Celeb Rape Stories

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In This City Moms are the Talk of the Town
May 21, 2019 by watkinsT 134 Comments
Rape is a tragedy no person should have to endure. And when the sexual assault results in conceiving a child overwhelming emotion arise out of difficult decisions that must be made. Sadly, even famous people are vulnerable to this type of adversity. The following celebrities were either a product of rape, or conceived a child out of rape.
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1. Eartha Kitt – Eartha Kitt was conceived by rape. The singer was born in 1927 on a cotton plantation in South Carolina and raised by a woman called Anna Mae, who she believed was her mother, but later found out that her father was the white son of the plantation owner. Her mother married and her new husband shunned Kitt due to her pale complexion so she spent her childhood living with a different family.
2. Zahara Jolie-Pitt – Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s adopted daughter Zahara was conceived by rape. Zahara’s birth mother, Mentwabe Dawit, told Reuter’s about her horrifying experience. As she walked home in the darkness a man approached. “He pulled a dagger, put one hand on my mouth, so that I could not scream. He then raped me and disappeared.” She was 24 at the time and decided to keep the assault a secret, fearing the consequences in her town. At six-months-old Zahara was adopted by Jolie from an orphanage in Ethiopia in 2005, then later Pitt followed in the adoption process.
3. Jesse Jackson – Jesse Jackson was conceived out of statutory rape. The civil rights activist was born in South Carolina to Helen Burns, a 16-year-old high school student, and her 33-year-old married neighbor and father, Noah Robinson, a former pro boxer and prominent figure in the black community. She was pressured to abort but decided to keep her baby. A year after her son’s birth, Burns married Charles Henry Jackson, a post office maintenance worker who adopted Jackson.
Photo Credit: Layne Beachley/Facebook
4. Layne Beachley – Seven-time World Champion Surfer, Layne Beachley’s mother, Maggie Gardner, was 17 and newly arrived in Sydney from Scotland in 1971 when she was date-raped after accepting a dinner invitation. Gardner became pregnant with Beachley, who was adopted by a North Balgowlah couple and grew up on Manly Beach in Australia. In 1999, Beachley announced she had found her birth mother.
Available at Amazon : “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” a helpful resource that answers all your questions about every phase of pregnancy.
5. Kelly Wright – Former Fox & Friends weekend co-anchor Kelly Wright spoke about his mother’s decision to give birth to him despite having conceived him in rape. In his book, America’s Hope in Troubled Times, Wright describes how his mother was sexually assaulted when she was 16-years-old, and how he was the result of that rape. He said that growing up his mother always told him that although he was conceived the way that he was God had a purpose for his life.
6. Faith Daniels – TV personality, Faith Daniels, talked about her conception in 1993 while moderating a panel about women who become pregnant as a result of rape. She said her birth mother, then an unwed 17-year-old, had become pregnant with Daniels after being beat-up and raped by a man she had been dating. Daniels was later adopted from a Catholic orphanage at 8 months by a loving family. “It really doesn’t matter how you were conceived, only what you’ve become,” Daniels’ once said.
Photo Credit: San Diego Human Dignity Foundation/Flickr
7. Nell Carter – At the age of 16, Nell Carter was raped at gunpoint and became pregnant. She gave birth to a daughter, Tracey. In her memoir the late Gimme A Break star opened up about her life. “I’ve always told people that she was the product of an early marriage, but that was a lie my brother helped me concoct as protection from even more pain. I tried raising Tracey by myself, but it was too hard for me. My sister Willie brought her up. She was 12 years older than me, married, had children and a real home. Tracey came in as the baby of the family.”
8. Janet Sheen – Martin Sheen’s wife of over 50 years, Janet Sheen, was also a product of rape. Sheen once said that his wife would rather that he not speak about it, but did admit that after birth Janet’s mother contemplated “dumping her in the Ohio River.” She was raised by aunts until she was six, after which her mother, with a new husband, “came to collect her,” Sheen said.
9. Ethel Waters – Actress and singer, Ethel Waters was born on October 31, 1896, as a result of the rape of her teenaged mother, Louise Anderson, by John Waters, a pianist and family acquaintance. Anderson was believed to be only 13 years old at the time of the attack. Waters was raised in poverty and never lived in the same place for more than 15 months.
Photo Credit: Valerie Gatto/Facebook
Waters said of her difficult upbringing, “I never was a child. I never was cuddled, or liked, or understood by my family.” The Emmy and Oscar nominee married at the young age of 13, but soon left her abusive husband.
10. Valerie Gatto – When Miss Pennsylvania 2014, Valerie Gatto, was 10 years old she found out that she had been conceived by rape. Gatto’s mother was 19-years-old when she was raped at knifepoint. When Gatto was in the third grade her mother told her , “Something bad happened to me. A very bad man hurt me, but God gave me you.” Today, Gatto is an advocate for sexual assault awareness, traveling the country to talk to women about how to protect themselves against violence and sexual aggression. When on The Today Show she said, “I believe God put me here for a reason: to inspire people, to encourage them, to give them hope that everything is possible and you can’t let your circumstances define your life.”
Available at Amazon : A variety of t ools to help you, or a loved one, along your pregnancy journey.
I didn’t know any of this, you always have the most interesting articles! I love getting my celebrity fix here
My son at the fine age of 18 wants to know my thought on pro life. I think I will just send him to this web site…Thank you so very much.
Perhaps you should let him explore pro-choice, and giving the women the power to choose what they wish to do with their bodies.
Your body, your choice?What about the young women (babies) who are aborted? Do they get a choice on whether or not they get to be killed…??
I would never choose abortion for myself.,
But I totally respect a woman’s right to choose.
Yes. Your body, your choice means that women don’t have to endure the suffering of a rape pregnancy. It’s not killing if it’s not been born yet, like when pregnant for just a few weeks it’s not a baby yet.
It’s not a viable life yet. You obviously place more value on a ball of cells than an actual human life, that of the woman. You’re not “pro life” you’re “pro birth.”
Quite frankly, today there are very few people that are viable outside the womb. So, park that argumen.
Ur killing a live child a child of god a potential child to change the world u have a kid and u don’t want it don’t kill it at least put it in a group home
When someone gets killed by a gun do they get asked if it’s okay to get shot and killed ?
It becomes a live child at conception not when it takes its first breath. The same concept would be like if someone went into a coma for 9 months. who knows whats gonna happy to the person, is it okay to pull the plug? no it’s not we don’t get to choose who lives or dies and if we do that’s called murder thank you.
War on Women. When abortion is for gender selection it’s most commonly in favor of a boy. It’s beyond shame that women are induced to kill their girl babies.
How many of these children have you personally adopted and what is the ethnic background
Walk in the shoes of a victim of rape, children trafficking and child marriage and then tell us NEVER!
It is not the Mother’s body that they are cutting up in pieces. She wouldn’t let them cut her body in pieces. The baby is a whole separate body.
No, p ro life is just fine. A woman can do what she wants with her body until it comes to someone else’s body.
Once a woman gets pregnant her body DOES NOT only belong to her any MORE…PERIOD. After pregnancy it magically becomes only hers again.
Unborn babies have a different set of DNA to their mothers. Everyone agrees in an individual’s right to life and that no one has the right to kill someone else.
It’s only 9 months they should get over it and give that life to someone else rather that murder.
I gave birth to 3 daughters and 1 son. My son’s chromosomes from the moment of conception were X-Y. Mine have always been Y-Y. He, and every child who is given the miracle of being conceived is n.e.v.e.r. a part of their mother’s body. Through her womb, a woman feeds, keeps warm and protects her unborn children.
From the moment you were conceived you were your own person, complete! Mothers add nothing but the nourishment and protection of her body. I pray that you will think hard about these facts.
Every person who is pro-abortion has already been born. No matter the circumstances of conception or birth, every child has the capacity to rise above their circumstances and create a beautiful, vibrant life that will add infinite value to all around them. Check out this website about the 10 celebrities who were conceived by rape or bore a child out of rape! Open your eyes! Plus, I am a self-employed woman and every small business I know of is looking for people to hire! The labor market is incredibly tight! It is because our nation has aborted 60,000,000 since 1973! This fact is going to come crashing down on us. We all must work to stop this great evil.
If you are a woman, then you have X-X chromosomes… boys only have Y……
Wrong females have XX and males have XY and some have XXY or variations of what is labeled abnormal but is really different part of the Creator creation a beautiful human
Really? So the baby gets nothing from the mother. No looks, no eye color, no nothing?
But it doesn’t matter if their body is not my body. Your body is currently inside of mine‘s meaning I have control of what happens to what happens to you.
the mother themselves can control what happens to the baby meaning they have control if it comes out healthy, unhealthy, mental issues, deformed,. The fate of the unborn child is all up to the mother and there’s nothing you can do about it. No one should have to suffer a pain to give a child their life if they don’t want to. You do know that pregnant women should, but they don’t have to take care and nourish the unborn child especially if it was conceived from rape if they don’t want to.
And perhaps these messages of life, affirmation, and hope through God’s grace to these people is the best message for her son.
Do you mean dispose of others bodies? Life gives everyone challenges, taking the life of another is a horrible option.
If Ithey used there power and made good decisions there would no need for abortion. That’s what this article is for. Rape doesn’t automatically equal death to the baby who didn’t cause it.
No sense in raising a murderer?! The one who is dead is the innocent baby. Why should the baby pay the ultimate price for someone else’s crime?
Did you ever notice? EVERYONE who is pro “choice” has already been born?
We all have the right to chose. God gave us free will. It’s what’s we do with our choices. I’m praying women will chose to keep their babies and not have them murdered.
What, murder or life. Planned Parenthood does not help women, It lies to them. Ask former employees.l
When with child you no longer have complete control over your body. You have a living soul inside of you who is completely innocent of the horrid act – so as hard as it is, bear the pain and let someone else love and raise the innocent one. That way you will never live in gilt of murder and will you have given the awesome gift of life to a child. A double blessing.
Both Satan and Hitler would approve.
I found out I was born a rape child, I am 54 and have had a horrendous life. From child sexual abuse and through adulthood mental and physical abuse. People don’t know how I can still be sane. I survived a hangman’s fracture and many trauma’s. I want to write an autobiography of my life
Would you rather have not been born at all? Are you happy to be alive?
That has to be one of the dumbest questions I’ve ever read. This poor person has been through hell and back and that’s all you can say? Well would you rather be dead! Im dure they’ve probably thought about that a time or two. And I would bet you they y would say yes! I am NOT pro abortion and I am NOT pro choice. Although I have to admit I think I saw one argument that I would agree with. It’s a very tough decision for 99% of those who have abortions. People have to answer to their maker. One thing I have never understood and I don’t care how many times you want to explain it, I find it an oxymoron if someone murders a child in utero if the woman is injured by being shot or car accident etc and she’s pregnant and the baby dies. Yet she can have that child ripped right out of her and it’s called a choice. Abortion is so much more painful. Babies arms and legs coming off. You know what they do if a baby is born alive? They snip the spinal cord at the back
Of the babies neck. Whoever made up these as one rules that it’s not a baby in utero is dumber than a box a of rocks.
I think it would be a good thing for you to write the story of your life just use different names . That book could be the beginning of your healing and who knows you might get it published.
I applaud these birth women for their strength and bravery to persevere and the mentors that listened to them during their most arduous challenges. I agree with every decision they made after the births of the children without any thoughts of condemnation. I had friends that had a similar situation with one of their children. The boy was 12 years old, at the time, when he was told he immediately ran away to his friend’s family home and settled there until he moved to Utah to start his own business. His three younger brothers eventually moved in with him and helped him with his business.
Wow, it’s unbelievable able the amount of people that are known to be born from rape, such an awful thing, but I am glad it didn’t prevent any of these women from going after their dreams!
By this late date in the history of the world everyone is descended from people born from raped mothers, raped women and…rapists.
If the children of rapists should be killed then all of us should be killed.
And I seriously doubt her latest story anyway. Carter already floated one lie (about being married), so its not a big stretch to believe she simply swapped one lie for another. The most logical explanation: she engaged in premarital sex without using protection. Had she gotten pregnant after 1970, she would’ve simply done what millions of her brethren do every single day: gone to the nearest abortion clinic. But because it happened before Roe v Wade, she had to make up some excuse in order not to appear promiscuous, impulsive, or just plain stupid.
I don’t believe in abortion either, but if someone else ends their pregnancy, its not MY problem. It’s between the woman, the abortion doctor, and God Almighty. If millions of black women insist upon stupidly using abortion as a regular form of birth control, that’s on THEM. I’M not going to be held accountable for the collective behavior of an underclass with low impulse control, nor am I going to pay more taxes to support their offspring. If the nation ever decides to go back and make abortion illegal again, they’d have to pass a companion legislation that cuts welfare benefits to chronically-pregnant, single, low-skilled females, because the competent middle and upper classes are FED UP with them. As it is now, we’re already paying the low end of the IQ bell curve to keep making more babies they can’t afford, when our country SHOULD be offering incentives to the high end of the IQ curve to have more kids. The dumbing down of America CAN be reversed, but we have to act quickly. Its simple math, and China and Russia have already figured it out.
You are really an evil being, Devaluing human lives, and the sad part is that you think that you’re better than those less fortunate than yourself. But for the grace of God you could be in their same position! Really, who do you think you are? I see total narcissism!
Wow. Heil Hitler indeed! This is like point-by-point Margaret Sanger stuff.
Yeah you know it is kind of frustrating to have people be dependent on welfare when they don’t need it or shouldn’t need it but you also can’t blame the children either. And the kind of stuff you’re talking about led to widespread genocide several decades ago.
It’s not my problem is why abortion is still legal. Nobody has any respect for life anymore.
By this late date in the history of the world everyone is descended from people born from raped mothers, raped women and…rapists.
If the children of rapists should be killed then all of us should be killed.
That would be making yourself out as being equal to God…
So racist. More whites are on welfare than blacks.
You’re ignorant, self-righteous, and I bet you call yourself a Christian.
The worst part is that the collective negativity surrounding the black community is a direct product of white supremacy and systematic discrimination. And whites then have the gall to complain about the side effects of damage they’ve inflicted on others who for centuries did not have the means to “do better.”
And now when any black woman proves herself to be exceptional she gets no credit and is accused of receiving a handout or just affirmative action. And she’s vilified beyond any white woman for the same behavior.
If it takes insulting an entire race of women to make yourself feel worthwhile then you must have a pathetic existence.
Crawl back into your cave and stay there. You’re an insult to humanity.
You are one inately racist, ignorant, ill-informed, privileged scumbag of a cracker! Black people are very intelligent and highly evolved people. The Obama’s are a prime example. White women have just as many abortions as black women, probably even more. Go back to the plantation where your wicked forefathers maliciously raped black women and black men forcing black women to screw them and consequently conceive as a sad result. Now take that and paint it red you ##tch!!!!!!!!!
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