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sam k.

Chicago, IL

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Mary T.

Chicago, IL

135 friends

1351 reviews

Elite ’22

Anna H.

New Orleans, LA

95 friends

153 reviews

Leanne A.

Chicago, IL

448 friends

427 reviews

Elite ’22

William L.

Barrington, IL

68 friends

449 reviews

sam k.

Chicago, IL

0 friends

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William L.

Barrington, IL

68 friends

449 reviews

sam k.

Chicago, IL

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Melanie S.

Chicago, IL

677 friends

891 reviews

Kate W.

Chicago, IL

85 friends

178 reviews

Jack P.

Madison, WI

267 friends

754 reviews

John c.

Chicago, IL

12 friends

0 reviews

Brandon B.

Chicago, IL

23 friends

16 reviews

Tina T.

Chicago, IL

158 friends

423 reviews

John c.

Chicago, IL

12 friends

0 reviews

Anna H.

New Orleans, LA

95 friends

153 reviews

Helena S.

Chicago, IL

448 friends

488 reviews

Laura S.

Chicago, IL

74 friends

171 reviews

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Anna H.

New Orleans, LA

95 friends

153 reviews

John c.

Chicago, IL

12 friends

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C M.

Chicago, IL

36 friends

206 reviews

Damian C.

Chicago, IL

349 friends

601 reviews

gary g.

Chicago, IL

8 friends

12 reviews

Mary T.

Chicago, IL

135 friends

1351 reviews

Elite ’22

K J.

Chicago, IL

0 friends

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Helena S.

Chicago, IL

448 friends

488 reviews

Anna H.

New Orleans, LA

95 friends

153 reviews

Johnny R.

Chicago, IL

30 friends

182 reviews

Christina B.

Chicago, IL

59 friends

237 reviews

We all have some embarrassing childhood stories. Let's here them. One of mine? When I was 12 years old, I was in the Nutcracker. I came out on stage and one of the dances was supposed to carry me into a bed. I was *reeeeeally* nervous on opening night and accidentally peed in the bed. Every single cast member knew about it, and it embarrassed the hell out of me. Another one? When I was about 8 years old, I peed my pants about once a week while I was sleeping. I was super embarrassing and didn't want my parents to find out. I would take my underwear into the year and bury them. So bizarre. After about a year, my dad went outside with the gardener to do some planting. My dad was initially confused but then livid when he realized I buried a dozen pairs of underwear in the dirt.
On a car trip when I was maybe 4, I was sitting on my grandma's lap. I told my mom I needed to use the bathroom and she asked if I could hold it and I lied and said yes. I tried to stick it out, but I peed my pants and in turn peed all over my grandma's pants too.
I used to get really excited when my family went trips (even 30 minutes to the store and back kinds of trips). I LOVED travelling! When I was 4 or 5, my grandparents decided to take me to a nearby town to visit the flea market. I was so overjoyed at the prospect of being on a trip that about 15 minutes into the drive I overworked myself and puked all over the backseat of my grandparents' car. Unfortunately, I didn't grow out of this weird kind of carsickness until I was much older. I also typically puked on the night before the first day of school. Eh. Weird kids grow up to be even weirder adults - who knew? :-)
I went to a rock climbing bday party when I was about 10, and before we departed for the rock climbing place, we were watching TV. Some commercial came on that made me and my friend laugh uncontrollably, and I completely peed my little biking shorts. I didn't know what to do, so i attempted to clean up, but I went rock climbing like that! I didn't tell a soul, and I was miserable.
I think it was 3rd grade, my class had to sing Jingle Bells at the Christmas assembly. I asked if I could be in the front row so my parents could see me, the whole time knowing I was going to sing the "Jingle bells, Batman smells..." version. So I sang , rather screamed, my version and was immediately suspended after the assembly.
William, did your parents want to kill you?
My dad laughed the entire way home in the car, but my grandparents were not amused. Especially considering my grandmother worked at my school.
I used to throw up a lot when I was a kid. Once, my entire extended family was out to dinner when I knew I had to puke. I couldn't make it to the bathroom so I grabbed the bread basket and puked in it. My family still gives me so much shit about it. It happened when I was about 7.
When I was about five, my mom's boyfriend (who was later to be her husband) told me an enema was candy. I went up to total strangers and asked them to give me chocolate enemas. Her boyfriend would just stand back and laugh.
I have no idea how old I was, but I was pretty young. I was in the car with my mom int he summer and the windows were rolled down. At a stop light the lady in the car next to us had this huge ugly hat on which my mom commented on. I proceeded to yell out the window: Hey lady, my mom thinks you have an ugly hat!
So I was this 10-year-old fat kid sitting in the middle of my parents and older sister and brother in church one Sunday, when I had to pass gas and thought I could do a polite one-cheek sneak. Well, instead, I let go this thunder sprig of a fart which reverberated down the length of the cathedral. My mother, between fits of laughter bent down and whispered that if I had to do that again, I should step outside. I misunderstood and got up immediately, identifying myself to all those around us as the culprit. It could only have been worse had I taken a bow. I just stayed in the back of church until it was over.
When I was a boy I hated wearing underware, so I'm told. When I was in first grade I was at recess in the playground and I ripped my pants exposing my goods (yes they are my goods). All the kids were laughing at me. The scholl called my Mom and said Mrs C. Can your son ripped his pants can you bring another pair of pants to school and some underware
At a family friend's house for a party - my parents were there - the whole neighborhood. I was like 5 or 6 and very energetic. Neighbor brought out an awesome kite - one of those big ones that look like origami (I think he collected them). He was flying it low to the ground for the kids to see. When I saw it my eyes got wide and I started running at the kite, kept running, and running....and ran right through the kite. Parents embarrassed - I was a mess, and I think we had some talk about controlling emotions on the way home.
I was about 10 and we went to Kiddieland with my cousin, who was around 7 or 8. We wanted to drive the tractors. My cousin got on one and drove just fine, while I had trouble controlling the tractor and drove it straight into one of the fences. There was a big crowd watching and laughing, and the attendant wouldn't let me finish. I was mortified.
"I got lost in disney world when I was 7 yrs old" ---------------------- Is this like the Joe Dirt story? Did they every find you or are you still looking fior them? - - - Ahhh ok. I'm sorry I cound;'t resist and making fun or someone embarrassing moment is not too funny but hey I still have a hole in my pants.
William, that's hilarious! Melanie, eek. Hope you got him back later. When I was in 4th grade, a classmate came in one day wearing an eye patch. I liked to pretend I was wearing a patch, too, and cover up one eye or the other. That's how I found out that I had significantly less vision in my right eye, and I asked my dad in the car one day if that was normal. Of course he took me to the optometrist that afternoon, and the doctor told me that I'd have to wear glasses. I was so dismayed that I went into hysterics, and cried all the way through the rest of the appointment (the part where you have to pick out your glasses). I don't remember even choosing glasses, I was crying so hard, but the ones I chose ended up being the ones I was forced to wear for the next 6 years. Bright red plastic frames, the same kind that Sally Jesse Raphael wore...not a pretty picture.…
When I was little, I used to swim in just shorts or bottoms to a bathing suit. I vividly remember doing this at one of my mom's company picnics (why she let me do this is beyond me) and this girl came up to me and asked "are you a boy or a girl?" and I was so traumatized.
Anna, we called my sister Sally Jesse for a while, as she *happily chose* those giant red frames at the tender age of seven. They must've taken up half of her face, but she was so proud of them.
Lol! That's awesome, Laura. At least I know I wasn't the only one! One of the class bullies used to call me 'red rims'.
Yea. I'm still missing in Disney World. Save Me!?! ---------------------- You lucky dog! Stay lost there forget about the rest of the world and for pete sake get off yelp and onto a coaster!
Helena "Smitten Kitten" B. says: this girl came up to me and asked "are you a boy or a girl?" and I was so traumatized. That happened to me once, only it was a boy. In elementary school my mom cut my hair (I started asking her not to when I turned 4, but she refused to stop). She would cut it so damn short that I definitely had a boy cut (not quite a bowl cut-which was the popular style in the early 90s). I remember wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt to school one day and having a 5th grader ask me if I was a boy or a girl. It was really embarrassing. My mom told me to laugh it off and refused to listen to me saying that he asked because my hair was so short.
2 of them. when i was in kindergarten my teacher had a "stop light" that he put on which meant it was quiet time. i had to use the bathroombut since the stop light was on i was afraid to ask the teacher. so i peed my pants, and thought i was doing it discreetly, but i totally didnt. naturally the teacher figured it out, and my parents, and it was quite embarrassing. 
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