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Before you start reloading, read carefully the safety rules hereunder and keep it in mind. You will be on the safe side and be ensured of the good quality of your work. Once at a shooting range, fire the cartridges in the same order, starting from the lightest powder charge, using a solid rest. You will probably identify several points where velocity is approximately identical and impacts group closer to one another. Depending of the intended use of your handloads, select the proper load — velocity- accuracy. Point in your records. If you change one single component primer, case brand or types, bullet brand, type or weight , you must start all over again and work up exactly as you would do when loading a new caliber for a new gun. Closely inspect all cases immediately after firing, measure cases if you feel pressure could be high. Always keep a watchful eye on pressure signs difficult extraction, flattened or blown primers and unusual recoil. In rifle cartridges, you will be able to start looking for an accurate load by adjusting bullet seating depth etc. These data have been considered safe in the firearm s in which they were developed. This does not mean they will be safe in your own firearm, whatever its age, brand or origin. For the same reason, any variation in firearm s or components might bring very different and possibly unsafe results. The simple fact of using, either directly or indirectly, the data supplied implies complete, full and informed acceptation of the above conditions and ipso facto discharges both Nobel Sport as well as distributors of any and all responsibility. Reproduction of these data in print or by any other means including computer or internet files is subject to prior approval in writing. Loads shown have been reached with the components used in their development and were fired in proof barrels under carefully controlled conditions. The end user might reach very different results due to handloading methods, procedures, components and tools, the actual firearm used and climatic variations. As they can exercise no control whatsoever on the above, Nobel Sport disclaims any responsibility for any incident or accident resulting from the use of their powders and recommended loading data. Nobel Sport only produces the powders used in these tables. Any change in components will result in changes in the ballistic performance of handloaded ammunition. All information supplied in only indicative and possibly will not reflect actual performance in the field. Whether they are listed in grams or grains, the loads listed gave good results both pressure-wise and velocity-wise under laboratory conditions with the components listed. Actual field results using other components may and will generally be different. It is essential that the reloader starts with the minimum load and gradually increases until reaching the ideal load. Beginners are urged to stay with minimum loads until they have gathered enough experience, both in shooting techniques and handloading techniques. We recommend that the handloader purchases a copy of the Nobel Sport Manual. CIP has established maximum mean allowable pressures for nearly every cartridge currently chambered in commercial firearms. We advise powder purchasers to endeavor to have their handloads tested by one of the CIP laboratories. You will find all further information on our website : www. Wear proper eye protection. Pour out only the powder quantity needed for immediate reloading work. Keep your reloading bench in good order. Clean up spilled powder. Do not use a vacuum cleaner. In order to avoid double powder charge, please check visually the powder level in the cases. Do not keep old or salvaged powders. Never start with the maximum powder load indication. Never exceed the maximum powder charge indication. One cartridge for each step is enough. Never exceed the maximum cartridge length shown in the table. Make sure you work from cases you have numbered legibly with a permanent marker. By all means use a reliable electronic chronograph and record all velocities. Velocities and pressures are closely related. Always use the same point of aims from the same solid firearms old. Mark on a separate target the exact point of impact and number them. Keep away from combustible or flammable liquids. The powder must be stored in its original packing. Keep powder out of reach of children. Do not take internally. Do not smoke where powder is stored and where you are loading it. Follow all regulations and legislation regarding purchase and storage in your country.

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