Chan Porn Sites

Chan Porn Sites


Chan Porn Sites

お断り ★ 2022/08/09(火) 23:58:07.78 ID:7djsfqDK9

お断り ★ 2022/08/09(火) 23:51:44.93 ID:7djsfqDK9

シャチ ★ 2022/08/09(火) 23:15:22.26 ID:dZriqZER9

どどん ★ 2022/08/09(火) 23:00:52.44 ID:3aUVyB8r9

Stargazer ★ 2022/08/09(火) 22:41:13.25 ID:ijW3/0829

Stargazer ★ 2022/08/09(火) 22:40:41.38 ID:ijW3/0829

パンナ・コッタ ★ 2022/08/09(火) 22:27:13.63 ID:7juzC4mw9

どどん ★ 2022/08/09(火) 22:19:13.73 ID:3aUVyB8r9

Loki Technology, Inc.

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17 ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center

PASIG 1600

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ロシアのウクライナ侵攻許せば、世界各地で同様の事象発生=米国務長官 ブリンケン米国務長官は8日、ロシアがウクライナを虐げ、反対されることなくウクライナの領土を奪うことが許された場合、欧州だけでなく世界各地で同様のことが起きると警告した。 ブリンケン氏は訪問先の南アフリカで「大国が小国を虐げ、侵略して領土を奪うことを許せば、欧州だけでなく世界中で同様のことが起きる」とし ロイター 2022/8/9
ロシア軍が欲した町工場の技術 鍵は「燃料」だった〜戦場のメイド・イン・ジャパン中 ウクライナに侵攻したロシア軍が使うドローンに日本製のエンジンが使われているらしい。 千葉県市川市にある「斎藤製作所」。ガソリンを燃料にする模型飛行機用エンジンをつくり、「世界のSAITO」として知られるこの会社の製品が、ロシア軍ドローンエンジンに使われている。 「ロシアのドローンを解体したら、御社のエンジンと思われるものが出てきた。映像を見てほしい」と切り出した。 「最初にロシアから“産業用”に、森林火災などの防止のために欲しいと言われたときは、みんなで喜んだんです。ロシアの人々のためになる、技術が認められたんだと……」 しばらく沈黙が流れた。 「メイド・イン・ジャパン」は「最高品質」 この推測を、関西を拠点にした模型飛行機の愛好家の集まり「木津フライングクラブ」・大井高三会長にぶつけた。 すると、 「メイド・イン・ジャパンの品質は世界一や。アジアの他の国のメーカーでも同じようなものを作っているけど、不良品が含まれる。数回飛ばしたらダメになったこともあった。そんな不確定な商品を戦場で飛ばしますか?」 「大きくてパワーのあるエンジンはヨーロッパ製。コンパクトで安心安全なのは日本製。世界の模型飛行機マニアの間ではメイド・イン・ジャパンのエンジンは『最高品質』って意味や」 テレ朝 詳細はソース 2022/8/7
今年6月、大阪市内にある無人のギョーザ販売店で冷凍ギョーザなどを盗んだとして54歳の男が9日、逮捕されました。 これは、大阪市西成区にある無人のギョーザ販売店に設置された防犯カメラの映像です。 6月27日の午前2時半ごろ、棚から1袋1000円の冷凍ギョーザを3つ取り出した男は、持っていたエコバッグの中に入れました。 さらに、別の棚からも商品2袋を持ち出してバッグの中へ。財布のようなものも手にしていますが、代金を支払うことなく立ち去りました。 男は西成区に住む無職の高松幸一容疑者(54)で、9日、窃盗の疑いで逮捕されました。調べに対し「簡単に盗めた」などと容疑を認めています。 この店では6月以降、同じような被害が相次いでいて、警察は余罪についても調べています。 よみうりテレビ
9日午後4時ごろ、千葉県山武市蓮沼のプール「蓮沼ウォーターガーデン」を訪れていた子ども会のメンバーから「10人以上が嘔吐(おうと)している」と119番通報があった。山武郡市広域行政組合消防本部によると、7~13歳の男女14人を病院に搬送。重症者はいないという。 県警山武署によると、子ども会には小学生ら約50人が参加し、少なくとも19人が体調不良を訴えた。同日朝に作ったおにぎりを正午ごろに食べ、約1時間後に症状が出始めたという。おにぎりの保管に保冷剤を使っていなかったといい、同署は食中毒の可能性が高いとみている。【石川勝義】 毎日新聞
安倍元首相が銃撃され死亡した事件に関連し、旧統一教会が10日、会見を開くと発表した。 世界平和統一家庭連合・旧統一教会は、10日午後3時から東京都内で会見を開くと発表した。 7月の会見で田中富広会長は、山上容疑者は信者ではないものの母親は信者で、1カ月に1回程度、団体の行事に参加していたことを明らかにしていた。 旧統一教会によると、10日の会見では、事件から1カ月がたち、これまでの報道内容の真偽や教団が受けたという被害について説明するという。 鈴木エイト ジャーナリスト/作家/物書き @cult_and_fraud 8/10に統一教会の田中富広会長が日本外国特派員協会(FCCJ)にて会見を行う模様。情報筋によると教団組織の実権を握る韓国の世界宣教本部の尹鍈鎬(ユン・ヨンホ)本部長が日本における教団への報道を「宗教迫害」として国連に訴えるよう指示したという。田中富広会長の会見もその旨を主張か #記者会見 前スレ (5ch newer account) 大阪府泉大津市の中学校に通う生徒2人を修学旅行中に、暑いバスの中で長時間待機させたとして、保護者が校長らに重い処分を課すよう求めました。 保護者によりますと、泉大津市の市立中学校に通う3年の女子生徒と男子生徒は今年6月、修学旅行で訪れた岐阜県高山市で2時間半にわたりバスの中に待機させられたということです。女子生徒がこの日の朝、宿泊先の部屋を抜け出して男子生徒の部屋の中にいたため、教諭が2人にバスに残るよう指示したということです。 この日の高山市の最高気温は35.7℃でしたが、バスのエンジンは切られ、冷房もかけられていませんでした。 女子生徒は帰宅後、食欲がないなど熱中症を疑わせる症状があったということです。 一方、学校は配慮が足りなかったと謝罪しましたが、生徒の体調管理には気を遣っていたと話しています。 校長は7月、市教委から厳重注意処分を受けましたが、生徒の保護者はさらに重い処分を求めています。 前スレ
安倍元首相の襲撃事件で逮捕された男の母親が、近く記者会見を開きたい意向を示していることがわかりました。親族によると母親は、「世間に謝りたい」などと話しているということです。 捜査関係者によると逮捕された山上徹也容疑者は、「母親が旧統一教会にのめりこみ、多額の寄付をするなどして家庭がめちゃくちゃになった」など供述しています。 山上容疑者の伯父によりますと、母親は「謝罪会見を開きたい、世間に謝りたい」などと話し、7日、伯父の自宅を出て、その後、家族との電話で「支援者の庇護のもと、大阪市内のホテルにいる」と明かしたということです。 母親はこれまでの検察の事情聴取に、「統一教会に申し訳ない」と話し、事件後も教会の教典を読んでいたということですが、現在の支援者が旧統一教会の関係者かどうかはわかっていません。 日テレ 前スレ 山上容疑者の母親「世間に謝りたい」近く会見へ ★3 [愛の戦士★]

5ch.netにおけるコンテンツの権利はLoki Technology, Inc. に帰属します。

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ Winter, Philipp. "How Do Tor Users Interact With Onion Services?" (PDF) . . Archived (PDF) from the original on 28 December 2018 . Retrieved 27 December 2018 .

^ Cryptocat [@cryptocatapp] (19 November 2013). "Cryptocat is now accessible as a Tor Hidden Service at catmeow2zuqpkpyw.onion. Instructions for chatting via the hidden service coming" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 11 December 2021 . Retrieved 18 March 2022 – via Twitter .

^ "Command Line - Tor | Keybase Docs" . . Archived from the original on 2019-05-08 . Retrieved 2019-05-08 .

^ "Encrypted Email Over Tor Setup - ProtonMail Support" . Archived from the original on 2017-08-28 . Retrieved 2017-01-19 .

^ "Riseup's Tor Hidden Services" . Riseup . Riseup Networks. Archived from the original on 16 October 2017 . Retrieved 6 March 2019 .

^ Dingledine, R.; Mathewson, N.; Syverson, P. (2007). "Deploying Low-Latency Anonymity: Design Challenges and Social Factors" (PDF) . IEEE Security & Privacy . 5 (5): 83–87. doi : 10.1109/MSP.2007.108 . S2CID 11387129 . Archived (PDF) from the original on 2014-06-06 . Retrieved 2015-08-08 .

^ Jordan, Tim (2008). "The Politics of Technology: Three Types of 'Hacktivism' " . In Häyhtiö, Tapio; Rinne, Jarmo (eds.). Net Working/Networking: Citizen Initiated Internet Politics . University of Tampere. p. 267. ISBN 9789514474644 . Archived from the original on 2015-03-19 . Retrieved 2016-10-04 .

^ Oram, Andy (2001). Peer-to-Peer: Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies . O'Reilly Media. ISBN 9780596001100 . Archived from the original on 2015-08-01 . Retrieved 2015-08-08 .

^ Howell O'Neill, Patrick (4 August 2013). "An in-depth guide to Freedom Hosting, the engine of the Dark Net" . Archived from the original on 30 April 2015 . Retrieved 30 May 2015 .

^ Gallagher, Sean (4 August 2013). "Alleged Tor hidden service operator busted for child porn distribution" . Archived from the original on 17 May 2015 . Retrieved 30 May 2015 .

^ Ernesto (7 June 2016). "KickassTorrents Enters The Dark Web, Adds Official Tor Address" . Archived from the original on 1 July 2016 . Retrieved 5 July 2016 .

^ Ernesto (7 January 2016). "The Pirate Bay Switches on New .MS Domain" . Archived from the original on 11 June 2016 . Retrieved 5 July 2016 .

^ "CIA's Latest Layer: An Onion Site" . Central Intelligence Agency . Archived from the original on May 8, 2019 . Retrieved May 11, 2019 .

^ "Dutch National Prosecution Service and police launch Hidden Service in global Darknet enforcement operation - Deep Dot Web" . . Archived from the original on 2017-08-31 . Retrieved 2017-08-30 .

^ "Introducing DNS Resolver for Tor" . Cloudflare . 5 June 2018. Archived from the original on 2018-10-02 . Retrieved 1 October 2018 .

^ "BBC News launches 'dark web' mirror" . BBC News . 2019-10-23. Archived from the original on 2021-03-19 . Retrieved 2020-07-13 .

^ Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty [@RFERL] (6 March 2022). "5/🧵 @SvobodaRadio: @CurrentTimeTv: @krymrealii:" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 15 March 2022 . Retrieved 18 March 2022 – via Twitter .

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^ "Radio Free Asia hosts secure mirror websites for Asian, Chinese audiences" . USAGM . 2020-04-17. Archived from the original on 2020-07-13 . Retrieved 2020-07-13 .

^ Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty [@RFERL] (6 March 2022). "4/🧵 Download the Tor browser to access dark web versions of our websites in English and Russian. RFE/RL English site on the dark web:" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 15 March 2022 . Retrieved 18 March 2022 – via Twitter .

^ "Guardian launches Tor onion service" . the Guardian . 2022-05-30 . Retrieved 2022-06-11 .

^ Sandvik, Runa (2018-04-26). "The New York Times is Now Available as a Tor Onion Service" . Medium . Archived from the original on 2017-10-28 . Retrieved 2020-07-13 .

^ "Telnet gateway" . . Wikimedia Foundation . 1 April 2016. Archived from the original on 22 August 2016 . Retrieved 12 June 2016 . lgcjxm7fttkqi2zl.onion

^ The Debian Project [@debian] (30 July 2016). "DSA announces Debian static websites are now available as Onion services. The list of services may be found on" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 3 July 2020 . Retrieved 18 March 2022 – via Twitter .

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^ Richard Hartmann (25 August 2015). "Tor-enabled Debian mirror" . . Archived from the original on 16 April 2016.

^ "Qubes OS: A reasonably secure operating system" . Archived from the original on 2021-08-25 . Retrieved 2021-08-27 .

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^ Jump up to: a b c d "A Guide to the Dark Web's Lighter Side" . Wired . ISSN 1059-1028 . Archived from the original on 2020-11-08 . Retrieved 2021-02-04 .

^ "The Intercept Welcomes Whistleblowers" . The Intercept . Archived from the original on 2021-02-04 . Retrieved 2021-02-04 .

^ "Tips" . The New York Times . 2016-12-14. ISSN 0362-4331 . Archived from the original on 2020-06-09 . Retrieved 2021-02-04 .

^ The Tor Project [@torproject] (20 January 2016). "Our friends La Quadrature Du Net (@laquadrature/@UnGarage) now provide a #Tor onion service!" (Tweet) (in French). Archived from the original on 3 July 2020 . Retrieved 18 March 2022 – via Twitter .

^ Un Garage [@UnGarage] (1 June 2017). "Reminder, LQDN sites are available on Tor: Searx: Etherpad: Website:" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 12 February 2022 . Retrieved 18 March 2022 – via Twitter .

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^ Pornhub [@Pornhub] (23 January 2020). "Today we are announcing that we have made a mirror of Pornhub available on Tor!!" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 21 July 2021 . Retrieved 18 March 2022 – via Twitter .

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^ "Archived copy" . Archived from the original on 2013-06-02 . Retrieved 2013-06-24 . {{ cite web }} : CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( link )

^ Van der Sar, Ernesto (21 November 2015). "Sci-Hub, BookFi and LibGen Resurface After Being Shut Down" . TorrentFreak. Archived from the original on 22 November 2015 . Retrieved 16 January 2016 .

^ Andy (31 December 2015). "Pirate Bay is Back to Square One After Months of Domain Hopping" . TorrentFreak. Archived from the original on 14 January 2016 . Retrieved 16 January 2016 . The TOR/Onion address uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion should also be fine longer term but it's hardly the most memorable set of digits for anyone to recall.

^ Facebook (2014, October 31). Facebook Protect the Graph blog Archived 2015-09-14 at the Wayback Machine . Retrieved 31 October 2014

^ Muffett, Alec [@AlecMuffett] (8 March 2022). "This is possibly the most important and long-awaited tweet that I've ever composed. On behalf of @Twitter, I am delighted to announce their new @TorProject onion service, at:" (Tweet). Archived from the original on 17 March 2022 . Retrieved 18 March 2022 – via Twitter .

^ The Verge (2022, March 8). Twitter is launching a Tor service for more secure and private tweeting

^ " now has its own Tor Onion Service, providing more users with secure access to Brave" . Brave Browser . 2020-10-05 . Retrieved 2022-06-24 .

^ "Guardian Project Official App Repository" . Archived from the original on 2021-03-29 . Retrieved 2021-01-30 .

^ Novak, Brennan. "Mailpile: e-mail that protects your privacy" . . Archived from the original on 2014-03-04 . Retrieved 2016-04-01 .

^ Strongbox Archived 2017-04-13 at the Wayback Machine . The New Yorker . Retrieved 15 November 2013.

^ Biryukov, Alex; Pustogarov, Ivan; & Weinmann, Ralf-Philipp. (2013). Content and popularity analysis of Tor hidden services Archived 2020-08-03 at the Wayback Machine . (Cornell University Library). Retrieved 15 November 2013.

^ Davidson, Amy. (2013, May 15). Introducing Strongbox Archived 2013-06-29 at the Wayback Machine . The New Yorker . Retrieved 26 December 2013.

.onion domain
*Maintains additional presence on the surface web

Anonym.OS (outdated)
Incognito (outdated)
xB Machine (outdated)

Ricochet (outdated)
TorChat (outdated)
Tor Messenger (outdated)

This is a categorized list of notable onion services (formerly, hidden services ) [1] accessible through the Tor anonymity network . Defunct services are marked.

It’s Called the Music and Arts Festival for a Reason

Dylan Efron Takes Us On An Adventure

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It is easy to see the OnlyFans platform as a kind of porn site, and there is certainly a great deal of adult oriented content on the site. Even so, the OnlyFans business model should be viewed in a larger context, one that encompasses not only porn and adult oriented content but all kinds of content creation.
 At its very core the OnlyFans platform is a social media site, and just like other sites like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook it is home to an astonishingly wide variety of talent. From singers and dancers to yoga and fitness instructors, millions of people have set up shop on the site, and a large number of them are earning money just by showcasing their talents.
The view that OnlyFans is at heart a social media site is further solidified by the fact that so many of its biggest stars got their start not on porn sites but on sites like Instagram and Twitter. Indeed, as those competing social media platforms began to crack down on adult oriented content and place bans on nudity and dirty talk, OnlyFans was there to take up the slack, giving everyone from seasoned porn stars to barely legal teens a soft, and profitable, place to land.
YouTube in particular has been a powerful feeder for OnlyFans superstars , and it is easy to see what that is the case. Like OnlyFans and Instagram, YouTube is a visual medium, but unlike YouTube OnlyFans welcomes nudity, sex and all kinds of eroticism. Given the strong relationship between YouTube and its strict policies and OnlyFans and its more welcoming ones, we felt it was high time to put together a list of YouTubers who have OnlyFans accounts. So without further ado here are our picks for the 10 best YouTube OnlyFans account holders.
If you thought all the content on OnlyFans was X-rated, you might want to check out the great Bobby Burns, a YouTube star who was able to parlay his avid fan base into huge success on the platform. On YouTube viewers largely knew this Nashville based recording artist for his songwriting chops and his love of performing, but on OnlyFans those followers are getting to see an entirely new side of this hot hunk, and they are clearly loving what they see.
Not all YouTubers with OnlyFans have what it takes to succeed in this crowded and demanding space, and it is clear that Bobby is going to be one of the true superstars. In his new home on the platform and his new role as a YouTube with an OnlyFans account, Bobby Brown is showing much more skin, sharing fully nude and XXX pictures and sexually charged videos with his existing base of fans. Music lovers are happy to get down and dirty with their favorite singing sensation, and they are undoubtedly humming along as they get off to his super hot videos.
The fitness category is hot on YouTube, and even steamier on the OnlyFans platform. In fact some of the most popular and successful YouTube crossovers have come from the world of fitness, bringing their legions of loyal fans and workout enthusiasts with them even as they branch out into new and more erotic areas.
The content moderators at YouTube would surely frown on a fully nude fitness instructor leading fans to work out and get off, and if the moderators did not find the offending videos the much vaunted algorithm surely would. Even so, YouTube’s loss is your gain, and you can indeed see this hot fitness instructor fully nude. Subscribers to his OnlyFans page will be treated to the kinds of workouts others can only dream of, and they will soon be sweating, and cumming in equal measures. Of all the YouTubers on OnlyFans, for many viewers Deek is the only one worth visiting.
If Jackson O’Doherty were your fitness instructor you would probably be in much better shape. This amazing hunk has been leading online exercise classes on YouTube for quite some time, so much so that he has built up quite a following on the mainstream social media and video sharing platform. Even so, there were some videos Jackson has not been able to share, not until he found his new home on the OnlyFans platform.
Now that Jackson is on the OnlyFans platform, he has been getting down and dirty with his girlfriend Maddy, another video star and online sensation. Together they have amazing sex, and they love sharing the resulting videos with their legions of loyal fans and subscribers. With so many OnlyFans YouTubers out there, it takes something truly special to rise to the top, and that is what this loving couple has clearly done.  
Next up on our list of the best YouTube OnlyFans stars is the great Payton B, a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts from coast to coast and all over the world. Known mainly for her mukbang videos, Payton B has parlayed her passion for weed into a thriving online career, and now that she has made the leap to OnlyFans she can be even more inhibited. Of all the famous youtubers with OnlyFans this cannabis cutie is one of the biggest and most successful.
Many things that would never fly on YouTube are warmly welcomed on what is arguably one of the most entertaining and best YouTube OnlyFans crossover pages. When
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Rule34 Link

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