Chastity Belt Mom

Chastity Belt Mom


Chastity Belt Mom

The following represents my experiences with both chastity and pain. Sometimes things get started
and get out of hand. I hope you appreciate it.

I thought your readers might want to hear of a real life experience with a chastity belt that is still going on.

My wife and I have been married for 21 years and for the last 15 years I have been locked in a chastity belt
with her holding the only keys. This began when I gave my wife a locking cage so she would not worry
when I was out of town (which was often). We upgraded the gage to a stainless steal, full-fledged belt,
twelve years ago. At that time it cost $300 and I have heard they are considerably more expensive today.

Until about seven years ago I was allowed some escape from my confinement when she was in the mood.
Those times became fewer and fewer over the next couple of years. Then, on my 50th birthday, almost six
years ago, she told me she was going to give me a retirement present I would never forget. I told her I still
had 15+ years to go before I retired and she was a little early.

She answered my by saying, "You won't get unlocked until that party and I'm sure you will feel it the
greatest present in the world by then".

With my birthday coming up soon, it will be six years since I have been released and have nine more to go.
The funny thing is that although I get quite horny servicing her with my hands and mouth, I love her as
much today as when we were married. I guess I am submissive and don't mind her being in charge of my
private parts.

One thing does come from wearing a foolproof chastity belt, many embarrassing moments.

For those who want to explore a life of chastity, be prepared for the following.

And just to add a few more, in the name of "good natured fun".

Finally, some of the one liners I now get consistently.

The only saving grace comes next month when her belt arrives. We have decided that what's good for the
gander is also good for the goose, after much argument. What she doesn't know is that I have planned a
"locking on" ceremony in our family room and have invited everyone who knows about my belt. Should
be 10-12 people attending. I also plan on taking a vote as to whether I should have hairbrush application
rights also and if a demonstration is in order.

For all of this we have a good marriage, even if it does appear kinky to some, and I wouldn't change it for
the world. For those who haven't tried forced chastity, you will never know how close two people can
become in ways other than sex.

If it were up to me, I would pass a law that made all people getting married exchange keys as well as rings
at the marriage ceremony.

My wife's belt arrived and fit like a glove. Form the outside it appears exactly like the one I wear; a steel
waistband with a shield that drops from the front and is attached to the back of the belt with two strong
steel chains. Like mine the lock is on the front and constructed so that it cannot even be cut off. The
locking pins on the belt prevent any lateral movement of the shield insuring that the ability to play with or
insert anything into her private parts is impossible.

Unlike my belt, that contains an internal tube to encase my penis, hers has a slit about bout three eighths of
an inch wide to allow her to urinate without removing the device. Both belts are lined on the inside with
neoprene rubber that allows for extended wear without undo discomfort.

On the day it arrived she told me that she wanted one more oral licking before she was locked up. After
she was satisfied the belt was locked on. Ann didn't say much for almost a week. She then began to
express a desire for release. Her reason was that the small slit in the front constantly made it feel as though
someone was playing, ever so gently, with her and causing her to become aroused.

Since I have been encased in my tube, and have had years of being in a state of partial erection, her
complaints fell upon deaf ears.

The following weekend I invited her sisters over for dinner and her grand unveiling. Ann got the same
treatment from them that had been given to me when they discovered my enforced chastity. After dinner
we all assembled in the front room. I went into the bedroom with Ann. I had her put on a short top and
made sure that that was all she had on, other than the belt, when we entered the front room. She was beet
red with embarrassment as she walked in. The in-laws were quite pleased with her new attire.

"Seems fair", was the most common comment.

I didn't have to say anything for the second part of my day to occur. All four of her sisters and the one
sister-in law brought up the subject of the hairbrush. Ann complained loudly that she didn't agree to being
spanked, especially in front of everyone in the room. Everyone seemed to agree that since I had received
many a well tanned backside to go along with my chastity belt the rules for both of us should be the same.

Finally, Joey made the suggestion that won the day. "John has been locked up for six years. At fifty two
weeks a year I think that three hundred and twelve smacks with the hairbrush would be appropriate, one for
each week." Ann blanched.

They wanted to see a good old fashioned, over the knee spanking, and would not stop until they got to see
what they were after. Joey finally got Ann to agree to letting me paddle her backside by explaining that if
she didn't let me do it they would each take a turn at giving her 100 each until I finally gave her final dose.
With no way out she was soon draped over my knee, in the middle of the room, with her cute little bottom
perfectly positioned for what was to come.

Smack, I applied the brush. Ann's bottom jumped but she did not move. After only fifteen to twenty
smacks Ann was wiggling off my lap and reaching back with her hands to rub out the sting in her bottom.
Two sisters, the oldest (Linda and Sue) immediately came to my assistance. Then helped Ann, or forced
her depending upon your view, back across my lap. One seated herself by Ann's legs while the other sat
near her hands. Both then grabbed Ann preventing any further movement or escape.

By the time I reached one hundred Ann was balling like a baby. She had quit begging me to stop, or if she
was still trying to say something it was unintelligible. I suggested that she couldn't stand the whole dose
but was roundly overruled. As Ann's bottom went from bright red to deep shades of purple she lost control
and wet all over my lap. I gave her the entire agreed upon number of hairbrush spanks and felt sorry for
her at the end. She said she felt sorry for her end also.

When it was over Ann was coaxed into trying to sit down and found she really couldn't. As a matter of fact
she didn't sit down again for two days and then used a soft pillow for a couple of more days.

Ann was so sore that she spent the rest of the day bottomless. As the afternoon went on everyone could see
her bottom darken as the follow on effects of the hairbrush began to take its toll. I had concentrated on the
lower part of her bottom where most of her weight would rest if she tried to sit and you could see it puff up
as time went by.

The topic of conversation moved to the chastity agreement we had made. With one person locked up and
the other owning the key, forced chastity would work. However, if both parties were locked up and had
each other's key it was felt that an agreement would be made to accommodate mutual relief. Since we had
started our agreement it was decided that neither of us could be trusted with either key. It was decided that
the in-laws would keep all of the keys to keep temptation away.

All of the girls and their husbands delighted in our plight. The frustration of both of us being locked up
seems to give them a charge. They had always enjoyed seeing how they could say or do something that
would cause me to become more frustrated. To finish off the afternoon they produced a small padlock and
locked Ann and I together with the D rings that were attached to the front of our belts. With her top off,
and me now naked also, we were locked face to face with our bodies touching everywhere except where the
chastity belts made it impossible.

Ann's breasts rubbed against my chest and our thighs continually made contact. Even with her sore bottom
it was apparent that she was getting excited. Blood flowed to my penis as it attempted to become hard and
engorged only to be stopped by the tube into which it was imprisoned. After a few hours of watching us
grow more and more horny and frustrated we were finally unlocked, the fun was over.

The last major topic of conversation concerned the effects that would, and may already have, result in my
lack of use of my sexual organ. When I admitted that I hadn't even had a wet dream in over a year and
usually kept even the thought of sex out of my mind the old phrase "use it or lose it" gained new meaning.
Ann, being a female, did not have the same problem. Before leaving they all said they would try to come
up with a solution that would make sure I didn't "lose it".

A couple of weeks later her sisters invited themselves over with a promise that they had come up with a

Arriving early Saturday morning they brought over a bench they said would solve the problem with which I
was faced.

Shaped like a sawhorse, it was obvious that they had constructed a punishment bench. It was made of
heavy wood and took three of us to get it out of the back of the pickup and into the family room. The top
was padded and it was at a perfect height for me to bend at the waist and have my upper body lay flat
across the top. At the base where my feet would rest were leather cuffs which could secure my ankles.
Another larger strap was affixed so that it could be tightened across the small of the back and keeps one
from moving. Finally, a device was produced that would allow my arms to be tightened across my back.
At the end where my legs would be locked was a U shaped cutout that would allow my penis and balls to
hang unfettered.

It was decided to put it to use immediately.

I stripped of everything but the belt. Next my arms were tied behind by back preventing any use and
insuring that I couldn't rebel against what was to come next.

My chastity belt was removed and for the first time in years I was free, although I couldn't do anything
about gaining relief with my arms secured as they were. Next I was led to the bench, my feet were secured
at the bottom, I was bent over the end and the strap on top was tightened to prevent any movement. The
position was actually not that uncomfortable and I learned that it was made that way on purpose so they
would have plenty of time to do what they wanted.

One of the girls said, "let's see of that thing of his can still get hard". With that she pulled up a chair,
reached up from the bottom of the U shaped notch and began to play with me. As they suspected, the
prolonged period of inactivity had had an effect. Nothing happened! The girls spent time massaging my
genitals, bottom and any other area they could reach relaxing me and finally causing a full erection, the first
one in years. As soon as they sensed that I was close to coming they stopped. I was now twitching hoping
that I would get relief and making quite a sight of myself.

"Ann, how is your bottom"? Sue asked.

"Fine, why do you ask? She answered.

"It seems to me that John is ready to come and you could both discourage that feeling and get a little even
for the hairbrush you got a couple of weeks ago".

Ann jumped at the chance. They agreed that for the next few hours they would take turns getting me hard
and Ann would soften me up with the hairbrush. As much as I wanted to come, my mind went away from
my penis and onto the pain in my bottom as she applied the hairbrush with gusto. The first time it took
about seventy-five applications of the brush before I was again limp. If you haven't been spanked with a
hairbrush you have no idea how much pain it can inflict. I long ago quit trying to remain stoic and just
accept it, I bawl and cry just like anyone else would.

Each of the girls took her turn at getting me hard and Ann applied the hairbrush every time it happened. I
couldn't take any more and couldn't do anything about it. Finally, Joey said that it was time for the grand
finale. She got me hard one more time and attached a suction device to my penis, she said it was like a
milking machine used to milk cows but sized to fit a man's penis. She asked me if I really wanted to come
and I begged her to do it.

"Don't be too sure this is what you want", she said as she attached the device and turned on the small

I came in a matter of moments. A great sense of relief swept over me. My bottom was on fire and I was
drained physically. My whole body seemed to go limp.

Joey came over. "How do you feel now", she asked.

"We'll see how you feel in about thirty minutes". she said. After ejaculating my penis wanted to go limp
and relax. The machine wouldn't let it. It was milking me. My penis was being rubbed raw and the pain
even made me forget about by bottom. That thirty minutes was pure hell.

After my time on the machine was up it was decided that I needed one more experience with the hairbrush
for having been a "bad boy" and reaching climax. Ann applied the brush another 312 times before I was
allowed up. Before my arms were unfastened the chastity belt was attached and locked on.

Like Ann, two weeks ago, I couldn't sit down for a couple of days. My bottom was so sore that I didn't
even wear pants for almost a day. To finish off the day, Ann and I were again locked together, but this time
my back D ring was attached to her front D ring. Ann's body rubbed against my extremely sore bottom
every time either of us moved and she made sure she moved often.

There was one more thing to do. After determining that Ann no longer menstruated, her hands were
secured as mine had been, her chastity belt was removed and a dildo inserted. Her belt was then locked
back on. They said that they would ease Ann's predicament in a week but wanted to make sure she was as
uncomfortable being filled up as my raw penis would be in its tube.

As the in-laws left they suggested that we repeat this process at least monthly to insure that I will be able to
function on by 65th birthday.

Page last updated 99-Dec-11 by:

A mother trying to control her son's... Alone time.
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I'm 15. My family is deeply religious. I respect that but sometimes, yknow, I'm 15, and I have to, you know, rub one out. I try not to but like... I can't concentrate on anything else if I don't. And like if I see a pretty girl it'll get worse. It basically feels like sleeping to me, if I don't do it I can't function. Idk if I'm normal or not. I'm definitely ashamed of it. But I'm not lying I promise. My mom doesn't believe me. My dad is out of the picture so I can't talk to him and ask him if this is a guy thing.
Anyway my mom has tried a lot of things to get me to stop. She took my door off, for example. She grounded me and stuff. I try to hide it so she gives up but now she's decided to get some kind of device and put it on me so that I can't touch myself. She seemed serious and it wouldn't be out of character for her. She also does other weird things like on Fridays we can't eat at all because of Jesus. I try to respect that but often times I go out on a bike ride and get food somewhere. I get hungry.
What I want to know is can I refuse to wear her device? I pretty much know I will lose my phone (she'll probably sell it so I can't get it back) and stuff if I refuse but I personally think that going a while without my phone is kinda fine. I want my grades go stay OK so that I can get into college and have some control over myself and I can't do that if I'm constantly hot and bothered by every girl I see cuz, well you know.
So yeah this is kinda embarrassing. I hope I don't need to share my personal information with anyone here. I live in ohio and go to a private school.
The discussion has devolved into a lot of off-topic BS. This post is being locked.
ETA: To the person who is reporting every single pro-masturbation comment: Please stop. We aren't removing them.
If she tries to put any device on you, call child protective services.
Does she ever take you to a doctor?
No we're not allowed to go to the doctor for religious reasons. My younger brother who is 13 broke his arm last year and had to go and he got in trouble for it.
I'm posting this at a top level. From your comments in reply to questions, it seems that people at your church are behaving in a way that is sexually inappropriate and most likely abuse. Be aware that they may also be doing this to your siblings and the other children as well. Please talk to a teacher or counselor at school about abuse at your church. It needs to be stopped.
OP, please call CPS or talk to a teacher or counselor at your school. Please make sure that you mention you are not permitted to eat on Fridays and that you don't get medical care.
Be sure to also ask them about counseling services. You are normal. You're not gross or shameful, there is nothing wrong with you and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
I'm going to tell my math teacher don't worry.
I saw a church being mentioned in the comments, might help you to read, I'd definitely pass on information about the church to CPS as well. Branding/burns that leave marks are absolutely illegal.
I don't think anyone's posted this yet.
"The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has launched 855-O-H-CHILD (855-642-4453), an automated telephone directory that will link callers directly to a child welfare or law enforcement office in their county.
"A mandated reporter is someone required by law to report if they suspect or know that child abuse if occurring. A list of mandated reporters for Ohio includes:
So you can call CPS at that number. Or you can tell a doctor, a nurse, a teacher, a lawyer or anyone else in the categories on that list. I wouldn't trust the clergy at your church, it sounds sketchy.
I used to live in Ohio. I was a mandated reporter . we get training for it. No one in their right mind wants to see kids hurting. I know it's scary but please be bold and reach out to someone for help.
Masturbating is normal. The majority of the population does it, and there is not absolutely nothing to be ashemed off.
Your mother doesn't have to give you space to masturbate, BUT if she tries to put a device on call child protective services. And they won't be so happy that she withold medical care and food from you and your brother.
She doesn't have the obligation to let you masturbate, but she can't prevent it.
She doesn't have the obligation to let you masturbate, but she can't prevent it.
How is that to be understood? Can I just do it whenever and wherever I want to? How does "let you masturbate" work?
Hi, I'm not a lawyer, but I am a Child Protection Practitoner. Did you end up speaking to your math teacher like you pl
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