Characteristic of Safonova Maryna, Choir-master of senior student’s choir M. Leontovych Arts School № 4

Characteristic of Safonova Maryna, Choir-master of senior student’s choir M. Leontovych Arts School № 4

Ukrainian Choral Society named after Mykola Leontovych

Safonova Maryna was born 13 March 1983 in Kharkiv. From 1998 to 2002 she was studying at Kharkiv B. Liatoshinskyi Music College, conducting of the choir department.

Since 2002 she has been working at M. D. Leontovych Children’s Arts School № 4 as a teacher of solo singing and a choir-master of senior student’s choir. Over the years of her work she proved herself to be an experienced specialist, wonderful mentor and creative personality; she is always active, emotional, demonstrates creative search and self education.

Her characteristic features are developed sense of duty and professional responsibility. Maryna is highly respected by her colleagues and students.

For dedicated work, enormous contribution to the development of childrens creativity Maryna Safonova was awarded with honorary papers by the Mayor of Kharkiv, by the Management of culture of Kharkiv City Administration, by the Head of Novo-Bavarskyi district Administration.

In 2019 Maryna was awarded with a medal “For service to Art” by the All-Ukrainian association “Kraina”.

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