutes."

She stretched the other end of the thread with the ice cube attached to the far side of the room. Grabbing the
keys to his handcuffs, she deftly tied them to the ice cube end of the thin thread.

"That ice is heavy, if you pull to hard or too fast, the thread will break and you may never get free. But if
you are careful, you should be able to reach the keys within the hour."

She crossed to the far end table and started pulling a few strange items from her purse

She took the wire cutters and his key and proceeded to completely destroy the poor defenseless metal
object. The fury, which she attacked, the key frightened him to the core.

All he could do was plead with his tearing eyes. She couldn't be serious, could she?

"Well, I have to admit, that did feel good."

She turned to the bedside table and was soon mixing a large batch of epoxy. Without saying a word,
she poured the entire mixture over and into the chastity belts' sturdy lock. An unconscious whimper
managed to escape from behind his ball gag. With care she squeezed the glue into every crevice of the tiny
lock. Then to his horror, she proceeded to cover the last remaining key in the world with the sticky glue.
She then poped the key into the lock and snapped it open.

"No, I haven't decided to show you mercy and let you go, I'm just making sure all the tumblers are
fully coated."

She snapped the lock closed again but left the key in place. Then she cleaned her hands on a bath towel
and reached for the metal file.

"I should cut this completely off, but I think you will enjoy this better. I'm going to score this key just
enough so if it is forced too much it will snap off. The lock turns easily enough now, but as the epoxy starts
to harden, it will put more and more friction on the key. How long will it take until the glue is too stiff and
turning the key will cause it to snap off? I really don't know, It's 2-hour epoxy, but I'm sure it starts to get
hard pretty quickly. All you have to do is release yourself in time to take that risk.

Good Bye for ever, your naughty slave."

And with that, she wiped her hands a final time, picked up her things and turned to leave.

"Oh. I almost wish I could be here to see how this turns out, but my flight to Athens leaves within the
hour. Ta Ta! And remember not to try to cut that belt off, you just might trigger that nasty castration

With an evil smile she lock the door behind her, leaving him alone in his torment. The sound of the
door locking closed woke him from his stunned stupor, and he started to carefully pull in the thread.
Goodness, that ice was heavy! One tug too strongly would dash all his hope to hell. As he struggled to
reach the keys, he could not help but think of what he had lost. How could he have been so dumb! She must
really have cared for him to have been hurt so deeply by his transgressions. And truthfully, his little
moments of weakness and been so full of guilt, that he had not truly enjoyed them.

He was sweating profusely when he finally felt the handcuff keys bounce along the back of his hand.
With a desperate lunge, he managed grab the prized item. How long had it been, a half hour? An hour?
Surely he didn't have much more time to spare. Unlocking the handcuff on his right wrist proved to be
more of a challenge than he thought, especially when his heart nearly stopped as the keys started to slip
from his damp fingers. Only a tiny bit of threat kept certain disaster from befalling him. With a gratifying
click the cuff released his already raw wrist and he grasped for the chastity belt key. The glue surrounding
the lock was still stickey but was becoming harder by every fleeting moment. He could feel the deep cut she
had left on the key and knew to would not take much force at all to snap it off. How hard should he try to
turn it? Should he try at all and wait to try to make it to a locksmith? Precious time was slipping by and he
desperately needed to do something. He closed his eyes and started to apply tension to the key.

Was it starting to turn or was it only bending into an impossible shape.

"Just a tiny bit more.... Come on....Please!...."

What would it be like, never to be able to touch himself ever again. How could he survive one more
minute, let alone the rest of his life! He couldn't take much more of this. Both his terror and his state of
excitement raged within his heart. He know it must end soon but, God help him, he didn't know which to
root for.

"If I ever get out of this I'll never have the courage to wear one again."

He tried to push the key a tiny bit more

And now, my fateful readers, it's up to you to decide. Did the lock "snap" open? Or, did the key "snap"
off? Is our hapless slave doomed to permanent freedom or permanent imprisonment? And is that a good
thing or a bad?

Page last updated 99-Sep-13 by:

Marcie Strang was a very happy young lady. She was getting married in two
days. She had found true love in Kevin Young. She thought she had a real
catch. He was polite and always treated her with the greatest respect. She was
doing the last try-on before the wedding of her wedding dress. Her mother was
assisting her.
Her mother said, "That dress is perfect. You look like a doll with
everything just perfect. Now, did you do like I asked you about Kevin?"
Marcie said, "No, I know he will be faithful to me. This is the new age
Mother, get with it."
Her mother said, "I thought your father would be faithful to me but he made
a pass at one of the bridesmaids on our wedding night. The next day I had him
in panties and a bra. He wore them until the car accident took his life. The
undertaker said he had seen lots of men in panties and bras. He said they die
too. You better follow my advice, you know your grandma kept grandpa
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