Chastity Belt Stories

Chastity Belt Stories

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Hello, my name is Jane and I'm a woman married to a man that used to be my husband, but that had changed a while ago.
Now I am his slave and I am wearing a chastity device that forces me to stay by his side all the time. I must ask for his permission to do anything, to be humilliated all the time and doing anythig he tells me to do. Right now, he is sitting besides me, forcing me to write this as punishment, and to humilliate me.
The story begins before we got married, when we were dating.
I was a girl that really liked to sleep around with as many men as possible. I was in a bar with my friends when he showed up with a few of his friends. They sat down at the table next to us and started talking. A few minutes later, we were all talking together and we became friends, a short time after that the thing started to get serious and we started dating as boyfriend and girlfriend. While we were dating I always kept telling him that he was the man of my life, that I felt complete with him, that I couldn't imagine my life without him and other things like that that men like to hear from women. It didn't really matter to me, I just said that to get them into bed for a good round of sex. Men usually perform better when women tell them that, and he did too.
I had sex with him, but as soon as we were done, I would go out and he always asked me where I was going. I always answered him that I was tired and that I wanted to go home, but it was a lie, I would take the car and drive up to another city, where I would pick up another man and have sex all night long. Then, the next day, when I went to meet my boyfriend he would ask me what I've been doing all night, I usally lied about telling him that I just watched a movie and then went to sleep. Days went by and he never suspected me, and I kept up my sleeping around with other men behind his back.
After five years of being boyfriend and girlfriend, we were ready to tie the knot and get married. Every weekend it was the same routine, I would leave him at home and go to another city to have sex with other men without him knowing it.
Finally, the day of our weeding arrived, it was a saturday morning and everything was ready, that day, he called me over the phone and he told me that he needed to talk to me about something in person. I told him yes, and that I would meet him at his house.
'Hello dear, we are getting married tomorrow and I wanted to ask you something.'
'I know that, during this five years that we were dating, you were doing some things that you shouldn't have.'
'Things that I shouldn't have? What do you mean?'
'My love, I'm not stupid. I have seen what you did every day after one of our dates.'
By then, I was getting nervous and started to sweat.
'I. . . I'm sorry. What do you mean by that?'
'Yes dear, I followed you and I have seen you, but I allowed you to do it. What I want for you is a promise, I want you to promise me that you will stop doing that after we got married. Will you?'
I then noticed that things didn't look very good to me, because if I didn't tell him yes, then the wedding would be probabbly cancelled, and it would make me look very bad with my friends and my relatives.
'Okay. Believe me that if you don't keep your promise, I will take some measures. Okay?'
At that time, I didn't know what he had meant by taking measures, or I though that it would be some different type of measures, not the thing that he did to me.
So, the big event arrived and we got married, it all was very nice, we went to our honeymoon to Hawaii. It was a very nice place, filled with very good looking surfer boys, they were so good looking that I would keep staring at them. When that happened, my husband would ask me if I remembered my promise.
The trip was just perfect, and then came married life. During the first months I kept my promise, I didn't even look at other men. But the flesh is weak.
It all started when I changed my job, my other job was too boring, it was always the same routine:
But then, I got offered a job at a different place, to represent a big company, and that meant that I would travel all the time across the country, at the beggining nothing really happened because I hadn't realize it yet. But then, I realized that he could never know where I was, or who I was with because I sometimes stayed in another city and slept there. So, I started to stay in other cities overnight more and more often, I would wait for my husband to call me and I told him that I was in a hotel, he would usually call me at my cellphone between 8 PM and 9 PM, I would wait for him to call me, and the conversation usually went like this:
'I'm just staying at the hotel, thinking about you.'
'Oh, you're so sweet. . . yadda, yadda, yadda.'
We would talk for around 20 minutes, then he would hang up, and I would take the chance to take a shower and go out for a night of fun, to pick up men. I would always find a guy that I found good looking and I would usally ask him back to my hotel room for a night of sex. This happened almost every single night.
It all started when I met a guy at a city, well, actually he came on to me, we started to fool around a little bit, then he took me back to his place. I called my husband and I lied to him, I told him that I would sleep at the hotel that night and go home the next day. I would just stay at his house to have sex, and in the mornings I would go off to work, nobody knew what was happening, and we did this for many days. But then, one day. . . . .
I did the same thing I did every day, I called my husband and told him:
'Hi honey, I'm calling to tell you that I won't be home for another four hours, I'm too tired and I think I'll stay at a hotel for the night and go home in the morning.'
'Okay dear, don't rush it. Don't you think that you are working too much? You should ask for a raise.'
'Yes, but you know how my boss is.'
After I hung up, I called the other man I was sleeping with, and told him that in an hour I would arrive at his place.
The night started well enough, we had dinner and champagne, but then I started to feel a little dizzy. I told him I wasn't feeling at all well and that I wanted to lay down. So, I went to the bedroom and fell down on the bed, completely asleep.
When I woke up, I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was my husband.
'AAAAHHHHH!' (I yelled, I was terrified.)
I tried to get up, but something on my crotch and my breasts felt heavy, making it difficult for me to move, I looked down, and I saw it. It was a very strange thing, I never saw something like it before in my life. It was a steel device wrapped around my waist, then a steel strip would go under my crotch and cover my pussy and my ass completely, making it impossible to touch it, the strip was also shoving something in my asshole, something that felt uncomfortable and like a plug. The waist band was locked with a shiny padlock.
From the waist band came two chains, the chains went up my torso and were attached to something that could only be described as a metal bra. My breasts were completely encased in steel, making it impossible for me, or anyone else, to see them or even touch them. Again, this was locked with a padlock.
After that, two chains came out of the top of the metal bra, went over my shoulders, and then down my back and to the back of the steel waistband.
He was looking at me, and showed me a little key that he was holdingin his hand. He was putting it right in front of me so I would get a good look at it.
'What's wrong? Don't you like what you see?'
'It's a chastity belt and bra! When I asked you to stop doing the things you did when we were dating, I told you that I would take measures, I meant a chastity device, before we got married, I knew someone that explained to me what a chastity belt was and what they were used for, I told him what you were like and he told me that I should get one for you. At the time, I though that it was something barbaric and I forgot about it, but then, after you changed jobs I realized that you were cheating on me again and I asked my friend here to check if my suspicions were right, and they were. When he called me to tell me, I was heartbroken, and I wanted to get a divorce, but then he told me that divorcing you would be too easy, and would let you off the hook too quickly and he offered me this option, to put you this chastity belt and bra. Now you are mine, you are my slave, believe me when I tell you that you would wish that you would have never cheated on me.'
And that was how he put the chastity device on me. The first thing I had to do was change all my wardrobe, because I couldn't wear pants or any other clothing that showed up my chastity belt or bra. Then I had to learn to walk around with it on, because the chains would make too much noise. Every morning after I woke up, he would wait for me with the key and would open the padlocks so I could go to the toilet, but with him watching me all the time, after that, he lets me take a shower but with the curtains open so he can keep an eye on me. It is forbbiden for me to touch my breasts or my pussy in any way (if I do, then he shoves a huge dildo up my ass, and he makes me go to work with it, and that feel really bad). After that, he would put the metal bra and the chastity belt back on, then he locks the padlocks and puts the ket back around his neck with a shiny goldchain.
Every time I have to go to the toilet and it isn't time, then I have to get on my knees and beg him to let me use the toilet. He usually lets me beg for a while before unlocking the padlocks, this makes me have to beg and plead and do things for him.
One time I really had to go, and he told me:
'On your knees, slave, or I won't take it off.'
'No, first I want you to clean my shoes with your tongue.'
And after that, if he feels that I deserve it, he takes off the chastity belt. But he's always watching me when he does, and it is very embarrasing and humilliating for me. I can't go out with my friends anymore to the gym or someplace else because the chastity device prevents some of my movements and they would see it in the showers, and I'm scared to what their reaction might be.
When he wants to have sex, he makes me use my hands and my mouth on his cock until he reached an orgasm and shoots his load, then, if he believes that I have earned it, he takes off the belt and bra and plays with my breasts and my pussy with his hands, but then, just before I am about to orgasm he stops and places the chastity belt and metal bra back on and locks the padlocks, looking at me and laughing. This makes me feel even more humilliated and yearning for orgasm that never comes. It has been over a year that I haven't have an orgasm, and my pussy is always exited and frustrated, and he seems to enjoy this more and more.
I have tried to get the chastity devices off, but it's just not possible, I tried to saw the padlocks off, but I can't do it either. I think I am condemned to wear this steel belt and bra forevermore, depending on my husband/master to do anything.
'Slave, come here! I have a present for you!'
I did as I was told, and he attached a small metal plate to the chastity belt that read:
'This slave is a property of master Hugo.
If you happen to find her, call (809) 781 - XXXX'
'Do you like it? That way, if you ever get lost and someone finds you, they'll return you. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!'
And he left, laughing, this humilliated me even more, and now I believe that I no longer control my life, but that he controls it. I am now just his personal toy, for his own use.
My master is telling me to tell you that he has formed a special club fot husbands who's wives are cheating on them, so this can aslo happen to you. . . .
Page last updated 05-Mar-17 by:

Another Saturday night and I was at home, at my computer. It seems that I live to surf. Being single, and with no girlfriend, I have a lot of time to myself. Most people would call it a waste of time, but it was cheap and kept me out of trouble, for the most part. Most people that I meet in chat rooms are a lot like myself, and there are very few women. Perhaps many peoples' names would lead me to believe they were women, but more often than not they are just men in disguise.
There are simple ways to find out whether someone is truely a woman. A question like: "What is the difference between a size 7 and size 8?" If they reply: "1." It's probably not a woman.
Most of the people out there are searching for some sort of "net-sex". It's amazing, really. Nearly always, the first question a stranger will ask is: "R U M or F". The translation of this message is: "Are You Male or Female?". By using letters instead of words, these people can literally save hours of typing every night, since they ask this question several thousand times to every new person they encounter.
Over the years, I find myself drawn to the female domination groups. Although it's often difficult to tell who is who, it can be interesting at times. Generally there will be a bunch of guys and what appears to be a few dominant women. Whether they're women or not is hard to say (see earlier paragraph). I am never very aggressive in the channels, and I usually just watch in the background. If I find what appears to be an interesting woman, I may send a private message to her introducing myself and trying to strike up a conversation. Many times they will reply with some silly answer in the public channel for everyone to see. An example might be: "radman, talk to me in public channel. Don't send me private messages.". I never quite understood why they would do this, when they could simply ignore me if they wished not to converse. But the Net is often a pretty silly place.
My personal information which anyone chatting could see points to the web address of my own personal web page. I've included about everything describing myself and even my name, phone number, and address. It seemed to me that if someone visited my page and learned that I was near them, they might like to meet. Nothing ever came of it, but I thought I had nothing to lose trying.
One of my favorite topics of discussion was chastity belts. I've read many stories of men and women wearing them, and have always wondered what it would be like to wear one for myself. The good belts (from what I've read) are a bit costly, so I've usually decided against getting one for myself. Besides, it would take another person to measure me for a correct fit, and I had no other person. I've had several public discussions and conversations with people in the channel indicating my interest in chastity belts, but I never met that dominant women who I always dreamed would have me wear a metal chastity belt for her.
Friday finally arived and the week finally over. It was good to finally get home; the week had been a bit rough and I'd been looking forward to a nice quite weekend since about Tuesday. When I got home I found a package at my door, with no return address or postal information indicating an origin. I picked up the package and entered my apartment. Since I was not expecting any packages, I was a bit curious as I immediatly headed for the kitchen to get a knife.
I sat down on the living room floor and opened the package. Finally getting to the contents, I couldn't believe my eyes. My hands were shaking like never before as I pulled the 2 metal pieces from the box. It was a chastity belt! The design was unfamiliar to me, but I knew it had to be a chastity belt. It was shiny silver, and extremely smooth with no sharp edges at all. The thickness of the pieces was probably about 3/8" thick. When I lined up the 2 pieces they fit together perfectly, but there was no locking mechanism to be found. There were no hooks, notched surfaces, or holes which would keep the belt together. The 2 pieces slid into each other about 1/2", but there was no lock to be found. When I held it together, it looked like a pair of briefs, except the back was not completely covered; there was an eliptical opening at the bottom. The front piece was flat, and inside was a hole molded into the surface which was actually a tube which went downwards do a small hole at the very bottom where the 2 pieces would meet. From my knowledge of other belts, I deduced that this was for the penis to slide into and point downwards if the belt were worn.
I brought the pieces together once again, trying to understand how they would lock together, but after about an hour gave up.
There was nothing else in the box which might explain the function or how the belt would lock.
The whole time I examined it, I was getting quite turned on. I wanted to try it on, but I couldn't get the thing to lock shut. Finally, I decided to try it on and hold it in place to see how it would feel. My heart was racing as I undressed commpletely. Being fully errect would make it impossible to slide myself down into the hole in the front, so I tried to relax a bit. Finally, after about 15 minutes, I was limp enough to give it a try.
As I held the front piece to my crotch and tried to insert myself into the hole, it appeared that it was going to be a snug fit. Setting down the front piece, I went to the bathroom to get some lotion. I returned to the belt and applied a little bit to the inside surface of the tube. It was time to try again. This time I was able to slide myself down into the tube completely. If felt so slick and snug I felt myself beginning to get hard again. I held the front piece tightly against myself so that my errection wouldn't prevent me from holding the 2 pieces closely together. Then I picked up the 2nd piece and reached behind myself to hold it in place. The 2 pieces were just barely touching each other. I knew I'd have to push harder to get the extra 1/2" to make the 2 pieces come completely together, but it wasn't a simple task. Finally, I leaned against the wall to hold the back piece as I pressed with both hands firmly against the front piece. It was working! The slots lined up better and I finally knew how it felt. If only there was some clasp to keep it in place! It was difficult to hold the pieces together. After about 30 seconds, my arms were getting a bit tired. Just as I was beginning to release the pressure, I felt a vibration and a humming sound from the belt for about a half second. Immediately following that, the 2 pieces quickly tightened together and clicked loudly as the metal pieces came together.
I jumped away from the wall and looked down at the belt. It was staying in place, without my hands holding it! It was quite snug and recessed into my skin. I tried to pull the pieces apart, but they wouln't budge. There was no way to get my fingers under either piece for leverage to pull. It was locked tight. As I struggled with the belt, I could feel myself getting quite turned on inside the tightness of the belt, but the belt was h
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