Cathy The Exhibitionist

Cathy The Exhibitionist


Cathy The Exhibitionist
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Connecting people through photography.

I bent her over the railing several times. There was a cool guy that sat and watched us several times. She was very turned on having an audience.
She is just told that maybe if she's good she can have just a little sex, lol.
Princess Cruise's - Docked in Venice, Italy.
Looking like something's not right . . .
Found some un-posted Hoover Pictures.....Enjoy.
Getting her future read, without panties. Yes the person reading her future was more than amused, much more........ :D
Everything was in full view of the fortune teller, I mean everything and what an immediate future we ended up having, lol. The funny thing was the woman, once she was more exposed, kept talking to her. I think she was stalling and getting as much eye candy as she could.
Found some un-posted Hoover Pictures.....Enjoy.
End of the night, no makeup, still sexy.
Here she's starring hard, almost ignoring what my wife is saying. She really liked what she saw, while we don't have any pictures of that, but you can take my word on that, lol.
Hot car and hot woman, great legs and a pretty short skirt too.
Making a funny face, after she she didn't want to wait for sex. But damn those boobs are sexy slammin', lol.
Bustier down below her nipples and her boobs exposed she had fun walking the streets of NOLA. And the shirt is actually see thru, she got a lot of beads. I didn't take camera for that walk but we had a lot of fun..
Both the top and bottom are sheer (see thru).
This was definitely her Vegas Slut outfit and she played it well. Was a lot of fun.
Fu*kin' damn, even in pants she's hot, lol.
Her business look, got a lot of hot guys following her around and one girl that asked to meet her in private.
(Bourbon Orleans Hotel - French Quarter Suite)
She was popular with her see thru shirt and lingerie on. The stockings where Open Crotch High Sheer Silk Stockings. They were more for me than the public .... I made good use of them. Public sex is more accepted in NOLA than you'd think, lol.
Bustier pulled up, she's not happy. She wants it off or down, lol. She got her way. She said if she's not in a short skirt with no panties, she's showing off her tits. I said, hey we're in NOLA !!!
Telling her she's very sexy while looking at her boob slipping out.
Jackson Square Tarot Reader - she's trying not to look between my wife's legs while I'm taking the picture.......but she didn't do a good job, lol.
Just missed her flashing her tits, big smile says it all.
One of her many outfits in New Orleans.....yes of course she has no panties on.
Lace up stockings, no panties, low cut sweatshirt and no bra.
I wish you could see this is a totally sheer outfit. Got so many stares, you could see everything on top and bottom. And with the ties even looser (as they got when she walked around) you got a clear peek at her kitty as well. Real fun outfit and fun time.

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Isola d'Elba e Arcipelago Toscano - Elba Island and Tuscan Arch

View all All Photos Tagged exhibitionism

SmugMug + Flickr .

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SmugMug + Flickr .

Connecting people through photography.

Can't beat the news on Worzel Gummidge and his economic use of the actuality today.
It wasn't Pandora, she was only represented by a minority. It was her brothers.
Take a look at this wonderful group HERE
We are all prisonors of our clothes, short dresses that show our bodies, with one purpose in mind ... To be watched, and expose our Exhibitionism
hec-fashion // Disco Purple Mini Dress for maitreya, Exclusive gift @ Crazy Fashion
The sour smell detected across the water by the EU
We know how to give an avatar a type of entity, but also they are capable of generating a degree of empathy, until we get confused. It is here that a powerful image envelops us in a kind of crossroads. We give voice to knowing that they do not have it. We give it life, although they only have it in this virtual world. Then what do we do?. We love them, we submit them to Byzantine discussions, we give them a sense of belonging in groups, (not always related) we impose friendships, we force them to expose themselves to a certain exhibitionism, etc. etc.
Those of us who choose photography as a way of expressing ourselves, we have them, many times, as the center of our images.
Observing this representation, that of my photograph, I was surprised. In a kind of schizophrenic state, I wondered what I was thinking?
So focused, his music in his headphones, with that lost look somewhere. My avatar, in short, I manage to do what I hate most, consider it as an extension of my BEING. We do not have the right that they, such as actors in a play, where the cast was chosen by a sinister director, and the script, forces them to be poor puppets. I will ask one last question as a thought in you high. They do not feel that in many opportunities the threads are entangled, producing pathetic actions, which we would never do in real life?
Sabemos darle un tipo de entidad a un avatar, pero también ellos, son capaces de generar un grado de empatía, hasta llegar a confundirnos. Es aquí donde una imagen poderosa, nos envuelve en un tipo de encrucijada. Le damos voz a sabiendas que no la tienen. Le damos vida, aunque solo la tienen en este mundo virtual. Entonces qué hacemos?. Los enamoramos, lo sometemos a discusiones bizantinas, le damos un sentido de pertenecía en grupos, (no siempre afines) le imponemos amistades, los obligamos a exponerse a cierto exhibicionismo,.. etc etc .
Los que elegimos la fotografía como una forma de expresarnos, los tenemos, muchas veces, como centro de nuestras imágenes.
Observando esta representación, la de mi fotografía, me sorprendí. En una especie de estado esquizofrénico, me pregunte que estaría pensando?
Tan concentrado, su música en sus auriculares, con esa mirada perdida en algún lugar. Mi avatar, en definitiva logro hacer lo que mas detesto, considéralo como una extensión de mi SER. No tenemos el derecho de que ellos, tal como actores en una obra, donde el elenco fue elegido por un siniestro director, y el guion, los obliga a ser pobres marionetas. Hare una última pregunta como un pensamiento en vos alta. No sienten que en muchísimas oportunidades los hilos, se enredan, produciendo patéticas acciones, que nunca haríamos en la vida real?
Note Game Of Thrones village idiot Yoris Bohnson
gleefully invading a little old lady's space.
The mass miscommunication media are simply promoting the bigot agenda and calling it free speech. It's just another of their endless distractions. I, like many millions of others, just don't give a damn about gender or the other phobic right wing agendas. Just be kind. Children can do it.

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