

Anthony Pyrtle

Rom Changes:


* Out of beta yippie ya yeah!

* Brought back toggle for A12 Searchbar style and fixed overlap with wifi settings

* Updated Inter font family

* Added support for accented clock color on S Clocks

* Removed date/weather on TypeClock and Omni weather on S clocks until I figure out completely

* Pulse: Added Custom gravity and Center mirrored options

* Added option to extend Pulse to QS Panel

* Pulse: Added Vertical mirror option

* Added options for iOS-like toast notification for clipboard access

* Added moar prebuilt weather icon packs

* Added some Anime custom headers

* Show full default name for wifi and signal icon customization preferences

* Disabled all-caps for smart reply button text

* Removed sensors toggle from automated sleep mode

* FODCircleView: Always update FODAnimation position

* GamingMode: Moved RecordingService into main process

* SystemUI: Halt LyricTicker after statusbar lyric disabled

* Reduced NotificationHistoryDatabase logspam

* Gestures: Fixed up footer string

* P404Panel, ShapeShiftPanel: Don't show captions info tooltip

* Launcher3: Fixed IntentFilter leak in QuickEventsController

* Launcher3: Cleaned up code for QuickEvents and QuickSpaceView

* Launcher3: Fixed Blur not being applied properly in some cases

* Some optimizations from upstream

* Updated German translations

Device changes:


* Sync ODM features list with OnePlus framework

* Update ODM features list from OSS

* Update ODM features list from OSS

* Switched to qti vibrator

* Vibrator: Add logic to detect QTI haptics device

* Overlay: Update vibration pattern

* Overlay: Use OnePlus infrared sensor for Pocket Judge

* Overlay: Add missing burnInProtection overlays

* Drop lineage powershare since 8t doesn't support wireless charging

* Overlay: Update CarrierConfig

* Manifest: Label missed entry for

* Sepolicy: Address init shell and hal perf denials

* Sepolicy: Address various sepolicy denials

* Fix namespace for landscape dimen

* DeviceExtras: Doze: Get rid of aod pref

* DeviceExtras: Doze: Get rid of compound button

* DeviceExtras: Set default vibration to 2 and increase max vibration to 4

* config_suspendWhenScreenOffDueToProximity_false

* Biometrics: Revert "fpc: keep fpc in system-background"

* Overlay: Enable tap to show ambient display by default

* Tri-state-key: Refactor code

* Tri-state-key: Add support for setting up initial state on boot

* Props: Update display props

* DeviceExtras: Fix up restoring vib strength on boot

* Fix T-Mobile issues & added visible apns

* Tree clean-ups

* kebab: Update blobs from OOS

* kebab: Update blobs×configs from OOS

Report Page