Cash Slaves

Cash Slaves


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New York, NYРегистрация: февраль 2017 г.

Today, January 3rd, is Humiliation Day.  That’s right – just as there’s a holiday for everything else from apple pie to getting your zzzz’s, there’s a holiday for humiliation.
And isn’t is true that one of the best humiliations out there is giving your hard-earned cash to another man simply because deep down you know He is so much better than you?
If you really want to feel the humiliation, try some of my hypnosis files for cashfags and financial ruin. Then go humiliate yourself by sending me a nice big tribute … then by sending even MORE. After all, the more you send, the more you can feel that humiliation of having spent more than you should have on a powerful hypnotic dominant like Master Josh.
I’m not sure what’s more evil. There are those cashmasters that get off on seeing a cashslave suffer through misery as they go far into debt.
And then there’s me, who likes cashslaves to feel pleasure even as they sacrifice more and more down that road to ruin.
While I don’t push debt or ruin on those not into it, if I do push it, I like that sub to feel good as he does it.
It’s a bit like a drug. The long-term results might be destructive and yet one keeps going back and back for that high of giving to a true Superior that feels so good.
In a way, even though I respect limits, I suppose that makes me a bit more evil. I might not enjoy seeing one suffer. But I love that you would come back time and time again for that fix.
If you want to feel the pleasure for yourself, try repeating one of my hypnosis files for a week and see how that relaxation builds up, taking you deeper and deeper until you know without a doubt the power I have over you.
Then feel that pleasure as you send a nice big TRIBUTE, knowing that the more you pay, the better you feel… the better you feel, the more you pay… until even looking at that debt just makes you feel so good.
Of course this is also scary for some… I get that… which is why one is always welcome to set some limits with me and advised to choose their files wisely so that the description matches what you truly seek to experience long-term.
But really, what’s the harm in just relaxing a bit? I think deep down, you know that desire to serve a Superior financially exists inside of you. Why not maximize the experience and enjoy it as much as possible with hypnosis?
I may at times be too honest for my own good, but I’m also real… and many of my posts are inspired or even at times provoked by real life as well. And sometimes it’s after a bad experience that I’m on here. Probably not the best idea.
Sometimes though, it’s after a great experience… like a new potential cashslave that loves the hypnosis. So far it’s just the one session and to early to tell how recurring this might be, but it was the type of session where I wasn’t just trying to get some cash, but truly enjoying myself as well. I have no idea what the sub looks like as I never saw his pic or webcam or anything, but yet I found myself getting so hard that I had to start stroking myself as I spoke to him. That may be me being too honest again – what kind of Dom admits to getting off while taking advantage of a sub? – but I know there are those of you whose own cocks start to stir as you think of a God like me getting off from hypnotizing you and encouraging you to pay more and more cash.
The bad thing about Niteflirt is sometimes you leave the lines on and get caught at a bad time, and aren’t always in the mood. But when I am in the mood, and when everything clicks, rest assured I’m not just in it for the cash. I do honestly enjoy it. I really do love it when there’s a guy that responds to hypnosis… that just lets go and listens as he absorbs all my words… and especially when that submission is turned into pleasure for him as he pays me… for my pleasure is his pleasure… and I get so pleased to see a cashslave like that submit, obey, and pay. The only other area I enjoy it as much is muscle… helping guys get bigger and seeing their pics and flexing. For the few subs I’ve had into both, you know what I like to say… the two things that please me most are muscle and money.
Sometimes it’s not the one on one but the feedback from the files that just makes me feel so good and awesome… I’ve been behind on work, but hoping to do a lot of catching up on that soon. So many ideas for how to use my skills on you… now I just need the time   If you want to see what all the buzz is about, be sure to check out, or my financial domination hypnosis – all with free samples. Then if you enjoy it, leave some feedback and/or even better a nice tip in appreciation for all the work I’ve done for you – but honestly do enjoy as well.
Tuesday, I posted a bit about enjoying taking advantage of those that have the financial fetish. I wanted to elaborate a bit on that. I’ve had a couple hypnosis subs say they enjoyed my other files (such as for fitness) so much, that they were tempted to try my financial domination files. This is not my intent, or something I enjoy. If you enjoy my hypnosis but don’t have this interest, do not let the desire to please tempt you into listening. Stick to listening to those files that fit within your interests.
When I am paid for a one-on-one session, that is being paid for a service just as if one had paid a masseur. And while I certainly welcome those I work with in other areas to leave tips or donations to help support the costs of my sites, I consider that as helping to support an artist or author you like, and not as financial domination. I also believe in honesty, which is why all financial domination files are clearly marked. Should any sub choose to listen to them and be impacted by them, that is their choice. But it is not something I encourage, unless you have prior interest in financial domination.
This also separates me from a few predatory hypnotists that have financial elements in their files that are not disclosed, and sometimes not even obvious because the early files perhaps include elements of being dumbed down or giving up control – often both – and the predatory hypnotist then uses that combination of factors to their advantage. I know some of you probably think that’s hot, but that is NOT how I operate.
That said, for those of you that are into this fetish… I want you to listen to my files and see how you respond. That’s why I do provide a few free ones. If you’re going to be giving your cash away, then why not to a hypnotic God who has mastered a skill that can manipulate your mind and dominate your will? The thought of taking advantage of you actually makes me a bit hard.
And I think that’s part of what it boils down to for me… the enjoyment I get from hypnosis is not imposing my will on others, but seeing subs overcome their hesitations as they fully embrace their desires and enjoy their interest or fetish more than they ever felt possible. I love it when a sub into fitness tells me that they used to dread the gym but look forward to it now because the workouts feel so good. I love it when a guy into pup play tells me that he was able to let go more fully into the headspace than ever before. I love it when a guy that enjoys being a slave tells me how good it feels to let go and obey his Master or Mistress more easily than ever thanks to my hypnosis. And I love it when a financial sub says something (as one of my ATMs recently told me): “I never knew paying somebody could feel so good. I’m going to be paying you for a long time to come.”
Some people do have multiple interests… I do have a couple jocks into the financial domination fetish, and that’s fine. But hypnosis works best with your interests, and I as a hypnotist feel much better about myself when we are working towards your interests. Financial domination can be a dangerous, addictive, and even destructive path that isn’t for everybody, and it’s not one I aim to lure anyone down.
However, if you are already going down this path, then my eyes widen up with excitement at the thought of using you to fatten my wallet. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … if you’re going to give your cash away, it might as well be to someone who can truly get in your head and make you feel such a rush whenever you tribute me. Even when you’re sending that cash of your own “free will” and choosing your own amount to put in, you might realize later… “wow that’s more then I meant to send, but it just felt so good.”
By the way, it seems that whenever a sub does want me to say an amount, either I say too much and they end up giving nothing (I am greedy!) or I say too little and they say I could have asked for more. It grows a bit tiresome, and that is part of why I do often prefer a sub enter his own amount. But even if I’m generic in just saying you want to give more, I very much love to encourage all of that… that if you do have this financial fetish, then it just feels so good to give me cash because My pleasure is your pleasure. The more I get, the more I am pleased. The more I am pleased, the more you are pleased. Therefore, you are pleased to give me more. The right amount of cash isn’t an amount… it’s simply, always, “More.” And you never have to wait to send it. You don’t need to be ordered or commanded or triggered or have it suggested. You can simply GIVE IN AND GIVE. And then you can GIVE MORE.
A few of you might be disappointed to read that I’m not completely evil, and others on the hypnosis side would frown upon me exploring this area at all.  The latter can at least try to respect that if there is any dignity for someone that takes money from others, at least I am honest and only encourage it with those that are already into financial domination. The former can then enjoy knowing that despite a “nice” side that tries to retain some integrity, I do love to get in the heads of those of you with this fetish and program you accordingly
If you have enjoyed my hypnosis but are not into financial domination, you can still send a tribute as a gift of support for my work… but in terms of listening to my hypnosis, stick to the files on and … and those of you that are ready for a truly warped mind that also warps your bank account, go ahead if you dare and check out the files on the hypnosis page… then after I’ve properly influenced your mind, keep on listening more and more as you feel how amazing it feels to listen and tribute, and then to send me MORE
I was reading through a cashmaster/ cashslave message board and post after post was degrading message from different “superiors” – some of whom were true Masters, others just pretenders, but all sounding remarkably alike.  “bow down faggot,” “kneel worthless cunt,” “Skype me pathetic bitch.’
I realize that this is what many of you guys like and want, but I wonder how many of you grow tired of seeing so much similarity? That is not too say I’m completely different, for there are times when I am very much in the mood to record a file or write a post that puts losers down in their place. And I know from my jock blog that many don’t mind the repetition when it’s something they find hot to begin with.
Still. there are times when I’m not in the mood, and I am not so desperate for cash to need to put on an act and say things I’m not in the mood to say. At the same time, when I do say them doesn’t mean it’s an act… it just means that’s how I fucking feel like expressing myself in that minute.
This past week, I barely had my Niteflirt lines on… not because of any holiday plans, but because I simply didn’t feel like that. Meanwhile, I know at least one of the top-rated flirts leaves his line on even as he sleeps because he is desperate for cash. I won’t name names here, but I’ve been thinking a lot about personas and the truth. Sometimes I feel I am probably a bit too honest here, and not putting on enough of a persona. But then as I think about it… I don’t want to.
And so you can decide, what kind of Dominant do you want to serve. Do you need someone to be constantly degrading you? Great for you; there’s plenty of those types of Doms out there. But if you prefer a guy that has a bit more intelligence and who isn’t just desperate for your money, you should definitely give my hypnosis a try.
Now, just because I’m not desperate for your cash, doesn’t mean I don’t want it. I do, as I previously discussed that I am a greedy bastard – and I’m okay with that. And as I’ve previously discussed, just because I’m not always in the mood to degrade, doesn’t mean I don’t like taking advantage of those in this fetish. I’ll post a bit more Thursday about what I mean by those in this fetish, but in the meantime…. if you’re the type that’s predisposed to give your cash to someone, then I’d so much rather have it be me. And because I’d rather have it be me, I don’t mind warping your mind a little to make sure that you feel so much more of a thrill when you give to me. And isn’t that what you really seek? That ultimate thrill of being used and taken advantage of?
If you want more of the same… well, I’ll make more files along those lines at some point, for I do enjoy variety, and in the meantime, post after post shows you more of the same on those other sites. If you want to try something a bit different, give my hypnosis a try – then be sure to enjoy the thrill of giving me a nice big tribute.
I’ve posted before about how it is an inferior’s place to suffer and sacrifice in order to provide more for their Superior(s). I’ve given a few ideas here and there, but I thought it might be good to compile some of these – expanding and adding onto them – into one post. Of course the first and most important step is recognizing that it is never about what you want, for all you should want is the pleasure and perhaps humiliation of being put in your place by Master Josh or your own Master, Mistress, or other Dom(me). What else can you do to have extra cash for your Superior (besides the obvious of opening up more credit cards)?
Remember that it then doesn’t matter how your Superior spends the money that is rightfully His/Hers simply for being Superior. It could go towards bills, groceries, loans, vacations, gifts for others, new clothes, jewelry, a new car, going out with friends, going on dates, enjoying the amenities of the best gym around, video games, whatever the hell We want or need, even savings. Deep down, though, you know that money is better off in Our hands… that it was meant to be earned through hard work by a loser like you just so you could give it away to somebody more worthy of having it, such as Master Josh. f
Last, but not least, if you’re just handing out money to whoever happens to be online, stop and consider if that person is really worth it. Your money should be going to a true Superior. Those that have listened to my hypnosis know I am simply due to my skill and power over them, and spending a bit on training with Master Josh is definitely allowed – so give my hypnosis a listen for yourself.
Then after you’ve properly saved and budgeted… and even if you haven’t and simply are adding to your debt… you can go ahead and click here to go send a nice big TRIBUTE. Remember… it’s okay to give in
Today is “It’s My Party Day” – so let’s party! Or rather, why don’t you guys realize you are meant to sacrifice such fun as you work, work, work to make us CashMasters more so that WE can party.
I’m feeling in the mood to go out, it is also the weekend after all… why so don’t you pay pigs just let go for a moment with my hypnosis, for even if you don’t deserve to party you can still enjoy the pleasure of going into trance with my financial domination hypnosis for pay pigs, moneyslaves, cashfags, ATMs and more.
And then you can make sure to give me pleasure and plenty of reason to party by sending a nice big TRIBUTE. After all, doesn’t it feel so good to work and give, work and give, all so that I can live in comfort and luxury and enjoy doing whatever the hell I want when I want? Perhaps that’s not always the case… but certainly on a day like today, I deserve to have a good time… and you deserve to help me pay for it – so PAY NOW!
When you search out Dom(mes), sometimes you can figure out the ones that are in it just for the money, and the ones that legitimately enjoy other areas as well. Some, for example, like the control.
For me, it’s less about control and more about influence. Because I do hypnosis for so many different areas, I get hit up by way too many people to control – and frankly, just telling people what to do isn’t always as much of a personal turn-on for me. And yet many people want it, from ATMs to jockslaves to camsluts.  Of course… for the right price, I’m always game to assert more control… and for no price, I give nothing (well, aside from some free blog posts and a handful of free files).
But influencing people… making suggestions as I tweak their desires and their senses… now that’s hot, and also more realistically achievable when working with multiple subs who often have more limited budgets. Whether it’s a pay pig or a bodybuilder, I love making those tweaks in the subconscious. I suppose that’s what drew me to hypnosis in the first place… that a person could be molded into a different version of themselves be it temporarily or on a full-time basis.  If someone were to ask what my biggest fetishes are, the top two would be hypnosis and transformation… and so of course I love using the hypnosis to help transform men into different things… some more than others… but on this site, helping transform men into loyal cashslaves as I help them accept they are inferior and grow their desire to serve, and the pleasure they receive when serving and paying tribute to me.
If you love the idea of being influenced… of letting my powerful voice and skilled files mold your mind… then check out my hypnosis …. and after, be sure to leave a nice big tribute.
It feels so good to Bow Down to Me, Master Josh, the HypnoSuperior and Financial Domination.
Even when it’s humiliating to do so, you find yourself craving that feeling as my hypnosis helps take you deep down where you accept your lowly place. You know you aren’t worthy of bowing down to me, but whenever I let you, you find it turns you on. You love to give tribute to Master Josh. You love how it feels to BOW DOWN TO THE HYPNOSUPERIOR.
It doesn’t really matter how much or little you give. All that matters is that I can put you in your place. And it feels amazing to know this. Even if it completely humiliates you, and even as it reminds you of how inferior you are to a superior man like Master Josh, it still on some level feels amazing to be put in your place and dominated by me. It feels so amazing to be put down in your place and dominated by me.
Hello Cashslaves… the holidays will be here before we know it.
Two things that can help me out there… Amazon gift cards for me to do some shopping for the family (and actually, I’ve been in the mood to go on a shopping spree – though perhaps somebody else would like to assist me with that part!).
The other part is of course the flight back to the Midwest. I still have many details to work out – exact dates; if I’m getting a rental car; etc. But of course I’d love to splurge if I’m given enough to truly make it a great trip back visiting friends and family.
Feel free to contact me of course or simply TRIBUTE NOW.
A sorta poem for cashslaves, not really a masterpiece – but it speaks the truth.
A Master’s needs come first
A Master’s wants come second
A cashslave’s needs come third
A cashslave’s wants don’t exist
The only want a cashslave is allowed
Is the want to please their Master
For Master’s pleasure is their pleasure
And that’s all a cashslave wants
For when Master is pleased
They are filled with pleasure
When Master is taken car
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