Cases Latex

Cases Latex


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But I don't know how to write this one
Edited: I'm sorry to add this but what if I want to write this
Maryà 4,300●33 gold badges●1414 silver badges●3838 bronze badges
I think array is suitable for this case. – onpra7 Apr 27 '15 at 14:11
how does one do it with a single curly bracket in front? – Charlie Parker Nov 10 '18 at 17:24
If you want two conditions on different lines, can use a \multirow for the first column:
Ignasi 118k●99 gold badges●221221 silver badges●406406 bronze badges
How comes that x(n) is not typeset in math mode? – Franck Pastor Apr 27 '15 at 14:56
@fpast Probably it's a \multirow collateral damage. I couldn't find information about it in LaTeX companion 2e, but \multirow{2}{*}{$x(n),$} solves the problem. – Ignasi Apr 27 '15 at 15:04
how does one do it with a single curly bracket in front? – Charlie Parker Nov 10 '18 at 17:24
@CharlieParker replace \right\} with \right. – Ignasi Nov 10 '18 at 17:45
@CharlieParker The command is \right. . You missed the dot . . – Ignasi Apr 10 at 18:10
For the question as it was originally posed, we can still use cases very easily. We simply employ the technique of using \left. at the start and then we can put \right\} at the end:
I'm not sure that you can span rows with cases as in the edit, however.
Au101 9,229●44 gold badges●3030 silver badges●6161 bronze badges
that's my favourite answer, because of simplicity and keeping the original formulation with cases. Great job! – Feb 18 '16 at 11:01
Apparently simple, sure, and it keeps the original cases environment, yes; but it does have a drawback, it inserts a spurious space (of width \nulldelimiterspace, usually equal to 1.2pt) both between the “=” sign and the left brace, and between the last column and tht right brace. (Will read this reply posted more than two years after her/his comment?) – GuM Apr 6 '18 at 22:18
@GuM I read it, of course, stack-overflow notifies about replies ;). Thanks for mentioning, what I think it is the only drawback of this answer. Now the info is complete! — I wonder how you know these intricacies about LaTeX; hat off. – Apr 8 '18 at 18:06 They are explained in several manuals, for example in The TeXbook. – GuM Apr 10 '18 at 17:59
how does one do it with a single curly bracket in front? – Charlie Parker Nov 10 '18 at 17:24
Essentially the same answer as Ignasi, but with the use of \text for the word for. (And with the \leqslant symbol of amssymb which I find much more elegant.)
Edit As for the modification recently asked:
(I didn't deem it necessary to define a new macro for the word or since it is written only once. Note that it seems better this time to center the second column.)
Edit bis Added the @{} specifications suggested by daleif. No more centering.
Franck Pastor
Franck Pastor 17.7k●11 gold badge●4343 silver badges●7070 bronze badges
This has already been addressed, but I can't remember where nor when. So here is a simple solution with the empheq package, which loads mathtools, hence amsmath:
Bernard 239k●1010 gold badges●115115 silver badges●299299 bronze badges
I had errors with the package, then, in case of an error with the package: \usepackage[overload]{empheq}, consult this link – Antonio Oct 12 '18 at 7:16
@Antonio: Remove the [overload] option and use \begin{empheq}[right=\empheqrbrace{=xy.}]{equation*} ......\end{empheq instead. – Bernard Oct 12 '18 at 11:30
I followed your variations, but if I remove [overload] and dispose as you suggested, the code gives me error. Eliminating \begin{empheq} and leaving only \begin{equation*} is ok – Antonio Oct 16 '18 at 9:36
For me both have no problem. Do you have errors with this single code? And which errors? – Bernard Oct 16 '18 at 9:47
The name of the environment, equation*, should be the mandatory argument of the empheq environment, it's not a nested environment. See the exact code in my first comment. – Bernard Oct 16 '18 at 10:39
Building upon the answer from Au101, what about nesting the cases environments?:
The nested braces are ugly, but this approach avoids the need for the multirow or array packages.
Ken 111●11 silver badge●33 bronze badges
array doesn't come from a separate package. It's amsmath, right? – user89 Aug 7 '20 at 1:21
You may also want to try \begin{Bmatrix}\end{Bmatrix}, for example
For your specific example (thanks @Mico for the hint) you can tweak the definition of ams matrix to manipulate (overall) cell-aligment.
Note that while matrix environments are easier and more straightforward to use than arrays, they are less powerful. For example, column-dependent alignment is not easily achievable.
Oskar Limka
Oskar Limka 309●22 silver badges●88 bronze badges
61.2k●55 gold badges●157157 silver badges●345345 bronze badges
Please clarify how your suggestion addresses the OP's typesetting needs. E.g., please post a full example. – Mico Apr 26 '16 at 9:07
@Mico I've fixed my example, but the downvote still there :-( – Oskar Limka Apr 29 '16 at 5:40
Well, it wasn't me who downvoted, but I've upvoted the answer to remove the -1. I still think you should make the example code more relevant and applicable to the OP's question. – Mico Apr 29 '16 at 6:06
I liked @Ken’s idea, but, once you have opted for a solution that uses nested “cases-like” environments, there’s an obvious improvement that permits to get rid of the additional unwanted brace, and it is to use the facilities provided by the mathtools package.
The mathtools package offers a \newcases command that lets you define, exactly, new “cases-like” environments with custom settings; in particular, it lets you specify custom delimiters on either side. There exist already several answers on this site that describe this command (just search the site for \newcases), so I’ll not dwell here on the details; however, the sample code below contains comments that should suffice as a quick, essential reference. The idea is to define two new “cases-like” environments, one with braces on both sides, and one with empty delimiters on both sides; remember, however, that an empty delimiter actually contributes a horizontal space of width \nulldelimiterspace, so you need to compensate for this by means of appropriate negative kerns.
GuM 20.1k●11 gold badge●4040 silver badges●7474 bronze badges
If you want the exact output, including the closing braces for the cases, as well as the two conditions for the first case, you can use package delarray as follows:
This package allows you to specify the position of each element in the array cell, as well as the delimiters for the entire array, in your case the curly braces spanning all three cases.
Adriana Wise
Adriana Wise 1●11 bronze badge
There's no need for eqnarray. Instead, just use \[...\]. – Werner Feb 17 at 19:10
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