Cfnm School Story

Cfnm School Story


Cfnm School Story
You are here: Home > Story Shelf > All Authors > Smokr > Jeremy's Swimming Lessons | Chapter 1 | Smokr
It was summer vacation, just before high school. I got a chance to take a swimming course at the high school that was offered by the church. There were no big creeks or rivers where I lived - the whole town was a high school and a golf course, that's about it. I would liked to have gone swimming at the old quarry outside town, but the older kids sort of owned it, and any of us younger kids caught anywhere near it were hassled badly. Besides, it was so far outside town you needed to know someone with a car to get there. So, I didn't know how to swim. I could float, but that was about it. I could have waited for high school to start, but I thought it would be good for me to check out the school before I went there in the fall as a freshman. I knew that swimming was a mandatory course, and I didn't want to have to learn in front of the other students.
I asked my parents, and since it was offered by the church as an outing, they said sure.
So a week later, Mom and I pulled up in front of the building I had seen a million times as we had driven past it on the way in and out of town. This time I was right in front of the building, nerves almost humming.
"Have fun. I'll be back at six," she said.
I got out of the car and went inside. Like everyone there, I was in swim trunks and shoes, and had a towel over my shoulders. The church group was for kids ten to fourteen. If you were under ten, you went with the kids group last week. There were ten of us in my group, and I was one of the oldest, along with Jeff. He was also going to the high school as a freshman in the fall. We were nothing like friends. His family had more money than mine, and he acted like he was my better, even in church.
So Jeff was the only other guy my age in the group for the swimming lessons. There was also Sally and Kathy, two girls our age, the rest were younger. Jeff was always making eyes and acting like a goofus around the girls. I knew why. I also knew why I didn't. To be honest, I would rather have kissed Jeff than the girls. To be totally honest, I would have loved to have kissed Jeff. Enemies or not. Jeff wasn't a very nice guy, but he was a very nice looking guy. Lots of light, sandy-blond hair, big blue eyes, nice, big, luscious, red lips, white teeth, and a firm jaw. And his body was to die for! He was my age, fourteen, but taller and broader and stronger. He was a good athlete, and going to be a high school stud. I wasn't. I was at least three inches shorter, had plain brown hair with some red hints in it, freckles, smaller lips and jaw, and gray eyes with just a little blue hints. I was skinny compared to the athletic, muscular Jeff.
So Jeff got all the girls' attentions, and I was ignored. It had been like that since as far back as I could remember, and it was like that as we spent our first moments together inside the high school. The three of them led the way, giggling and laughing, and I followed, frowning and silent, along the smaller kids, who were also already enjoying themselves.
The place was amazing! Huge! It made me feel small and weak. But I often felt that way anyway. Our church leaders were two ladies who often were chaperones or or bible class teachers. Mrs. Acres and Mrs. Sanderson herded us inside and to the end of the pool, where four men and two women waited. Two of the men were wearing tight, remarkably small swimming trunks. They were nothing more than just underwear! I could see... well... there was no mistaking they were guys! Jeff and I were both wearing ones like most guys wore: square -legged shorts that went to about mid-thigh. Decent, respectable swimming trunks. The two older guys were wearing ones like ours. But the two younger guys, who looked like they were in high school, their trunks were... I mean... these guys were showing off everything they had! I mean, I could see... And that made something happen inside my trunks that I really didn't want happening right there and right then!
I had thought about someone yanking down my trunks, so I wore underwear, and I was so glad!
Our chaperones were both obviously rather upset. One said that it wasn't right that they should be dressed like that, especially not in front of the girls of the group.
"Ma'am, these are the official swim trunks for the Olympic games. They are called Speedo aquatic athletic wear. They are accepted all over the world," one of the male teachers said.
"It's disgusting!" our other chaperone complained. "They might have as well worn Y-front brief-style underwear!"
"Boys, in the water, and stay in the water until the course is over," the other older man said.
The two younger guys shrugged and dove in.
"Will that be acceptable?" he asked our chaperones.
"So long as they remain out of view! I mean, really. You knew this was a wholesome church activity, why did you allow such near nudity?"
"Ma'am, I've grown so used to it, I didn't notice or consider it. I apologize."
The girls stopped giggling, and the teacher was allowed to continue. I had to glance and see, and none of the other four guys seemed to be having the trouble I was. But then Jeff clearly liked girls, and the two other guys were far younger than me, and probably weren't having any of these kinds of thoughts or troubles yet. I glanced down at my own front few times, as if scratching at the back of my head or something, to make sure I wasn't showing. It didn't seem to be, which kept me from panicking. I still kept my towel in front of myself, though.
The taller guy said, "I'm coach Baymont. I'm the swimming coach here at the high school. I'm also a gym teacher, and an assistant coach for the baseball team and wrestling team. This is coach Teller, who is my assistant coach on the swimming team, and assistant coach for the baseball and track teams. This is Miss Walker and Miss Russell. They are health teachers here, and are certified life-guards. In the water are Chet Hawkins and Howard Skinner, they are going to be seniors here at the school, and are also certified life-guards."
Coach Baymont was in great shape. He had short brown hair, some hair on his legs, a thick patch of hair between his nipples that sort of wandered down to his stomach and almost ended, but met up with a slender stripe that went all the way down to his trunks. His nipples were big and brown, and he was very tan all over.
Coach Skinner was blond, and had little hair anywhere. Small, pale nipples way apart. It looked like he shaved his entire body. He had brown eyes, thin eyebrows, lean cheeks, a long, narrow face, and a big smile. He was slimmer than the other teacher, but was also in great shape.
The coaches were interesting, very handsome, and big and strong, but I was wishing I could still see the two others. I hadn't dared stare, so I'd only gotten short looks, but those short looks had filled my head with images. One of them had blond hair that was almost white, the black, slightly curly hair. The blond was very tan, the other had a naturally olive skin tone. They were both very fit and lean and muscular.
I acted as cool and nonchalant as I could manage. They split us up, the girls went with the ladies, and we boys guys went with the coaches, toward the two guys in the pool. What was even finer with me, was that I was then handed off to Chet, the younger guy wearing those Speedo things, with the white-blond hair.
"Hi. My name is Chet Hawkins," he said from the water as I stood at the steps, almost afraid to get in. "I'll be your teacher. Now, don't worry a bit. I've done this before, and I'm pretty good at it. I'll have you swimming like a frog in no time!"
"Put your towel down on the bench, and come on in," he told me.
I did, then stepped down into the water. I did my best to not look at his chest, or his waist, or the shadow of his trunks just under the surface of the water, and to look at his face instead. He had the greenest eyes I had ever seen! With his nearly white brows and lashes, they really stood out. And they stood out as well against his deep tan. So did his nice, red, lush lips. He had just a few freckles on his cheeks and nose, probably mostly from all the sun he got. He clearly spent a lot of time in the sun. He was deeply tanned. That made his pinkish nipples stand, too. His arms were strong, but nothing like a wrestler or football player. His chest had muscle tone, too. His sides were lean and strong as well. His stomach was flat and smooth, and if he tried, I was sure he could have those washboard abs some older boys got.
"So, come what's your name?" he asked, as the water reached my knees.
"Well, hi, Jeremy. Are you going to be a freshman this fall?"
Now the water was about to make my trunks wet. I knew they would cling a bit, and probably reveal how interesting I found him. But I knew that would be impossible to see under the surface.
"That's great!" he said enthusiastically, smiling wider.
I stepped into the pool, holding onto the side, until I was next to him, waist deep. We started with how to float on my back, to prove to me that I wouldn't sink if I wasn't standing on the bottom of the pool. The deal was that... well... my erection was still going strong. And I knew that if I floated on my back, he'd see it.
"Come on, Jeremy," Chet said. "Just pull up your legs and rock back."
I didn't want to do it. It was too embarrassing. I mean, I was hard, and it wasn't going to go down, and floating on the water in the wet trunks I was wearing wasn't going to hide anything, even though I had underwear on too.
"I can do that. Let's just get to something I don't know how to do."
"We can't do it that way. I have to know you'll be okay to float before we move on."
"But I have to see you do it." He looked at Larry, who was being supported by the coach a couple of feet away, as he floated on his back. He was twelve, and didn't have the problem I had. Well, he might have, but his little thing probably just didn't show. "See Larry there? It's easy," Chet told me.
"I can float all day. No problem. Just teach me how to swim."
"I will. But the rules are the rules. Float first. Just let your legs rise up and slide down the side of the pool into the water. I'll hold your chest and head up out of the water."
I felt his hand and arm go behind my shoulder. I didn't budge.
"Come on, Jeremy. Don't worry. See Larry there? He's floating along. We all float naturally. You won't sink. And I'll be right here so that even if you are the one in a million that's made out of stone and sinks, I'll hold you up."
I saw that he was trying to be funny, but saying that I was made out of stone only reminded me even more that a certain part of me was at that moment quite literally so. And that if I laid out on my back, he would notice it without doubt. I started shaking a little. He lifted my legs without any seeming effort. I almost kicked away. I almost just plain panicked. Instead, I just hoped that he didn't look down there, and if he did, he didn't notice. I closed my eyes and prayed that nobody would see, crossed my hands over it, and let him lift my legs and cradle my shoulders. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest in absolute shame.
"There you go. Just relax and let yourself float on the water. Natural as can be."
I opened my eyes, and he was looking right into mine. His were so amazingly green. And he had such an awesome smile! And his strong arms were holding my legs and shoulders. It felt entirely weird and amazing! Some cute guy was holding me! In a way, sort of.
"Put your arms at your sides. That'll let you control your movements."
And uncover my erection? But he insisted. I prayed quickly that my underwear would keep it hidden, and let my arms slide out to my sides.
"See? You won't sink. I'm barely holding you up now."
I nodded, hoping to God that he just didn't look down. Then his arms were gone. I was floating, which was no big deal.
Then he sort of looked at me, head to toe. I watched his face, hoping I didn't see him get grossed out or something. He didn't, so I guessed that he couldn't tell. He just kept smiling nicely.
"Now, wave your arms under yourself, twisting your hands like this." He demonstrated, and after a minute or so, I was able to move through the water a bit. "See? You can do that so you don't drift a way you don't want to go."
After a few more moments of watching me move one way then the other, he said, "That's good! Then go ahead and stand up."
I was glad to hide my lap! I was so glad that the trunks hadn't given it away! Once I was standing again, my waist just under the water, I used my hands to feel myself. I guessed what I felt that seemed so obvious wasn't, not with the underwear. It sure felt obvious! I mean, it felt like it was pointing more out away from me than usual, and was harder than usual, and had to be obvious, even with the underwear. But he hadn't gotten grossed out, or angry, or said anything.
Next we held our breaths and dunked under, and worked up to staying under as long as I could. Then he had me lay on my back and learn how to kick. At least doing that made it hard to see what was in my trunks. Then I learned how to windmill my arms. Then I put them together and learned the backstroke.
I wished my erection would go down, but every time it would, then Chet would be touching me to help me with a new task, or he'd be showing me how to do one and I'd see his wet, bulging trunks.
Next was the side stroke. We went through the motions individually, then Chet held me as I tried it all together. He held me by my hips, which only made my problem even worse. I mean, I could feel the tips of his fingers pressing against me, just inches away from my erection. I was so glad he didn't notice!
But then he had me try the other side. That put my front against him! At first, my tummy was pressed to his hips as he held me, but soon, I had slipped forward a bit, and my erection was being pressed firmly between us! I was so shocked! And worried! But he didn't seem to notice at all. Thank God!
The last lesson was the breast stroke. My hip was against his hip, and his arm was around my waist, holding me tight to his side, his hand on my tummy, just barely above the waistband of my trunks. His other hand was holding the other side of my hip, also just above the waistband. I had to remember to fold up my hand on that side so that I didn't scratch Chet's legs or something. And the 'or something' was what intrigued me. I mean, it would have been so super easy to hit it, or even grab his stuff! I was stroking and kicking, and thinking how close my thing was to his, and how close my hand was getting to his on each stroke. I was so hard!
I felt his hand and arm slide down a little. I was wet, after all, and swimming, and he was trying to hold me stationary in the water. So, naturally, I slipped forward a little, and he had to adjust and grip from time to time.
One time, I actually got a few inches forward, and his hand slid all the way down to rub right over it! I almost stopped trying to swim, but I figured it was better to just act like nothing had happened. He might not have even noticed.
But I slipped forward again, and his hand was on it. I mean, on it! And he gripped it! He held on to it! Right the hell onto it !
I didn't know what to do! I kept stroking, and hoped to hell he didn't tell anyone what he was feeling! I mean, it would have been humiliating!
I kept kicking and stroking, and he kept his hand right there! He even adjusted when I slipped and ended up right there again!
It really felt cool! Nobody had ever touched it before. It tingled and tickled, even up in my belly! I mean, it was... weird . And, well, fun!
I got really brave, and, well, when my hand came around under the water for a stroke, I sort of kept my arm straight instead of bending it, and, well, grabbed it. His, I mean. I put my hand right there, and well, felt it. No mistaking it was hard! He didn't drop me, or throw me, or yell at me, or even stop feeling mine.
I went back to stroking correctly, then, from time to time, I sort of felt him there. No mistaking that it was hard and staying hard!
Then I saw the coach and Larry were getting out of the water. And I noticed that Jeff was already gone. Only one girl was still getting lessons. It was just me Chet. After a couple of minutes, Chet told me to stop, and I stood up. He tousled my hair, smiled at me, and said I was a good student, and I would probably make fine swimmer.
Chet headed toward the stairs out of the pool, but there was no way I was going to! I mean, it felt harder than ever, and I was just certain that it was going to be completely obvious and sticking out. I had to find a reason to stay in the pool.
"Can I practice some more? Until my mom picks me up?" I asked the coach.
"Sorry, son, but we have to clear out. The pool will be closed."
I can't get out yet! Everyone will see my erection! I'll be humiliated! I'll die!
"We need to get out of the pool. I have to get home, and I'm sure the others have things to do. And your mother is probably already here to pick you up. And if not, she will be momentarily. Now, up and out, and you can sign up for the more advanced swim lessons if you want. Ask your folks if you can. They start the weekend after next."
"Howie and me are gonna be assistants for those classes, Jer, if you wanna take 'em," Chet said.
He was sitting on the edge of the pool, looking calm and cool. Howard came and plopped down next to him, and said, "Yup. Gonna probably be a lot of fun."
"Now, hop out and dry off, and wait for your mother outside, kiddo," coach said.
"Come over here, we'll show you how to hop out and take the side of the pool," Chet said, waving me toward him.
I walked through the water toward him, wondering how I was going to hide my erection. At least this was taking longer than going up the steps would. But my erection wasn't going down. When I arrived at the edge of the pool, Chet slid into the water.
"You put both hands on the side of the pool, like this, then duck down, almost underwater, then kick, like you just learned, and pull up with both hands. Be careful not to hit the side of the pool with your toes. Pull with your arms and kick all the way until your out of the water, turn, and plop down. Like this." He demonstrated. It looked easy. He sat on the side of the pool and held out a hand and said, "I'll give you a hand up as you come out. And don't scrape along the side of the pool. Now, duck, kick, and pull up."
I tried, and probably would have hurt myself on the side of the pool if not for him and Howie grabbing me and helping me turn and land on my ass. Still, I was sort of proud. And I had gotten out of the pool without anyone noticing my problem.
But now, I was side to side, touching, both of them. I was between two guys, wet guys, in tight, revealing trunks, bare legs touching mine. It got even harder!
"Be right back," Howie said, and hopped to his feet.
As he walked away, Chet asked me, "So, how'd you like the lessons?"
His awesome green eyes were really something as they looked into mine. His eyebrows arched over them nicely, and his smile was so nice and so cute. And being so close to his great body was going to keep me hard, for sure.
I nodded while saying, "I liked it."
"Good. I sort of figured you were having a good time," he said, grinning weirdly.
I almost got worried he was meaning how I was so hard, but I knew no guy would ever say something like that to another guy. Ever. He had to mean how I had smiled and seemed to enjoy the lessons.
I nodded again, and said, "I always wanted to learn how to do it."
"Do it?" he asked, one of his eyebrows raised.
"Yeah. I didn't even know the names or anything, but I've always wanted to know how to do 'em."
"Ahhh, sure," he said, nodding at me, smiling.
He was really att
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