


What is the best way to counter the Nomsy/Whisper comp?
Enjoying the new patch by roasting some teams
Which Champion would you ship with Sona?
The writing in the Visual Novel is such a disappointment after reading Twin Stars
Why is quicksilver abbreviated QSS instead QS?
Anyone else feels like this set has less flexibility than previous sets?
PSA: You can't buy more than one Star Guardian Random Skin chest
Do people who proudly hate on Catcher in the Rye know it’s about CSA?
I've struggled against Shyv (itemized) as well as assassins. Also ASol. Basically anything that can skip the frontline.
Nomsy ended up doing over 1200 dmg to units in a single cast
I had four chalice of powers next to nomsy one game. It's too much fun. Idk how viable it truly is, but I haven't had fun with the set in a minute so I'm here for forcing nomsy carry
Riot wants to ship SG Sona with SG Ekko
You want to ship SG Sona with SG Ekko*
Just because two characters talk to each other doesn't mean it's a ship ffs
Morgana literally hints at "friendship? romance? trauma bonding?". It is a bit forced writing-wise given what we see, but OP isn't making it up.
There was a great opportunity to approach the "they're both right, and both wrong" situation. I thought it was a very adult issue (dealing with mortality) and it felt way watered down in the actual VN. Like, instead of exploring and learning, Kai'Sa goes "I wanna be a star guardian like lux and I will protect everyone" and Akali goes "we will outlive everyone until we die in the line of duty, isn't that horrifying" and then they repeat themselves until they're just... better now? It was weird how it was so repetitive when they could have used that time to actually develop both sides. It 1000% feels like a different writer than the story its based on, which is incredibly disappointing.
It is just carried from league. Most player including me starts playing tft because they played league, rarely the other way round. So the names are just stuck with us.
Not only qss, most ornn items we will just call it the same name as league, eg Infinity force as tri force, anime visage as spirit visage, obsidian cleaver as black cleaver etc.
I completely didn't even realize the anima visage thing. I read it once and classified it as "spirit visage" in my head. I'm not even a League "vet", I started playing in 2020.
Honestly I don't blame them for being unable to balance dragons, I blame them for trying to implement them in the first place. For a two-spot 8-10 cost unit (24-30 cost at 2 star), it has to be worth it. But for it to be "worth it", it overpowers everything else. But if it doesn't, then they aren't worth it period. It's impossible to balance properly. I would have liked to see "minor" dragons that would be more accessible, kind of like nomsy. Just extra bonuses to different archetypes in the form of an extra dragon buddy. It could still be hard to balance, but I think easier than this mess. Honestly I'm ready for Dragonlands to be over. I appreciate them trying something new, but I miss not having these units. To be fair, this is my first time really getting back into it since the first set, but still.
I know this was probably obvious, but I definitely bought the pass because I thought you could. It took forever to grind anyway, so I thought it wasn't that generous, especially since they're older skins. But after saving up for my second chest I realized it was a once buy.
I'm sure I should have known, but just in case. At least I didn't get Ezreal but I am the disappointment.
i want the ezreal one out of the bunch
I just don't play Ezreal but I play the other 3 champions. So I definitely would have been even more disappointed if my "one" was for the champ I don't play. If you get the chest, I hope you get your Ezreal!
Definitely a late response, but I read this book when I was 14 for fun. When I got to the part with Mr. Antonoli, I was like "ohhhhh man, so he was a victim of CSA, that makes so much sense". I went to look online for analysis after reading, but this was 2007? And Sparknotes didn't mention it at all in its analysis, nor did countless other articles. I feel like it's incredibly obvious, but maybe due to the stigma against men being victims of sexual abuse, it wasn't being talked about. At least, outside of a classroom setting. I wonder if people didn't think about it because of this bias?
I didn't understood at 14 why this was a banned book, he cusses sometimes, but other not-banned books also have explicit language. He doesn't even sleep with the prostitute! But as an adult I have a sinking feeling that it was because it talked about trauma from CSA and we know that that topic is pushed under the rug by a lot of people in power (especially religious groups who strongly advocate against the book) in order to silence survivors and continue to perpetuate abuse.
Holden wanting to catch people, to save others where he couldn't save himself, feeling sickened by the hypocrisy and actions of his peers (particularly male peers, where he relates more to his female peers who he perceives as going through the same thing)... it's easy to write Holden off as annoying or angsty because he is, but it's also warranted? I think people don't care to look past the surface because he isn't very approachable, and you don't necessarily need to want to hang out with him as a person, but dismissing him as "privileged whine" when he is a survivor of CSA and trauma is really... out of touch. Anyone can be hurt by a patriarchal power structure, even someone who can theoretically benefit from it. On top of the fact that Holden is a part of that system and sees the hypocrisy (and is blatantly even told about it by his friends because his friends see him as part of that system as well). The phonies hurt everyone, and I think that's something we're all still coming to terms with. Catcher in the Rye was well ahead of its time and it's sad that its central themes were obscured. But it also isn't spoonfed to you, you have to get further into the novel for it all to make sense.
Aren't we all upset by the phonies? Especially in the past few years with the political climate? Because Holden was talking about those exact themes decades ago. He was conflicted and traumatized and surrounded by hypocrisy of a system that holds all the power, and he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Flaws in a system that were flaws back then and continue to be so. I think his teenage angst is valid.
Not to mention, I think people forget that this is a novel from his perspective. In his head. Which means unfiltered, and that can sometimes come off as abrasive or extra. And Catcher in the Rye was one of the first biggest novels to use first person, it wasn't a popular choice at the time. J.D. Salinger deliberately picked that style. The fact we can see in Holden's head, the good and bad, was stylistic. We're a bit jaded at this point by the first person edgy protagonist, but that wasn't a trope yet. It was getting inside the head of a flawed perspective of a traumatized teenager who was surrounded by the hypocrisy of the power structures he should theoretically benefit from, but he saw the "man behind the curtain" and could never unsee it.
I can get the book not being everyone's cup of tea, but it breaks my heart to see the discord being so vicious to Holden and those who identify with him. Personally disliking a work and saying the work has no merit are two different things. Like... do I think Faulkner was hugely influential on literature? Absolutely. Do I think he needed to find out what a "." is? Yes. Do I hate reading his work? Oh, 100%. Personal taste vs literary merit. Both can exist and both are valid. I think people just like hating things and then being vocal about it, especially if it's something that is "overrated".
Sure, teenage angst and thinking adults are phonies. But Holden was right, there are a lot of phonies, people who hurt others and manipulate and abuse. I think people see "phonies" and think it's a stand-in for "poser". The denotation certainly fits. But we aren't talking about "prep losers", we're talking about supposedly stand-up citizens, trusted individuals, hurting and abusing their power.
Rant on a dead thread, but Catcher in the Rye is one of those few books that has a soft spot in my heart. I think a piece of work that can accurately point out flaws in a system that continue to exist half a century after the work is published can't really be dismissed. And its unfair to male survivors to dismiss Holden because he is privileged and whiny. Anyone can be a victim of CSA and the system hurts everyone.

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