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Charlee Gloryhole
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CHARLEE’S Brave Dog Hamburger Series
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Hi! My name is Charlee. I am half Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and half Sealyham Terrier. If you aren’t familiar with that spaniel and terrier mix, allow me to explain. Ahem. I am a wonderful, loyal, smart, loving creature (except around Chihuahuas), and I adore my mom. And, as my mom would lovingly say, I am a little girl with a beard. (That comes from the Sealyham Terrier side of the family.) I also have a magnificent tail. Not only that, I share tales … stories about my adventures with my mom mostly. She helped me type them up.
“Charlee’s Brave Dog Hamburger” is the first in a series of books. I hope you enjoy reading it. This tale is based on a true story. Cousin Morgan illustrated it for me. She is talented. I love her and my mom a lot. But, if someone were to ask, I’d have to say that I love my mom the most.
Kara is Charlee’s mom. As a communication professional, Kara has spent the past 20 years in Corporate America. During that time, she has written and successfully executed countless corporate communication strategies. But, as she explains, “Losing my job in a merger/acquisition became a blessing, giving me time to pursue my creative writing.”
Excited that her first published book is about her darling Charlee, Kara explains how the illustrations are so accurately depicted by her talented niece, Morgan K. Buhler. “The fact that Morgan grew up with Charlee gives Morgan firsthand experience with Charlee’s personality – that, and Morgan is simply talented beyond my comprehension.”
Morgan is Kara’s niece and Charlee’s cousin. Having grown up around Charlee, Morgan experienced firsthand Charlee’s quirky, amusing little personality. Because of their history together, Morgan thought this project would be one she could put her heart into by trying to convey Charlee’s unique, charming character. “Drawing is one of my passions,” Morgan explains. “When my aunt asked me if I would be interested in illustrating a children’s book about Charlee, I did not hesitate to accept.”
Morgan is a graduate of Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in International Business.
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