Castration Porn Story

Castration Porn Story


Here is a great new talent, Zontar22. Here is his DeviantArt profile.
“Castracare is a private company that works for the Testicle Licencing Authority. Here, we see a castration team preparing to receive the next patient into the castration chamber.”
This is an excellent review that gives a short summary of each of the 35 fantasies. Here’s where to buy it on Amazon.
Please note: in the review below, the phrase ‘relieves himself’ does not refer to urinating, it refers to masturbating to ejaculation.
The narrator is warned about going into the wrong room…
The punishment for men cheating, exposing one’s self or jerking off is severe, but it keeps this world in line.
Alison’s house husband, Little Billy, routinely serves the women during their bridge games. Alison wants Little Billy to show her friends what a good little pussy licker he is. Reluctance is dealt with. Alison demonstrates exactly how Little Billy functions and thinks about planning a nice surprise party in Little Billy’s honor.
Sharon and Alison encourage the narrator to get an erection and relieve himself in front of them. Alison’s Aunt Cassie knows what to do when dirty men shoot their loads in front of her nieces. The story causes the narrator to shoot his load and Sharon and Alison introduce him to Aunt Cassie.
A college boy is approached by a journalist at a bus stop. She wants him to come back to her apartment and jerk off in front of her. But the campus paper has an article about a rash of mysterious castrations on campus. College boys just need a little guidance.
The narrator is interviewed by the company doctor after filling out a questionnaire and placed with Liza, an executive who takes a special interest in him, fondling and goosing his butt, then inviting him to her home. On tap is a penetration. Then, on a subsequent occasion, to a friend’s place to watch as another woman penetrates Ralph. Liza orders the narrator to jerk off as he watches the scene. Liza tells the story of Ralph’s deflowering by Bruce. This story is to introduce the narrator to his own future with the company. There is a special requirement for Personal Assistants to a Vice President.
This story seems disjointed, a series of episodes that are not well connected.
Ms. Veronika van Gelder runs a busy clinic for castration in San Francisco. Mr. Jones enters for a consult. Nurse Elaine and Nurse Maryann will attend the consultation after Mr. Jones signs the Consent Form. Very quickly, they determine that Mr. Jones has a secret wish…
Ms. Van Gelder is overcommitted. She needs a rest. She retreats to her farm to find one of her hired hands has let his fantasies run away with him.
This is really not a story at all. It might form the outline or one.
Sandra Jones brings Eric to the correction center, where Julia gets him strapped down for his examination. Life will be a lot less stressful for the couple.
Emily and Marge discuss Emily’s husband, Jim’s castration over a glass of wine.
Little Jimmy’s masturbation problem has begun to get out of hand and his mother takes her “dog” to the “vet” to get him neutered with Little Jimmy in tow.
Aunt Abigail gives Young Tommy a tour of her farm, which includes the gelding stocks. Aunt Abigail always makes her piggies squeal.
The narrator chooses Howie to be her house husband, starting with establishing her dominance over him and taking steps to erase his manhood. She then proposes marriage. Once he is serving her as her house husband, his independent streak is taken care of.
Samantha runs a ranch with ponyboys as a main feature. She uses them sexually, for oral satisfaction and hosts parties, where the servants are eunuchs (who provide sexual service for her guests). Jake has been a ponyboy on her ranch for six months and has assumed that he is entitled, due to that length of service. An assumption of entitlement doesn’t get one very far.
The narrator enters a fetish store and purchases the last remaining issue of Castratix Quarterly and takes it home. Reading through the magazine, he finds himself extremely aroused. His next copy of the magazine will be gratis.
Dorkus Malorkus (an unlikely name) narrates a story of phoning a castration clinic and being welcomed as soon as he admits having a fetish for being castrated. It seems the janitorial position has just opened.
Donna, Billy Jones’ college girlfriend, makes him call her, ‘mommy’. She encourages him to jerk off and guides his fantasies. There’s a specialist who takes care of boys who jerk off all of the time. She helped Billy’s father.
Eunuchs make excellent servants and we open this story with an auction. Lady Nuttingham introduces Sid, whose mother had him castrated and trained by the Sissy Care Camp ladies.
Sid remembers what led up to these events, living with his mother and his older sister, who teased him and made him jerk off in front of her friends.
The narrator’s wife has denied him sex in a town where jerking off is punished by castration. His wife teases him until he cannot resist.
A wifely makeover is followed by a party, where the husband is exposed to each and a suggestion is offered to take care of the husband’s needs permanently.
Pa has been caught by Ma exposing himself to Little Sis. Ma has just the tool for that.
A castratix narrates her procedure for getting piggy boys so relaxed that they are unaware of the finality of the procedure until they return home and the anesthetic has worn off.
Victoria examines a row of naked, gagged males, shackled and bent over a bench. She is to choose one for castration to be her oral slave.
When production falls off at the sperm milking farm, the bull is retired. That evening, dinner is delicious.
When a girlfriend discovers her boyfriend’s secret castration fetish, all she needs is consent.
Gloria Gelder takes on an extra-credit project for her Biology class and discovers an ancient papyrus in the special collections archive. It tells of a dark art that she makes into her passion.
Society is selectively breeding more pliable and agreeable men all the time but there are still a few holdovers. Mr. Jones is in for some serious adjustments.
Stan Jones becomes erect during a routine physical while Jane, the nurse practitioner, is examining his testicles. Jane makes an appointment for him with Dr. Brown and hands him pre-appointment instructions, which he follows. Dr. Brown practices in the field of sexual behavior management. It may turn out that the clinic’s strongest treatment alternative is required.
The life of a sperm cow is hard, they are in a tight chastity until milking time and production quotas must be met.
A sly, seductive 40-year-old picks up the old bull. She’s going to turn him into her sweet little angel forever.
A conversation between Lady A and Lady B about how Rachel made her husband into her more useful and manageable servant.
Stan stops in front of a Victorian house in San Francisco in front of a sign that reads “Certified Public Castratix” and welcomes walk-ins. Ms. Van Gelder invites him in for an explanation and demonstration.
The narrator describes how his wife increased his weight by feeding him and reducing his exercise. He stumbles on a magazine his wife has in the house called “Sissy Care,” and she discovers him jerking off to an article. His wife has been playing with him anally and, on this day, chooses to peg him. She describes her friend, Bernice’s relationship with her husband, Larry, who the narrator hasn’t seen in a while, as Bernice has transformed Larry into her house-husband. They go to a clinic, where the narrator is shown a book with photos of a number of men who have been castrated.
Aunt Abigail likes to work her farm topless. This causes David no small amount of desire and he relieves himself often. He witnesses a castration of a farm hand and, while watching relieves himself, not knowing Aunt Abigail’s nieces witness his act. They go skinny-dipping, giving David his ultimate thrill.
The author has created a world where castration of human males is frequent, painless and erotic. The end result is a “good boy,” and men are attracted to the act. For anyone into this kink, there will be a lot of grist for the mill here but I found many of the stories and many of the themes repetitive. There are farms, the creation of overweight sissies, frequent appearances by Ms. Veronica Van Gelder, visits to clinics where the final orgasm occurs before castration. There is mild humiliation.
I have taken the time to select all the distinct images from this short video that lasts 2 minutes and 40 seconds so that people can take the content at their own speed. Here is the blog post for the original video.
This artist is a bona fide lesbian with an unabashed enthusiasm for radical emasculation. Here is her Twitter account.
I’ve always found textual narratives to be the hottest form of porn because it is the most suggestive and because it can capture the psychological relationships so well. The 25 stories just posted are ones I’ve collected over the years. The first one I encountered, “A Meek Wolf Among Savage Lambs”, I found in a collection of Ribald Tales published by Playboy when I was only 12. It was this story that showed me for the first time just what a powerful hold this fetish had on me.
I’d love to publish this collection as a single eBook and charge a nominal fee to compensate me for the job of editing it. But obtaining permission from the authors seems too problematical and I wouldn’t want to publish without it.
Aurora was playing around down there again. After we’d made love she’d often lie there with her head on my thigh and “play doctor” as she called it. She usually set a frantically passionate pace once we got going, climbing all over me and urging me to thrust everywhere into her, and when finally we’d both gotten sated, bitten, scratched, and covered with each other’s juices, when finally I was exhausted, she’d be pleased but somehow restless. We’d been seeing each other about six weeks, five of them mostly in bed. No way had we used each other up. I felt closer to her than ever, and I’d begun to live for each evening when she’d come over from wherever she lived. My work fell to one side, and my friends never saw me. Much of the time we wouldn’t even bother to eat the romantic little dinner I’d prepare or we’d phone for.
We played wonderful games. Languorous courtesan, with Aurora leaning back in satin as if amused, while I coaxed from her the sexual favors she half-denied, half-yielded. Slave prince, me tied to the wall and defiant while she was the Amazon princess who used me. Once bitch in heat, me sniffing her privates before a glorious lunging fast fuck, jabbing my withers at her as quickly as I could.
Then one week we played all these roles again, and the others too, only in reverse. I was the bitch in heat. She was the imperious captive. For my role as a courtesan I wore satin and stayed home from work all day to get my hair and make-up just right, and she wooed me with a diamond necklace that made me feel genuinely lovely as she clasped it around my neck, the two of us looking in a mirror. After a swooning session that left me breathless, my unladylike cock finally limp inside her, she said, “Oh, you should have been a girl,” and I smiled and kissed the tip of her strap-on dildo in reply. She also wished I could be a bitch in heat more often. Only when we played stallion did she show impatience, while I was mounting her. I’m not that large. But mostly I give satisfaction.
Then she had a game of her own she liked to play with her fingers, clipping everything extraneous off the world. Waiting for me to come back to life a third time, even a miraculous fourth, her own playfulness undiminished, she’d wave her arms in the air all around me, like some Circe casting a spell, and waggle two fingers together like scissor blades, and mock-cut things up. Hair from her head, or from my crotch. Her bra, crumpled into the bedsheets under her sweet rear end. One of her nipples, still jutting nobly out of their pink aureoles on the tips of those gorgeous breasts. My penis.
When I objected to that even in play, she smiled and moved down to my balls, sprawled exhausted in their limp sack, waiting to recover. She lifted them with one hand and clipped the sac between her two fingers just below where the penis attaches, as if she were cutting excess material from an apron or house dress in process. “Snippety!” she said.
“You don’t mind my snipping these, now, do you,” she said, experimentally hefting both balls in her palm before letting them back down on the bed.
“Well, yes,” I said. I decided not to say anything more.
“But why?” she asked, I couldn’t tell whether impatiently or teasingly. “You don’t need them. You don’t mean to have more kids, do you?”
She knew I didn’t. My ex had been awarded both, and the grief I’d caused and felt for them all through the divorce and since was enough for several lifetimes.
“And I certainly don’t want kids. Whether we keep seeing each other or not. So why do you need them? They’re in the way when you jog or play tennis or do anything healthy, bouncing and jouncing. When you’re my captive maiden in my dungeon, they ruin the view. And anyone can put you into agony by punching them.”
She swung her fist in a short uppercut from between my legs, and I flinched before she arrested her swing and held her hand up, palm out. “See?” she said. “Never touched them, and look at you. Big strong mans.”
She meditated. “I don’t have any and I get on just fine.”
“Aurora,” I said. “That’s what makes the juice that made us so happy a few minutes ago, when I was reaching and reaching for it and finally you brought it all spurting out of me. Into you, and you seemed glad to have it, the way you arched your back and cried out over and over.”
“No, those things don’t,” she said. “Not that juice. Not your testicles. Where’d you get your sex education? That joy juice is from your prostate, down deep just behind this limp thing here, your penis. From that smooth little lump I tickle sometimes, when my finger’s deep in your ass, and then you cum like a jackrabbit.”
“That’s some stunt,” I said with feeling, remembering. “Where’d you learn that?
“In sex education. In high school.”
“It was a liberal school,” she said. Her mouth mused a little, and she glanced sideways at me for a moment, then went on. “Both sexes got the same sex lectures at the same time. A doctor explained our physiologies. He told the boys how doctors reach into assholes to feel the prostate to see it’s OK, especially when a boy gets to be an old man. It sounded neat. So I took three boys outside and dared them to let me try it on them. Then once I got them going, all three came all over themselves. That was fun!”
“You were something!” I said, admiringly.
“I’m not now?” she asked. She knew the answer and went on. “Then they asked me to do it again, and I played hard to get. They said they’d do anything I wanted if I’d do it to them again. So I did, a few more times that day. Then each day for a few weeks. It was lots of fun, better than Girl Scouts for sure! But I ran out of things to order them to do, and it got boring. I told them no, no more, and they pleaded a while, but you already know pleading doesn’t work at all with me. Not at all.”
She paused. “A year later one of them told me they were still doing it to each other. I bet they still are.”
“What’d you order them to do?” I asked. I felt stirred, somehow.
“Oh, stuff,” she said. Her lips were close to the head of my penis, and I wondered if she was going to take it into her mouth. That beautiful mouth, with those red, curling, curving lips. “Told them to walk around naked, and kneel in front of me first whenever we were starting a session, and ask me nicely. Like I asked you to kneel earlier tonight, and you were so sweet and did it. You know. One I made wear one of my brassieres and panties all day under his clothes. He became my dedicated girl-boy. I put him in dresses when we went for sodas and things. He was so afraid he’d meet someone he knew! I made the other two boys try to tickle his prostate gland with their cocks, but both cocks were too short, so I had to finish him off with my finger usually. They’d push their pricks into his ass, but nothing ever happened except they’d cum in him and make him messy.”
“The day I told them all I wouldn’t play any more, I figured I’d cure my girl-boy of being afraid, as a going away present. I told him maybe I’d change my mind if he did everything I told him with no hesitation. Then I got him up in my nicest party dress, his hair done up with a ribbon, and a little lipstick, and all. He really was pretty! I kissed him, and I said, ‘That’s my girl’ to encourage him. Then I walked him all over the neighborhood, the schoolyard, everywhere, and made sure everyone did see him and recognize him. He was mortified at first when the first girls we saw teased him, and the guys all told him to meet them behind the school for a little ‘you know what.'”
“Oh my, look how you’re swelling up. You really do like girly games too, don’t you. Anyhow, after a while there was no more reason to feel afraid. Everyone knew. The rest of that year everyone teased him that he was a fairy girl and a pantywaist, and everything, and he finally learned to say, ‘So what?’ By then he liked wearing panties, and dresses, and all the rest. When the three of them took up diddling each other, he usually dressed up and played me, I heard.”
“You really were something!” I said admiringly. By now I could feel her moist, warm breath on my cock, those lips not an inch away from it. “What else did you do?”
“Not much else. Couldn’t think of much else, at the time. Stretched out their assholes, of course. Not with a dildo or a butt plug, the way I do you. Couldn’t afford things like that then, not on my allowance. But I figured, what my finger could do, a broom handle could do better, and then a baseball bat could do better still. And they sure could. Though I had to be careful to grease them, and not to push them in too far, and to wash them off especially after. Yuck!”
My prick was definitely on the mend, and I began to caress her nipp
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Castration Porn Story

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