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It all makes sense now. Bara wow. Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon. Rate this book. Platserna 3 X: Den sista platsen. John Ajvide Lindqvist. And the trail is hot: it leads him first to a murdered friend and then to a huge batch of cocaine. John Ajvide Lindqvist spins the crime novel into the realm of the supernatural, as forces beyond human control infiltrate the suburbs of Stockholm. Loading interface About the author. John Ajvide Lindqvist 65 books 3, followers. Wanting to become something awful and fantastic, he first became a conjurer, and then was a stand-up comedian for twelve years. He has also written for Swedish television. He also is the author of Handling the Undead and Harbor. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Pусский язык. Displaying 1 - 30 of 79 reviews. Майя Ставитская. If the first book 'Himmelstrand' was a fantasy horror, the second 'Movement' is a psychedelic horror with features of a political thriller, then the third is a journalistic investigation related to drug trafficking. The reader will receive answers to the questions of the first and second novels, although the solution will not be as impressive as readers search. Two things happen almost simultaneously: 1. The second is completely inexplicable if we do not accept the assumption that someone who ensured the delivery of this batch to Stockholm sets a dumping price as a condition and has the ability to monitor compliance. And any attempts to cheat, whether it is dilution with other substances or inflating the price, punishes in such a supernatural way - leading to suicide. The journalist Tommy T becomes involved in the events because his connections in the criminal environment included one of the bigwigs of this business, whom Tommy is the first to find after suicide. His nephew Linus is involved in the same story because pushering is his old way of earning money, and at one time one of the small bosses Alex protected from the revenge of competitors, and debts must be paid. The novel is constructed as an alternate narrative about the events around these two people, which inevitably close in the finale. Жестокие сказки старого Стокгольма Существование ущербно потому что мы делаем его ущербным и сами себя разочаровываем. Линдквист чертовски талантлив и невыносимо мрачен. А еще довольно жесток по отношению к своим героям, среди которых - об этом стоит помнить - почти нет вызывающих нежность и сочувствие. И по-моему дебютный роман 'Впусти меня' до сих пор остается вершиной его творчества, хотя не могу не признать, вторая книга 'Блаженны мертвые' тоже имеет достаточно поклонников. Так или иначе, середина нулевых была временем его взлета и немыслимой славы, которая в одночасье обрушилась на прежде мало кому известного фокусника и стендапера тридцати шести лет. Ему не снесло, он продолжает регулярно писать, хотя далеко не так коммерчески успешно. Но писателем одной книги не остался, и читать его всегда интересно, хотя после очередной встречи нужен перерыв на восстановление внутренней целостности, по которой его сочинения проходятся патентованной камнедробилкой. Говорю со знанием дела, потому что перечитала у Линдквиста, в том числе, многое из того, что не переведено на русский. Думаю, Томми Т, герой последнего романа Трилогии места, отчасти списан с автора: тот же гиково-одержимый путь к признанию, та же невероятная популярность, яркая и скоропроходящая, но талант, профессионализм и связи помогают удержаться в обойме, хотя молодые и рьяные, с их сетевой активностью, теснят и на пятки наступают. Точнее - два: стокгольмская улица Туннельгаттен, неподалеку от которой был убит Улоф Пальме и странный пространственно-временной конструкт, напоминающий бесконечное идеально ровное поле для гольфа. Если первая книга 'Химмельстранд' была фэнтези-хоррором, вторая 'Движение' психоделическим хоррором с чертами политического триллера, то третья - журналистское расследование, связанное с наркотрафиком. Ответы на вопросы первого и второго романов читатель получит, хотя разгадка окажется не такой впечатляющей, как ее поиски. Две вещи происходят практически одновременно: 1. Второе совершенно необъяснимо, если не принять допущение, что некто, обеспечивший поставку этой партии в Стокгольм, ставит условием демпиговую цену и имеет возможность контролировать соблюдение. А любые попытки обмануть, будь то разбавление другими веществами или взвинчивание цены, карает таким сверхъестественным способом - доводя до самоубийства. Журналист Томми Т оказывается вовлеченным в события, потому что его связи в криминальной среде включали одного из воротил этого бизнеса, которого Томми первым находит после суицида. Его племянник Линус втянут в ту же историю потому что пушерство его давний способ заработка, и в свое время один из мелких боссов Алекс защитил от мести конкурентов, а долги надо отдавать. Роман построен как попеременный рассказ о событиях вокруг этих двух людей, которые неизбежно смыкаются в финале. В начале я говорила, что Линдквист редко создает привлекательных персонажей. Но вот с Анитой, бывшей проституткой которая и теперь по старой памяти обслуживает несколько избранных клиентов и их идеей съехаться с Томми, чтобы вместе коротать надвигающуюся старость, замечательнохорошо. Тема притирки друг к другу двух независимых самостоятельных, не слишком счастливых людей, которым приходится поступаться ради этой близости некоторыми амбициями и существенной частью личного пространства, но приобретают оба в результате гораздо больше - она сквозная у писателя вообще Виктория и ее приятель во 'Впусти меня , в Трилогии места - в частности пара фермеров на пенсии из первой книги. И я рада, что именно Улоф с Леннартом, которых полюбила в первой книге. LIsa Noell 'Rocking the Chutzpah! I was a fool.. But maybe Mr. Lindqvist is too. This was a shit show. Lindqvist deserves better than most. Anyone who 'cant' turn Lindqvist to English? Does John Ajvide wish to go viral and sell? This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers. Show full review. Maja Ingrid. I also feel I should have read this one, and not only listened on audiobook since I kept drifting off while listening and not really feeling invested and I think it was stuff I missed. Though Ajvide does a great job narrating his own books. This instalment take on a more crime-side than the previous ones. Meanwhile his nephew is getting deeper into the business of this so called X. I think the downfall of the book was the crime-oriented side. Ajvide is a master craftsman with his words and he writes characters so well and realistic. And these three books, all following a different cast each book is woven together so brilliantly clever. This horror story starts out as a hard-boiled crime, with a journalist famous for cracking drug cases gets involved in some weird shit, and his nephew starts dealing cocaine. I was not impressed. The gulf between Tommy T, grizzled 'murvel', and the real person Tommy Torstensson, with his strangely clearvoyant dog Hagge. The tiny, sad, ugly little boy who just loves his crippled father peaks out of Linus. Well, a well-written crime story with supernatural influences. It is exciting, and the complex characters carries most of the story, but then the ending comes. Ajvide Lindqvist shines in the slowly built portrayals of people not including the antagonist , and fails in the fast-paced conclusion. Still a great horror writer though. Ajvide Lindqvist does such a great job reading his own works. This book, this trilogy, is disgusting and brilliant. He manages to write about things that are disgusting, things that are ugly, things that are over the top weird but he makes it work and makes stories that leave me thinking 'how in the world could someone come up with something like this? If you like weird, please give this a shot. May Watson. X says ACAB. Britt-Marie Kullin. Betyg: 5 av 5. Focusing on alternating plot lines, we follow journalist Tommy and his nephew Linus, a drug dealer. Interspersed with this is the mysterious X and a wave of suicides this figure is causing. However here is where things get incredibly brilliant in the way Lindqvist pulls together the field of endless green grass and blue sky in Book 1, the dark magic and the assassination of Olof Palme from Book 2, and the music of Himmelstrand present throughout all three books. Johan Hereora Hummerhielm. Martin DH. Great story and intriguing backgrounds and characters though. Therese Svensson. Men detta Author 2 books 34 followers. Note to self: Do not just skim through the blurb next time. This story has a dual narrative which follows Tommy, a journalist who specialises in investigating mysterious suicides and what they could potentially be linked to. He is on a roll to find the elusive X who seems to be linked to everything from drug trafficking to murders. He started off small but is hoping for bigger opportunities. He finally caught his break when he is in charge of a big batch of cocaine. But something sinister is happening which put both Tommy and Linus in danger. I feel I would have appreciated the story better if I had read the prequels but this story showed the dangers of drug trafficking and how people ultimately get involved in them. It also showed the effect some drugs will have on people who take them. Alot of lines blurred between reality and hallucinations. Tough choices had to be made in order to survive. There meant some supernatural element in here but I was pretty confused with what the author was trying to portray. Thank you Netgalley and Quercus Books for the arc. Dimitris Passas TapTheLine. Lindqvist is considered by his natives as the Swedish Stephen King, a rather fair comparison as there are multiple affinities between the work of the two authors either in the choice of their main themes or their shared craft in inventing creepy settings, places in which the calm exterior facade is undermined by sinister spirits, mystifying deities, and creatures that originate from alien worlds and wreak havoc in this one. What is most intriguing though is that this final chapter holds many surprises for the reader as Lindqvist breaks ties with his own past and delivers a pure crime novel in the spirit of the masters of Nordic noir genre. Lucy McClune. I think Quercus dropped the ball when it came to promoting and proofreading this book and others by Lindqvist. It took me until this book to realise that this was a trilogy! And there was an uncomfortable amount of spelling errors… so much so, I was amazed it was overseen by such a high level publisher. It seems like Quercus had a pretty low budget for this title. Men inte riktigt. Jennifer Wheeler. This final book took a little while to get going, so it lost a star for that. Between the somewhat boring start, migraines, and being knocked flat by Covid, it took me entirely too long to finish this. Liselotte Howard. Och jag gillar Ajvide skarpt. Och han skriver bra. Men sen Hanna Bylund. Annars; Go for it! Jonas Toftefors. Mytologin kring Brunkebergstunneln! Sebastian Christopher. John Carlsson. Och naturligtvis den mystiska X. Men helt ok. Anna Nyman. Det blir den till slut. More reviews and ratings. Join the discussion. Help center.

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