Cette Petite

Cette Petite


My name is Carol-Ann and I am a maker and crafter of all kinds of things and with Cette Petite Maison (This Little House) I hope to share a little bit of my life here in the beautiful rural Quercy Blanc area of France and introduce you to some of my neighbours and their wonderful produce.
I am trying a embrace a simpler lifestyle, working towards sustainability so I am offering a small range of items, made, grown and harvested locally by neighbours and friends and I hope that the phrase Products with Provenance resonates.
If you would like to follow along, it would be lovely to have your company, just add your name and e-mail to Follow my Blog below, and I promise not to inundate you with too many posts.
New Steps down to the cottage :)

The price is €49.00 per night for the room only or €53.90 with Continental Breakfast included.

For bookings contact me by e-mail cettepetitemaison2@gmail.com and we can discuss availability.

The full address is:
Combe Prionde
Ste. Alauzie

That’s a bit of
an open ended question … it very much depends on the thickness of the yarn and
the intricacy of the design you want to weave but … taking an average width,
length and simple design scarf in, say, 4 ply/sport weight yarn, I first have
to wind the warp (the length) of around 120 to 200 threads in the order
required for my design, transfer that to my loom and then wind the full length
onto the back of my loom, pull each individual thread through a heddle which is
attached to a particular shaft of the loom (which gives you the design,
dependent upon which of the 8 shafts of my loom are being used for that design
at any one time) and then thread each one through the reed (which spaces the
warp out to the correct width you wish to weave), lastly tie the threads onto
the front beam of the loom and then try to get every thread tensioned the same. 
After that you can start weaving! I would say that there are around 5-7
hours work in getting the warp onto the loom before you start weaving with the
weft and finally seeing whether you have done all of the above processes
correctly … if not, you go back and correct the errors! Weaving time for
a fully hand woven piece ie. no automation, I would say a further 10 to 15
hours but, for something like the shawl in this picture made with my handspun
merino yarn which is then natural privet dyed, the making time overall
is more likely 30 to 40 hours for each shawl - definitely a "labour of

Due to the favourable climatic conditions and other natural
factors, for the past 350 years Bulgaria has been and still is regarded as the
classical land of rose oil production and the home of the beautiful
Valley of the Roses is a region in Bulgaria located just south of the Balkan Mountains
and the eastern part of the lower Sredna Gora chain to the south.

The rose gardens and processing factories are all
located in this Valley and according to the official statistics, there were
about 3,700 ha of planted rose gardens in 2016.

The main geographic and climatic factors which determine the excellent development of the oil-bearing rose are the following:

nature of rose oil production is such that the proximity of processing
facilities to the raw material source is one of the crucial factors for
cost-effective production.

What really determines the quality of the Bulgarian Rose oil is:

You can read more about Rosa Damascena and its impact on Bulgaria’s Rose Valley here The Rose Festival of Kazanlak

And while I am not offering Rose Essential Oil at the moment, you can get a sense of this glorious scent in my AromaTherapy for Lips range of Lip Balms which you will find here Rose Lip Balm

The Ice Saints dates for are the 11th, 12th and 13th of May and the sayings are as follows:

 May 11, "Be careful, the first ice saint, often catches you by surprise" May 12, "Saint Pancrace often brings ice cream", May 13, "Before Saint Servais no summer, after Saint Servais no more ice". May 25, which is not an ice saint but attached to it, says: "Mamert, Pancrace and Servais are Ice Saints, but Saint Urbain holds them all in his hand".

I have just looked at the forecast for Ste. Alauzie and it's showing Min.12° Max.18° for St. Mamert, Min.8° Max.19° for St. Pancrace and Min.6° Max.20 for St. Servais so perhaps we have escaped this year :)
Выбрать язык русский азербайджанский албанский амхарский арабский армянский африкаанс баскский белорусский бенгальский бирманский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский гавайский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский киргизский китайский (традиционный) китайский (упрощенный) корейский корсиканский креольский (Гаити) курманджи кхмерский кхоса лаосский латинский латышский литовский люксембургский македонский малагасийский малайский малаялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непальский нидерландский норвежский ория панджаби персидский польский португальский пушту руанда румынский самоанский себуанский сербский сесото сингальский синдхи словацкий словенский сомалийский суахили суданский таджикский тайский тамильский татарский телугу турецкий туркменский узбекский уйгурский украинский урду филиппинский финский французский фризский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский шона шотландский (гэльский) эсперанто эстонский яванский японский

The white stone hamlet of Ste. Alauzie

This is one of our local Saffron fields

Source of the lovely wool I knit with

This lovely apartment belongs to a dear friend and is available for holiday rentals

For Beautiful Yarns and Woven Items

I love the printables offered by Printaphoria

Annette creates all kinds of wonderful things :)

© All contents and the phrase Products with Provenance are Copyright to Carol-Ann van Blerk. Watermark theme. Powered by Blogger .

Cette Petite Maison - Combe Prionde, 46170, Ste. Alauzie, France - Tel: 05 65 24 92 71 N° SIRET 44876268200012 C
I love this piece I bought from Sandi :)
Anacamptis pyramidalis - Pyramid Orchid
The Beautiful Rosa Damascena        ©Kurt Stüber

Translation of "faire, cette petite" in English


this little
this small
that little
this tiny
that small

On va se la faire, cette petite balade ensemble.

Well, Rico, it looks like you and I are going to take that little ride together.

Je vais la faire travailler , cette petite .

Because I'm going to make that girl open it.

Elle va faire fureur , cette petite .

Arrête de la faire languir , cette petite .

Between us , don't keep her waiting anymore .

Il y a beaucoup à voir et à faire, et cette petite portion d'Allemagne possède une variété si grande d'attractions, qu'elle vous fascinera à jamais.

There is just so much to see and do here and this part of Germany is just so impressive with its numerous sights, that it will completely fascinate you.

Quand, à chacun de nous, vient l'envie de faire une méchanceté , cette petite méchanceté est une inspiration du diable qui, à travers la faiblesse que le péché originel a laissée en nous, te mène à cela.

When each one of us wants to do something cruel , that little bit of cruelty is an inspiration of the devil, who, through the weakness left within us by original sin, leads us to this.

Elle adorait faire cette petite réflexion.

She's particularly fond of that little catchphrase.

Nous allons donc faire cette petite expérience ensemble.

We'll be doing this little experiment together.

Vous pouvez bien faire cette petite chose pour moi.

Then surely you can do this one little thing in return.

Si tu me laissais te regarder la journée, nous n'aurions pas à faire cette petite danse.

Well, if you'd let me stare at you during the daytime, we wouldn't have to do this little dance.

Je réalisais pas que faire cette petite chose pour moi était une telle corvée.

I didn't realize that doing the least little thing for me was such a chore.

Il me restait un petit bout de laine rouge , juste assez pour faire cette petite jupe à 4 panneaux du Burda du mois d'août 2012.

I had a bit of the red wool left , just enough to make a little skirt with this Burda pattern from last August.

Je reviendrai plus tard faire cette petite chose à faire .

I'll be back later to do that little ... thing that has to be done .

Mérite . Durée: Quelque 20 minutes (TEP) suffisent pour faire cette petite promenade.

It gets an evaluation of . Estimated time: Some 20 minutes are sufficient to finish this hike .

Eh bien, vous avez juste besoin de faire cette petite variation de 1 à perdre du poids rapidement.

Well, you just need to do is 1 tiny changes to lose weight quickly.

Peux-tu faire cette petite chose pour moi ?

Can you do that one simple thing for me?

Vous pouvez nous faire cette petite faveur ?

Couldn't you just help out with this little favor?

Pouvez-vous faire cette petite chose avec vos lèvres encore ?

Could you do that little thing with your lips again?

Alors pourquoi ne pas faire cette petite chose pour moi ?

Then why can't you do this little thing for me?

Ils donnent le meilleur d'eux-mêmes afin de faire fonctionner cette petite entreprise.

They give their best for this small business' operations.

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