Cat 3 Movies

Cat 3 Movies


Cat 3 Movies

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Published 2017-02-27T19:10:23.122Z Updated 2020-01-14T03:15:09.654Z
Upgrade to a Letterboxd Pro account to add your favorite services to this list—including any service and country pair listed on JustWatch—and to enable one-click filtering by all your favorites.
Gathering a list of as many CAT III films produced in Hong Kong as I can find. Suggestions welcome!
For more of a 'best of' style list, definitely check out Brian Harris' awesome list: HK Filth – The Best of CAT III Cinema
Note: Several sources were used for this list, so don't hesitate to speak up if any of these don't belong (not category III/not produced in Hong Kong).
Disclaimer: If you have 'good taste' you should probably avoid this list.
Pink⚸Meanie is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. Join here.

© Letterboxd Limited. Made by fans in Aotearoa.
Film data from TMDb .

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Letterboxd is an independent service created by a small team, and we rely mostly on the support of our members to maintain our site and apps. Please consider upgrading to a Pro account —for less than a couple bucks a month, you’ll get cool additional features like all-time and annual stats pages ( example ), the ability to select (and filter by) your favorite streaming services, and no ads!
Posters are sourced from TMDb and appear for you and visitors to your profile and content, depending on settings. Learn more on Journal .

Movies tagged as 'Cat+iii' by the Listal community

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Published 2013-03-21T06:56:50.668Z Updated 2022-08-05T17:38:19.659Z
Upgrade to a Letterboxd Pro account to add your favorite services to this list—including any service and country pair listed on JustWatch—and to enable one-click filtering by all your favorites.
If you're not familiar with CAT III cinema, prepare to have your morals decimated. This list may also contain films from Taiwan, as well as the occasional IIB rating. (WIP)
Brian is using Letterboxd to share film reviews and lists with friends. Join here.

© Letterboxd Limited. Made by fans in Aotearoa.
Film data from TMDb .

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This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply.

Letterboxd is an independent service created by a small team, and we rely mostly on the support of our members to maintain our site and apps. Please consider upgrading to a Pro account —for less than a couple bucks a month, you’ll get cool additional features like all-time and annual stats pages ( example ), the ability to select (and filter by) your favorite streaming services, and no ads!
Posters are sourced from TMDb and appear for you and visitors to your profile and content, depending on settings. Learn more on Journal .

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