Catching a snake.

Catching a snake.

1 - Typically the safest option is to set a snake trap.

If you cannot catch it yourself, the quickest option is to hire a professional snake expert.

3. If you identify a snake for a certain, and know that it isn't venomous, then grab the snake while wearing thick gloves. Take it out of the pillow case and relocate it.

As a last resort, if you do not want to handle the snake or cannot identify or reach it, a snake hook or snake tongs such as pictured below will work best.

You might not want to try catching or killing snakes, but most snake bites occur when people try to do so. If you want it gone, an experienced professional or a trap are your best options. Both are listed below.

If you are a gardener who enjoys spending hours bent over in the heat of the day, you will be unnerved by the sight of a thin, long body suddenly creeping beneath you. The snake also enjoys your garden, and he has watched you pull rocks and weeds out of the soil. As a result, you will probably become nervous when getting into dense clumps of vegetables, and eventually you will avoid your garden altogether. This is a terrible shame for anyone who enjoys the fruit of their labor. Maybe, just maybe, you should try catching the snake.

You need to confirm what kind of serpent you are dealing with before you try to catch it. Snakes that are poisonous require special, if not professional, handling. Youre ready to begin as long as the snake isn't poisonous.

brisbane north snake catcher Before you can re-enter your garden, you must attain control of the gates. It's here that the snake is, so go there to catch it. If you use a long branch, yardstick or fire poker to distract it, you will also distract the snake. The focus of your tool should remain on the snake's head. You are going to reach down and pick up the snake's tail with your other hand. Keep the snake's body on the ground. It's best not to pick up snakes by just their tail! As quickly as possible, lift up the snake's front end with the stick. During this point, hold the serpent's tail with one hand, and the stick which is holding up the snake with the other hand. With this positioning, you will be able to control the reptile's body without putting yourself at risk. Move the snake to a safe area before it is relocated. You can place the animal in a pillowcase and transport it by vehicle to a safe location if you do not have access to a nearby haven. Release the snake by gently pointing its head in the desired travel direction. Spread the snake out in a pillow case so that the body is partially covered. Lay the pillowcase on the ground and back away. Your linen can be retrieved when the snake has left.

A large trash can may be the best choice if the above method seems too direct. The snake can be guided indoors with a sweeping motion of the broom. Be careful not to damage the snake by hitting or pushing it. Because the bin sides are smooth, the snake can't climb out, so it can be relocated safely.

In case your snake is inside your house, you can remove it with a shirt and a pillowcase. Place your shirt or light blanket over the snake and scoop it up, placing them both inside the pillowcase. In case the snake emerges, place the pillowcase inside a garbage can or large storage container. Using an airtight lid, cover the container. Transporting your snake is now safe. Are bare hands safe to handle snakes?

When it comes to snake removal, professional snake traps are the best. Many traps are worthless, but there are some which have been endorsed by wildlife experts. You can remove the snake from your property using these traps without having to handle the snake itself. When you are not sure what type of snake you are dealing with, it is safest to use a hands-free method. How should I handle a snake after I catch it?

The snake(s) you catch have basically three options. I have provided a list of professionals who can help you. It is this person's duty to catch and remove the snake(s) and to take other actions necessary to eliminate the snake problem. You may also purchase a snake trap to catch the snake yourself. As a third option, you can improve your land and seal up your house, so you don't have to figure out how to catch a snake.


Snake problems can be solved by us. We have snake specialists all across the country servicing 95% of the US population.

BUY A SNAKE TRAP as a second option

Traps will work if the snake is inside. The use of glue-based traps outdoors is not recommended, because it can inhumanely catch other small animals. According to my research and field testing of several snake trap models, the design below is the most durable and effective. The best snake trap you can find on the market. Explore Snake Trap in more detail.

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