Casino Marketing Guide: Get Found. Delight. Convert. | Alphametic

Casino Marketing Guide: Get Found. Delight. Convert. | Alphametic


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The Ultimate Casino Marketing Guide Get Found. Delight. Convert

With over 1,623 casinos nationwide, how do you stand out in a market this saturated? If you're a casino marketing professional, you need a results-focused online marketing strategy that incorporates best practices and industry expertise - in order to get ahead of the competition. Check out this guide to learn more.

Here’s an example of a QuickBooks Google Display Network ad on the Expedia site:

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Casino marketing is a fiercely competitive field that has been changing dramatically with the evolution of digital technologies. With over 1,623 casinos nationwide, and 104 in Las Vegas alone, how do you stand out in a market this saturated? Marketing professionals, casino executives and other hospitality specialists need a results-focused online marketing strategy that incorporates digital marketing best practices – and some industry expertise – in order to get ahead of the competition in a crowded environment.

Over many years of experience in the casino resort industry, Alphametic has developed a winning formula when it comes to online success: Get Found, Delight, and Convert. As a casino marketing agency we’ve helped resorts crush competition in competitive markets to stake their claim online.


Buyer personas make a great starting point to your SEO plan and content strategy. In this guide, Alphametic has put together some of the main gaming personas based on today’s casino trends and consumer research. Use these to inform your content and guide your keyword research as you begin crafting your SEO plan. Your keywords need to match the intent of your user – do they want a full package? Is their primary goal to gamble? Knowing their main concerns makes your content useful to the user and builds their trust.


We use a keyword funnel approach to group each word, sets of words, and phrases relating to the steps in the buyer’s journey. Every keyword a buyer enters into Google has an intention behind it: informational, navigational or transactional . Find what words make your audience tick and match them with a great content experience. 80% of customers search online before they decide to purchase a product or service according to Google, so put your SEO and SEM strategy at the forefront of your casino marketing game-plan.


Give your visitors what they want. Answer their questions. Make their online experience a great one. Make a robust content strategy powered by SEO and data-driven audience profiling an integral part of your resort marketing plan to lead potential visitors right to your doors. Discover their needs, their questions, their concerns using keyword research and address them on your website content in a strategic way that gives them the confidence to want to visit your casino.


Different types of personas enter your casino website – the entertainment seeker, the hard-core gamer, the one looking for a full-package vacation and more. Understanding each of these customers and what makes them tick is key to setting up your website’s conversion funnels to turn online traffic into casino visitors. Figure out their specific needs, and set up their online experience to fulfill those needs with well-thought-out conversion funnels that you can track, measure, test and optimize.

What are The Most Common Buyer Personas in the Gaming Industry

What is Local SEO and how you can Apply it

Why you need to leverage Google Adwords and Remarketing

Why Keyword Research is Essential - and Some Tools You can Use

How to Build and execute an Effective Content Strategy

Who to Build Conversion Funnels For to Bring the Business to You

Casino marketing is an industry like no other. In the gaming industry, there is a mix of people with unique objectives, needs, and wants. The first thing you have to do before you follow the 3 Steps is identify your customer personas and segment/target these personas to serve them the right content and build your conversion funnels. According to the Market Segmentation exercise from the Las Vegas Visitor Profile (2018), published online here and prepared for the Las Vegas Convention, there are four unique casino resort personas: Convention Visitors, Package Purchasers, General Tourists, and Casino Guests. Here is a deeper dive into some of the most frequently encountered personas in the Casino industry.

The gamer is interested in casino-related gaming content. They want to know what kind of table games you offer, what are the hot new slot machines on the gaming floor, how many poker games you have on any given night, etc. Entice them with exceptional gaming content by letting them know the kind of experience they’ll receive when they walk into your casino. An example of an online conversion for this persona is a sign-up for your casino’s player’s club or other loyalty program.

The entertainment seeker is interested in concerts, events, restaurants, clubs, and more. They want to have a good time beyond the gaming floor. You want to get them into the casino, lure them in with great entertainment content and measure conversion with ticket sales for events and bookings.

The vacationer is looking to have a great time in places like Las Vegas or Atlantic City and is looking for the right mix of entertainment, gaming, fun, food, attractions, and things to do. Measure this group with hotel bookings, package vacation sales and the like.

The business executive is interested in your showrooms and conference space. They want to host business events for their clients in a venue that combines great business event planning, exciting nightlife and a variety of entertainment to impress their guests. You can measure conversion for this group by requests for quotes, and conference bookings.

In a highly competitive industry like gaming, everyone is vying for visibility on search engine results, Google maps, and social media feeds. Increase your casino marketing ROI by utilizing best practices in SEO, SEM and local optimization to get your casino resort in front of the right people at the right time.

Here’s a brief explanation of each of the components of the Get Found step, complete with examples from the casino industry.

Local SEO Optimization

According to Search Engine Watch , 50% of consumers who do a local search on their smartphone visit a store within a day . You’re leaving money on the table when you don’t incorporate Local SEO into your marketing strategy. Optimizing your website for local search phrases and keywords, as well as proper listing optimizations, will determine your success in getting found by the potential customers near your business. Google personalizes search results for users based on location, so if they search for “Casinos near me” it’ll restrict search results to a specific geographic area. Similarly, users searching for local keywords, such as “las vegas casinos,” will be exposed to what Google believes is the most relevant content for that query.

For example, when you search “Las Vegas Casinos” in Google, this is what you see:

Google has its own local widget that features what it believes are the most trusted and relevant casinos in Las Vegas based on many factors – such as review ratings, number of reviews, photos, relevancy, “prominence,” etc.

Optimizing your casino resort for Local SEO requires updating your Google My Business Listing with accurate, and descriptive information that will help the user decide if they want to visit your business. It also means managing local content and reviews on places like TripAdvisor, Yelp and other online directories where an individual can find you if they’re in the area. Google uses these local business listings, which SEO insiders refer to as “citations ,” as one of the factors behind the ranking order of the local listings on Google Maps.

For that reason, your business NAP (Name, Address, Phone) information needs to be complete, accurate and consistent across online Map services ( like Google Maps, MapQuest, Yahoo Maps, etc.). They should also be accurate in local listings like Yelp, Travel Advisor and others. And finally, your NAP should be optimized across your social media profiles (Facebook Company’s Address, FourSquare, etc.).

Moreover, you want to make sure that your casino resort has verified every listing to take full advantage of each local citation. At Alphametic, we use a mix of technology, leveraging Local SEO Software, and manual optimization to propel our casino clients’ presence and visibility on local searches.

SEO Audit and Technical Optimization

With over one hundred casinos located in Las Vegas, only a few get to be featured on Google’s front page. Are you the #1 blue link on Google when you search for the local casino keywords in your area?

You need to look beyond local listings and Google Map placements to fully leverage the power of Search Engine Optimization. Optimize your website content and technical performance to increase your visibility below the Local Listings, Maps and Widgets that appear on search results.

To do that, take a deeper dive into your site with an SEO Audit. An SEO audit is a report that runs through your entire website and identifies areas where you can improve. The technical optimization of a site is all about the code and performance aspects of your site. Are your page links set up correctly? Does your site load quickly? Are there many pages with 404 errors? An SEO Audit identifies these problems and informs your SEO strategy.

For example, site speed is one of the most important ranking factors on Google. Based on data from Alexa gathered by Backlinko , pages on fast-loading sites rank significantly higher than pages on slow-loading sites. You can use many free site-speed tools, such as Pingdom, GTMetrix, or Google’s Page Speed Insights, to determine the loading speed of your site and to get immediate recommendations. At Alphametic, we like to start with the Page Speed Insights software because the speed scores and data come directly from Google. Here is an example from the Mandalay Bay website:

Casino websites tend to be very large and have many capabilities, like booking hotel rooms directly from the site or online gaming portals. You can run into many technical problems, and Google can penalize a site if it’s giving a bad experience to the user by having broken links, slow load times, duplicate content or 404 errors.

A fantastic tool to use for a technical SEO Audit is Screamingfrog . It allows you to see which pages are missing meta descriptions, page titles, 404 errors, identify duplicate content and more. If you want to get deeper into SEO data we recommend you check out Dareboost, SiteLiner, SEOSiteCheckUp, SEMRush, Moz, and Ahrefs.

Keyword Research and Mapping

This is the bread and butter of SEO – keyword research. Keyword research solutions involve identifying the search queries that your target audience uses in order to market your site to them more efficiently by using these words and related phrases in the content of your website.

For example: if you’re a Las Vegas casino, there are many things potential visitors can search for to find you. They may identify your business establishment as a casino, resort or hotel. They can use a combination of these words.

This data is from Google’s Keyword Planner – a valuable tool when conducting keyword research. It tells you how many people per month, on average, search for a particular key term. It also shows you whether the competition for that keyword in Paid Search is high or low and suggests a bid amount if you’d like to run a campaign on Adwords .

Let’s look at another search term:

As you can see here, there is still a good amount of volume on “Las Vegas Casino Hotels,” but it’s not nearly as generic as “Las Vegas Hotels.” If your casino has a hotel, this will be a more strategic word to target versus the broader “Las Vegas Hotels.”

This is the type of thinking that goes into making decisions about which keywords to target organically in your SEO strategies and which keywords to bid on using Adwords, Google’s paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM) platform. Other tools for keyword research include SEMRush, Soovle, UberSuggest, and Moz Keyword Explorer. To find the keyword phrases users put into Google in the forms of questions, check out It’s a useful tool to research the items you want to include in the FAQ’s on your website. Learn more about keyword research here.

Keyword-Driven Content Strategy

The content on your site can take many forms: landing pages, blog posts, videos, images, testimonials, etc. Every web page on your site is a doorway, so plan your website’s content in a way that gives your site visitors what they’re looking for while leading towards strategic conversions.

Learn what kinds of questions they ask, browse through your casino’s reviews, identify problem areas to fix on the site, and make things easy to access to remove any barriers site visitors can have from becoming casino visitors or booking a hotel room.

For example: Let’s say you’re targeting The Vacationer persona who wants to visit Las Vegas. She or he is most likely looking beyond the casino floor and wants to know what else there is to do inside or around the casino. As the Marketing Manager, you need to put yourself in their shoes and brainstorm a few keywords they’d type, like “Things to do in Las Vegas,” Las Vegas Events” and “Las Vegas Attractions.”

“Las Vegas Attractions” has a decent amount of volume and doesn’t look as competitive as “things to do in Las Vegas.” Inputting that keyword into Google Search yields these results:

The results seem to be more localized websites and blogs that list top activities in Las Vegas. Can you compete with them? First, you need to have your local content created in a form that Google would see as a good match for those keywords. Creating a blog that communicates local information is a good long-term strategy that includes search terms like “Things to do in Las Vegas,” “Las Vegas Attractions” and so forth. Over time your articles can begin to rank and show up for more generalized searches for individuals seeking local entertainment.

Conversely, when you target the Gamer persona, you want to optimize your gaming landing pages and feature articles on your blog about game tips and strategies. For example, to rank highly on the keyword “las vegas slot machines” you need very strong landing pages with slot machine content. How many slot machines are there on your gaming floor? What are the titles of the top slot machines? What are the jackpots?

This is a simplified example, but a good idea of the kind of analysis that needs to go into deciding what kind of strategy to implement on your website depending on your marketing goals and business objectives.

Despite many of the recent Google updates, Backlinks remain a critical Google ranking factor. In the study conducted by Backlinko analyzing 1 million Google search engine result pages , the findings showed that the number of domains linking to a page correlated with rankings more than any other factor. Not surprisingly, authoritative domains tend to rank higher in Google’s search results:

Having a robust backlink portfolio for your site is essential to increasing your Domain Ranking. The Domain Ranking is a metric that backlink tools, like Ahrefs, Open Site Explorer, and Majestic, assign a website based on its credibility and trustworthiness. It mimics the process Google’s algorithm uses to determine the credibility of a site. You can obtain Backlinks by reaching out to other industry-related sites and offering relevant content they would want to feature on their blog or website. Backlinks can also come from PR efforts, infographics and guest blogging.

Here’s an example:

The highlighted words are a link to a casinos homepage. Tripsavvy linked to Gulfstream Park in their article for “Top 4 Land and Sea Casinos in Miami,” and it earned them a backlink.

You can use the free backlink research tool called Open Site Explorer to view the Domain Authority rating for the Gulfstream Park Casino, or any other website on the web. You can also compare the domain ratings of your top casino competitors.

SEM: Google Ads, Bing and GDN

SEM stands for search engine marketing. This is how Wordstream defines search engine marketing: “Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing a business using paid advertisements that appear on search engine results pages.”

Above, you’ll see an example of Google Ads searces for “Las Vegas Hotels.” These are ads that appear at the very top and the bottom of SERPs on Google. Up to four SEM ads may appear on top of Google, giving paid text ads a prominent spotlight above organic links. Bing also has Bing Ads as their search engine marketing platform, which is integrated with Yahoo. Search ads typically work by placing bids for certain key terms and phrases you’ve chosen and whoever has the highest bids/ most relevant campaigns – as measured by the Quality Score algorithm – gets a spot on the first page of search results.

But why invest in search engine marketing in the first place? It’s a matter of strategy and time to dominate in the organic sphere – using SEO techniques is not a short-term game. But with SEM – you can get to the “top” of search results almost immediately. This is especially helpful when you’re a new casino trying to acquire brand recognition (and local recognition) in the beginning stages of your resort launch.

In fact, SEM aids SEO because through search ads you can start driving traffic to your website from the onset, getting valuable learnings and data insights. It is important that these two elements work together to maximize traffic potential and online conversions.

Search engine ads also give you an opportunity to test keywords that you don’t rank very well on organic search yet, as well as advertise and rotate offers and promotions currently happening at your casino. It gives you the ability to test ad copy through A/B testing, track your return on investments, continually adjust bids for different keywords and target specific locations down to the zip code in your search marketing.

It is best practice to use national/local geo-targeting, and zip code geofencing for gaming resort clients, or any other clientele that has a brick and mortar business. What this means is that you set up your SEM campaigns to not only serve a precise location radius in different parts of the country, but these individuals also have to meet the targeting criteria through audience profiling, like demographics, interests, behavior, etc. This allows for a very cost-effective campaign strategy that serves ads to individuals that are warm leads from the start.

As the data accumulates, “personas” will begin to develop for your campaigns that you want to target and remarket to. Track data for player club sign-ups and hotel bookings to create these audience personas and then craft highly-targeted, geo-focused, high-worth zip code campaigns that drive revenue and increase ROI.

Start with Google who has 65% of market share in search engine queries in the United States, and then expand to Bing which has the 2nd most significant market share.

A key tool in search engine marketing is the Google Display Network (GDN). Google defines their Display Network as a way for you to “show your message to potential customers at the right place and the right time.”

Google Search Network shows your ad as a text search engine result. Google Display Network, on the other hand, leverages Google’s vast network of sites across the internet to place your ad directly in front of your target audience.

You’ve seen these before: next time you’re on a blog or booking engine, you’ll notice display ads on various sections of the page. That’s a Google Display Network ad.

Here’s an example of a QuickBooks Google Display Network ad on the Expedia site:

You have the option to hand-pick the domains that your ad shows up on, called “managed placements.” This is a good option if you’ve done significant research on your target audience and the websites that they frequent.

The alternative is to let Google Ads pick and choose where your ad will be placed. You can give Google certain keywords and topics related to your ad, and then Google Ad chooses relevant websites that they think your target audience will be visiting.

A big advantage of using Google Display Network to market your casino is the reach. According to Google, their Display Network has over 2 million sites and reaches over 90% of Internet users. The cost-per-click (CPC) for display ads also tends to be cheaper than that of Search Network text ads.

Remember, getting found is only the first step in the marketing process. Below you’ll find a summary of actionable items to “Get Found” in today’s online market. This can be incorporated into your marketing plan and directly acted upon within a shorter time span than traditional marketing efforts. These items also have tools you can use to measure results and success that can be clearly communicated to your team and stakeholders.

Here’s a checklist for your Get Found Action Plan:

  • Audit your website and develop an SEO strategy to improve your online visibility

  • Verify your business information across the key local directories and map services

  • Perform keyword research to identify the best performing keywords and phrases

  • Optimize your existing content while you develop a data-driven content marketing plan that propels you ahead of your competition

  • Audit your backlink profile and research your competitors to increase your domain authority

  • Launch an SEM campaign on Google and Bing, then test and optimize

  • Place remarketing pixels on the key converting pages of your website

You can either use the tools we recommend on your own, or you can hire an agency or consultant to assist. Keep in mind that there is a lot of technical knowledge required when it comes to SEO, SEM, tech and software tools. It may be best to either get the necessary training to improve your skills or work with a partner that can take you from where you are to where you need to be.

If you are looking for a casino marketing agency with a proven success record, you can contact Alphametic here to request a free consultation.

So, now you know a little bit about getting found – now it’s time to “Delight” your website visitors. If your content is not on par with their expectations, you’ll see a high rate of “bounce-backs” and site exits within Google Analytics reports. These are negative factors in your SEO ranking signals you want to avoid — search engines will start to suspect that your content is not relevant to the user and will lower your rankings.

The first thing you want to do is evaluate the content on your site and develop a strategy that answers all your future customer’s questions to establish trust and confidence. The Gamer wants to see your gaming floor, The Entertainment Seeker wants to see your upcoming events, The Business Executive wants to see your facilities to host a corporate retreat or a conference, etc.

Through a targeted content strategy, optimized landing pages, keyword mapping, usability testing, informative blogging, how-to guides, review management and more you can set up a marketing funnel that delights – and eventually converts.

Digital Copywriting

On average, the word count on top Google search results contains 1,890 words. Google consistently ranks long-form content over short-form content in search results. Investing in well-researched, long-form digital copywriting is a best practice for the modern business with a strong online presence — and not only because of Google’s standards, but also because of the value that you offer to your website visitors.

For example, let’s type “Casino Tips for Beginners” into Google.

The first result that shows up in the Google answer box (the white square with an image next to the content) is a post with a list to help beginners work their way around a casino. When you input this article into a Word Counter , you get a word count of 946. The article lengths vary, but a 900+ word count is still considered long-form content.

In another example, when you search for “how to play blackjack” keywords on Google, you’ll see that a lot of the organic links on Google are pointing to a web page on that features a “Blackjack Strategy Guide” that has 3,544 words of great copywriting. The formula is simple: if you want to rank your casino website on the competitive gaming keywords, you need digital copywriting resources to create these long-form guides that stand the highest likelihood to appear on the top of Google.

We have witnessed first-hand over the past decade the rise in demand for content and its’ role in sustained growth in SEO. When content is carefully planned, optimized, and executed, casino brands benefit from a steady stream of organic traffic from Google for years to come.

Content creation is essential to SEO success, but often represents the biggest hurdle for businesses to scale. So, it’s important to consider the following question: Is your content working for you, or is it the other way around?

Consider expanding the content on your casino website to be more informative and not just be a list of your services, facilities, and promotions.

Targeted and Relevant Content Marketing

Why is it worthwhile to focus on content marketing? Content marketing generates over three times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less. That’s right. With a proper content strategy in place, you can reach a more targeted audience and generate more sales without making a huge dent in your marketing budget.

According to the Content Marketing Institute , “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Keeping in mind the personas we spoke of earlier, execute your content strategy by creating pages that lead your casino’s personas to take well-defined and specific actions.

For example – let’s say you tend to get many bachelor/bachelorette party inquiries at the front desk. If there seems to be a lot of interest, consider adding a bachelor party package deal and creating a landing page specific to that kind of event. Take the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood as an example:

These are the results when you type in “bachelorette party venues south florida”

They’ve managed to show up amongst blog posts and articles because they created this page that was very specific to their target audience. It’s easily accessible through the navigation bar on their website, and when you get to the page, it explains their party package and includes a Call-to-Action to “Book Now.”

This kind of content planning allows for a frustration-free navigation experience that serves the need of that customer down to a T.

Consistent Blogging

To our surprise, there are many casino resort websites without a blog. While maintaining a vibrant blog can be a challenge operationally, businesses that have figured out how to publish frequent content are winning online. Make no mistake, marketers who have prioritized blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy positive ROI.

Below is an example of Caesar’s Las Vegas blog that includes a lot of useful content designed to meet the needs of the Las Vegas traveler.

Usability and User Experience

The user experience on a website is paramount to a website’s success in converting website traffic to satisfied customers. If your site is not easy to use, fast, intuitive and easy to navigate, chances are your casino’s rankings are not going anywhere either.

At the core, your UX strategy should ensure that users find value in what you are providing to them. Peter Morville represents this through his User Experience Honeycomb that can be applied to your casino marketing content game plan:

  • Useful : Your content should be original and fulfill a need

  • Usable : Your site must be easy to use

  • Desirable : Your Image, identity, brand, and other design elements are used to evoke emotion and appreciation

  • Findable : Your content needs to be navigable and locatable onsite and offsite

  • Accessible : Content needs to be accessible to people with disabilities

  • Credible : Users must trust and believe what you tell them.

When you are evaluating how to improve your website – consider this: how does my site look? Is it easy to use? Could getting to this web page be simpler? Asking these questions will help identify and address the usability issues and give your visitors a better experience, and therefore a better impression, of your casino brand.

Delighting your users is the step right before the most important phase – conversion. Below you’ll find a summary of actionable items to “Delight” your website visitors in today’s online market. Make these content elements part of your overall marketing plan to support your existing strategies and increase your organic reach.

Here’s a checklist for your Delight Action Plan:

  • Utilize long-form writing on your website to increase your indexability and to give users more relevant and useful information

  • Blog consistently to increase your online market share and use your blog to offer more lifestyle-driven content that your casino visitors would like to read

  • Make your content relevant. Your website should anticipate all your visitor’s questions and needs and have dedicated content to answer their questions and fulfill their needs

  • Make sure your website is user-friendly and intuitive. Make things easy to find, easy to read, and easy to navigate. Anything that obstructs your website user’s online experience is an obstacle they don’t want to face

You can create a team internally to fulfill the needs of content creation, usability implementation, and user behavior research. It is useful to get an initial audit in all these areas to see where you stand in terms of content production, usability and content strategy.

If you are looking for a casino marketing agency with a proven success record, you can contact Alphametic here to request a free consultation.

We’ve made sure our content can be found, we’ve set up our pages to answer our customer’s questions – now we have to get them through the doors. What’s the next step? Lead them to the hotel booking page to generate online sales. Navigate a user to the directions page, turn that online traffic into foot traffic and evaluate the lifetime value of that customer using conversion funnels.

A Conversion Funnel describes the different stages in a buyer’s journey leading up to a purchase. The funnel illustrates the gradual decline of the number of potential customers as they are guided through the conversion path.

Conversion funnels are useful tools in ensuring the effectiveness of your content strategies. By creating great content that solves your user’s needs, they then can move through the different stages of the funnel and go from a lead – to a buyer. It may follow this format: Keyword →content →conversion funnel.

For example, someone may be searching online for the keyword “las vegas casino attractions” → they see a blog post from your casino’s website with a list of top attractions in the area, a pros and cons list, etc → at the bottom of the post they read well-written sales copy about how your casino has a program facilitating entertainment, such as Las Vegas tours → the user books the tour and a stay at your resort.

This funnel takes them from research, to interest in your program, straight to a conversion once you give them a booking offer.

Another example could involve an email marketing conversion: keyword search on “things to do on the vegas strip” → blog post about local attractions → sidebar with a newsletter sign-up → offer in their inbox → hotel booking.

They can be as simple or as complicated as necessary, but you need funnels to engineer user flows on your website. You’ll get more insight into the paths your website visitors are taking by setting up tracking on your site to measure conversions. In order to do that, you need data that follows the user from online to offline. This can be done with analytics tools, like Google Analytics , that measure different actions on your site and follows their journey to completing a specific behavior you’ve identified.

Set up the tracking tags on your site using Tag Manager for different actions like hotel bookings, loyalty program sign-ups and other important website call-to-actions (CTA’s). These can then be measured in the form of Goals and Events as well as Ecommerce Tags within Google Analytics. Once you’ve obtained all this data, you will have a better picture of your website user’s behaviors and can continue to optimize your resort website.


These are some typical casino buyer conversions that your funnels could lead too:

Hotel Bookings – this is one of the most essential tags as the customer is guaranteed to visit your resort. An effective conversion funnel for the hotel booking will make it easy for the user to choose the room, number of nights, and pay with various secured payment methods. The checkout process must be mobile, secure, fast and user-centric. It’s also important to cross-sell the newly acquired customer with offers on the resort entertainment, loyalty program, player’s club, and gaming floor incentives. Use the Ecommerce tag to track hotel bookings in Google Analytics. Note that some customers prefer to book their stay over the phone, so you may want to use call tracking software, such as Marchex .

Loyalty Programs Sign-Ups – you also want to grow your player database by acquiring new memberships for your loyalty program. It’s important to regularly engage your player club members with a newsletter focused on gaming floor news, gaming content, sweepstakes and offers to grow your casino foot traffic. Track these conversions in Google Analytics with Destination Goal Funnels .

Newsletter Sign-Ups – A website user who signs up for your resort newsletter indicates a high interest in your brand and willingness to stay connected. Consistently create and publish new content on your blog and main website to grow your email newsletter list. You can use inbound marketing strategies and automation to funnel users coming through various landing pages to create tight-night marketing segments and email autoresponders to build your sales funnels. Email automation tools, such as Hubspot , are useful at a more advanced level.

Meeting Room Bookings – these kind of bookings are a fantastic way to monetize large spaces in your resort and fill up extra rooms in your casino’s hotel. Having a targeted SEM campaign including keywords with the intent to plan events in your local area is a way to funnel traffic to your hotel. Make it easy for them to request quotes, connect them with your sales team, and give them detailed information about your facilities. Have email templates ready for follow up once they request quotes to keep your leads warm and get an opportunity to pitch them your conference space.

Entertainment Bookings – if you make ticket sales off venue concerts and other entertainments shows, your local customers need to know what’s going on at the resort. Have a regularly updated page with all upcoming events, shows and the ability to purchase tickets directly from your site or on platforms such as Ticketmaster. You can throw in other offers with their ticket purchases to get them in the casino or to try out a restaurant on-site. This makes your funnel cross-functional and you maximize the value from each visitor.

Directions – Place your Google Analytics destination goal tags on the directions page that should explain various ways to get to your casino by car, by train, and from the local airports. A user that is checking directions on your website is likely new and has a high probability of showing up at your door. You want to measure “checking directions” as a supportive website conversion that shows the “foot traffic” value of keywords and other marketing channels beyond the immediate bookings.

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