Cat Orgasm

Cat Orgasm


Cat Orgasm
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I have a cat who gets so worked up and drooling when I pet her enough, that I wonder if she is actually having an orgasm. Her tongue goes between her teeth, drool comes out of her mouth, and she acts like she is experiencing the most exciting
thing ever. Could she actually be having an orgasm when this happens?
I have a cat who gets so worked up and drooling when I pet her enough, that I wonder if she is actually having an orgasm. Her tongue goes between her teeth, drool comes out of her mouth, and she acts like she is experiencing the most exciting
thing ever. Could she actually be having an orgasm when this happens?
Whether or not, I would just stop petting the thing… :eek:
Kitty sex involves lots of biting, screaming and presumably orgasms. Petting is quiet and peaceful, not at all like the only orgasm-producing activity in cats I am certain of.
Sometime female cats can get ‘stimulated’ by scratching them by their tail on their back. If you ever had a queen in heat you see that this releives some of her ‘sexual’ tention.
Other then that, or I guess if you wandered towards their nauty feline bits if you are into those types of things, I would say no. that reaction you describe sounds like their ‘kitten mode reflex’.
Your scratching is like the preening their moma cat did to them when they were kittens, this was also associated with them feeding, so their mouth waters and they drool sometimes.
Kitty sex involves lots of biting, screaming and presumably orgasms
To go further, kitty sex usually involved the male bitting the female hard, on the scruff. When the tom cat is done and withdraws his ‘willy’ it has a barb that ‘rips’ the female, causing a good amount of pain down there, and also stimulates ovulation. The Tom cat hangs on to her for all he has during this withdrawl, because if she managed to get ‘free’ from him at this time she will most likely attack him due to that pain. Ususally he can hang onto her till the pain goes down and it is safe to descruff her.
If you ever had a queen in heat you see that this releives some of her ‘sexual’ tention.
Please! It’s simply not proper to talk about Her Majesty in such a manner!
Kitty sex in general ain’t fittin’ to talk about. But I have learned much about it on the Dope.
To go further, kitty sex usually involved the male bitting the female hard, on the scruff. When the tom cat is done and withdraws his ‘willy’ it has a barb that ‘rips’ the female, causing a good amount of pain down there, and also stimulates ovulation. The Tom cat hangs on to her for all he has during this withdrawl, because if she managed to get ‘free’ from him at this time she will most likely attack him due to that pain. Ususally he can hang onto her till the pain goes down and it is safe to descruff her.
I’ll be damned, my wife and I go through the exact same thing! :eek:
There are too many jokes just waiting to happen in this thread.
To (not) answer (but at least address) the OP’s question: Don’t know. Possibly, but probably not as humans experience orgasm. There’s no question, however, that the cat enjoys the experience. My advice: Don’t stress and become morally conflicted over seeming to molest your feline. See yourself as a public servant that can make their life more pleasurable, and go for it. But if little Vincents start popping up in your part of the world, we’re going to look at you funny.
Please! It’s simply not proper to talk about Her Majesty in such a manner!
Kitty sex in general ain’t fittin’ to talk about. But I have learned much about it on the Dope.
Hey, don’t get us started on kitty porn.
But if little Vincents start popping up in your part of the world, we’re going to look at you funny.
You wouldn’t be the only one. My wife would freak!
But if little Vincents start popping up in your part of the world, we’re going to look at you funny.
To go further, kitty sex usually involved the male bitting the female hard, on the scruff. When the tom cat is done and withdraws his ‘willy’ it has a barb that ‘rips’ the female, causing a good amount of pain down there, and also stimulates ovulation. The Tom cat hangs on to her for all he has during this withdrawl, because if she managed to get ‘free’ from him at this time she will most likely attack him due to that pain. Ususally he can hang onto her till the pain goes down and it is safe to descruff her.
This is off-topic, but why in the world would male cats have barbs on their sex organs? What purpose could those possibly have, evolutionarily speaking? Do “ripped” female cats have some naturally-selected advantage over “non-ripped” ones?
Dead Pete the barb, or more correctly the ‘ripping’ is to stimulate ovulation. Evolutionarily speaking is seems very efficient, only ovulate when there is some sperm present.
Dead Pete the barb, or more correctly the ‘ripping’ is to stimulate ovulation. Evolutionarily speaking is seems very efficient, only ovulate when there is some sperm present.
Ah, okay. That makes sense, thanks for clarifying.
I don’t know, but I can tell you my Shar-pei has an eargasm when you rub his head. Complete with pornographic sounding “OH! OHHHH! UNNNNGGGHHH!!!” sounds. It’s hilarious to hear and he loves it. Sick little pup.
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Home Lifestyle Does Your Cat Like to, Umm, Pleasure Himself?

Does Your Cat Like to, Umm, Pleasure Himself?


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Picture this: You’ve finally reached the end of a long day of work and errands. You’ve finished your house chores, eaten dinner and gotten into your pajamas and your favorite fleece bathrobe. You settle back in your favorite chair to enjoy your drink of choice and watch some guilty-pleasure TV shows, and your cat hops onto your lap and settles in. “This is total perfection,” you think.
That is, until you realize that your cat’s gentle kneading is taking on a more frenetic quality and his hips are starting to twitch in an unmistakable way. Finally, after several of those jerking motions, your cat hops off your lap and starts to lick his little "red rocket."
Yes, that’s right. Your cat has just masturbated. While sitting in your lap.
Plenty of Americans would be completely grossed out by this. After all, we’re a nation where many people can barely tolerate the idea of humans masturbating, and the idea that a cat would enjoy getting his rocks off from time to time is downright gag-inducing.
But I’m here to tell you, if you have a cat that likes to jerk off, you’re not alone.
I recently got a spate of letters to my cat blog from people who were more than a little uncomfortable with their feline friend’s fapping and wondered what they should do to correct the behavior.
I told them what I’m going to tell you: Masturbation is perfectly natural. Every animal that has genitals does it. Why? Because it feels good!
In fact, I myself live with a cat who loves my fleece bathrobe. I mean, he realllly loves it.
I’ve had my share of evenings like the one I described at the beginning of this article.
Did I get grossed out? No. Did I yell at him and push him away? No. And why didn’t I freak out and try to "correct" the behavior? Because masturbation is perfectly natural. I’d no more shame a cat (who honestly has no idea what the big deal is anyway, because animals just don’t get hung up about sex and sexual activity like the esteemed citizens of the Puritan monolith known as the United States of America do) than I’d shame a human child for asking questions or exploring his body.
I view Thomas’ behavior with scientific curiosity rather than revulsion. It’s not like Thomas’s efforts drench my robe with bukkake-esque quantities of ejaculate. In fact, I’ve yet to see them yield any kind of liquid at all.
But why do neutered cats masturbate? Don’t they need to be sexually stimulated to engage in sexual behavior?
Whether you’re a cat or a human, you don’t need testicles or ovaries to enjoy a pleasant sensation. Very old as well as very young animals (including human animals) masturbate: The body reacts to genital stimulation in the same way, regardless of whether or not sex hormones are present.
The fact of the matter is, there’s nothing wrong with masturbation. The only time it could become a problem is if your kitty starts masturbating obsessively. Stressed animals will seek release from overwhelming negative emotions such as anxiety and fear, and they can adopt an array of self-soothing behaviors, including overgrooming, overeating, and compulsive masturbation.
If your cat is masturbating to the point where he’s irritating his genitals, talk to your vet and take some steps to reduce your feline friend’s stress level. (And don’t be embarrassed to have this conversation: Veterinarians really have pretty much heard it all when it comes to our companion animals’ behavior.)
Otherwise … don’t harsh your kitty’s buzz. He’s not doing anything wrong, and he’s sure not going to understand why you’re getting all freaked out over it.
Do you have a kitty who likes to get jiggy with fabric or other objects? How do you react to it? Have you known a cat who masturbated compulsively? How did you and your vet deal with that? Share your answers in the comments!
About JaneA Kelley: Punk-rock cat mom, science nerd, animal shelter volunteer and all-around geek with a passion for bad puns, intelligent conversation, and role-play adventure games. She gratefully and gracefully accepts her status as chief cat slave for her family of feline bloggers, who have been writing their award-winning cat advice blog, Paws and Effect , since 2003.
JaneA is the webmaster and chief cat slave for Paws and Effect, an award-winning cat advice blog written by her cats, for cats and their people. She is a professional member of the Cat Writers’ Association, and has been a speaker at the BlogPaws and Cat Writers’ Association conferences. In addition to blogging about cats, JaneA writes contemporary urban fantasy, and whatever else strikes her fancy.
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