Chastity Cage Story College

Chastity Cage Story College


Учебные базы: м. Маяковская, Пушкинская, Парк Победы, 1905 года, Международная (Выставочная), МЦК Кутузовская, МЦК Деловой Центр
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She fantasized about wearing a chastity belt so much, that eventually she took herself off to a shop she'd heard of that supplied them. Fortunately the fantasy shop was quiet; she took a quick look round then approached the girl at the counter.
"I'm interested in purchasing a chastity belt," she told her, thinking even as she said it that it was the weirdest thing she'd ever said to anyone.
"Certainly," the girl told her. "Is it for yourself?"
"Okay," the girl proceeded. "All our belts are custom made - we'll have to measure you up, and you can chose which type; but first I will need a few details."
The girl took out some paperwork, and began asking a few questions.
"Do you want just a straightforward purchase, or do would you prefer a leasing arrangement with a duration contract?"
Sandra looked bemused. "Er, I'm not sure. How does the leasing thing work?"
The girl explained. "Well, the difference between the two options is this: if it's a straightforward purchase, you take the belt when it's ready, and you keep the keys. That way you can put it on and take it off as you wish. With the leasing contract it's much different. We put the belt on you, and we keep the keys. You stay in the belt for a pre-determined length of time."
Sandra was intrigued. "What's the idea behind that then?"
The girl shrugged. "Some people find the second option more...well, more 'fun'. More interesting if you like. It gives a real commitment to the idea of chastity belts. After all, they're not supposed to be something you put on and take off yourself. For people who don't have a partner who can take charge of the keys, it gives much more reality to the idea of being locked up in a chastity belt."
Sandra had to agree it was quite a good idea. "I see, yes. It's an intriguing idea. I must say I hadn't thought about anything like that. I'm not sure I'm quite ready for that amount of commitment."
The girl nodded. "Well, you should give it some thought. It's a big step to sign up for several years locked into a belt."
The girl showed Sandra a contract document. "Have a look through this if you like, then come back tomorrow maybe when you've had a think about it."
Sandra didn't want to do that - it was too far to travel.
"Couldn't you go through the main points of it with me, to help me decide?"
The girl agreed. "Okay. " she took the contract from her again and they looked at it together.
"It's called an Enforced Wearer contract," she explained. "You sign up for however long you want to be locked in the belt, and we see to it that you stay in it for that duration. There are three choices for the duration. You can choose from five years; ten years; or life - that's forever, basically."
Sandra was amazed. "Five years....Heavens, that's a long time to be in a chastity belt."
The girl shrugged. "Sure is. I know because I've done it. Well, nearly done it - I have another year to do, then I'm out."
Sandra could hardly believe it. "You've been in a belt for four years. My God..why ?"
She shrugged again. "Why does anyone do it? I dunno - just fancied the idea. I have a partner now, and he knows about it. He might make me sign up for another five years when I'm out of this one."
"Five years is probably the one to go for, if you're interested. That's the most popular choice. We got lots of women on that one. Plus a few more on ten years. Even a couple of 'lifers'. God they've got some commitment. Anyway, that's basically how it works. We check on you every month, to see if the belt's okay. If somehow you manage to get it off, we put you straight back into another one."
She paused to let Sandra take all this in.
"So," she began again, "what's it going to be?"
The contract is between Sandra Houlton and Fantasy Promotions Inc. The contract is legal and binding, and cannot be cancelled without the agreement of both parties.
The purpose of the contract is to as effectively as possible deny access to the vagina by any person or persons other than the appointed staff of the company, by enforcing the wearing at all times of the female chastity belt, type 'Invincible', serial no. 7590345F, for the period of time as stated in the terms and conditions below.
1) The above mentioned Sandra Houlton, known as 'the wearer', shall have a chastity belt locked around her. The wearer shall continue to wear the belt continuously for the above period of time.
2) On no account shall the wearer have access to the keys of the belt. Keys remain at all times with Fantasy Promotions Inc.
3) The wearer shall make no violent attempt to free herself from the belt, which may result in damage to the belt. Any damage so incurred shall be repaired and charged to the lease account of the wearer.
4) A monthly inspection of the belt will be made by qualified staff of the company. Inspections may be made at the company's premises, or at the wearer's residence. Removal of the belt may not be always necessary.
5) If it is found necessary to remove the belt, temporary measures will be taken to prevent the wearer from gaining access to the unsecured vagina.
6) In the unlikely event of the wearer being found to have freed herself from the belt, a new belt will be installed, and any costs incurred added to the lease account. A penalty will also be incurred, adding one extra year to the duration period.
I agree to the above terms and conditions
Sandra looked at her signature on the contract. Her life in a chastity belt was about to begin. Day one, she wrote in her diary:
Day One. I came home from the shop with a copy of the contract in my hand, and the belt locked around my loins. I am very conscious of the belt, but it is cleverly designed, custom made for me, and so far doesn't feel uncomfortable. It's difficult to say yet how I'll cope. Five years seems an awful long time; but it's a tremendously masochistic thrill to think somebody has done this to me.
Denied access to my own vagina. How desperately humiliating for a woman. The girl in the shop was right - it adds a whole new dimension to the idea of having a chastity belt. To get the right thrill out of it you need someone to make you wear it. The idea of someone forcing me to do this, although I have agreed to it, is thrilling.
Day Two. Waking up to the fresh realization of being forced to wear a chastity belt was so thrilling. I'm very turned on by the idea of the belt, and the actuality of it around me, but of course I can do little to get sexual satisfaction. Sex really would be completely impossible, even if I had anyone here to try it. Masturbation doesn't seem possible either; which is slightly disappointing, yet thrilling again that the belt is so effective.
On the practical side of things, I'm occasionally finding it a bit frightening that I can't get the belt off. Going to a gym, or swimming, sunbathing and things are out of the question. It does restrict me a bit for sporting activities, but what would be worse would be that others would see the belt on me. I couldn't possibly explain that away.
But being around people fully clad is no problem. They can't see it under my skirt; and I find it exciting to know I'm wearing this strange device in public. People would be absolutely astonished if they found out.
Still on the practical side, some clothes are difficult too. The belt's not that obtrusive, but trousers are out really, unless they're really baggy, and that looks pretty uncool. Ordinary knickers are out too. I could wear big ones, over the belt; but largely I don't think I'll bother. The belt's my underwear now. Iron knickers, you could say.
But I'm still feeling very positive, and very good about being in a chastity belt. I know there'll be times when I'll hate it; but I'm sure I'll get through. Today I feel as if I could do ten years, never mind five.
And so it went on; with Sandra coping largely very well in the chastity belt. On day thirty she wrote:
Day Thirty. Inspection day. Part of me was dreading it; and yet it was quite exciting that someone was actually going to see me wearing this thing. As it turned out it was a a woman who came to do the inspection, so it was less embarrassing than anticipated.
I had to take my skirt off and she began examining the belt. All went well until she discovered some scratch marks on the waistband. I knew what that was - I'd bumped into a wall on the landing one night. I told her that; but she was suspicious.
"Looks like somebody's had a go at this. Weren't trying to get it off, were you ?" she asked.
"No, no - definitely not," I told her. "I know they're practically impossible to get off anyway..."
But she was still suspicious. "I'll have to report this you know. You know what might happen?"
I did. "Er yes, I'd get another year as a penalty."
She took out a camera and took some close-ups of the marks on the belt, and I put my skirt back on.
"Look," she said suddenly, "I have the keys to your belt...I could unlock you and give you a few minutes to yourself if you're desperate."
I was quite surprised actually. But I declined her offer.
"Suit yourself," she said. "But I will have to report the damage. Let me give you some advice - you're wasting your time trying to get that belt off with a kitchen knife. With a belt like you've got, there are really only two ways: the key, or dynamite."
With that she left, saying she'd be back next month.
A few days later Sandra received a letter from the company that had supplied the chastity belt. It read thus:
Following a routine visit from one of our inspectors, it was found that attempts had been made to free you from your chastity belt. This had apparently been unsuccessful, and there was some superficial damage to the belt.
May we remind you of clauses 4 and 5 in the contract, which forbid the wearer to use force to try to remove a belt. In this instance it appears you have not spent time outside of the belt, consequently we are not imposing any penalties.
However, we would ask you to refrain from any violent attempts to remove your belt; and as a matter of course we have made an appointment for you to use our counseling service. Details are given below.
Thank you for your letter. I did explain to your representative that the damage was accidental, and not in fact an attempt to break free from the belt.
I am fine in the belt, and not experiencing any problems so far. However I will attend the appointment for counseling.
So it seemed that the only problems Sandra had with her chastity belt were administrative, and not because of the physical side of the belt. A week later she was attending her counseling session. Her counselor was a mature woman, probably in her late forties. Her name was Miss Baines.
"Hello Sandra," she greeted her. Sandra shook hands.
"Do you mind if I just check your belt before we begin?" Miss Baines asked.
"No, not at all," Sandra told her. "I'll take my skirt off."
Miss Baines examined the chastity belt locked around Sandra. "That seems fine, thank you. Put your skirt back on and sit down please."
Miss Baines looked through some notes, then began. "So, I understand that one of the reasons for your being here today is that you've been trying to get the chastity belt off?"
Sandra shook her head. "No, not at all. I explained to the representative that it was accidental damage. I was drunk one night, and fell against a radiator at home."
Miss Baines looked a bit dubious. "I see...I hadn't been told that. It's just that, well we have to take attempts to break out very seriously. Also, as I'm sure you will understand, hardly anyone will ever admit to trying to get belts off. They think that we'll think they're sex mad or something, I'm sure."
Miss Baines smiled, waiting for Sandra's reaction.
"No," Sandra told her, "I definitely wasn't trying to get the belt off, I assure you."
"I see, okay," Miss Baines responded, sounding totally unconvinced. "Let me ask you, what were your initial reasons for wanting a chastity belt?"
Sandra paused for a moment. "Several reasons, I think. For some time now I've had a very strong desire to be humiliated, in a sexual way. The idea of chastity belts began to intrigue me, because it's such a humiliating thing to have to wear. That's the main reason, I'm sure. Plus the fact that straight sex, penetrative sex, doesn't really interest me, and I don't masturbate all that much."
Miss Baines nodded. "That's fine Sandra. And how are you coping now that you're locked up in the belt?"
"Fine," Sandra assured her, "absolutely fine."
Miss Baines nodded again. "So you've never had a time when you've been so frustrated that you would do anything to get the belt off?"
Sandra shook her head. "No, certainly not. It's very early days yet though. Maybe there will be times like that; but so far no problems. The only negative thing is that it's a bit restricting for sport, and I daren't be seen scantily clad in public; so I can't go swimming and sunbathing. But I'm managing okay without that. All in all I would say I'm quite happy under this arrangement."
Miss Baines nodded. "What about boyfriends?" she asked.
Sandra looked pensive. "Well, that would be a problem, yes. I don't have a boyfriend, or I wouldn't really have entered into this chastity thing. I intend to avoid relationships whilst I spend my time in the belt. I worked all that out before I got into all this."
Miss Baines seemed satisfied. But there was one more thing.
"Look," she said, "let me give you the address of a lady who has an interest in this sort of thing. She hosts a sort of 'open house' for girls like you, to get together and socialize without fear of being seen in their chastity belts."
The visit to Mrs Montfort's was wonderful for Sandra. She met other girls and women in chastity belts. They swam in the pool, exercised, or just sat around chatting.
Sarah was one of the first people Sandra met. They swam in the pool together and talked as they splashed about. Sarah was twenty-four and had been in her belt for six years.
"So are you doing the ten year contract?" Sandra asked her.
"Phew, no way. It was supposed to be the five year one. My mother talked me into it when I was eighteen. Daffiest thing I ever did. All my adult life I've been locked into the damned thing. I've been out of it twice though. You can get them off you know."
Sandra looked surprised. "Can you?"
"Oh yeah. You need a massive pair of bolt cutters, and it's not easy, 'specially by yourself. But you get there in the end. The first time I got out it was fabulous. Only lasted a week though, and they put me straight into another one. That's how I got the extra year. Then I did it again and got another extra year."
Sandra nodded. "So you've still got a year to do ?"
Sarah sighed. "Yep. I daren't try to break out of this one. If I can get through this year, then I'm out for good. Seven years in a chastity belt; Jesus. I've got some catching up to do I reckon."
They swam for a while, then sat dangling their legs in the pool.
"You can bring yourself off by rubbing your tits you know?"
Sandra giggled. "Really? I'll have to try that."
"Yeah, takes forever, but it can be done."
The girls were silent for a moment.
"What kind of a belt they got you in then?" Sarah asked.
"Er, I think its called 'Invincible'."
Sarah's eyes widened. "Phew, you have got it rough. That the top-of-the range one...wide front-plate, extra vulva-shield?"
"That's the one," Sandra confirmed. "I believe it's slightly heavier than the others; but when I buy something I like to get the best."
Sarah nodded. The girls were silent for a few moments.
"Who are the other women - over there on the patio?" Sandra asked.
"Just punters...belt wearers like you and me. 'Cept for Maxine, of course."
"Her in the leather skirt," Sarah told her. "She's a dom - she gets off on this scene because most of the women here are subs..masochists. You have to be to get into these belts. Unless you're just plain stupid like me."
Sandra laughed, then she was serious. Maxine sounded interesting. "So she's not in a belt, this Maxine?"
Sarah made a face. "Doubt it. It's not a 'dom' thing, is it ? As I say, she just gets off on seeing these poor sods with their iron knickers on. One of them's her 'slave', I believe. The one sitting opposite Maxine. Monica's her name."
Sandra looked over at the girl. "The one with calipers on her legs? What's wrong with her?"
"Nothing," Sarah said flatly. "Maxine makes her wear those calipers. There's nothing actually wrong with her legs."
A frisson of intrigue ran through Sandra's body.
"Are you cold?" Sarah asked, "you're shivering.."
"No, I'm fine. I...are you serious about Maxine and that girl?"
"About the calipers? Yeah. I've seen her without them, she's fine - perfectly normal. Mostly though I've seen her with them. Maxine seems to be making her wear them all the time now, just to humiliate her."
Sandra was fascinated. "Jesus..that's really weird."
"Ha," Sarah scoffed, "you should talk - look at what you're wearing.."
Sandra laughed too. "Yeah, true. I guess we're all weird in one way or another."
They were silent again for a moment.
"That's really spooked you out, hasn't it?" Sarah asked her.
"Want to go over and meet them? She'd probably tell you it was true if you asked Monica."
Sandra was mortified. "I wouldn't dare ask someone that. But yes, we could go over if you like."
The girls walked over and Sarah introduced Sandra to the others. Maxine was the first to speak, in a loud but cultured voice.
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Chastity Cage Story College

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