Castration Mistress

Castration Mistress


Castration Mistress

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1 Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Lesley F Roberts et al.

J Sex Med .

2008 Jul .






1 Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Lawrence AA.
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J Sex Med. 2010 Feb;7(2 Pt 1):852-3; author reply 853-5. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2009.01590.x. Epub 2009 Nov 12.
J Sex Med. 2010.

PMID: 19912485

No abstract available.

Johnson TW, Brett MA, Roberts LF, Wassersug RJ.
Johnson TW, et al.
J Sex Med. 2007 Jul;4(4 Pt 1):930-45. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2007.00521.x.
J Sex Med. 2007.

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Brett MA, Roberts LF, Johnson TW, Wassersug RJ.
Brett MA, et al.
J Sex Med. 2007 Jul;4(4 Pt 1):946-55. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2007.00522.x.
J Sex Med. 2007.

PMID: 17627741

Wassersug RJ, Zelenietz SA, Squire GF.
Wassersug RJ, et al.
Arch Sex Behav. 2004 Oct;33(5):433-42. doi: 10.1023/B:ASEB.0000037424.94190.df.
Arch Sex Behav. 2004.

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Scharbach H.
Scharbach H.
Ann Med Psychol (Paris). 1989 May-Jun;147(3):321-4.
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PMID: 2679300

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Lane RC.
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Psychoanal Rev. 2002 Feb;89(1):101-23. doi: 10.1521/prev.
Psychoanal Rev. 2002.

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Piccolo EEL, Johnson TW, Wassersug RJ.
Piccolo EEL, et al.
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Arch Sex Behav. 2022.

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Hermann M, Thorstenson A.
Hermann M, et al.
Sex Med. 2015 Nov 18;3(4):331-3. doi: 10.1002/sm2.81. eCollection 2015 Dec.
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PMID: 26797068
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Jackowich RA, Vale R, Vale K, Wassersug RJ, Johnson TW.
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Sex Med. 2014 Aug;2(3):121-32. doi: 10.1002/sm2.33.
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Brugger P, Lenggenhager B, Giummarra MJ.
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A number of men have extreme castration ideations. Many only fantasize about castration; others actualize their fantasies.


We wish to identify factors that distinguish those who merely fantasize about being castrated from those who are at the greatest risk of genital mutilation.


Seven hundred thirty-one individuals, who were not castrated, responded to a survey posted on We compared the responses of these "wannabes" to those of 92 men who were voluntarily castrated and responded to a companion survey. Main Outcome Measures. Respondents answered the questionnaire items relating to demographics, origin of interest in castration, and ambition toward eunuchdom.


Two categories of wannabes emerged. A large proportion ( approximately 40%) of wannabes' interest in castration was singularly of a fetishistic nature, and these men appeared to be at a relatively low risk of irreversible genital mutilation. Approximately 20% of the men, however, appeared to be at great risk of genital mutilation. They showed a greater desire to reduce libido, change their genital appearance, transition out of male, and prevent sexually offensive behavior. Nineteen percent of all wannabes have attempted self-castration, yet only 10% have sought medical assistance.


We identify several motivating factors for extreme castration ideations and provide a classification for reasons why some males desire orchiectomies. Castration ideations fall under several categories of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed. (DSM-IV), most notably a Gender Identity Disorder other than male-to-female (MtF) transsexual (i.e., male-to-eunuch) and a Body Identity Integrity Disorder. Physicians need to be aware of males who have strong desires for emasculation without a traditional MtF transsexual identity.



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‘You told me on the phone that you have had severe testicle pain, in your left testes’ the GP, Doctor Julia Burns, subconsciously ran her finger over her pearl stud in her left ear as she directed her imperious gaze toward him.
Usually Peter Morgan, her patient, would flinch and avert his gaze when a woman surveyed him this way but Peter was still in such pain that he managed to return her gaze. ‘Yes’ he responded enjoying the direct gaze of this superior woman, his GP.
‘And it is still hurting now?’ Julia looked away from her patient to her computer screen.
‘Yes. I’ve taken Ibuprofen and the pain killers are still not working.’
‘I see’ Julia responded ‘And how long?’
‘Near ten hours now’ the patient responded with a light groan Julia’s eyes registered that she had heard his groan but she did not say anything. ‘Since ten last night’ her patient added.
‘I see’ Julia chimed thinking ‘How delightful, ten hours of testicle pain’ and she shot him a quick glance but suppressed her desire to smirk instead maintaining her professional appearance. ‘It’s been on and off for quite a while now but the intervals are becoming more frequent’ she said reading from her screen notes ‘That is worrying’. It was not really worrying but Julia knew that she had to lower or redirect the patient’s expectations ready for her suggested treatment.
‘I suspect something is amiss with your left testicle. We might need to consider its removal.’
She shot her patient a glance and her eyes remained settled on him as she watched his body language and how he would respond. The patient, was a bit alarmed about this but he had also felt in moments of pure agony that he would like to remove the testicle in question. And how this thought did not phase him, that he would quite like to have both of them removed and become less like a man, more like a woman. It was only mental speculation but he did think if a medical professional ever suggested it he would accede to it. And now his GP was doing exactly that. He could not believe his ears.
‘Okay’ Peter merely stated. ‘If it’s the cause of the pain’.
‘Oh I have no doubt about it’ Julia said. She greatly doubted it. ‘I cannot imagine the pain you must suffer’ another lie as she could well imagine his pain and it gave her great pleasure.
‘The operation can be done under an anaesthetic, local or general, it itself is painful, but recovery will follow in about a few weeks and you will be right as rain again. And your testicle pain will be gone’ thinking ‘because your testicle will be gone, needlessly gone’ and she grinned to herself at this thought before smiling widely at him. ‘My only concern Peter is that the pain is testicular in nature then you may start to feel similar pain in the other testicle’ she fixed him a gaze relishing his response to her words. ‘My medical advise is we remove both. How would you feel about that?’ and she flashed him another brilliant smile, her eyes revealing the type of predatory gaze a cat has for a mouse.
‘Okay’ Peter said and he looked down at his lap trying to pretend a concern he did not have. This was a dream come true for him. Both the GP and Patient would be getting what they want.
‘Okay’ Julia said still smiling in his direction and feeling genuine pleasure at her patient’s agreement to a medical castration. She loved signing off on castrations. The best part of her job she wondered, almost certainly, answering her though and disguising a grin.
‘Castration’ and Julia savoured these words and fixing her patient in her gaze, he felt brave enough to look back, at the woman who was arranging for him to be castrated, he felt a little overwhelmed, pleasurably so under her predatory stare. ‘Castration is a medical procedure with little or no complications. The medical name is Orchiectomy. In your case, the case of two testicles being removed, Bilateral Orchiectomy. It is the way to go I am sure.’ And Julia happily typed in her diagnosis and treatment recommendations for her patient.
The recommendations would be emailed to a surgeon friend of hers. The surgeon was in on her scheme and between them the paper-work would be well and truly doctored. ‘Elizabeth darling’ it read ‘I have another one for you. Julia x’ and the relevant attachment included. They had done this before, many times, and all being well, they would do it again, many times.
‘Right you can be on your way now’ briskly dismissing her patient. ‘I will ring you when I have the details. Any questions?’ she framed this as if she did not want any questions from Peter and so Peter ever ready to defer to a woman treating him this way responded ‘No. Thank you’.
Julia smiled at his submission but also of his thanking her for his castration. She beamed but did not look up from her computer screen, her victim, her patient, was hers now and she did not want to look at his face again, at least not until after the operation.
Peter made his way out with a song in his heart. He had never felt so happy in all his life. He corrected himself though as he did not want other staff such as those in reception to see his joy and took on a serious posture as he left the building.
Back in her GP’s office Julia tossed back her head and her bosom convulsed in laughter. It was a silent laughter, she would have liked to have cackled aloud but knew better than to draw attention to herself that way. She would have a good cackle over a glass or two of red wine later that evening. She absent-mindedly adjusted her bra and made to prepare herself for her next patient. This was a middle-aged man who had broken his ankle playing football, no chance for an Orchiectomy there Julia ruefully thought.
Peter meanwhile had arrived back at his car. Inside he threw back his head and laughed, tears eventually streaming down his cheeks. He had never been so happy in his life. This was his dream, to become a woman. He did not know or think that he would get a vagina but he would surely find his libido lowering and his skin becoming softer. He had read about this, many many times. And best of all he would grow breasts. He felt light-headed at the prospect. ‘Oh Doctor Burns’ he muttered to himself ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you.’ He would be replaying their encounter many times between now and the operation. He would be masturbating nightly through any testicle pains he might have, made all the more intense, all the more sweet that this would be the last time he would be able to masturbate in his life. As a man he added. And what would he be masturbating to with his testicles but of women removing his testicles, such was the dark spell women had him under.
Meanwhile there was another call from Doctor Burns to look forward too confirming the details of the operation. Peter drove out of the GP Practice car-park tears of happiness continuing to stream down his cheeks.
Peter did not know that he did not need such a procedure but it was clear that even if he did know he would not feel any less about his GP, indeed he would love her all the more. She was his hero. His saviour.
‘Elizabeth darling. How are you?’ and both women’s conversation was peppered with hysterics.
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