Chafed Vagina

Chafed Vagina


Chafed Vagina
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Home / All People / Women Health Care / Vaginal Chafing: Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies

Vaginal Chafing: Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies
By Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta on December 18, 2017

Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta:  Professionally a homeopathic doctor and a dietician Dr. Ritu Kumari Gupta is passionate about writing health and parenting blogs. She believes in holistic approach towards health and well being.
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An uncomfortable experience for any women is vaginal chafing. Although chafing may appear on different parts of the body, for example, inner thighs, armpits, nipples but when vagina and vulva is affected, it is the most unpleasant experience.
Chafing is rubbing the skin against clothing or other irritable materials. The irritation caused due to this unwanted activity causes the skin to inflame, burn and sting. When the vagina is affected, it is known as vaginal chafing.
The most common cause of vaginal chaffing is wearing tight underclothes, rough sexual intercourse, intensive rubbing during masturbation and use of sanitary napkins. Sweating in excess worsens the symptoms and make your problem worse.
Other contributing factors for vaginal chafing are obesity, vaginal dryness after menopause, shaving, waxing, lack of hygiene and use of harsh vaginal cosmetics such as soaps or perfumes. Activities such as riding bike or exercise may also cause vaginal chafing.
The signs of vaginal chafing include irritation, pain, redness, itch, raised, cracked and peeling of skin.
There are creams available in the market to get rid of vaginal chafing. But as the vagina is a sensitive part of the female body we suggest you try home remedies for vaginal chafing as they are not only effective but also skin friendly and free from any side effects.
Aloe vera has medicinal properties. It has soothing and antimicrobial properties. Extract the gel of fresh aloe vera leaf and apply it to the affected area two times in a day for a few days.
Basil leaves and coconut oil is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and have healing properties. Crush a few basil leaves and add coconut oil to it. Mix both the ingredients and apply to your intimate area before sleeping. You may also add ghee or clarified butter instead of coconut oil as clarified butter also have healing properties and treats infection and irritation. Also, it makes skin soft and smooth.
Turmeric is antiseptic. It is a natural home remedy to treat some infections. Add water to turmeric powder to make a paste and apply it to the vaginal area. Repeat this two times in a day.
Honey has soothing, antibacterial and humectant properties. It prevents infection and treats dryness. It relieves irritation and makes the skin soft. Also honey has anti-allergic and rich in healing properties. Apply honey directly to the intimate area before sleeping and in the morning wash it off with warm water and then dry.
Oatmeal relieves the itch. You can make a homemade ointment with oatmeal and olive oil to treat vaginal chafing. Mix both the ingredients and apply the paste to the affected area. Leave it for half an hour, wash it and dry the intimate area. Repeat this two times in a day.
Tea tree oil is the most potent home remedy for chafing. It is a natural antibacterial and antifungal. The oil is so potent that you should not apply it directly to the skin or it may cause irritation. Add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of coconut oil. Mix well and apply it to the affected area once or twice in a few days.
Beside the home remedies also try some ways to prevent vaginal chafing. Wear loose cotton under clothes for proper air circulation. Apply talcum powder to the affected area. Use a water-based lubricant while having sex or masturbating. Use cotton pads. Maintain hygiene, avoid using harsh vaginal cosmetics. Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. Before shaving vaginal area soften the hair by using lubricant. Better shave after a shower to open hair follicles.

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After sweaty summer day walks, the inner thighs become red, raw, and painful, or soon after Zimbabwe classes, the body parts covered under the sports bra burns like hell. This sensation over the skin is known as skin chafing.
Skin chafing is defined as a rash-like inflammation that usually occurs when moist skin rubs against the other moist skin or any irritating fabric. The medical term used for skin chafing is intertrigo. This is often seen in places where sweat is most likely to occur such as the groin, or armpits or skin fold under the breast, inner thighs, and buttocks. Rarely nipples, feet are also involved. Due to prolonged rubbing of the skin, the skin burns and develops into a mild, red rash whereas in extreme cases chafing may result in swelling, bleeding, and crusting.
The largest organ of the body is skin, which helps in protecting and maintaining health. Skin is sensitive as well as strong enough to protect the body from external entities like germs, heat, and physical harm. Since it is protecting us it is our responsibility to keep it clean and proper by the right amount of body oil or moisturizer to avoid friction and chafing. Unnecessary frequent and continuous rubbing of the skin along with the moisture, making the skin more prone to breakdown.
Immediately stoppage of the rubbing activity irritating skin is advised. The uncomfortable clothing irritating should be changed into something more comfortable. In case, if the chafing is noticed at the beginning itself then, dry skin should be gently patted by the application of petroleum jelly on the affected area.
Chafing can lead to a breakdown of skin and thus exposing skin against the germs and infections. If the chafing exceeds more than mild redness and chapped skin it is advised to visit a doctor. Following are some complications of chafing :
Chafing can be prevented by simple methods that just need proper time and frequent attention. If the chafing is caused due to certain regular activity it is hard to be prevented, but one can reduce its severity. Following are some of the preventing measures to avoid chafing :
These are antiperspirants which help prevent sweating to avoid chafing. Many deodorants contain a moisturizing substance which also prefects the skin. It is advised to apply a thin layer of deodorant to the affected area before initiating the activity.
Certain creams, oils, and powders can reduce friction and protect the skin. Chafing is uncommon when the skin is smooth. It is better to use lotion than powder as it can clump and worsen the chafing.
Properly fitted clothes should be chosen as too big clothes are usually found to cause chafing of skin due to continuous rubbing. Special attention is required for the fit of the shoes, shirt over the chest, and waistband.
Soon after the swimming, the swimsuit should be taken off as wet, and tight fabrics can irritate the skin.
Fabrics like cotton retain sweat and moisture in them and keep the skin damp. This makes the skin more vulnerable to chafing. It is good to wear clothes that let the skin help in evaporating sweat specifically during exercise. Cycle tights and specific sports clothing protect the skin against chafing.
Chafing can be avoided simply by adding soft bandage which also prevents the flaring up of the affected area. Soft bandages are used on feet, inner thighs, and nipples.
It is advised to keep pubic hair well decimated to avoid stubble which can lead to chafing.
Chafing is preventable. But if still, it happens, it can be managed and treated by the individual through certain steps. The best way is to avoid the activity which is responsible for chafing and apply petroleum jelly for smoothening effect. Usually, chafing takes only about two days to heal, but sometime it may turn complicated if not treated properly.
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The stinging, burning, and irritated red skin you experience when your skin rubs against each other continuously or against clothing material is called chafing. 
For some people, chaffing is only experienced during summer when the weather is hot and the body is frequently sweaty. However, due to rigorous exercises, body features, and some other lifestyle practices groin, butt, vaginal area, and inner thigh chafing can be experienced at any time.
Chaffing can be categorized as a minor skin issue. However, it can escalate if care is not taken. Continuous gliding of sweaty skin may lead to skin bruises. Consequently, the affected area may get infected. Even if the condition does not escalate, I am sure you do not enjoy the discomfort of charged skin. As such it's better to seek remedies and prevention measures.
This article is focused on chafing below the belt, your groin, butt, inner thigh, and vaginal area. It explores causes of chafing around these areas, how to get rid of the irritation and how to prevent such occurrences in the future.
Chafing occurs when two skin continuously rubs against another or your skin glides against a tight clothing material. The continuous friction between the two surfaces( either two skin or skin and cloth) may damage the protective layer of the skin and cause bruises. 
The situation gets worse when your skin is wet due to sweat. The salty liquid secreted by your body will soften the skin and make it easier to break. 
Chafing can start as just a mild stinging and burning effect around the affected area but if the condition causing chaffing persists the skin may eventually get bruised. Then you may experience 
Chafing down there can occur between your butt cheeks, your groin, inner thighs, and around your vaginal area. The reason chafing occurs in these areas will be considered individually. It takes just tight-fitting clothes, 
The butt is an area with high-fat deposits. Due to the closeness of both bum cheeks, they are more prone to glide against each other. Butt chaffing can also occur when cloth glides against the butt cheeks. You are prone to butt cheek chafing if you engage in activities that require hip and leg movement such as running, biking, and hiking. Excess sweat with a combination of bad choices of clothing can escalate the matter. 
Although men are more prone to groin chafing, it can also happen to females. During body exercises, the groin area experiences more movement which makes it more susceptible to friction. Underwears that absorb sweat and stick to the skin can also contribute to groin chafing. 
Chaffing can also occur along the vulva( vaginal skin) and thigh crease. Tight underwear, prolonged use of sanitary pads, skin gliding during sex, and masturbation can lead to vaginal area chaffing. Aside from the immediate painful effect of chafing, it can leave dark skin scars around your V area. 
As the fat real estate in the body, the thighs are prone to gliding and friction. Those who have bigger thighs are more vulnerable to inner thigh friction. Rigorous exercises and bad choices of clothing are some of the leading causes of inner thigh chafing. Excess sweating along the thighs, putting underwear that does not absorb sweat, and clothes that do not separate both thighs can get you into the chaffing bad books.
Discomfort associated with chafing can be easily treated with home remedies, as long as there are no signs of infections.
The symptoms of chafing along all parts of the body seem to be general which makes the treatment also similar. However, due to some peculiarity and sensitivity of some female organs such as the vaginal area, some home remedies may not be applicable along with all vulnerable parts of the body.
The first step in treating chafing is to clean the affected area to get rid of germs from the surface of the skin. As a woman, when dealing with any skin condition below the belt you have to be cautious. To prevent further irritation and preserve your vaginal pH, don't use soap with harsh ingredients or fragrances to wash the affected area. OYO ``keep it clean " is a mild pubic skin moisturizer made with purely natural ingredients and without fragrance. 
After washing, to ease the burning effect and swelling of chafing, you can apply a cold compress to the affected area. Patt dries the affected area and places an ice pack on the affected area continuously. However, do not place the ice on it directly. Be careful when applying the ice pack, don't rub the pack on the skin or attempt to 
To soothe the skin and calm the irritation you can moisturize the skin with natural oils or a moisturizer made with combinations of natural oil. Natural oils such as Coconut oil and Jojoba oil, have soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. They will not only ease the pain and itching, but they will also prevent infection of the affected area. OYO ``Final Touch" is a pubic skin moisturizer made with a combination of coconut oil, jojoba oil, and oat silk oil. It soothes the skin and keeps off dark scars.
You can also moisturize the affected area with aloe vera gel. Based on research, aloe vera gel also has some soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. 
Note: When dealing with vaginal area chafing, ensure any of the ingredients do not seep into your vaginal opening. 
Based on studies, colloidal oatmeal has some anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. If the area is very itchy, you can mix two tablespoons of colloidal oatmeal into your bath water and soak in it for a while. 
After applying any of these treatments, pat the skin dry and give the skin access to fresh air. Wear loose clothes or shorts( for inner thighs) to allow free flow of air to the affected area. If it's possible, don't wear any clothes for the time being.
If you notice the affected area is infected you shouldn't rely on home remedies. If the affected skin shows a pus-filled wound or is not responsive to home remedies you should see your doctor for proper treatment. 
The leading cause of chafing is ill-fitting clothes. Ill-fitting clothes can cause skin friction and absorb sweat. 
When exercising, be wary of cotton fabrics or any fabric made with wool fibers. These clothing materials absorb sweat and get wet easily. Wet clothes give room to chafing because they easily cause skin friction. Specifically choose clothes labeled moisture wicking for your exercises.
To protect your inner thigh against friction choose spandex bottoms, shirts with built-in shorts, or leggings for exercises. Even when you are not exercising
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