Castration Humaine A La Pince

Castration Humaine A La Pince


Castration Humaine A La Pince

neutering a male animal by removing the testicles

surgical removal of the testes or ovaries (usually to inhibit hormone
secretion in cases of breast cancer in women or prostate cancer in men);
"bilateral castration results in sterilization"

expurgation: the deletion of objectionable parts from a literary

characteristic of humanity; "human nature"

Of, relating to, or characteristic of people or human

homo: any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by
superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage

Of or characteristic of people as opposed to God or animals or machines,
esp. in being susceptible to weaknesses

Of or characteristic of people's better qualities, such as kindness or

relating to a person; "the experiment was conducted on 6 monkeys and 2 human

A movie or other piece of material recorded on videotape

the visible part of a television transmission; "they could still receive the
sound but the picture was gone"

video recording: a recording of both the visual and audible components
(especially one containing a recording of a movie or television

The system of recording, reproducing, or broadcasting moving visual images
on or from videotape

(computer science) the appearance of text and graphics on a video
Only two years separate The Fourth Man, the
final Dutch language movie by director Paul Verhoeven, and the explosive
commencement of his Hollywood career. Controversy raged about violence in Flesh
& Blood, RoboCop and everything else he made thereafter. Yet controversy has
always been a part of the filmmaker's work. This savage comedy shocker could
well be seen as a trial run for Basic Instinct, since it features an ice-cold
seductress (Renee Soutendijk) with mysterious motivations and sexual
preferences. The hallucinatory tale follows a novelist (Jeroen Krabbe) first
falling for her, and then feverishly investigating whether she's a serial
husband killer. The film is full of what would soon be recognized as Verhoeven
trademarks: a little blasphemy, a lot of nudity, dispassionate characters, and
hidden agendas. One of the aspects that caught the eye of international
audiences was the film's colorful lighting and camerawork. This was from Jan de
Bont, who, thanks in large part to Verhoeven, would go on to direct Speed and
others. Full of symbolic flourishes and allegorical plot points The Fourth Man
is a dizzying display of the type of black comedy that not even Verhoeven can
get away with in today's politically aware industry. --Paul
Sounds like royalty,heh? I met Lady Castration
at the Farm Machinery Show in Louisville Kentucky. She was very informative and
knowledgable about removing testicles. (from animals I think) She was
enthusiastic and had some wonderful stories. Very funny lady.
Castration Squad lineup, circa 1980. Tracy Lea,

Alice Bag, Tiffany Kennedy, Dinah Cancer, Shannon Wilhelm, Elissa Bello.

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