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Home About Us --Governance --Funders --Partners --Major Research Groupings --Contacts Our Members --Full Members ----Stefan Barth ----Linda-Gail Bekker ----Jonathan Blackburn ----Frank Brombacher ----Wendy Burgers ----Kelly Chibale ----Helen Cox ----Collet Dandara ----Janet Hapgood ----Mark Hatherill ----Bill Horsnell ----Gregory Hussey ----Muazzam Jacobs ----Heather Jaspan ----Arieh Katz ----Darren Martin ----Graeme Meintjes ----Robert Millar ----Valerie Mizrahi ----Nicola Mulder ---- Elisa Nemes ----Catherine Orrell ----Jo-Ann Passmore ----Raj Ramesar ----Ed Rybicki ----Georgia SchÀfer ----Thomas Scriba ----Edward Sturrock ----Digby Warner ----Robert Wilkinson ----Anna-Lise Williamson ----Carolyn Williamson ----Ambroise Wonkam ----Robin Wood --Associate Members ----Emile Chimusa ----Anna Coussens ----Felix Dube ----Reto Guler ----Claire Hoving ----Lindi Masson ----Keren Middelkoop ----Suraj Parihar ----Joseph Raimondo ----Catherine Riou ----Muki Shey ----Sean Wasserman --Affiliate Members --Adjunct Members --Fellows --Membership Research --Member Groups --Publications Initiatives --Transformation ----PASS Award ----Postdoctoral Technical Skills Development Grant ----Postgraduate Student Publication Competition ----People at the IDM ----Coffee Club --Education ----Seminars ----Visiting Scientist ----Master classes --Advocacy --Mentorship --PDF Events --Events --Seminars Facilities --Core Facilities ----Flow Cytometry & Sorting ----Proteomics & Metabolomics Platform ----BSLIII Core ----Imaging platforms --Equipment --IDM Extension Project --Services Resources for Member Groups --COVID-19 and H&S Resources --COVID-19 Vaccine Resource page --Finance & Purchasing --Guidelines for Scientific Review --Health & Safety Meeting Dates --Members Meeting Dates --Operations & Laboratory Meeting Dates --P&S Maintenance System --Research Committees Meeting Dates --Research Proposal Submission --Water Crisis in Cape Town
For information on South Africa's response to COVID-19 please visit the COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal .

Home > Resources for Member Groups > COVID-19 Vaccine Resource page

Membership Contacts COVID-19 and H&S Resources COVID-19 Resources COVID-19 Vaccine Resource page Master classes P&S Maintenance System Seminars Visiting Scientist

Home > Resources for Member Groups > COVID-19 Vaccine Resource page
The IDM has compiled resources to help counter vaccine hesitancy, misinformation and disinformation. We collaborated with Deanery Leadership on this statement from the Faculty of Health Sciences which affirms the science of vaccinology and challenges information . We also collaborated with Global Citizen to produce a video series tackling vaccine misinformation.

See other relevant resources below:
- The European Vaccination Information Portal takes it back to basics with this fact-based introduction to COVID-19 .
- Based at the IDM, Eh!woza, which operates at the intersection of public engagement, youth education, advocacy, and skills development explains how vaccines protect , and the use of mRNA/Viral Vector Vaccines with two animated videos.
- The Vaccines Alliance offers the latest news, info about the vaccine race, and what’s currently under development.
- Dr Paul Offit from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia explains how COVID-19 vaccines work based on messenger RNA technology.
- The South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative, based at the IDM, has created a video guide to clinical trials.
- A conversation between Mark Zuckerberg and Dr Anthony Fauci (American physician and immunologist) offering insights into vaccine technology.
- In this video Dr Paul Offit from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia addresses safety concerns considering the speedy vaccine development.
- The European Vaccination Information Portal illustrates the regulations monitoring COVID-19 vaccine safety.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a closer look at the evaluation of the mRNA vaccine.
- Johns Hopkins University & Medicine’s Research & Development is asking how vaccine development can be done both quickly and safely.
- Vaccine experts from UCT's Faculty of Health Sciences offer an explainer called How we know vaccines are safe and effective .
Variant Evolution and Vaccine Efficacy
- For a breakdown of the different variants and how they come about - see this expert explanation from Wellcome.
- The World Health Organization has put out various resources addressing varients:
* See here on tracking variants, and here on the effects of variants.
* While these episodes offer insight into Variants and Vaccines , and an Update on virus variants respectively.
- Details about the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Demonstrates 89.3% Efficacy in UK Phase 3 Trial are available here.
- Details about the Johnson & Johnson Announces Single-Shot Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Met Primary Endpoints in Interim Analysis of its Phase 3 ENSEMBLE Trial are available here.
- Read about the Phase I Trial of Novel COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate in South Africa led by CIDRI-Africa.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) has compiled Vaccines and immunization Q&As addressing What vaccination is and Vaccine safety .
- A broad spectrum of answers to common questions from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia including; COVID-19, vaccines, and queries about pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- The Desmond Tutu Health Foundation (DTHF) , also based in the Faculty, provides access to resources such as articles, video clips and other helpful content on vaccines on their DTHF Vaccine Confidence page . There is also a section of Frequently Asked Questions that is updated weekly. The DTHF has a dedicated Vaccine chat function on the bottom right corner of their website where anyone can ask their vaccine questions and receive an answer within 24 hours
-  We together with the global advocacy organisation, Global Citizen , have produced a series of videos with local experts which aim to dispel vaccine misinformation.
- The Western Cape Government has developed a dashboard detailing active cases and other related information for each sub-district.
- The Department of Health has the latest COVID-19 figures as well as other updates.
- Canadian-based CANVax equips public health professionals with access to a resource centre focused on vaccine acceptance and uptake.
- The HIV Vaccine Trials Network has curated a CoVPN Community Engagement Materials Menu - Password: CoVPNTria!$
- Vaccinate Your Family has curated Information and Resources on COVID-19 and the current vaccines .
- The WHO’s guide on How to respond to vocal vaccine deniers in public .
- Wellcome has created a COVID-19 vaccine: information hub - a quick collection of simple resources.
- The New England Journal of Medicine has created a COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Center .
- VALIDATE, the VAccine DeveLopment for complex Intracellular neglecteD paThogEns, has developed an outreach guide to engaging with the public .
- This British Society for Immunology webinar is part of a series and looks at COVID-19 vaccine conversations: effective ways of engaging with the public .
- The Perinatal Mental Health Project , based at the University of Cape Town's Centre for Public Mental Health, has developed messages as part of the Messages for Mothers coalition.
- Eh!woza has created animated explainers covering the ABCs of vaccinations and translating new information.

Good Reads
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention address COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections Reported to the CDC in this report .
- Professor Thomas Scriba, deputy director at the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative, relies on evidence to tackle vaccine hesitancy and misinformation.
- According to Dr Heidi Larson, the founder of the Vaccine Confidence Project, dispelling vaccine hesitancy has trust-building at its root.
- Health feedback which relies on scientists to sift fact from fiction published an article addressing the concern of the COVID-19 vaccine altering DNA.
- An interim analysis of randomised controlled trials published in The Lancet.
- Senior Research Officer at the Vaccines For Africa Initiative (VACFA) based at the IDM, Dr Benjamin Kagina, answers a few questions about vaccine availability in sub-Saharan Africa. 
- Co-authored by Professor Shey Wiysonger, Project Manager at VACFA and Chief Research Officer at the UCT, this piece takes a look at the possible impact of anti-vaccination views on immunisation in the country. 
- Professors Linda-Gail Bekker, the deputy director of the University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, and Valerie Mizrahi, the director of the IDM explain why the more people who take the vaccine the better off the country will be both in terms of health and socio-economically.

- Vaccinate Your Family has COVID-19 Graphics and Educational Handouts that can be shared on social media and other spaces.
- The WHO has developed handy tips for Parenting in the time of COVID-19 and shareable Mythbusting posters .
- The IDM has created an infographic that you can find here .
Reliable social media handles to follow
@Bhekisisa.Health - Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism
@CIDRI-Africa - The Wellcome Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Africa 
@dailymaverick - Daily Maverick
@DesmondTutuHealthFoundation - Desmond Tutu Health Foundation 
@ehwoza - Ehwoza
@National Department of Health (South Africa)
@National Institute for Communicable Diseases 
@South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative
@spotlightnsp - Spotlight NSP
@conversationAfrica - The Conversation Africa
@UCTResearchandInnovation - University of Cape Town Research Office
@WesternCapeGovernment - WesternCapeGovernment
@Western Cape Government Health
@WHO - World Health Organization (WHO)
@World Health Organization African Region

@Bhekisisa - Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism
@CIDRI-Africa - The Wellcome Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Africa 
@COVID_19_ZA - Department of Health: COVID-19
@dailymaverick - Daily Maverick
@DTHF_SA - Desmond Tutu Health Foundation
@eh_woza! - Eh!woza
@Health24com - Health24 
@HealthZA - Department of Health
@nicd_SA - The National Institute for Communicable Diseases 
@satvi_uct - South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative
@SpotlightNSP - Spotlight
@TC_Africa - The Conversation Africa
@theviraltruth_ - Virology Mythbusters 
@UCT_Research - University of Cape Town Research Office
@WesternCapeGov - Western Cape Government
@WestCapeHealth - Western Cape Health
@WHO - World Health Organization 
@WHOAFRO - World Health Organization African Region
@WHOSouthAfrica - World Health Organization South Africa
-“ T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 spike cross-recognize Omicron ” (31 Jan 2022). Co-authors based at the IDM; Roanne Keeton, Marius B Tincho, Amkele Ngomti, Richard Baguma, Ntombi Benede, Cari Stek, Akiko Suzuki, Elsa du Bruyn, Robert Wilkinson, Linda-Gail Bekker, Glenda Gray, Penny Moore, Wendy Burges, Catherine Riou et al.
-“ Breakthrough infections with SARS-CoV-2 omicron despite mRNA vaccine booster dose ” (18 Jan 2022). Co-authors based at the IDM; Wendy Burgers, Roanne Keeton, Catherine Riou et al.
- “ Investing Constraints Along the Plant Secretory Pathway to Improve Production of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Vaccine Candidate ” (4 Jan 2022). Co-authors based at the IDM; Emmanuel Margolin, Matthew Verbeek Warren de Moor, Ros Chapman, Ann Myers, Georgia Schafer, Anna-Lise Williamson, Edward Rybicki.
-“ Escape from recognition of SARS-CoV-2 variant spike epitopes but overall preservation of T cell immunity ” (21 Dec 2021). Co-authors based at the IDM; Catherine Riou, Roanne Keeton, Richard Baguma, Hygon Mutavhatsindi, Marius Tincho, Ntombi Benede, Elsa du Bruyn, Cari Stek, Carolyn Williamson, Robert Wilkinson, Wendy Burgers et al.
Have any other questions? Contact our Vaccine Experts here . 
© University of Cape Town 2022. All rights reserved.

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Home About Us --Governance --Funders --Partners --Major Research Groupings --Contacts Our Members --Full Members ----Stefan Barth ----Linda-Gail Bekker ----Jonathan Blackburn ----Frank Brombacher ----Wendy Burgers ----Kelly Chibale ----Helen Cox ----Collet Dandara ----Janet Hapgood ----Mark Hatherill ----Bill Horsnell ----Gregory Hussey ----Muazzam Jacobs ----Heather Jaspan ----Arieh Katz ----Darren Martin ----Graeme Meintjes ----Robert Millar ----Valerie Mizrahi ----Nicola Mulder ---- Elisa Nemes ----Catherine Orrell ----Jo-Ann Passmore ----Raj Ramesar ----Ed Rybicki ----Georgia SchÀfer ----Thomas Scriba ----Edward Sturrock ----Digby Warner ----Robert Wilkinson ----Anna-Lise Williamson ----Carolyn Williamson ----Ambroise Wonkam ----Robin Wood --Associate Members ----Emile Chimusa ----Anna Coussens ----Felix Dube ----Reto Guler ----Claire Hoving ----Lindi Masson ----Keren Middelkoop ----Suraj Parihar ----Joseph Raimondo ----Catherine Riou ----Muki Shey ----Sean Wasserman --Affiliate Members --Adjunct Members --Fellows --Membership Research --Member Groups --Publications Initiatives --Transformation ----PASS Award ----Postdoctoral Technical Skills Development Grant ----Postgraduate Student Publication Competition ----People at the IDM ----Coffee Club --Education ----Seminars ----Visiting Scientist ----Master classes --Advocacy --Mentorship --PDF Events --Events --Seminars Facilities --Core Facilities ----Flow Cytometry & Sorting ----Proteomics & Metabolomics Platform ----BSLIII Core ----Imaging platforms --Equipment --IDM Extension Project --Services Resources for Member Groups --COVID-19 and H&S Resources --COVID-19 Vaccine Resource page --Finance & Purchasing --Guidelines for Scientific Review --Health & Safety Meeting Dates --Members Meeting Dates --Operations & Laboratory Meeting Dates --P&S Maintenance System --Research Committees Meeting Dates --Research Proposal Submission --Water Crisis in Cape Town
For information on South Africa's response to COVID-19 please visit the COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal .

Membership Contacts COVID-19 and H&S Resources COVID-19 Resources COVID-19 Vaccine Resource page Master classes P&S Maintenance System Seminars Visiting Scientist
The Institute comprises 33 Full and 13 Associate Members, with 12 Affiliate Members from departments within the University of Cape Town, and 12 Adjunct Members based nationally or internationally.
Research in the IDM is led by the Full and Associate Members, either working independently with their own research groups or in larger groups led by more than one Member. The Members may also collaborate with Affiliate or Adjunct Members.
Overall, there are more than 30 research groups. These include 3 multi-investigator groups that operate principally in the TB/HIV space, 2 extramural research units of the South African Medical Research Council and a number of other research entities, 6 Research Chairs awarded under the National Research Foundation's South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI), and further areas of research foci led by individual Members. 
As a collective, the research groups include over 440 research officers and laboratory, clinical, field site and administrative support staff, 280 Masters and PhD students registered in any year, and 60 or more Postdoctoral Fellows. 
© University of Cape Town 2022. All rights reserved.

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