Champagne Enema

Champagne Enema


Champagne Enema
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I have been living an "alternative" lifestyle for many years now which leads to a lot of well...alternative situations. I have read about enemas consisting of things like champagne being used and it helps to make a person drunk faster. I do not think it would affect a person and I think the alcohol would probably lead to major discomfort or burning, even low proof stuff like champagne. I thought I should ask and see what you know before trying it.
It is true that some people use alcohol enemas for purposes of intoxication. Because the primary job of the intestines is to absorb nutrients into the body, if you put alcohol directly into your colon, it will be absorbed much more rapidly than it would be if it entered your body orally. It can make you very drunk, very quickly. Because everyone's body is different, it's hard to judge how much or how quickly an alcohol enema would affect any one person.
However, it should be noted that doing this has the potential to be dangerous or even deadly if you use too much alcohol or keep it inside for too long. Once alcohol enters your bloodstream, you can't get it back out. Alcohol poisoning can result from alcohol entering the body through either end. Cases of colitis have also been linked to alcohol enemas as the alcohol can irritate and inflame your intestines, sometimes causing cramping. It is also possible that the bubbles and/or cold temperature of champagne may be uncomfortable.
The anus has a lot of nerve endings, so some people find it stimulating to insert things like dildos, or give themselves enemas with different substances as part of sex. And people have used enemas for centuries (mostly just water) in many different cultures for ritual or cleansing purposes. Frequent enema use can actually lead to constipation, so "all things in moderation" is probably a good policy.
It may be helpful to consider why you are interested in this method: Would the use of an alcohol enema (with its possible risks) offer you an alternative to getting drunk that is appealing? Why are you are using alcohol to begin with? For tips on safe and responsible alcohol use, you can read Hangover helper and tips for healthy drinking . If you do decide to insert, start very slowly, with small amounts of alcohol. Remember that alcohol can impact decision-making, so if you are combining it with sex, you may want to think about how to plan for safety. Mucus membranes (such as the anus, rectum, and colon) are delicate and can be damaged easily, so paying close attention to the signs your body gives you will help you stay safer.
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General Students

I seem to remember reading a book about S&M (for a gender politics class, I swear!) and it talked about people dying from alcohol enemas. Also coffee. Heck, milk and molasses sounds weird enough to me!
(One of the ads just above this box says, "Enema Kits. Great deals on new and used items. Search for enema kits now!" Ick ick ick.)

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You are reading page 2 of champagne enema . If you want to start from the beginning Go to First Page .

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My oldest sister always talks about tea enemas (of different types). She's very herbal, and believes wholeheartedly in things of that nature. I've never tried a tea enema when sick, but she has given them to her children when they were small, and swore by them....she still does. :)
A near sighted bartender maybe????? :rotfl:
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Yeah right a class!! I believe you. Milk and molassaes? Were cookies involved?

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Okay, this is what my book says....
"Other enema solutions, such as milk and molasses, vegetable oils, hydrogen peroxide, and champagne are reported in literature. However, these types are rarely used."
I've heard of milk and molasses, and I can understand vegetable oil and hydrogen peroxide, but a champagne enema just seems like a waste of champagne.....
My instructor didn't know why anyone would use champagne for an enema, either.

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I've heard of milk and molasses, and I can understand vegetable oil and hydrogen peroxide, but a champagne enema just seems like a waste of champagne.....
Right, like if they just wanted the carbonation factor, why not just use seltzer or club soda and skip the alcohol? Unless it has to do with osmolarity?

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Hm...would the vintage be required for the order to be considered complete?
(One of the ads just above this box says, "Enema Kits. Great deals on new and used items. Search for enema kits now!" Ick ick ick.)

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OMG! :rotfl: I agree ... what a waste of champagne!

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All this talk reminds me of an old joke I heard when I was about 18:
There was this overweight man who had tried every diet on the market, only to gain the weight back every time. Finally, in desperation he went to his doctor, who, instead of prescribing a diet, told the man he could have whatever he wanted---cakes, pies, junk food, beer, anything his heart desired. There was only one minor caveat: every single morsel had to go up his rectum, instead of in his mouth.
Well, about three months later, the man came back to the doctor's office, forty pounds lighter and more energetic than he had been in his life. As he spoke with the MD, the physician noted that while the man was obviously happier and healthier, he seemed fact, he stood there bouncing on his feet during the entire interview. The MD couldn't help wondering what was making his patient so jumpy, so he said, "Well, you look great, and your blood pressure and pulse are down to normal....but I've noticed you seem a little nervous. What's going on?"
The man said as the bouncing continued, "Well, I did like you told me---instead of eating, I've been putting everything up my rectum, and I've lost all kinds of weight. I feel like a new man, Doc."
MD: "But why do you keep bouncing like that?"
Man: "That? Oh, I'm just chewing gum."
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Fans of Girls and Corpses may remember Hollie Stevens' Thanksgiving Starbucks Coffee Enema Recipe. Continuing with that theme, we now bring you...
The Champagne Enema
or "I get no Shit From Champagne!"

It all started thanks to a very close friend of mine, Mistress Genevieve who I met several years back on a radio show in Los Angeles. We immediately became friends and I was intrigued by how open she was to anything. I mean, I don't care about what people think [of me] to a certain extent but sometimes even I have to draw a line. Gen has no barrier whatsoever.
Anyway, I moved to San Francisco shortly after we met. I fly back and forth from San Francisco to Los Angeles frequently for porn gigs but was never able to hang out with Gen. Finally, we ended up on the same radio show. We both felt like we should celebrate because it had been so long and because that was were we first met (Wholly fuck, that just sounded SO gay).
Gen came up with the idea that we should do "champagne enemas" in the bathroom at the radio station. Now, I've done several enemas in the past but, I can assure you, this was something that I had NEVER done before. I'm always willing to give something a shot though. Could be fun. Who knew?
So' I met up with her before the show started. We hit the bathroom, stuck the mini champagne bottles up out asses and got down on the dirty bathroom floor on all fours. Carbonation bubbles sting -- I soon learned. I was screaming as well as Gen. Luckily, the bathroom door was locked or else all those people waiting in line to take a piss or whatever would have rushed in to see about all the commotion.
Moving forward, I'm in Vegas a few months later. One of my close friends, who I wanted to hang out with, was out of town but his girlfriend was still there and she's just as cool. We decided to go to a bar called the Double Down and that's were I proceeded to tell my tale of Gen and I in the bathroom with the champagne. She's intrigued and tells me she wants to give it a shot. Right then!
We go to a gas station across the street, pick up some mini champagne bottles and proceed back to the Double Down and into the women's stall. Just like the last time, we stuck the bottles in our perky asses and dropped onto all fours, screaming from the bubbles. I failed to mention that while all of this was going on, one of my close guy friends was with us, but hanging out in the bar waiting for us to finish up with whatever we were doing. Also, the women's restroom in the Double Down has a hole where the doorknob should be. My friend told us that while we were screaming hysterically, some girls were waiting to use the restroom. I guess they decided to look through the hole in the door to see what all the screaming was about, saw what we were doing, and left the bar immediately. Can't really blame them.
After that, my friend and I decided that we would make some sort of ritual out of sticking booze up our asses at the Double Down. I don't think too many people would understand why, but I see it as a very close bond between two very good friends.
You celebrate New Years the way you want, but for me... I'll always choose the bubbly.

Jacky Lawless Mydirtyhobby
Sissy Bitch Fucked

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