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Home → Cat Behavior → mating → Cat rape: What REALLY happens when you refuse to spay your cat
PoC Posted on October 21, 2017 by Elisa Black-Taylor November 29, 2018
Jan Griffiths on October 23, 2018 at 2:38 am said:
Anne Hesse on August 15, 2018 at 5:44 pm said:
Michael Broad on August 15, 2018 at 6:17 pm said:
Michael Broad on July 9, 2018 at 10:18 am said:
Michael Broad on May 5, 2018 at 6:13 am said:
Michael Broad on December 5, 2017 at 6:18 am said:
Michael Broad on July 9, 2018 at 10:20 am said:
Michael Broad on December 21, 2017 at 5:31 pm said:
Michael Broad on December 5, 2017 at 6:35 am said:
Michael Broad on December 13, 2017 at 5:03 pm said:
Michael Broad on November 27, 2017 at 6:26 am said:
Michael Broad on December 13, 2017 at 5:05 pm said:
Michael Broad on July 9, 2018 at 10:20 am said:
Michael Broad on November 8, 2017 at 12:37 pm said:
TruthBeTold on October 22, 2017 at 9:21 am said:
Michael Broad on October 22, 2017 at 10:52 am said:
Elisa Black-Taylor on October 21, 2017 at 10:24 pm said:
Elisa Black-Taylor on October 22, 2017 at 1:01 am said:
Elisa Black-Taylor on October 22, 2017 at 4:42 am said:
TruthBeTold on October 22, 2017 at 9:15 am said:
Michael Broad on October 22, 2017 at 10:59 am said:
Michael Broad on December 21, 2017 at 5:33 pm said:
Elisa Black-Taylor on December 21, 2017 at 8:35 pm said:
Michael Broad on October 22, 2017 at 10:58 am said:
Elisa Black-Taylor on October 22, 2017 at 9:31 pm said:
Elisa Black-Taylor on October 22, 2017 at 1:11 am said:
Elisa Black-Taylor on November 8, 2017 at 7:00 pm said:
Michael Broad on December 13, 2017 at 5:06 pm said:
Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.
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This article isn’t aimed toward those who rescue a pregnant cat. It’s for those who refuse to have their cats spayed or neutered, especially those who want their female cat to experience the miracle of kittens being born. Many cat owners think it necessary to allow their cat to have one litter before being spayed just so the cat can experience being a mother.
Here’s what REALLY happens when you refuse to spay your cat. A female cat reaches sexual maturity anywhere from around five months to one year and can become pregnant. An unneutered male cat can pick up the scent of a female in “heat” or estrus cycle from up to a mile away.
Once every unneutered male within that radius picks up the scent, the male cats head off to find the female, where she is repeatedly chased then raped by every tomcat who can catch her and pin her down. Repeatedly. For DAYS!
Don’t count yourself lucky if you only have an unneutered male cat. Tomcats are known for getting into vicious fights with competing males, making them susceptible to injuries as well as FIV/FeLV.
Female cats are seasonally polyestrous, meaning they go into heat every two to three weeks, usually between mid-January through August. After delivering a litter of kittens a female will go back into heat within weeks. It’s not unheard of for a female cat to be nursing one litter when she becomes pregnant with another.
This “miracle of birth” later leads to the litters (and sometimes the mama cat) being dumped at the shelter when the family decides the cats/kittens aren’t so cute anymore. These cats are called “owner surrenders” and aren’t subject to state hold time as strays are. The shelter already knows who the owner is, meaning they can kill the family at any time.
Many of these cats and kittens are euthanized for space or the kittens get sick in the shelter environment and die on their own or are euthanized. So please consider the problems you’re creating for everyone involved when you’re considering the decision not to spay or neuter your cat.
Communities usually have low-cost spay/neuter clinics. You may have to ask around to locate one near you but it’s well worth it. Your cat will have a healthier life and you can thank yourself for being part of the solution instead of part of the problem.
Anything I missed? Please leave it in the comment section. This is an excellent article if you’d like more information about what happens during estrus.
Elisa is an experienced cat caretaker and rescuer. She lives in the US. As well as being a professional photographer, Elisa has been a regular contributor to PoC for nine years. See her Facebook page .
Spay and neuter. Cat sex is violent, but is not rape. This is how free-roaming cats mate. Purebred cats are one male and one female to better the breed. I used to raise Sphynx cats, and Siamese as well. Now I just have happy altered household pets who can enjoy a large outdoor run any time they want. I’m also an advocate of early spay/neuter. I fixed mine before they even knew if they were male or female.
Don’t call this rape. Mating for cats and many other animals is a biological imperative. The males and females cannot control their responses to the hormones.
You made your case with the other points
Well, the author wanted to get people’s attention. I guess she succeeded. It is hard to get the attention of people on the massive and expanding internet.
Pretty disgusting, to draw click to your page by exploiting rape. You’ve made a case for nothing except your willingness to throw serious terms around as emotional exploitation.
You may well boo the page but it serves a purpose: to highlight the need to spay and neuter cats and if it has some success in that goal the page should not be criticised.
the title makes sense to me. if people are anthropomorphizing their cats, believing they should have a litter for “emotional reasons” it makes sense to continue to use that anthropomorphic mindset to make the case for spaying and neutering. its an effective means of getting the point across.
Excellent comment. Nicely put. The goal was to get the point across and it succeeded. Thanks Jo.
This is quite possibly the dumbest article I have ever read. Are you seriously trying to conflate human rape with cat mating rituals? Cats go off of instinct while humans are sentient, thinking beings. If cats did not mate the way they did, they would be an extinct species. Wow.. I just can’t even. I hope the author of this article is in junior high, otherwise s/he is mentally challenged. At least it gave me a good laugh, thanks for that.
It is one thing to tell your readers to spay/neuter your cats and it’s another to humanize your animals to the point where you place social stigmas and crimes such as rape onto them. LOL Please don’t quit your day job.
Also, the barbed penis serves a purpose despite you ignoring that in the comment section. If humans had a barbed penis, we would have to adapt or else we would die off. That’s just the way nature works, get used to it or be an ostrich who puts their head in the sand.
Without wishing to be impolite, perhaps it is you who is being dumb. The purpose of the title and the tenor of the article is to get people to read it with the intention of increasing the percentage of female cats which are spayed. There is a significant but small percentage of female cats who are not spayed in America because their owner thinks that these cats need to have one litter (for emotional reasons). These owners are anthropomorphizing their cats. To recap: the title is deliberately provocative to get it to be read. In that sense it has been successful because this article has been read over 20,000 times. So please, before you insult people try and think a little bit more about how the Internet is so competitive and how you have to make an article standout for it to be read in the interests of animal welfare.
It’s exploitative. It’s disgusting.
Yes, people have clicked, I’m sure someone made money off that. But no one is learning anything other than how far some people will go to propagandize a subject.
It is not about making money but educating cat owners. The page has probably made about $1 over its entire lifetime in advertising revenue! Big money. I am so motivated by money….
Agreed. It is not rape. It’s natural animalistic behavior. Cats are not human.
It didn’t look much like a “mating ritual” as others have characterized here. If these were the only two cats left on the planet fine, but otherwise, brutal and unnecessary.
Suzanne are you for real? You do realize once upon a time our ancestors did the same thing to females? That’s the way the animal kingdom works, the only difference with humans is we developed a large brain and over the years empathy and social standards. Some animals mate violently and others do not.
We know that there is no such thing as cat rape because rape applies to humans only but…the point is made and the point of the article is to get owners to spay their female cats and for owners to realise what happens if you don’t. It is a good message so please don’t take a holier-than-thou stance on this.
Michael – I think the way to get people to spay and neuter is to talk about too many cats being there, cats and kittens being killed, and also bring up behavioral issues. Calling mating ritual “rape” isn’t going to convince anybody, if anything, it’ll just make them ignore the rest of your arguments.
Well that’s your opinion. The title was chosen by Elisa and I did not discuss it with her. I think it is fine. The article is very successful getting around 20,000 unique visitors to see it. Not bad. Damn good in fact.
The title doesn’t mention rape, it just says “Here is what happens”, unless you read the article you can think it’s about cats being killed in a shelter.
Besides, I bet if you take an anonymous poll of your readers’ views on neutering/spaying, you’d see most if not all already do.
I have witnessed what you are talking about in a way that makes it clear it is rape. A tiny very young feral female being relentlessly “pursued” by a gigantic male feral.The female was terrified and trying to escape. That was very sad. That same male was so aggressive he was a threat to my neutered male, bullying and attacking at his pleasure all the cats in the neighborhood. Now I never let my cats out.
After see this happen I got every few in the colony in my area spay. So no more kitten and I still feed the colony. Anytime a female comes around even the neighbor cat I get it spay. Its the least we can do.
Great work and well done. I have a lot of admiration for people like you. You go about your work quietly almost invisibly sometimes but you do good work and you improve the lives of these poor cats. And sometimes you work against the odds because neighbours don’t like to see it. This makes it even harder. People who object to the kind of work you do are ignorant. You are doing good work.
Thanks for the encouragement. My family thinks I’m crazy because of the expensive way it cost. Since the pandemic a crew comes around once a month and you have to know some to get an opportunity to have just one cat fix. Most of the vets have sold put due to the pandemic so I go 200 miles one way to a big city to get these cats taken care of two at a time and it coat a grand for the two plus motels. Check Ian 68 and my husband is81 and we figure we need to give back. After my last cat past for ten years I shut my doors. My husband brought in a Tom cat we call timeshare and this venture continues. We only wish we had brought a larger home but I have a good size front price to any cat who needs food or shelter it feels good. And I’m going to keep it going with a trust once we both are gone.
Cats aren’t being raped by other cats. That isn’t a thing and calling their mating rituals “rape” is seriously offensive. Not to imply that cats shouldn’t be spayed/neutered to reduce unhealthy population growth. Just saying that the edgy title is grossly inappropriate.
Also, I dunno what those comments said, but removing part of them and publicly calling the posters trolls doesn’t look good on your part, Makes your moderators look like fascists. :3
Three points: (a) this was a genuine troll, very insulting and all he wanted to do was provoke and insult. He had to be deleted (b) I am not a fascist. The fact that I have left up your comment tells you that because you have insulted me and (c) the title is provocative but in a good cause as it got lots of hits and educated people to spay their female cats preventing unwanted pregnancies and unwanted cats. Got it. Try and be polite next time.
Michael Broad – why was this person a “troll”. He or she has an opinion different from the person he replied to and was very passionate about his opinion. But a definition of a “troll” is someone who writes inflammatory comments just to provoke a reaction. This wasn’t the case, IMHO. Incidentally, I think many a rape victim or someone who knows a rape victim might find a post that calls natural animal behavior as “rape” offensive.
If I call a person a troll they are a known troll. There are several who frequent this site. I know them and know what they write. Sorry but you don’t know these people.
Yes. Exactly, emotionally exploitative clickbait that uses what rape victims go through for attention. I’ve been raped & this is vile.
Shame on you for not understanding the internet and the problems with irresponsible cat owners.
I just had my 2 gorgeous tom cats neutered and chipped, best thing i have ever done, now they are mostly stay at home, loving gentle cats, brothers by the way, instead of the dirty stop outs, “raping”and hunting down females and attacking each other with intent to mate.
I have had cats before and allowed them to have kittens. They did get neutered at lat
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