

Rohit Tiwari

Device Tree Side Changes:

sdm660-common: overlays: Update battery info every second when charging

sdm660-common: props: Remove debug display prop

sdm660-common: props: Clean up useless log spams

sdm660-common: props: Enable media smoothstreaming

sdm660-common: props: Enable apk fs-verity

sdm660-common: Change to cortex-a73 for target arch.

sdm660-common: Provide android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0 on vendor

sdm660-common: wifi: Enable 2.4GHz channel bonding

sdm660-common: Drop custom APM flag

Revert "sdm660-common: Force enable mobile network settings v2"

sdm660-common: Enable zygote critical window

sdm660-common: Deduplicate handheld_core_hardware.xml copy rule

sdm660-common: telephony: Disable handling audio directing changes between call states

sdm660-common: fstab: Switch zram swap to /data/per_boot

sdm660-common: fstab: Correct zram parameter names

sdm660-common: Drop WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_*

sdm660-common: Set WIFI_DRIVER_DEFAULT to qca_cld3

sdm660-common: Defer triggering WiFi load to HAL

sdm660-common: Enable aptX(HD) offload

sdm660-common: Disable zram writeback

sdm660-common: Defer triggering WiFi load to HAL

sdm660-common: overlay: Enable cdma choices bool

Revert "sdm660-common: Disable triple buffering"

sdm660-common: Enable SurfaceFlinger Cache by default

sdm660-common: audio: fix VTS

sdm660-common: Cleanup dead targets

sdm660-common: Drop vestigial FM board-flags

sdm660-common: Set config_sustainedPerformanceModeSupported

sdm660-common: Set block_binder_thread_on_incoming_calls in product.prop

sdm660-common: wifi: Configure correct overlay configuration.

sdm660-common: switch to threaded Skia render engine backend

sdm660-common: properties: Disable SDM Scalar

Kernel Side Changes:

Switch To LineageOS Kernel (Clean Flash Required)

mm/vmscan: Set Swappiness to 60 (should imporove swappiness drastically, values were messed up before)

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