Castration Femdom Stories

Castration Femdom Stories


Castration Femdom Stories

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femme fatale , guillotine , snuff

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3 Comments on Sardax “Milking Time” plus caption

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13 Comments on DKHayek – Small penis castrated

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Thirty-Five Castration Fantasies My eBook: click the image above to purchase it on Amazon.





















Finally got around to joining this image and caption together in one image. I continue to get mileage out of it. It’s not my caption, by the way. Found it on tumblr years ago. Great caption writer.
This is a contribution from a reader. He has a number of other photos of male and shemale eunuchs in his DeviantArt gallery . I don’t believe that he has taken any of these photos, that they were simply found online. Also, I prefer to see eunuchs with limp penises.
Looks bigger than it is because I had just cum and was grabbing it way down low. My balls are way up tight too, so it looks like I don’t have any. Hope people aren’t too offended by my narcissism.

Richard looked about him nervously. 
It was his first time with a professional dominatrix and although this
place had been personally recommended he was unsure what to expect.

The receptionist had given him a welcoming smile,
and had then called for a consultant Dom who had spoken with him in more detail
about his fantasies.

The woman was tall, dark and Romanesque, wearing a
sleek black dress slit to the waist to reveal long shapely legs. He outlined his
fantasy; of castration by a woman who would demand his utmost loyalty to her as
a castrati. He explained, he was not really into the pain
thing, more of a psychological release. And yes, stockings, a basque and a very
stern woman all pressed his buttons. She smiled at him,
snakelike and teasing. УRichard, we have the ideal woman for
you. Carla will more than meet your needs. Carla takes realism to the nth

She nodded, clicked her fingers and a girl of no
more than 18 entered. She looked angelic in a white mini dress, knee length
peasant cloth white thigh boots, encasing deeply tanned shapely legs. 
She looked coolly at Richard and indicated with a wave of her hand that
he follow her.

Wordlessly she led him into a spacious room with
wall surrounds of erotic paintings and four red armchairs in the centre. 
He was a little surprised to see that one was occupied by another
customer. He was mid forties, hair thin blonde and slightly receding, 
a pinched face and slender body devoid of fat. He
tipped his head conspiratorially to Richard as the girl departed.

Richard hesitated. УThis is my
first time.Ф He volunteered, and sat.

The man smiled knowingly.  УIТm
Jon, Jonathon. They are good.Ф He half closed his eyes. УI
mean, really good. But this time, IТm here for something specialЕФ 
He tailed off and Richard raised his eyebrows. УIТm
going to have it done for real. My wife relishes the idea. In fact, she
suggested it.Ф He sat back, his breathing increasing with
the anticipation, and his tongue slid across his thin lips. 

УYeah, IТm to have my balls cut off. For real, you
know, not just pretend.Ф

УCan they do that?Ф Richard frowned.

УSure. Sure they can. I mean, I had to sign a
waiver. But itТs all this personal rights legislation these days you know. And
the woman doing it, God, sheТs the best. A real ball breaker is Katjia.Ф

УKatjia?Ф Richard swallowed, not
sure what else to say.

УYeah, sheТs the best apparently. She worked in
Somalia as a medical aid worker, and was taken by one of the warlords. He used
her to castrate his prisoners. It was a case of her doing them, or her life.
Yeah, right, as though she had a choice. She had to achieve a very high survival
success rate. I mean, it wasnТt exactly ER hygiene there you know. But she never
lost one. Not one! Hell, over 300 guys lost their balls to her. 
She sorta got to like it, andТs now employed by these gals. This whole
place is run by women you knowЕФ

Richard merely nodded, his mind turning over this
new information. 

УDonТt worry, for you itТll all
be pure fantasy. God, itТll stoke ya furnace.Ф He said.

УIТve er, got Carla.Ф Richard
said, somewhat inanely.

УYeah, IТve had her discipline me. SheТs good, real
good, a top dom. Great wrist action.Ф 

Richard wondered about the ambiguity of the last

УIТll tell yer kid, you Сaint
lived until yaТve had an encounter with a castratrix!Ф He enthused.

УA sort of once in a lifetime experience?Ф 
Richard replied with a touch of irony.

УWhat? Oh, yeah.Ф 
Jon chuckled. УThatТs good, I like thatЕФ 

At that point the young girl returned, and crooked
her finger at Richard. He stood and followed her out, his heartbeat quickening.

He found himself in another large room, almost
clinical and fitted out with odd contraptions. The girl frowned at him. 
УUndress.Ф She commanded, briskly, no nonsense.

Richard hesitated looking about him. His
eyes settling on a low table, dark mahogany, about 7 feet by 3, in front of him.

УItТs not a request.Ф She snapped coldly. 
And Richard quickly shed all his clothes.

УIТm here to prepare you for your mistress.Ф She
said. УIТm her acolyte.Ф Her perfume was heady and, as her green eyes looked up
into his, she pouted, her full red lips parted to reveal the white of her even
teeth. УPut your arms in front of you, one over the other.Ф
He did so, and she strapped them together, across his chest. УNow open your
mouth.Ф He complied and she fitted a ball gag. УNow await
your mistress.Ф She ordered and without a sound she departed, leaving him
standing in uncertain expectation, nude and vulnerable, as a
new born baby.

From behind him came a sound and he half turned. It
was his mistress, voluptuous, in stilettos, sheer black stockings, maroon
basque, a black Victorian cameo choker around her neck. In her hand she held a
thin rattan cane. Above her stocking tops, her skin was as
white as settled snow. Her raven hair was tied up Hepburn style, and her blue
eyes bore a glacial glint.

УGet on the table.Ф The woman instructed in a low
husky voice. Richard paused to take a breath, and squealed
as the rattan cane cut sharply across his buttocks! УNow!Ф
She barked. 

He quickly did as she bid, and she tied his legs to
each corner so that he lay with them splayed wide apart. She
fixed a tight broad leather band across him, just under his arms. 
He was totally immobile, save for being able to twist his head from side
to side.

УI will enjoy this.Ф She
whispered in his ear. Richard closed his eyes briefly as the
fantasy heТd dreamed of started to come alive. He wanted to pledge his enduring
obedience to Carla. As Jon in the waiting room had promised, she was gorgeously

УYour Katjia, is going to change your life. 
To realise a dream shared by you andЕ your wife.Ф

УKatjia?Ф Richard blinked. 

УJust you relax Jonathon. IТm just going to give you
a little injection, just locally so you wonТt hardly feel a thing. When you
leave here today, it will be as your wifeТs little gelding. I spoke to her you
know? We do have to check that weТre not making a mistake.Ф

RichardТs eyes widened, 
Jonathon? This was the mother of all mistakes. He was not Jonathon, there had
been a mix up! TheyТd mistaken him for the other man in the
waiting room! He was there for the fantasy, not the real thing. 
He winced slightly at the sting of an injection at his groin.

Katjia moved to his head and looked down at him. He
twisted towards her staring directly at her mound of Venus, outlined under her
scanty silk black panties. УMy acolyte will attend the
castration, she adores such occasions.Ф Katjia added. She
reached down and picked up a scalpel. УIТll be using this.Ф
She said. Richard squirmed, his eyes pleading. УDemelza, tie
up his scrotum would you darling.Ф 

The young girl appeared within RichardТs arc of
vision, a thin cord in her hand. There was a look of delight on her face as she
secured it tightly around his sac. Katjia, leaned over him,
her generous breasts swaying under her, almost tumbling out of her tight basque.
УI note you appreciate what you see.Ф Said Katjia. УSoon these feelings will
disappear as your castration takes effect, and you become accustomed to your
eunuch status. Your wife is looking forward to taking control of your training
as her emasculated house slave.Ф She fumbled amongst a bag
of instruments, then gazed at him pityingly. УShe told me of her plans for you. 
Naked, you will attend to her every whim, whilst in front of you she
copulates with her latest lover. Afterwards you will clean their intimate parts,
and they will sip chilled white chardonnay together. 
Periodically she will instruct the maid, Nina, to discipline you. Yes, Nina,
Jonathon, can you visualise that?Ф

УNo, no, IТm Richard not
Jonathon.Ф Richard desperately
mmmmТd incomprehensibly into his gag.

УNina, the plump middle aged Latin maid that you
give your casual orders to. IТm sure she will look forward
to whipping your bare rumpЕ With your wife in attendance, to
ensure your total compliance. Oh, and your wife will parade you in front of her
friends. TheyТll hold your servitude in scorn, expressing mirth at your
neutering.Ф She gently stroked his organ, pulling back his
foreskin, and kneading his bulbous tip.

Despite himself, RichardТs hardness became
irresistible, and he breathed in heavily.

УMy, he is game isnТt he. I think weТd better milk
him first, donТt you Demelza.Ф Katjia said. He felt a cool hand settle around
his erection and slowly begin to massage. He cried out under his gag at the
utter ecstasy. He silently pledged, he would surrender to the superiority of
females, eternally, for ever, and ever, andЕ.aaaghh, ooooohh..
Finally, an arc of white shot across his stomach. 

As he lay panting as he felt a sudden coldness at
his groin. He wriggled in panic, but the bindings held him -
unmoving. There was a numbing ache at his groin, and he could feel his balls
being squeezed and manipulated. УThis fruit is ready for
plucking.Ф Katjia said.

Demelza, gave him a wickedly inimical smile. УOne
day, I shall also be a castratrix,. Soon, very soon I think. I assure you, many
of you men I will geld.Ф Richard tried to move, to twist
away but his bonds held him tight.

УHe is getting into the theme isnТt he.Ф 
Katjia said. УJonathon, you are Oscar material. It is though you really
do dread your castration. But we know better donТt we; my toyЕФ 
She held up her scalpel and Richard noticed a sliver of blood. Oh sweet
Jesus, sheТd begun the process!

УIТm not Jonathon!
MmmmmhphФ It felt as though
his balls had turned to ice, whilst perspiration wetted his brow.

УNumber one.Ф Katjia said. Then
turned to Demelza, Уyou can take his second, just as I showed you.Ф And handed
the scalpel to the eager young girl. Demelza leaned over RichardТs helpless
groin and he whimpered.

Demelza paused to give him a sideways look. Her eyes
were bright with a zealot fire. УYes, my mistress.Ф She murmured, and set to her
task of initiating Richard into the third sex.

Finally the women stepped back. УThere.Ф Katjia
said, and raised a jar holding testicles. УMerely six minutes from start to
finish to neuter you. DonТt worry Jonathon, IТll personally
present these to your good wife. Soon castration will be as common as a
vasectomy. So many men, so few malesФ She grinned at Demelza
who giggled back.

Richard wanted to scream that thereТd been a
mistake. Oh God, he was a eunuch, his testicles were gone, what would his wife
say? How could he go into the sports showers again? Demelza leaned over and
untied his bonds, Уfollow me.Ф She whispered to him, and removed his gag. 
He looked about him wildly, but Katjia had disappeared, along with his

УI wonТt be able to walk.Ф He
gasped, but struggled to sit up, thankful that the injection was still
controlling the pain.

УYouТll manage.Ф Dismissed
Demelza with a secretive smirk.

Richard gazed dolefully at his groin, and his mouth
dropped open. He was untouched, unharmed, a complete maleЕ 

As Demelza helped Richard off the table, the man
Richard knew as Jonathon appeared at the doorway. УWell, you
wanted your fantasy to be as real as possible didnТt you? We
give a good service donТt we sweet DemelzaЕФ Then he stepped

Richard looked at Demelza and she winked, grinning. 
УOne dayЕ..Ф She said, leaving the sentence

And Richard returned her grinЕ nervously.


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She is a castratrix. Rumor at the femdom club where she is a member is that she is also either a veterinarian or a surgeon. It is obvious she has a lot of medical experience and she is very very good at what she does.

Most of the human castrations she does are for other women who have male slaves they want neutered, or ponyboys they want gelded, and an occasional ****** is brought to her by some women for neutering. She has an operating room at the femdom club as well as one at her home.

The castratrix is a very attractive woman in her early to mid thirties, very very tall and imposing, outstanding athletic figure, short mousey brown hair, intense green eyes. A take charge, in control, dominant, and omnipotent woman. She is totally ambidexterous, meaning she is neither right handed or left handed and she uses both hands equally well using the hand that is most convenient at the time. This is a big help to her when she performs surgery.

She has a few interesting fetishes she enjoys while she is ********** a man. She likes to have the man dressed in a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms completely covered in long sleeves because to her it makes him seem weaker, more submissive and vulnerable.

She likes to wear a long sleeve shirt and she likes to perform the ********** with her sleeves rolled up to spmewhere between her elbows and her shoulders. It makes her feel more powerful, dominant, in charge, and omnipotent, and she loves the look on the man's face as he watches her rolling up her sleeves knowing she is going to cut his nuts out.

She also likes to make her victim have a huge erection and to masturbate him while she is performing the **********.

Until now she never had time for a slave of her own, but now she feels the time for that has come and she has aquired a slave she has appropriately named Castratrix's pet. Now, she is going to ******** him as a demonstration and entertainment for the ladies of her femdom club.

Castratrix's pet is strapped down helpless to the operating table wearing only a long sleeve shirt. He is naked from his waist down, his legs are spread apart exposing his genitals. His pubic hair is shaved off, and there is a catheter in his penis.

The castratrix is wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt that is big and full cut to be more comfortable and casual on her with a few buttons left open and tied at her waist to show her breasts. S
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