Charity Challenges - Overseas Travel and Fundraising

Charity Challenges - Overseas Travel and Fundraising

What is a charity challenge?

According to the Institute of Fundraising: "the factor which distinguishes 'a charity challenge event' is that the participant is also receiving a more than notional benefit, which in many cases has a monetary value attached, and seeks to fundraise from supporters in respect of their participation".

Can smaller charities get in on the act?

In a word: yes! Supporters of smaller charities can raise funds by taking part in any number of 'open' overseas challenge events, arranged by charity challenge tour operators such as Classic Tours, Charity Challenge and the Ultimate Travel Company's Ultimate Challenges.

Charity challenges: the pros and cons

There's no doubt that overseas challenges can have huge benefits for charities:

Publicity: Overseas challenges are a great way of gaining public attention, particularly if a celebrity is involved.

Long-term support: Charities testify that the intensity of the adventure holiday challenge experience, with its sense of shared achievement and real hardships overcome, often translates into long-term support.

Sustained advance exposure: Kate Favell, World Experiences Event project manager at the British Heart Foundation, points out that those participating in major overseas travel challenges are likely to be engaged in fundraising for many months before an event takes place. Charities therefore benefit greatly from sustained public exposure.

Mission and message - the double whammy: For charities such as the British Heart Foundation, overseas travel challenges are also a great way of reinforcing the lifestyle choices they aim to promote more generally: exercise, healthy eating etc.

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