Caught Playing With Myself

Caught Playing With Myself


Caught Playing With Myself

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My best friend and I decided to get a...
I’ve recently tried going out in skirts...
My first year old college it was...
I phoned her and arranged to meet for...
Many nights I find my mother-in-law in...


I'm slowly turning my controlling...
I can only c** when thinking about her...
I’ve always likes fatter women, not...
Short and simple. My friend and I are...
I was 15 years old and my sister was...


Hell My name is Elsie I am an Elderly...
I am a mid 30's single mom of 2, I have...
My husband and I were out at a bar the...
My best friend and I decided to get a...
I’m just a normal teen I guess; I peek...

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I was feeling sooo h**** on the subway coming home from my last college class that I let a man see up my dress as if it was by accident. I picked a harmless looking old guy figuring he'd be more appreciative and not hassle me. He took the bait and stared so hard he didn't know I was looking at the l*** in his eyes that lit up like he hadn't seen up a woman's dress in years. I call that a mercy show, and he probably went home and jerked off over seeing the black panties between my legs and thinking about my sweet p**** . I have to admit even thought he wasn't the least bit sexy to me, I masturbated at home because showing myself like that for the first time in my life made me sooo h**** I had to relieve myself from the intense horniness. Felt good. I might carefully try that again.

My husband wants me to discretley expose my self in public. I guess I'm willing.

My husband wanted me to also. I started with underwear. it turned me on. son then I tried a thong. Better. Then nothing . Best. I can't explain it but it really turns him on and really, really turns me on. Now discussing going the next step.

Wish there was more women like you around for we older guys seems like years to me since I have seen up a woman's skirt ,even though I have a wife , but she has been a jeans/trousers wearer for years. My mature mother used to like showing me up her πŸ‘— and look at her views of undergarments stockings and suspenders. Please reply to this with your thoughts and comments ,this would make a older guy very happy indeed. Are you still showing up your skirts ? G love πŸ’“ your confession.

My wife and have been talking about her doing this. She willing, I'm nervous. Mike and Karen

My ex and i did similar , a lot,,,, ,,,,she would dress in short dress or skirt and contrasting panties,,,then at our favorite bar , she would watch the band and i would constantly look around . if i saw a man looking her way,, i would quietly tell her and she would turn or change chairs ,, then open legs and give a peek,,just innocent fun for all,

Lucky guy with a wife like that allowing her to show her knicker's to the first guy that looked up your wife and the fact that your wear encouraging her by changing seats etc all harmless but sounds good fun if your wife's got what a man is looking at why not faint it . Incidentally did she have stockings and suspenders on at the same time. You are both a very lucky and loving couple giving this view to especially to older men who appreciate that kind of attention to their frustration. Good on you both keep it up. Tried to get my own wife to do that for me to get me excited to know that other men would probably have been more than happy to look up her skirt ,to no avail as she just used to show a bit of her silky slip. Please both stay in touch with me hear or by email which I can submit if you are both interested in that way.

Agree wish more couples were like you ,were still around. I had a similar experience when I was in my mid 20s I was a rep and I had stopped in for lunch when sitting opposite me ,were a couple probably in their early 50s the wife happened to be showing a bit of white silky petticoat under her skirt , which I couldn't take my eyes of I'm sure she must have known that she was showing ,as she turned and smiled over at both her and her husband both started chatting away across the tables the more we chatted the more she would show till eventually she hitched her skirt up slightly ,the let her legs part showing the full extent of all her undergarments including her silky full cut knickers and stockings and suspenders under the table which added to the enjoyment of my lunch she sat in front of me like that for ages beside her husband . I'm sure she and her husband knew what was going on and that I was looking up his wife's skirt as they both smile across at me, don't you think that also??? Some of my mates at the time said looking at woman's knickers hanging on a line put them off when eating. I can honestly say that day I could never be put off looking up a woman's skirt while eating if that day was anything to go by ,I'm sure the both must have seen me across the room starting to get hard with her views Yes no. I first started to get interested looking up women's skirts at that time ,as the first view I ever got was up my mature mother's skirt even though I was eating at the time and we were alone in the house. Please reply

I was the old man whose life you made better by allowing me to worship your dear dear p**** . You can't imagine how beautiful your p**** is to me!

You liar. I was the old guy and the vision is permanently etched in my memory

You can see my p**** anytime you like.

Love the ladies in their short skirts when they let a glimpse up their skirts exposing her sexy panties or even the natural beauty with no panties!

Mercy of what? You are just a sad show off with an inflated ego.

I have to agree that "accidental" exposing is a HUGE turn on and fun hobby of mine too.

Accidentally on purpose exposing yourself is a great way to improve your day and thatmof some others!

There is a raised walkway near where I live. I love to watch the girls walk along it giving me a wonderful view up their skirts. You would be surprised at the number that are wearing no panties, leaving everything exposed to my gaze. A few days ago a girl spotted me looking up. She paused for a moment and then widely opened her legs to show me that she wasn't wearing panties and was beautifully shaved. Wonderful! Jim

Leather skirt &no knickers. I have a lovely, short leather skirt with buttons down the front. It's so short that it barely covers my rear, and bending forward causes it to rise, showing everything. As an exhibitionist, I love to go out wearing it and 'accidentally' bend over in a public place, giving everyone a good view of my firm ar-se and pus-sy. Also because it has buttons in the front, it's good to allow the bottom one to open while I walk along. Another trick that I often use is to allow the middle ones to become undone. This causes the skirt to gape open, totally exposing my smooth pus-sy. I've done this several times, allowing loads of folk to have a good look. Only once has a woman come up to me to tell me my skirt is open and everything is on show. I looked quite startled and said that I didn't know as I quickly buttoned up. She told me that if I was going to wear that skirt again I really should wear some knickers underneath. Little did she know that I did it deliberately. Rachel, England.

Rachel, your a lady after my own heart. I find it so arousing when I got without knickers. I love bedding over when shopping knowing that anyone can see my pus-sy if they look. I've had a lot of whispered comments from both men and women which I must confess got me tingling, it's one of my favourite hobbies now. Andrea England.

Ladies wearing silky petticoat, stockings and suspenders silky nylon knickers up their skirts are more of a turn on than a bare p**** also leaves a little bit to the imagination of the guy after you close your legs

I have a very short imitation leather skirt. I call it my pis-sing skirt. I love to wear it with nothing beneath and then pis-s myself in public. (By the way, I never wear knickers). When I get up in the morning I go out without visiting the bathroom first. Soon I am bursting for a pis-s. I attempt to hold on until it becomes impossible, then I just let it go wherever I am. I have pis-sed myself in shops, town centres, parks and cinemas. Sometimes I pretend to be distraught at what I have done and people come and comfort me. Little do they know the pleasure that pis-sing in public gives me. It's almost better than s** . Ginny. UK

Hi Ginny. I also like to pis-s myself in public. The great pleasure is having a full to bursting bladder and slowly letting it go a drop at a time dripping from under my skirt in all sorts of public places. I don't wear any knickers either. Sometimes I can go all day without fully emptying my bladder. The pain of a bursting bladder is just exquisite. My favorite time is slowly letting it out at the cinema or on the bus. I pull my skirt up and let it soak into the seat. When I get up I have a wet as-s but its lovely. Dawn T

I had a really embarrassing accident yesterday. I was in the centre of town and desperately needed to pee. I ran to the nearest toilet only to find that it was closed for repair. The only other one was in the nearby park. Desperately trying to hold on I attempted to go there, but about half way I couldn't hold it any longer and wet myself in full view of everybody. My skirt was soaked, and as I was wearing no knickers it became quite transparent, allowing everyone to see that I had no knickers on. I had to walk all the way home like that. Dozens of people must have seen everything. Sarah J

I think that is fantastic. My wife and I are both enthusiastic exhibitionists. We read your comment together and it got us hot & xxxcited and we dressed provocatively and went to our favorite club to show off. We want to thank you for being you.

Read mine further up the page pardon the pun 😊

I have a short denim skirt like that. It has poppers down the front. Unfortunately they have become worn and sometimes pop open unexpectedly. As I don't wear underwear, people sometimes get a quick flash of my naked cu*nt. Sylvie

I've got a really short denim skirt with buttons down the front. I have enlarged the buttonholes so that they quite often pop undone unexpectedly. I love wearing this without knickers, knowing that I can be suddenly exposed. This has happened on several occasions. The thrill it gives me knowing that someone has just seen my naked, shaven cu-nt almost gives me an org-asm, and I have to go and rub myself off in the nearest toilet. I then leave with a streaming wet pus-sy as a reminder. Jenny.

I wanted a new pair of shoes. My boyfriend said that he would buy them for me if I was willing to complete a task that he would set for me. When I asked what it was, he said that he wanted me to walk the length of our local high street wearing a really short mini skirt. That didn't seem a big challenge until he said that I had to do it wearing no knickers or tights and with my favourite d**** inside me. He said that if it slipped out I would lose and not get the shoes. Next morning we went into town, and in the car I inserted my d**** . I held it in position as I got out, and keeping my legs tight together I tried a few steps. It was very risky. My skirt barely covered my cu'nt anyway, and if it started to slip it would be visable to all. I decided to give it a go and slowly walked down the street, praying that it wouldn't slip out. With luck I made it to the river bridge at the end of the street. My boyfriend then said that I could take it out. Checking that nobody was looking I quickly removed it from my dripping cu'nt and put it in my bag. He then said that we could go to the shoe shop and get the shoes. I said that I wanted to go to the toilets and dry my cu'nt, but he wouldn't let me. In the shop I was very aware that my skirt was too short to hide my cu'nt as I tried on the shoes. I'm sure someone must have seen that I had no knickers on, but I got my shoes. Becky.

Becky that was quite an arousing story! Loved to of been a clerk to help you with your new shoes. I was once in a shoe store and the girl helping me was wearing a short skit with white lace panties. As I stood up to feel how the shoes fit, Her legs were spread allowing me to see her wetness as our eyes met I could feel the budge growing in my pants as her eyes focused on my growing excitement. Thanks for sharing.

My wife is 38 now and I am 42. She started showing herself when she was 19 and I was around 23......makes sense. She has shown herself through several ways at malls. One time we went to a shoe store and she was dressed in a short skirt with no panties. The skirt was a denim miniskirt. I acted as a different customer and was not with her in the shoe store. But, I kept an eye on things to make sure she would be OK. This was one of the old stores where the guy would help her on with the shoes. With the very first pair of shoes he could see that she was putting on a show. And she kept trying on different shoes. She would send him to the back to get more shoes and each time he left, she would slide down in her seat, which would ride the skirt up more, and she would open her legs more. So, each time he came back he got a better view. By the time she was done with him she told me that his face was about 3 inches away from her bottom. She told me she could feel his breath on her. And when they were done, she could see he was visibly excited. When we left she was also extremely much so that on the drive home I had to finger her to get her off a couple of times.

My husband would only buy me shoes if I let the shoe salesman look up my dress at my hairy p**** . i was around @0 and most of the men were around 50 they were all very nice and smiled a lot. me and hubby would make love for hours him teasing me about having s** with the old men.

My wife is 68 and still a damn looker. In the summer she wears short sundresses without panties when we are doing yard work giving the neighbors a show. There is one guy in particular, about 50, she’s hot for. She always gives him a good look, front and back. We both love it!

Older women should always wear petticoat's stockings and suspenders silky nylon knickers . Makes them more attractive and sensual and sexy 😜 . To show to other men once you see the P**** there is no mystery for the guy to W*** to so keep you knickers on love πŸ’“ I'm sure you will find it more exciting to you and the men you are flirting and teasing along with your husband watching.

During this COVID lockdown we have only been allowed out once a day to exercise. I have done this every day by riding my bike. Each day I try to choose a different route. Nothing unusual about this until I tell you that I am an exhibitionist. When I ride my bike I always wear a short skirt and tight form-fitting top. I never wear a bra or panties. My nipples are quite prominent and my skirt never quite covers my shaved pus-sy, so as I cycle along both are easy to see. To make things a little more exciting for me, each day I have chosen a shorter skirt and thinner top. As I cycle my bare bottom is on the saddle. With my skirt riding up it is easy to see that I have no knickers on. Dozens of folk must have seen my bare pus-sy. A couple of lads have called to me as I passed and they saw everything that I have. Yesterday as I cycled I felt the desperate need to pee, so I just let go as I rode along. Pee went everywhere. Several people saw me do it, and my little skirt got soaked. Always by the time I get home my pus-sy and upper thighs are soaking wet. I just have to get indoors and finish myself off, reaching a tremendous org-asm as I think of how many have seen my pus-sy today. Jilly.

Hey Jilly, very hot story! Do you live in Melbourne by any chance? If so I’ll have to keep an eye out for you! Hopefully you live nearby. Very h**** now, James

It was a lovely warm day yesterday. I went to my local park in the afternoon. I was wearing a skimpy top and very short skirt. I wasn't wearing a bra and my nipples were quite stiff. I wandered around for a while, getting quite hot. I saw a bench in the shade of a large tree and decided to have a rest. As I sat down my tiny skirt rode up exposing my little white thong. I didn't bother covering up, so several people saw it. Suddenly I wondered what it would be like if I took it off. They would then be able to see my bare shaved pus-sy. The thought was beginning to make me feel sexy. Looking around I saw nobody close by so I quickly removed my thong. Too late now, my skirt was just too short to cover my pus-sy. Within the period of half an hour several people passed by. They could see everything. With each minute my pus-sy was getting wetter. One young guy just stopped and stared. I gave him a naughty wink. I was by now getting desperate for some relief. I was almost coming. I got up and walked to the toilet block nearby, feeling the wetness soaking my thighs. Once in the cubicle it took but a few seconds to bring myself to org-asm. Im sure others heard me as I came. Without replacing my thong I walked home thinking that I must do that again as soon as possible. Lisa R.

Okay, you are such an exciting erot** lady! As I read the pleasures you had at the park, I could visualize your beauty as you enjoyed the passerby's looking at you. Just the thought of you in the park
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