Catfight Humiliation Stories

Catfight Humiliation Stories


Catfight Humiliation Stories
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NonConsent/Reluctance Tale of a Lost Catfight
Losing a catfight leads to humiliation.
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About 3 months before the end of my senior year last summer I had met this boy at a party and we fooled around a little bit. I had been drinking a few beers during the party and was a little drunk. I guess it lowered my inhibitions a little and I thought it would be cool to make out with a complete stranger. I'm not a prude, but that's not my thing to do either. Anyway, I started flirting with this boy and next thing I know we were in some other room making out, but he obviously had other ideas as I repeatedly had to push his hands out from under my shirt or away from my jeans. When he realized that he wasn't going to be getting laid he got pissed off and stormed out. I didn't think anything of it at the time.
That next Monday at school I'm hanging out with some friends in front of my locker when Kelly comes storming up to me, "Jessica, you fucking bitch!!"
I was completely confused by why she was so hostile towards me. We weren't friends and never hung out or even socialized at all. We were both kind of popular but hung out with different people. I don't think we even had any friends in common.
"What's your problem," I asked her.
"My problem, you slut, is that you made out with my boyfriend at that party on Friday night," she hisses.
My friends giggled when she said that, which obviously didn't help the situation, and I could see that it only enraged her more.
"I am going to make your life a living fucking hell," she said and before I can even reply she slaps me across the face and walks away.
I stood there in shock. I was completely embarrassed in front of my friends and their giggles from before were now a distant memory as they looked at me in disbelief. "Hey Jessica, are you okay? That fucking psycho bitch hit you pretty hard," Heather asked me.
I held my cheek which was stinging from Kelly's slap, "It's nothing I won't get over. I swear I had no idea that was her boyfriend. Hell, I didn't even know the bitch had a boyfriend." That broke the tension a little and a few of my friends laughed.
I didn't know what exactly Kelly meant by "making my life a living hell," but over the next few weeks I found out. In gym class in whatever sport we were playing she made sure to go after me exceptionally hard. She'd make comments about me being a slut or a whore if she was hanging out with friends and they passed me by in the hall. She'd do other stupid little shit too to try and embarrass me in class or in front of friends in the halls or at lunch. I kept biting my tongue and just kept thinking to myself that I'll only have to deal with her until we graduate, and then after that it's off to college and I'll never see her again.
Then one day she went too far. We were changing after gym class and I was talking to a friend of mine, and had my change of clothes on the bench next to me. Kelly comes walking by and "accidentally" spills her bottle coke that she got out of the vending machine all over my clean clothes.
She stood in front of me smiling, and then said, "Oops, I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz!"
That was the last straw for me. I hit her across the face and pushed her down to the floor. I got on top of her and we started clawing and slapping at each other before friends of ours separated us.
"Your ass is mine, you fucking bitch," she shrieked as our friends restrained each of us from going after one another.
"I'll kick your ass any time, any place you skinny little whore," I shot back.
Things settled down after a few minutes, but I was still fuming. Gym class was only 4th period and I was stuck wearing those clothes for the rest of the day. It's bad enough I was sweating in them, but then to be stuck in those tiny little shorts and a tank top with a sports bra all day I felt like a piece of meat the way all the guys were staring at me. Not to sound conceited, but I know a lot of guys think I'm pretty and that I've got a nice body, but I don't go around flaunting it. I'm barely 5'5" with long, straight blonde hair, and I weight about 115 pounds. I've got 32C boobs which look even bigger on my smaller frame, and I think I've got a pretty cute ass too. I've also been told that I've got great legs.
Anyway, at the end of the day I was totally relieved to be going home so that I could hopefully get the stains out of my clothes, and also get into a change of clothes. As I'm walking home along my regular I see Kelly come up ahead from between a few houses. I'm thinking that is just great, she wants to get into a fight in the middle of the neighborhood. She walks up to me and stops just a few inches in front of my face.
"I couldn't agree more. I'm sorry about what happened with your boyfriend, but I had no idea you were dating him. It was an honest mistake and I never meant to hurt or upset you." It was a sincere apology and I really meant it. I didn't know that was her boyfriend, and if I had known I'd have never made out with him. The apology obviously wasn't enough for her.
"That's not what I mean, slut," she says, "I want to finish what we started in the locker room. Me and you, in a catfight, we'll do it in a hotel tomorrow night and split the cost 50/50. The winner gets to order around the loser for the rest of the night and the weekend, and then on Monday we act like we don't even know each other, deal?"
I looked at her, and couldn't hold my laughter back any longer.
She didn't answer but I could tell by the look on her face that she was. I gotta admit that as soon as I realized she was serious I was sizing her up. She's actually a really pretty girl, and a lot of people say she looks like Mila Kunis. I don't see it, but whatever. She's a little taller and more athletic than me, but that's about it. Her chest is smaller than mine, I'd guess she's a 32B, but other than that our bodies are pretty similar. Although I don't play any sports like she does I work out regularly so I didn't feel like she had a huge advantage over me in any particular area. Finally, I look her dead in the eye.
A big smile comes across her face. "Good. There's a Best Western on Route 18. We'll do it there. I'll get the tarp and the oil and book the room. We can square up after I've kicked your ass," and then she turned and walked away.
I stood there stunned. I thought she wanted to have a catfight someplace where could have some privacy, and not have to worry about being interrupted or cleaning up afterwards. I had no idea she wanted to fucking oil wrestle. By the time I processed all that in my head she was already around the block. What the hell had I gotten myself into?
When I got home I was so preoccupied with my upcoming fight/wrestling match that I completely forgot about changing my outfit. I immediately went on my laptop and started looking up YouTube videos of catfights and oil wrestling. The ones I saw on there were pretty brutal. These girls were really beating the shit out of one another! While I was watching the videos I noticed that the girls were wearing either bikinis or they almost had like wrestling gear complete with knee and elbow pads. I sure didn't have anything like that so I figured I'd have to go with the bikini. I wasn't going to ruin one of the good ones that I wear when I head out the beach so I went out later that night and browsed the clearance rack at a local department store. I found this little white one for $5 that fit me really well, but it left practically nothing to the imagination. I was checking myself out in the mirror after I had put it on and I realized that it was totally obvious that I had gotten a complete waxing earlier in the week. The strings on the sides were about an inch below my hips, and the front was so low cut that you could see the tan line that my normal bathing suit left. It's nothing I'd ever wear otherwise, but on short notice and for only $5 it would do. Besides, after our match I'd just change out of it anyway so it wasn't going to be a big deal.
I went to sleep on pins and needles surprisingly excited about my upcoming match with Kelly. I couldn't wait to kick her ass and then order her around for the weekend. I had a whole list of things that I was going to have her do for me. My car needed to be washed and cleaned; I had laundry to do, and a bunch of other shit that needed to get done. I figured it would be pretty sweet to have my own personal slave/maid for the weekend, and eventually I drifted off to sleep in a great mood.
The next day I woke up and was full of energy. I was excited about the fight with Kelly and was looked forward to kicking her ass. The school day went by slow as hell as my anticipation was getting the best of me, and making every minute at school seem like an hour. I didn't see Kelly at all that day, and when the day was finally over I saw that a note was slipped through one of the vents in my locker and taped into place. I knew it must've been from her so I opened it up, all it said was "7pm, Best Western, Room 313. Be there!"
I smirked after reading the note. Oh, I'll be there you little bitch, and you're gonna wish I never showed up. When I got home I watched some more videos of catfights to get myself even more amped up, and I must've completely lost track of time because when my phone alarm when off at 6:30 it had seemed like I had just gotten home a few minutes ago. It would only take me 10 minutes to go to the hotel, but I wanted to change beforehand. I went into the bathroom and changed into the bikini. I looked myself over in the bathroom mirror and realized how ridiculous the bikini actually was. It bordered on obscene. I couldn't believe someone would actually wear something like this in public. I have to admit though it did flatter me in all the right areas. The top clung tight to my breasts, and since the bottom was so low cut it gave my torso a longer appearance. After double-checking to make sure all the strings were secure I put my regular clothes on over it, and grabbed a windbreaker and my car keys. I told my parents I was going to be out for the night but that I wouldn't miss my 2am curfew.
I hit a little bit of traffic and got to the hotel a few minutes before 7:00. I knocked on the door and Kelly opened it up and let me inside, then closed and locked the door behind me. When I got into the room I saw a large blue tarp laid out on the floor that was covered in some kind of oil. Because the tarp wasn't laid out perfectly flat it pooled up in some areas. As I walked in further I took a look inside a waste basket and saw that there were a few empty bottles of baby oil in there.
From behind me I heard Kelly say, "I really hope you're not going to be wearing those clothes for this," and when I turned to speak to her I saw that she was wearing a pair of black spandex shorts with a matching black sports bra. I immediately hated myself for picking such a ridiculous bikini to fight her in.
"I've something on underneath, relax," I shot back.
"Well come on, I'm ready to go and I don't want this taking all night," she replied. "I've got big plans for you."
I sat on the bed and started to undress and then I stood up to put my clothes in the bathroom so that they wouldn't get ruined by any oil that might get splashed around. When I stood I gave Kelly a complete view of the bikini..
"Hahahaha, that's what you wore to a fight?" she laughed. "Christ, this is going to be even easier than I thought."
I shot her a glare mostly because she was right. I hadn't given this much though, and I felt very underdressed compared to what she had on. I walked past her to go into the bathroom and put my clothes on the counter next to the sink. When I got back out I saw her standing on the tarp looking at me.
"Come on bitch, let's do this already!" she snapped.
I walked over to the tarp and stepped on it. The oil under my feet felt very weird. I looked over at her, and she at me, and we both nodded. We circled each other cautiously for a few seconds. She made the first move and came towards me. We grabbed onto each others arms and wrestled standing up for a little while. She was stronger than I thought and actually started forcing me backwards. When she realized she had a strength advantage she got more aggressive. I was so focused on not losing any ground that I started to push back against her. This played into her hands perfectly. She gave me some slack to make me feel like I was getting somewhere, then she let go of me and sidestepped out of my way. Since I was using all my strength to push back against her all of my momentum took me forward, and with the tarp being covered in oil and slippery I easily lost my balance when I lunged forward. Before I could even stop myself I was laying face down on the tarp and covered in oil. I immediately turned over and when I did Kelly was right on top of me. She started slapping me all over my face accusing me of trying to steal her boyfriend, and calling me a slut and a whore. I kept trying to get away, but with her on top of me I had nowhere to go. I was trying to fight back but there was nothing I could do. She was beating the shit out of me so I swallowed my pride and told her that she wins. When she heard me say that a sick smile crossed her face and she stopped hitting me. She got off of me and walked towards the bathroom.
"I'm going to get cleaned up. This oil is really gross. You don't head off anywhere," she said laughing.
I was fuming mad. I was pissed that I lost and pissed that she was rubbing it in my face. When I got up off the tarp and looked at myself in the mirror on the dresser I felt even worse. Her handprints were all over from face from her slapping me, and the white bikini became pretty much transparent thanks to the oil. My nipples and lips were completely visible through the material, and if it wasn't obvious about my waxing before there sure wasn't any question about it now. I looked and felt cheap because of it. When I heard the bathroom door open I looked over and Kelly was dressed in a pair of sweats and a tank top. I was so jealous that I couldn't stand it. She walked over towards the bed and laid down so I started walking towards the bathroom.
"What do you think you're doing?" she asked me.
"I'm going into the bathroom to clean up."
"Oh no you're not. First you're going to clean up this mess. I just got out of the shower and I'm not going to be touching that oil and getting all greasy again. There's a bucket for you drain the oil into," and she pointed at the bucket and smiled at me.
I rolled my eyes and got the bucket. I hated myself for losing and for wearing this stupid bikini. I felt ridiculous. Getting the oil off of the tarp and into the bucket was a colossal pain in the ass, but I got it done. I left the tarp in the bucket with the oil and started to make my way towards the bathroom again.
"Excuse me?" She called out to me, and I looked back at her. "I didn't tell you that you could go and clean up. In fact, that fight took a lot out of me and I'm feeling thirsty. I want you to go get me a soda out of the vending machine."
My jaw dropped when she said that. "You can't be serious. I can't go out like this, look at me!"
She smiled that sick smile again. "I am looking at you bitch, that's what makes this so hilarious. Now go get me a soda. I order you to."
I gritted my teeth when she said that and I went into the bathroom and took a dollar out of my purse. I looked at myself in the bikini again and was on the verge of tears. I looked like a total slut. I was still shiny from being covered in the oil, and I may as well have been naked because my bikini was practically transparent. I would die if I had to go out like this and was seen by someone. I walked out of the bathroom and Kelly was already at the front door holding it open for me. "Let's go, I said I'm thirsty!"
I walked toward the front door and peered around the doorframe and down the hall. "Kelly, please don't make me go out like this. I'm going to be so embarrassed if someone sees me like this. This bikini is practically see-thru."
She walked up behind me and gave me a pat on the shoulder, "I understand," she replied.
I felt relief wash over me and I was actually grateful that she wasn't going to make me do it. Before I knew it I felt her quickly pull on the bikini strings to my top and bottom. They offered no resistance at all and she untied them and pulled the bikini off my body. I tried to grab them as fast as I could but I couldn't and next thing I know she's pushing me out the door.
"There, now you don't have to worry about the bikini any more!" and then she shut the door in my face.
Now I was standing in the middle of a hotel hallway completely naked. I thought having to walk out in that bikini was going to be embarrassing, but this was a million times worse! Even though the damn thing had become nearly transparent at least it covered me which gave me some small comfort. Standing in front of the door to the room with nothing on I felt infinitely more exposed and vulnerable. I had no choice but to get her the damn soda and pray that no one saw me. As I looked around the hallway the coast was clear in both directions. I prayed that this hotel didn't have hidden cameras in the hallway or the lobby because the security guard watching was sure to be getting one hell of a show. If you were walking into the lobby the vending machines were in the rear, and then there were 2 elevators to the right. That made the risk of me getting caught that much higher. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer as I took my first slow steps towards that lobby. I tried to gain some sense of modesty by covering my breasts and pussy, but there was no trying to fool myself at how totally exposed I really was.
I made my way to the corner of the lobby and looked around. No one was there, thank god. Not wanting to take any chances I quickly darted into the lobby and in front of the vending machine. I inserted the bill into the machine, and it spit it back out! I couldn't believe my rotten luck. I smoothed it out using the edge of the machine, and this time the machine accepted the bill. I hit the button for a Coke and it tumbled down to the opening. I bent down and quickly grabbed the can. I crept to the corner of the lobby and cautiously looked in both directions. The coast was clear! I didn't want to waste any more time and risk getting caught so I sprinted to the room. I probably looked so ridiculous running through the hallway naked and holding a can of soda. I knocked on the door impatiently.
"Come on Kelly, it's me. I've got your soda. Please let me in before someone sees me."
No sooner did I say those words did I hear the familiar ding from the lobby of the elevator doors opening. I heard a female's voice say, "She said to make a left out of the lobby." This was it. I was going to get caught. I knocked again, no reply. Then from the end of the lobby I hear, "holy shit, she wasn't kidding, that bitch is naked!" I turned and shrieked when I saw who it was. The fucking bitch called her 2 best friends, Chrissy and Dana, and her boyfriend. I dropped the can of soda and immediately tried to cover myself up as best I could. The three of them ran up to me to get a closer look, and they all openly laughed at me. I w
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