Celeb Rape Scenes

Celeb Rape Scenes


Celeb Rape Scenes

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With recent sexual harassment claims against Eric Tsang (曾志偉) surfacing , the sexual violation of Hong Kong actress Yu Sin Man (余倩雯) on the set of Eric’s film Fatal Vacation (安樂戰場) topped Chinese search engines. As the director for the movie, Eric told Sin Man that he wanted realism– although “the [rape] scene was fake, she had to do it for real”.
After the incident, Eric spoke to the media about what happened on the set of Fatal Vacation . At first, he planned to film the rape scene in which Sin Man would be dragged out of the room and then returned with her clothes ripped apart. However, Eric claimed Sin Man wanted to make her performance stand out more so he decided to film the scene more explicitly. Eric promised that he would watch the footage with Sin Man afterward and if the scene is too revealing, he would delete the footage. After thinking about it for a few days, Sin Man agreed to film the rape scene.
“The limit is that the [penis] would not penetrate,” Eric said. He told Sin Man to “scream if something went wrong”. Eric stepped out of the room and only left the cinematographer with Sin Man and the actors to film the scene.
Although Sin Man’s rape scene was included in the final cut of Fatal Vacation , the more explicit details were deleted. Sin Man reportedly had nightmares following her sexual violation and ended her short-lived acting career.
This article is written by Jayne for JayneStars.com .
Wong Cho Lam reportedly had a fight with TVB over Linda Chung.
He tells artistes not to get dejected as there will be many projects coming up.
Eric welcomes artistes to pitch new ideas for dramas and variety shows.
Although he has been promoted to TVB General Manager, Eric lacks the supporting manpower to help out.
His management job doesn’t pay as much as acting, but Eric sees it as his mission to improve TVB.
His promotion comes after eight months since joining TVB’s managerial ranks.
He was seen looking upset during a glitch at Miss Hong Kong 2021.
More staffing changes are expected at TVB, leaving many employees scared for their job stability.
Global recruitment for Miss Hong Kong 2021 has started. The pageant will take on a reality show format this year.
TVB hopes that Hong Kong can be like Taiwan where there is only one recognized awards ceremony.
How the eff does that happen without oversight? How is it possible the actor did not know his limits?
I hope the actor went to jail for what he did.
As for Eric… I don’t know. This sounds shady AF.
Definitely something wrong with him.
He told her to scream when there is something wrong. When she screamed he think she was into character so did nothing. Sound contradicting to me.
She must have upset someone important and that was her consequences. However they didn’t expected her to press charges because they didn’t think she would throw away her acting career.
@1nit Yep very contradicting. From his words and actions I am more inclined to believe it was a planned assault. Disgusting. I don’t believe him when he said he respects women.
@mindee it was planned. Since it was for filming. Except either the recipient didn’t know the extent or knew but went out of hand. That’s filming.
@funnlim yep it was for filming but she didn’t know it was for real. He didn’t tell her which was also part of the plan. The situation got out of hand but it was done on purpose.
@bubbletea nahhhhh. No bathrobe, bathtub, shower, massage.
It took this many years for this incident to really come to light; can you imagine how much they must have pressured her to keep quiet about what happened? And that actor who was basically a nobody they pulled off the street (from the sound of it), why wasn’t anything done about him? Even the camera guy and the artistic director and everyone else in the room should have done something to stop what was happening. All of this is beyond sickening if every bit of it is true. I doubt any legal action can be taken against Eric Tsang and that actor by now, but I believe karma will eventually catch up with them…10-fold.
@dalebaines All these men need to be de-dicked if any of this is true. Of course everyone is going to crucify Yu Sin Man . If true, Eric and his toads are going to say she is crazy, or looking for a renewed fifteen minutes of
fame. I am not surprised by the allegatins brought against Eric Tsang. Should these allegations prove to be true, like you said, they all should be brought to justice. It is time these filthy pigs are exposed
Isn’t anyone here disgusted by the fact that HE KEPT THE SCENE knowing what has occured?
I don’t believe for a second that the rapist would have gone that far if he didn’t get pig Tsang’s permission ahead of time. But let’s say I believe his version, why didn’t they take any legal action against him? And you don’t even have the decency to cut that horrible scene out of your self-directed trash? But instead let this lifelong trauma for the actress to be on film, watched by a large audience and in distribution forever. What an extra slap in the face for the victim.
Yeah go f-u-ck yourself Eric Tsang.
You can tell he’s a pervert no matter how nice he tries to be on the Super Trio Shows. To me, even thou I like the show before he is a pervert dude period. haha LOL…. Sigh… after so many years and it comes out now? What is wrong w/this world.
@wm2017 Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, etc were harassing women for decades before the revelations finally came out. Victims had no recourse with powerful men in control.
@wm2017 His Super Trio shows were merely rip-offs from the Japanese variety shows. Yet, people treated Eric as though he was some innovative genius. Sheesh.
How not to be accused when he has directed such movie and requested some unreasonable demand during the filming? The girl should have voiced out her grievances but however, she must have been paid generously to perform such act. Remember those days there were few other Cat III actress became such victim as well and later either committed suicide or had depression. Even if he is not being convicted this rape & harassment claimed. It will somehow still bother him for a while. Wonder if he dares to attend the TVB Anniversary Award this year.
OMG. WTF. This is the most insane and bizarre scenario ever. I don’t even know where to begin or how to even think of this… This is so horrendously wrong, malicious and illegal! Eric was essentially like a Turtle-man (Gway Gong), bringing the girl around for s*x. Who TF ask someone to really knee another actor in the crotch… TF *pulls hair*
Is the “incident” referred in “After the incident, Eric spoke to the media about…” right after filming of the movie or as in right after now she outed him? Either way, why TF wasn’t or isn’t Eric charged? It happened. He knew. Yet he still chose to use the scene. AND he wasn’t or isn’t in trouble. Holy h*ll HK… O_O
@jjwong For why he isn’t charged, probably because she didn’t press any charges and choose to get the hell out of the entertainment industry instead. After her traumatic experience she might be afraid of what more could happen to her if she spoke out back then. Don’t forget she was young and just mentally and physically violated, so it’s not difficult to intimidate her into silence. The Hong Kong entertainment industry was (and probably still is) a dark and triad-filled place back then, especially in the 80s-90s. What a scum that Eric Tsang.
Oh! I remember her! She played Vincent Wan’s sister who married Gallen Lo in “Vengeance”! I heard she got married to a nice guy who managed artistes.
The poor girl was probably intimidated into not pressing charges as she initially said yes to the scene. But the thing is no matter what the previous agreement was, the minute she did not want to continue, the production crew should have stopped it and whatever deal there was should have been nulled.
Eric is just a cheap exploitive scum who wanted his movie to be the talk of the town. The film was about the political unrest and the bad side of human nature. It did not need to have such a graphic rape scene, thus I call it explotative. He may have cut the really graphic scenes out of the final cut, but to keep any of it in a movie is just eternal violation of Yu Sin Man over and over again each time it is viewed.
This news has actually out for a while. The rumour was actually made known for many years, at least I read about it somewhere in the last decade. It was mentioned again during the HK tourist bus incident in 2010.
So does this mean she got penetrated? Poor girl
being in the entertainment business is known to be dark if you want to be heard and well known some ppl are willing to sell there bodies for that cant really blame one side and I’m not taking sides here but i think that ppl who willingly expolited there bodies came out prb just for $$$$ it cause the ppl who they trying to bring downwho made it big in the industry
@sherla1019 are you trying to say that Yu Sin Man and other victims probably sold their bodies to be heard and well known???!!!!!. That part of your comment is insulting to the situation going on here. Yes, there are ebiz people who sleep their way to get ahead in the business but that is not the case here. This woman was violated in the most vicious way, against her will. It traumatized her so much that she quit her job, which was probably her lifelong dream job. If anyone is to blame it will be Pig Tsang, the sick rapist/molester and others who knew what was being done to this poor woman.
So victims are trying to bring down those who made it big in the industry???!!. They are jealous of them eh??!!? For your information, it is those who made it big in the industry who prey on the newbies. They abuse their power and senority.
@bubbletea Why u blasting at me for I already said I,m not taking sides!!!! I’m not putting out names who did or didnt exploit there bodies but there are ppl that are willingly to do whatever it takes to become famous and i CERTAINLY DONT AGREE WITH SEXUAL HARRASSMENT SO TAKE A CHILL PILL!!!! JEEEEEZZZZ
@sherla1019 I still think your comment is insensitive to sexually harassment victims. A woman was physically sexually abused against her wishes, and you mentioned about people using their bodies to get ahead with their careers. How insensitive can you be to this particular situation? Your comment is so out of place in this thread. It has a place, but not here, not now. Even the little shrimp himself, (meaning Eric) , basically admitted to something terribly going wrong in the scene. Read the article and read what you wrote. Read it with understanding and wisdom. If you have the nerve to bark from your computer and prescribe a pill for me, AGAIN, then I might have to wonder if you understand the gravity of what happened to this poor woman.
By the way, everyone knows that Eric Tsang is worse than a pig. He makes pigs looks like angels. Have a happy day, God bless
No coincidence that Eric Tsang and Harvey Weinstein both look like pigs. But 4-footed pigs are definitely cuter.
@msxie0714 HAHAHAhaha, that is a good one, I like very much. Pig Weinstein and Pig Eric give the cute four legged porkers a bad rap.
@bubbletea Looks who BARKING take another CHill Pill
@sherla1019 you came back? Are you so thick? You know what. Where did I I bark? I laughed, like I will now, cause you are a joke…..HAHAHAHAHAhahaha. Is that enough barking for ya? As for pills, I could write you a prescription, only thing though, my specialty is not psychiatry.
Tell you what. I better quit before I am accused of bullying a small child, meaning you, with special needs, bow wow arf arf to you. Now I bark. Have a wonderful day, I know I will.
I wonder is this supposed to be a category 3 movie? Don’t Eric supposed let the camera man know the situation too even he’s not in the there when the rape is going on? I guess back in the old day you can’t do much about it. And don’t those guys know it’s a acting only but they it seriously way.
OMG!!! This sound awful!! That poor girl!!!!!
Reminds me of last tango in Paris. Acting wise difficult to say. After all anything could and would happen. But I am more concerned with her being coerced into the scene than actual filming. I don’t think she had any choice. Knowing hk industry probably never discussed the bottom line.
I am surprised Eric was so forthcoming in his version of events which basically affirmed his participation in if not in the alleged attempted assault at the very least in not reporting one. Is thwre a statutory time limit for sexual assaults in hk? Anyway maybe he thought he said the right genuine thing. Let’s not kid ourselves. There’s an abundant of rape scenes in hk films and even tv series from mild to extreme. Dialogues dismissing rape as some joke is the norm in hk movie. Even if Eric is not some sexual predator or it was some genuine issue during filming which he did not expect to happen, his attitude towards women would be to me less than respectful. If he is a sexual predator it will be a continuing act. Age wouldn’t mellow his need so to speak. I don’t know if Eric is that sort of predator. But I think him being so forthcoming in aspects of this matter is his unbecoming. He may think he sounded sincere and genuine, the truth is he had made a very public confession of at least knowing a probable crime took place. If that’s not a legal liability, morally it is a huge issue.
Eric wasn’t even in the room. Unusual. Doesn’t matter.
Let’s wait for Jackie chan shall we. Always suspected as such. Not rape or such but using influence to obtaon favour perhaps. But I also recognize some actresses threw themselves at these powerful figures, I think that group of women and men can be identified. Oh I’m eager to hear from Korean industry. Not just female stars. Male stars too.
As for yammie, maybe ask her. She’s still alive and now is her time to speak up after suffering so long.no point accusing a dead person if not true.
No penetration …. gee did that ‘rapist’ actually showed his bloody d$#k? That is too much! Screamed if there is penetration? That would be too late! I have stopped watching HK movies for some time. Didn’t now there were many such rape movies? Must the norm at that time? Lust and violence sell?
Don’t think Eric Tsang had any remorse over what happened with Yu Sin Man. His attitude implies that other Hong Kong actresses had encountered similar filming situations, in which they were “persuaded” to film scenes that push their boundaries.
Years ago in a radio interview with Anita Lee, he was asked what was the most extreme bed scene he had filmed? Eric proceeded to mention that he had filmed a movie where they had agreed to “假戏真做” (do the rape scene for real) and afterward the actress came running out and cried that he was “inhuman”. It was a brief version of what he said in the magazine interview quoted in the article. He didn’t mention Yu Sin Man’s name, but his attitude seemed very dismissive of what happened, just re-telling it as a “humorous” story of a situation that went out of hand.
It’s irresponsible for Eric to leave the room during the filming of such a scene as a director. The situation was handled in such an unprofessional way; all he wanted was a graphic scene at the expense of Yu Sin Man.
Don’t think Eric’s attitude towards women have been respectful, especially when he hosts the Miss Hong Kong Pageants. Whenever the swimsuit rounds start, his eyes light up and he makes inappropriate comments about the contestants’ bodies.
@jayne I agree. What a disgusting attitude. From what he said and his actions I am more inclined to believe it was an assault even though more evidence is needed, but it does seem like a planned assault. Maybe she did something to make Eric angry or didn’t listen to him, and that was the consequence. But there’s more to the story I think
I watched the Ms. HK pageant for years and noticed how perverted Eric is towards the contestants, especially during the swimsuit round. I thought that I was the only one.
I have been watching so much news about the ones who possibly raped Yammie and Eric was being accused as one of them. I am not that shocked as Eric seems to be very perverted. I also saw news of how it was Andy Lau who always took care of Yammie in spite of her bad state. I was touched and realized even more what a kind and wonderful person Andy truly is. Will you be posting some news about that? I am truly proud to like Andy for so many years. Andy has helped so many people and Dicky Cheung was one of them. Dicky said some very sweet things about Andy to express his forever gratitude towards him. Andy seems to treasure everyone he has ever known in his life.
Seldom lasted through any beauty pageants as I consider them meat parades – both for the contestants and spectators. But from the times I skimmed through them, and the Ms Vancouver ones (with them moving to compete in Ms HK often) … Eric and Ah Lek as comperes could be very challenging to deal with.
Ironically … Eric Tsang was one of those who helped out with Yammie too, back then. When everyone just looked as her as someone with MH. And he has always been charitable and kinda devout Buddhist like ttoo.
While ‘lecherous’ – the whole trio actually: Ah Lek – Chan Pak Kiong, Eric and Alan Tam …. they’re all long time buddies. But I always thought among them – for Eric it was more an act – someone seemed to be the wise, down to earth man-mediator type to settle matters. Uncouth loud and brash yes, but without ill-intent.
As I found Eric used to be quite 太过分 with all those Wasabi eating scenes back then too with his games for contestants. And all the water dunking games – where females were also quite exposed revealingly-vulnerable when they came out.
But my impression also was his mouth harsh, he is brash-loud and uncouth …. but his heart is big and soft/good ie
口硬心软 type of person.
I used to enjoy the Ms HK pageants way back in the days when Eric was not the host yet but I did still enjoy them during the 90s. However, he did become “tai guo fen” as you said. The pageant these days seem like such a joke.
I found it strange that he would help Yammie out especially if he was one of the ones that raped her. However, maybe he was doing that as a cover up. For some odd reason, I had this feeling in me that always told me that Eric is someone that just gives out a fake act as if he is kind but really is not. I still remember him calling that one guy a crap eating dog. Sorry but I love dogs and for him to say things like that sickens me. He does not seem like a nice person to me.
At first I thought he was the type that had a harsh mouth but a soft heart too. However, over the years he seemed to be showing more and more of his true colors. The aura that he gave out became more and more creepy.
@hetieshou Eric Tsang’s comments in Miss Hong Kong were very inappropriate before. Despite his vulgar mouth and questionable handling of Yu Sin Man on the set of “Fatal Vacation”, it is difficult to make presumptions about the alleged rape of Yammie Lam. In her 2013 interview with Next Media, she had mentioned the men’s names but they were beeped our. Perhaps Next knew that they would have a libel case on their hands if they released the unedited version. Yammie has been known to be mentally unstable and these are very serious allegations.
It was reported in the past that Eric had tried to help Yammie on behalf of the Hong Kong A
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