Cfnm Beach Stories

Cfnm Beach Stories


Cfnm Beach Stories

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Father humbled by his daughter (real story I saw myself)

Years ago when I was young I saw an interesting scene during summer vacations in Hungary at the Balaton lake.

A family of father, mother and daughter were playing in the water. Now you have to know that the water in the Balaton lake is extremely shallow and they were only like waist deep in the water. They were passing a ball to each other. The daughter was I guess around 5'6'' tall and had to be around 16 years old. She looked really athletic and had strong shoulders and upper back muscles. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a wrestler or a judoka because she had that kind of physique. She had dirty blond hair that we shoulder length and hazel eyes. She wore a dark green two piece swimsuit that looked sporty and athletic. She was definitely heavily into sports. Her father was around 5'10'' and looked in relatively good shape for what I assume was a 40 year old and wore some blue swimming trunks. He wasn't too athletic but not fat either. He probably did some sports when he was younger and retained some muscles while putting some fat on as he got older. The mother had to be around 5'8'' and looked strong too, although with some extra fat but not much.

At some point, the father started playfully wrestling his daughter in the shallow water. I don't know who initiated it. They were just having some fun. I was a bit further down in the deeper water and saw the water splashing and looked what was going on. It was a playful back and forth, the father dunked his daughter down in the water and once he let her go, his daughter got back at him and wrapped herself around his back and then he kind of let her dunk him back. They were laughing and having fun and it didn't look serious. They also splashed some water at each other. The mother was laughing and cheering them on. They talked to each other but I had no idea what they were talking about. I was watching really closely though. It seemed like they were playfully taunting each other.

Then as they kept wrestling in the shallow water it started to seem more and more competitive to me. It seemed like the daughter was really training wrestling or judo and wanted to show off a bit. I don't remember how it went down to the details, but she was starting to get the better of her father. It was all a bit clumsy and messy at times due to them being in the water waist deep but she was really agile and got his back and wrapped her legs and arms around him. She dragged him down to the water and was dunking him. I have a very clear picture of that in my memory. She had her back turned in my direction me at that point and I saw her muscular upper back and then the struggling face of her father who clumsily flailed around with his arms as she dragged him down backwards. It was really a sight to see. This is what stuck in my memory the most.

At first I thought that her father was letting her win but as it went on it looked more and more intense and it seemed like he was struggling for real and desperately wanted to get the upper hand but just couldn't really do it, although he had his moments too. Remember, it was all in front of his wife.

Like I said, I don't remember the details exactly. But it then continued something like this: It didn't last that long but it was intense. I remember that the daughter was very agile and as they fell in the water backwards she reversed the position to be on top and dunked her father down. Her father used his strength and managed to stand back up and push her away but when they were back standing she put him in a headlock and ended up taking his back. The father had his moments and was able to use his strength to give her hard time, but overall she was clearly getting the better of him. It was rather one-sided really. At the time I didn't know anything about grappling so I couldn't recognize the techniques but looking back she probably really knew what she was doing. She was really slick and fast.

At the end the father basically gave up as she was wrapped around his back again. This time he was on his knees, his head barely out of the water and his daughter was on his back wrapped around him and didn't want to let him go. I'm sure to this day that he really tried to get out of her hold and shake her off but just couldn't and couldn't do it. She wore him out and he was really tired at that point. He basically got subdued. I don't know what they were talking to each other but I guess the father eventually said "enough" and she let him go.

When it was over, the father looked frustrated and tired while his daughter was fresh and still full of energy. When she later went out of the water she had a dominant and smug look on her face as she headed to the showers.

At the time it actual wasn't pleasant to see it at all. I was very insecure about women beating men. I was only 17. I found some DWW mixed videos online but dismissed it as fantasy. I was basically cheering for the father as I was watching and felt embarrassed for him as a man. I wanted him to do something and reverse the situation but he couldn't do it and it was frustrating to watch the smug girl winning.

Also, I couldn't stop thinking that that girl who was my age could probably defeat me even worse. It shattered my confidence that something like this could even happen. And I definitely wouldn't ever want to get my ass kicked by my own daughter (I never got one anyway), I never even fantasized about it. It must be so utterly humiliating and embarrassing. A bit later, I had fantasies about that girl and what she could do to me. It wasn't even relevant that it was her father she beat but just the fact that she was able to girl-handle a grown up man. It was emasculating even just watching it, she was basically giving a demonstration of "girl power" to all of the men on the beach who were watching, although I remember that most people were busy with themselves and didn't take a look.

Who knows, maybe they were really just playing around, but I honestly don't think so. It looked too intense and I recognize competitiveness when I see it. What I like to believe is that the father used to be some jock athlete when he was young but got out of shape through the years, yet despite this he probably didn't think in his wildest dreams that his daughter could handle him despite her training judo/wrestling. He was likely clueless about the effectiveness of grappling too. Then when she started to get the better of him he panicked as he probably didn't want his daughter to feel physically dominant over him. I'm sure he wanted to have some moments of clear dominance himself and tried really hard and things briefly got more intense and competitive. It just backfired badly as he eventually got subdued and basically had to quit and submit. It happens a lot with untrained men against trained women grapplers so I don't see why it couldn't happen between an ignorant and cocky father and his athletic and trained daughter. Talk about being emasculated in front of your wife though... I think the daughter would be even more dominant if it wasn't in the water.

I thought I just had to share this with you because it was something I really saw happening with my own eyes. At first I was thinking about putting in story format and give the characters names and everything and maybe expand it a little bit, but I think it's better to describe it as I actually saw it. If there's interest however I can do it for fun, I like to write. I noticed that there aren't many father vs daughter stories here, maybe it's just too humiliating. It's not my thing either but I saw it happen and it's one of the rare instances I've seen a mixed wrestling encounter in real life.

Last edited by Amazonia; 25-May-18 at 21:26 .

Re: Father humbled by his daughter (real story I saw myself)

Thank you for the story. Yes, father vs daughter must be very embarassing to lose. I think that many people here fantasize about what would excite them more, ie fighting a girl they like. A normal father should not think to her daughter in that way (that's why you can't find stuff) but it turns us because she is not Our doughter. I don't know if I've explained myself. Anyway great story thanks

Re: Father humbled by his daughter (real story I saw myself)

Pretty good storie, bro! I'm sure you would to write a excelent story with these memories, including dialogues

Re: Father humbled by his daughter (real story I saw myself)

First time reading this. Thanks for sharing. I've always been exactly the same that in the heat of the moment I'm on the guy's side and wanting to see the girl 'put in her place' but later replaying the scene in my head and wonder if I would have fared any better.

Reminds me of a (real) video I saw a few years ago. At a pool party, an older kid/young man (17/18) was picking up and tossing the younger, smaller kids (12-14) into the pool, boys and girls. One girl obviously knew a bit of Judo or something however as she was able to block him from scooping her up like he did the other kids. He tried but she was able to resist and he visibly got tired from grappling with her. I think she may have gone on the offensive and tripped him to the ground but I'm not sure. I don't have a link to this vid, but someone may know what I'm talking about.

Re: Father humbled by his daughter (real story I saw myself)

Man, I totally agree. I think a big part of my fetish is seeing how a woman can intimidate or overpower other men (not just me necessarily) and seeing a man out matched by his daughter is maybe the most dynamic example of this. My wife way outmatches me and her dad at the gym on leg presses and other leg machines, and he brings that up sometimes. Heโ€™s a great guy and really proud of her (as am I) but I love hearing him cop to the fact that she has stronger legs.

Re: Father humbled by his daughter (real story I saw myself)

That is an exciting story at Lake Balaton. I can put myself in my father's shoes. After my divorce, I met a woman whose daughter also enjoyed games like this. The three of us played ball in the water, one was in the middle and had to intercept the ball. In the end, it always turned into a scuffle. Once a friend's daughter (17) grabbed me and held me so tight that I could no longer free myself from her grip. I felt humiliated. I was 51 at the time.

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Father humbled by his daughter (real story I saw myself)

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