Castration Fantasy Stories

Castration Fantasy Stories


Castration Fantasy Stories
Mary Carleton, 17th Century Fraudster
Nor Hell a Fury like a Woman Scorn'd
Women Who Convinced Men to Do Their Bidding
They Served Their Victims... for Dinner
Estibaliz Carranza, Ice Cream Killer
Amelia Dyer, Baby Farmer & Poisoner
Georgia Tann Took and Resold Children
Elizabeth Bathory, History's Most Prolific Gal
The Strange Case of the Eriksson Twins
Joanna Dennehy, Peterborough Ditch Murderer
Sheila Davalloo, Sharp Corner of a Love Triangle
The First White Woman Sentenced to Die
Dalia Dippolito's Hitman Was an Undercover Cop
Diamond Annie's Gang of Forty Elephants
History's Most Successful Con Women
Updated September 23, 2021 232.2k views 15 items
Catherine Kieu Becker Drugged Her Husband's Dinner Before Chopping Off His Penis
Cristal Richardson Said She Castrated A Man Who Raped Her
Photo : Dallas County Jail / Daily Mail
Han Zhang Castrated Her Husband Twice
Photo : Unknown / PX Here / Public Domain
Tammy Felbaum Accidentally Killed Her Husband After Surgically Castrating Him
Photo : Westmoreland County Prison / DailyMail
Castration - the word alone sounds painful. Physically, castration is any type of surgical, chemical, or lacerating action that renders individuals unable to use their testicles. Metaphorically, though, castration takes away something deeper. And for some women - like the infamous Lorena Bobbitt - the act of castration is way to take revenge out on the men in their lives. 
Sometimes, it is solely the testicles that get the axe. Other times, the entirety of the genitals are targeted for revenge. Sometimes, there is a good reason. Other times, the lines are blurred. Read on and judge for yourself whether or not these cases of castration were warranted.
In 2011, Catherine Kieu Becker and her husband were in the middle of a messy divorce. She spiked his food with an unknown drug, causing him to lie down in a stupor. When he awoke, he was tied to his bed and Becker was cutting off his penis with a knife. She then threw his genitalia in their garbage disposal and turned it on . 
When police arrived to find Becker's husband bleeding profusely, she simply told them that her husband deserved it. During her trial , her lawyers argued Becker had a rough childhood in war-torn Vietnam that was full of physical, mental, and sexual abuse. But prosecutors alleged Becker was angry her husband was happy about their divorce and started seeing an ex-girlfriend. She was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. 
To celebrate her birthday, Cristal Richardson and Cedric Owens decided to party extra hard. In April 2012 the two spent a night drinking, doing drugs, and eventually went to a hotel room to have sex. But that's where things get dark. Richardson told police Owens raped her - a man she had known for less than 12 hours - and in response she started attacking him.
Richardson stabbed Owens 130 times before castrating him. After Owens's murder, police discovered Richardson sitting on the stairs, naked and covered in blood. 
She was sentenced to life in prison in 2014 . She maintained her innocence throughout her trial.
Han Mou of Anhui, China was castrated , not once, but twice, by his wife, Zhang. The first incident occurred after he told her he wanted a divorce. Zhang assumed her husband was seeing other women, so she slipped him sleeping pills, cut off his penis, and flushed it down the toilet. She was arrested, let out on bail, and continued to live with her husband and children while awaiting trial.
Mou, afraid his children would be mother-less if his wife were sent to prison, started looking for a stand-in mother. Again, Zhang drugged her husband . When he woke up, he discovered his wife had cut off "absolutely" everything. Soon after, Zhang called an ambulance and turned herself in to police.
In February 2001, Tammy Felbaum castrated her sixth husband James - allegedly during what some believe was a home surgery done at his behest. Felbaum said she castrated herself, and later told police she castrated bulls in the past. The botched surgery took place at the couple's Pennsylvania mobile home. 
A day or so later, James overdosed on pain medication and died from choking on his own vomit. An interview after the incident revealed Felbaum had recently argued with James over suspicions that he was cheating on her. 
She was charged with manslaughter for her husband's death, and served 10 years in prison. She said she was not responsible and that the castration was a "minor" surgery. She was arrested again in 2017 after threatening to shoot a judge. 

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October 13, 2021

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Here’s another milestone in my castration fetish.
This is quite a long one since it covers my 10-year marriage.
I met my wife-to-be when both our lives had train-wrecked. We both desperately needed structure and direction and we clung to each other. My wife was three years older, half-Italian and very bossy which was just what I needed.
We met when I was 23, married at 25 and divorced at 34. And the end of my marriage also marked the end of my real-world sexual relationships. Just as well, too messy, really.
I list the hot bits of my marriage below. I occasionally still find their memory arousing.
My wife was quite a fan of science fiction. One day she was reading Robert Heinlein’s “Farnham’s Freehold”, at the end of which one of the characters submits to castration. So just for fun she asked me to get naked and tuck my balls up in-between my legs so she could see what I looked like castrated. I jumped to do as she asked. I found it very arousing.
She made no mention of my castration fetish during this scene.
Before we were married my wife had recently shacked up with a tough street punk. One day her boyfriend’s younger brother came to stay over at their place. Her boyfriend and his brother were both bi and had had sex with each other before so they decided to get it on that night while my wife lay beside them and watched. The younger brother squealed with pain and pleasure and came just from being fucked.
After I told my wife about the little gay fling I’d had she teased me a few times about how much I would love taking it up the ass like the younger brother had and that I’d squeal and cum like he did. I found both the idea of being sodomized and the emasculation of being teased about it arousing.
My wife started giving me handjobs fairly early on. And on two occasions she gave me a special treat by doing some castration roleplay.
The set up was that I belonged to a small herd of ‘studs’ kept in a barn by some dominant women that milked them for their sperm. My wife told me she had come to do my milking. As she stroked my cock she informed me that my sperm production had fallen too low and that this was my last chance to meet my quota. If I didn’t produce enough I would lose everything, my cock and my balls. I begged her to give me another chance but she told me it was too late, no more chances. I asked her what would happen after I was castrated and she said my cock and balls would be hung around my neck and I would have to milk the other studs.
When I came she laughed and said, “It’s not enough! It’ll all have to come off!”
Of course I loved this but the miserable bitch refused to do it again. She said she didn’t think it was healthy.
I guess neither of us really liked having regular sex with each other. So giving me handjobs became our main form of sex. She gave great handjobs, slow and teasing to begin with and then faster and more urgent when I got near cumming.
She would be fully dressed and I would be naked. I would lay back on the couch while she lubed me up. She sat cross-legged between my legs. I loved it. I loved being pampered and I loved the embarrassment and humiliation of being so totally open and exposed while I was experiencing my most private and intense sensations.
She surprised me by finger fucking me on one occasion while she was jerking me off and it was heavenly. But she refused to do it again. I should have been more insistent and proactive. I’m so bovine.
This phase of our sex life started when I was 30 and continued for the rest of our marriage.
Why, thank you. Your the first person to give me a compliment on my little autobio sketches.
Love the story would love to be castrated like that
Let me be the second person to say : Thank you for all the
stories and images you collected and made available to the public.
Absolutely Amazing !
Thank you, Julia. This kind of feedback means a lot to me.
I enjoyed reading your memoirs, you’re an excellent story teller and writer.
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English stories

A Tip for Mistress [F/m]

An Encounter with Goddess Demoness [F/m]

December 1820 [F/f]

Encounter With Mistress Tanya [F/m]

In Due Time [F/m]

Judy's Castration Jewels [F/m]

Mistress Queens - Teased, Tortured, CASTRATED [F/m]

More Convincing Than I Thought [F/m]

The Night [F/f]

The Last Night Of Nikki [M/f]

Published with GitBook

One summer when a young man of 20, Peter visited relatives who owned a small ranch in the Texas hill country. The attraction of the place was not the pleasant green hills and sparkling natural springs, but rather his distant cousin, Judy, a buxom country lass about his own age. At a brief meeting several months earlier, the sexually precocious Girl had given the inexperienced youth his first lessons in making out, in the back seat of a Chevrolet at a drive-in movie. Obsessed by the memory of his adolescent seed spilling into her hands as Her fingers slowly teased his virgin genitals, peter eagerly anticipated the visit. The day after his arrival, Judy offered to show him around the ranch, which was devoted to the breeding of cattle. After pointing out the stock pens and some of the prize breeding bulls, She led him to a small, clean building filled with equipment unfamiliar to the city reared guy.
"This here's our breedin' barn. This is where we inseminate the cows to get them with calves. Also, with a sly smile, where we milk the bulls."
"Milk the bulls — I don't understand."
"I don't mean the drinking kind. Where do you think we get all the sperm for the cows?" She giggled, "Remember what I did to you at the drive-in?" Peter blushed in understanding "Oh."
Judy walked over to a stall beside which a large stainless steel machine stood. "This here's the extractor. We lead the bull into this stall and strap him down good so he can't kick up a fuss. Then we stick this hose on his pizzle and let it suck away on him till he creams." She held up a clear plastic tube attached to the machine.
"You mean it makes him ejaculate…just like…"
"Yep, it milks away at their pricks until the shoot a load, just like jacking off. I get a kick out of watching them. They don't know what's happening but they sure know it feels good!"
"Gee, do you do that to all the bulls?"
"Well, all the breedin' bulls. ‘Course the ones we don't breed get castrated. We do that in this stall too. Sometimes, Paw lets me work the castrator myself, and he says I'm real good at it."
Peter shuddered at the callous cruelty in Her voice.
But his eyes remained fixed on the extractor. Judy played with the tube in Her fingers, watching him out of the
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